An Unforgettable Walk

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Throughout my essay I will expose some biographical details about the life and work
(activity) of Max Beerbohm. Later I will try to hold an important walking point, I will
consider the idea of walking in the acceptance of Max Beerbohm, and then I will make my
personal view, as a conclusion.

Max Beerbohm

"Sir Henry Maximilian "Max" Beerbohm (August 24, 1872 – May 20, 1956) was
an English essayist, parodist and caricaturist. Known as "the Incomparable Max," the English
writer and caricaturist Sir (Henry) Maximilian Beerbohm is remembered for the elegance and
gentle humor of his personal essays. Author Phillip Lopate has observed that Beerbohm's
"concise writing style achieved comic effects with the spin he put on individual words, with
sudden shifts in diction and the puncturing of sentimentality." In the essay "Going Out for a
Walk" (1918), Beerbohm challenges the notion that walking is a productive mental exercise-
especially if one is accompanied by a talkative companion."

Max Beerbohm's essay, "Going Out for a Walk" begins with the difference that makes
this writer between the walk and to be led out for a walk. This parallel is continued, and the
writer speaks later about people who see in this desire to go for a walk something noble and
virtuous and those who prefer to stay indoors, sit comfortably and read something. It is easy
to indulge in lies and convenience. It is also more accessible to invent an excuse to slack, to
not leave the house. But even relevant these excuses will not save you at some point, you risk
not to be believed and to be considered an liar. People who walk for the sake of this are
worthy of our praise, it is a good example that should be followed. Then Max Beerbohm
exposes us his personal experience and declares that a man always thinks better if he is
outside. Thus the brain is revived and the fresh air helps it in this regard. There is a tone of
responsibility in these statements, readers receive suggestions, recommendations, that have a
persuasive role and seek to convince the reader that these examples are the best, that walking
is healthy and beneficial.

The writer reveals to us, tells us about the adventure he was partaking. Then follows a
series of rhetorical questions, without answer, which refer to extinction, rather a break from
reality, a distortion that occurs in the natural order of things. The human mind is issued once
the man leaves the room which limits his potential. He abandons all thoughts that he had
before, when he was pinned in that seat, chair.

The human’s face that before acted by power, now responds to impulses, natural
gestures. He enjoys the colleague company and says he is the best adventure friend whom he
met. Everything is now limited only to activities which take place, only to things they see...
so current experiences. That is like would be erased from memory all past things, all that
could create unpleasant memories on this initiative journey. As the fall goes so much deeper
into things harder. He recalled that Mrs. A. is a charming woman, more ... is the most
charming women he had ever known. He goes relatively quickly to the subject, reads one
inscription that observed, and he further notes with his stick the place where they are and the
miles they have traveled, "Uxminster. 11 Miles." The personage is tied then a small notice-
board which sees in their way, brings personal belongings and rushes to put the verdict: "Will
Be Prosecuted. Poor man!" Experiences through which this anonymous personage passes,
seem to fulfill, to complete certain tests that must go through, to get perfection. This is the
reason that such travel is exposed like a maze in which you can lose, but you can also find a
track, to escape from the monotony, to give a new meaning to your existence.

The writer goes to a deeper analysis of walking. He actually wants to highlight, to

show that the soul controls everything, he asks the body to perform a "Quick march".
Reasoning is not that makes a man to undertake this action (to walk – in our case). The soul
traced commands, controls the brain, which must obey and do exactly what brain asks, wants.

All these recommendations, advice that Max Beerbohm offers us are suggested on
grounds of health, psychological benefits, because of social pressure. Despite these
suggestions each speaker, each reader is free to choose between walking or sitting in the
house. At the end of his essay, the writer reveal that this text was made as a result of walking:
"I am not one of those extremists who must have a vehicle to every destination. I never go out
of my way, as it were , to avoid exercise. I take it as it comes, and take it in good part. That
valetudinarians are always chattering about it, and indulging in it to excess, is no reason for
despising it." This idea refers to the fact that the reader is able to choose for themselves what
is right, what is good. He does not want to force us in the choice that we make. The choice
that we take in our personal decisions affects us and become a critical element in all other

From my perspective Max Beerbohm makes a great thing, worthy of our admiration.
He urges people to walk on foot, he encourages this action, that many do not practice too
often, for convenience. This efficient method has more purpose, namely: is a good way to
keep you healthy, and also help the environment (so is an ecological practice), and lead to a
better social life and more active on.




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