Astronomer Al-Battani

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Choose and astronomer that you would like to research on.

Provide a
short summary of the contributions of the particular astronomer.
Attached are a list of possible astronomers to choose from. You can
choose any astronomer outside the list.

Among the famous astronomer that contribute their effort on the

astronomy, I choose the Al-Battani. Without any doubt, Al-Battani is one of
the famois and greatest Islamic astronomers and mathematicians around the
world. In here, I will investigate that the contributions that had done by him in
field of astronomy.

One of al-Battānī's best-known achievements in astronomy was the

determination of the solar year as being 365 days, 5 hours, 46 minutes and
24 seconds, which is only 2 minutes and 22 seconds off.

Another of al-Battānī's accomplishments is that he concluded how an

annular solar eclipse occurs. He did this by observing that the radius
between the Earth and the Sun changes throughout the year.This led him to
arrive to the conclusion that when the Sun is farthest from the Earth, an
annular solar eclipse occurs. He was the first to make this observation and

Al-Battānī amended some of Ptolemy's results and compiled new tables

of the Sun and Moon, long accepted as authoritative. Some of his
measurements were more accurate than ones taken by Copernicus many
centuries later and some ascribe this phenomenon to al-Battānī's location
lying closer to the equator such that the ecliptic and the Sun, being higher in
the sky, are less susceptible to atmospheric refraction. Al-Battānī observed
that the direction of the Sun's apogee, as recorded by Ptolemy, was

Al-Battānī's work was instrumental in the development of science and

astronomy. Copernicus, in his book that initiated the Copernican Revolution,
the De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium, quotes his name no fewer than
23 times, and also mentions him in the Commentariolus.Tycho Brahe,
Riccioli, Kepler, Galileo and others frequently cited him or his observations.
He also influenced Jewish rabbis and philosophers such as Abraham ibn
Ezra, Abraham bar Hiyya, and Maimonides. His data is still used in
geophysics. The major lunar crater Albategnius is named in his honor.

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巴塔尼在天文学上最著名的成就之一就是将太阳年确定为 365 天, 5 小时, 46 分

钟和 24 秒,仅相差 2 分钟和 22 秒。

al-Battānī 的另一项成就是他得出了环形日食是如何发生的结论。他通过观察
地球和太阳之间的半径在一年中的变化来做到这一点 ,从而得出一个结论 ,即当
Al-Battānī 修改了托勒密的一些成果,并编制了长期以来被认为是权威的日月新
表格。他的一些测量结果比哥白尼许多世纪后的测量结果更为准确 ,还有一些将
此现象归因于 al-Battānī 位于赤道附近的位置,因此高空的黄道和太阳不易受到
大气折射的影响。 。阿尔·巴塔尼(Al-Battānī)观察到托勒密所记录的太阳最高

Al-Battānī 的工作对科学和天文学的发展起到了重要作用。哥白尼在发起哥白
尼革命的书中提到了他的名字不少于 23 次,并且在 Commentariolus 中也提到
了他的名字。 。他还影响了犹太拉比和哲学家 ,例如亚伯拉罕 ·本· 伊兹拉,亚伯

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