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Answer Key & Rubrics 

Listening Answer Key

Question Answer How to get the answer Points

1. I have a dream The narrator says it multiple times and it is 4 pts

the name of this speech

2. - Gelijkheid Martin Luther King Jr. explains this in his 4 pts

- Maakt niet uit wat voor speech, but students also had to learn this
huidskleur je hebt, je doet word during the lessons about him
hetzelfde als de rest
- Gelijke behandeling

3. - dat ze niet beoordeeld He says this literally in his speech. That he 4 pts
worden op hun huidskleur has a dream for his four little children.

4 A 3 pts

5. B+D 3 pts
(2 correct
answers= 3
points, 1 correct
answer is 1 point)

Total = 20pts

Reading Answer Key

Questio Answer How to get the answer Points


1. Impressive In the reading 2 pts

2. Suspension In the reading 2 pts

3. Diagnosed In the reading 2 pts

4. Segregated In the reading 2 pts

5. Prejudice In the reading 2 pts

6. Conviction In the reading 2 pts

7. - toen zijn fiets gestolen werd 2 pts

- toen hij de politieagent vertelde dat hij de dief
in elkaar wilde slaan

8. - omdat hij weigerde te vechten in de Vietnam 2 pts

- Hij zei dat hij niet kon vechten omdat hij actief
zijn geloof uitoefende
- omdat hij geloofde/religieus was

9. C 2 pts

10. B 2pts

11. Total = 20pts

Writing Rubric

Activity #1 Needs Improvement Good Excellent Comments from


Follows The person chosen is The person chosen was The person chosen was
Instructions not in the lesson series included in the lesson included in the lesson
and has no significance series. There are less series. There are 3
to the theme. There are than 3 important things important things said or
less than 2 important said or done. done.
things said or done.

1-2 points 3-4 points 5 points

Grammar There is no use of the The past perfect was The past perfect was
past perfect or any past used with minor errors. used properly.
tense use in the
1-2 points 3-4 points 5 points

Vocabulary The vocabulary words The vocabulary words There are more than 3
are not used properly. included are used vocabulary words used
correctly. in the answers.

1-2 points 3-4 points 5 points

Fluency The student shows no The student shows an The student shows an
understanding of what understanding of what the understanding of what
important things the person they chose said or the person they chose
person they chose said did with small minor said or did with
or did. errors. completely. They even
went above and
mentioned things that
were not in the lesson

1-5 6-7 8-10

Total points: _____/5= _____

out of 5

Activity #2 Needs Improvement Good Excellent Comments from


Follows The student does not The student wrote in The student does not
Instructions write in English about English about the topic of write in English about
the topic of a person a person from the lesson the topic of a person
from the lesson series, series, their from the lesson series,
their accomplishments, accomplishments, and their accomplishments,
and how that has how that has affected the and how that has
affected the present. present. There are ​less affected the present.
There are more than 7 than 7 ​sentences. There are ​more than 7
sentences. sentences.

1-2 points 3-4 points 5 points

Grammar The student does not The student shows the The student shows the
show correct use of the correct use of the past correct use of the past
past perfect. Also, perfect with minor errors. perfect. Also, shows an
shows no understanding Also, shows an understanding of how to
of how to write in the understanding of how to write in the past. They
past. write in the past with show a variety of
minor errors. different tenses.

1-2 points 3-4 points 5 points

Vocabulary The student does not The student makes use of The student makes use
use vocabulary from the different vocabulary of many different
list provided. The words words from the list vocabulary words from
that are used are not provided. The words are the list provided in their
used correctly. There in the right context with text. Along with
are less than 7 words some minor errors that do vocabulary words that
used. not take away from the exceed the level of the
meaning. There are less ones used in the list
than 7 words used. provided but in the same
topic. All the words are
in the appropriate
context. There are at
least 7 words included.

1-2 points 3-4 points 5 points

Fluency The student does not The student appropriately The text is above the
write a text that can be explains about a level expected (B1). The
understood. There is no character from the lesson student exceeds the
communication about series and how they expectations with
the subject or it is not in influenced the world regards to knowledge on
English. today. With supporting the topic.
information learned in the
lesson series.

1-5 6-7 8-10

Total points: _____ out

of 25

Speaking Rubric
For both speaking activities

Fail Pass Advanced

Standards for the assignment
​ low:
F Flow: ​ low:
While speaking, the student While speaking, the student has While speaking, the student
has little to no flow. Long natural flow, with some short has excellent flow, with few
pauses occur which affects pauses during sentences. to no pauses during
the conveying of Conveying information is not sentences. All the
information. affected by this. information is easily

0-2 points 3-5 points 6 points

​ onveying information​:
C Conveying information​: Conveying information​:
It is unclear to the students It is clear to the students what the The student conveys
what the other person is other person is talking about and information with ease and
talking about and what they what it means. The purpose of the other person can
mean. The purpose of what what they are saying is being understand what they mean
they are saying is not being conveyed​. and what purpose it has.
properly conveyed

0-2 point 3-5 points 6 points

​ nderstanding /reaction​:
U Understanding /reaction​: ​ nderstanding /reaction​:
The student does not The student understands what is The student shows excellent
understand what is being being said to them and can form understanding of what is
said to them and can not a suitable reaction. The being said to them and can
form a suitable reaction. conversation is not affected by respond with a well formed
The conversation is lack of understanding reaction.
affected by lack of

0-2 point 3-5 points 6 points

​ ocabulary:
V Vocabulary: ​ ocabulary:
The student uses few to no The student is able to use The student shows excellent
vocabulary that is suitable vocabulary that is suitable for possession of vocabulary
for their conversation topic, their conversation topic, related that fits the conversation
related to what they learned to what they learned during the and goes beyond what they
during the lessons. lessons. learned in class.

0-1 point 2-3 points 4 points

Word order/sentence Word order/sentence Word order/sentence
structure: structure: structure:
The student uses The student uses good word The student uses excellent
insufficient word order and order and sentence structure word order and sentence
sentence structure while while communicating, for structure while
communicating, for example when asking a question communicating, for example
example when asking a or describing an event. Few when asking a question or
question or describing an mistakes are made. describing an event. Almost
event. no mistakes are made.

1 point 2-3 points 4 points

Grammar: Grammar: Grammar:

The student shows little to The student shows The student shows great
no understanding of understanding of grammar understanding of grammar
grammar structures they structures they have already structures they have already
have already learned in learned in prior years and is able learned in prior years and is
prior years and is barely to incorporate the future tense able to incorporate the
able to incorporate the and past perfect if necessary. future tense and past
future tense and past perfect if necessary. The
perfect where necessary student clearly does not
have to think about
grammar structures when

1 point 2-3 points 4 points

______ out of 30pts

Total points ____/ 100

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