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1. Intellectual property, such as literary works, artistic works, creations, styles, marks,
titles, pictures, computer code, refers to any intellectual creation. Intellectual property
law exists for the protection of authors and includes fields such as copyright, trademark
law and patents. Furthermore Intellectual property is an umbrella concept that
encompasses both copyright and industrial property, such as copyright.

2. Intellectual property has five types, namely copyright, patent, trademark, industrial
design and geographical design. Copyright is the legal protection extended to the owner
of the rights in an original work. Patent refers to an exclusive right granted for an
invention. A trademark is a word, a group of words, sign, symbol, logo or a combination
thereof that identifies and differentiates the source of the goods or services of one entity
from those of others while Industrial design constitutes the ornamental or aesthetic
aspect of an article. Lastly, Geographical indications means any indications which
define the goods as originating in the territory of a country or a region or locality in that
territory, provided a given quality reputation or other characteristics of the product are
attributable to its geographical origin.

3. The similarities of fair-use and creative commons are they both protecting oneself
from violating the use of copyrighted works.

4. Infringement happens when you use, copy, reproduce or distribute ones work without
the express consent, written approval or permission from the owner.

5. Plagiarism is unethical because it is a form of theft, dishonest or lying. You are

copying someone’s work without the permission of him/her. In some cases we cannot
get permission to use the words of others (since the author/owner might be inaccessible
or deceased), but the least we can do is to give them credit by quoting them properly.
Failure to to do this is plagiarism.


1. The intellectual property violated in the picture is Industrial Design Infringement

because the shoes consist two-dimensional features, such as patterns, lines or color.
The shoes really look similar. To avoid this, you must create an original design and
register rights to the design.

2. The intellectual property violated in the picture is copyright because the databases is
copied. Do not copy, share or alter without seeking permission from the owner.
3. It it obviously Trademark because it has similar logo and I think they use that logo
unregistered. Do a research. Before you settle on a logo, make sure it is not already

4. This is copyright infringement because first, you copy the drawing of the owner and
second you also post it without permission. If it’s not your original work, don’t use it
unless you have the permission of the owner. Also, if you can’t access the owner of that
work, just put credit on it or just create your own idea on what to draw.



1. Tourism slogan “Pilipinas Kay Ganda” drew criticism a week after its launch in 2010
after its logo had a striking similarity to Poland’s “Polska,” from the font and the colors to
the use of a tree. An application where users can make a personalized name logo with
the tagline “Kay Ganda” then made the rounds on social media sites as Filipinos made
fun of the alleged plagiarism committed by the advertising agency tapped by DOT.
Slogans are often used to capture the attention of the audience it is trying to reach. It is
a hard and complicate job and to avoid controversies they should always create a
unique tourism slogan and avoid plagiarism.

2. Senator Tito Sotto, who became the talk of the town for his speeches on his stand on
reproductive health, parts of which were allegedly copied from several blogs and
websites. Sotto’s first reaction was to deny the charge, but his staff later admitted that
some parts of the speech were indeed copied from a blog, but supposedly only for
reference. To avoid these kind of problems, make sure you have the permission of the
owner or at least credit them. But is is much better if you will never use or make speech
that is not yours, think of a strong argument for your speech.


1. Fair use

2. ©

3. Copyright

4. Piracy

5. Industrial Design

6. 50 years

7. Infringement
8. Creative commons

9. Patent

10. Self- stealer



1. Cybercrime refers to any crime or any illegal activities using technology such as
cellphone, computer an etc. through communication tools like social media sites.

2. The examples of cybercrime are Money theft/phishing, Commercial fraud, Grooming,

Bullying, Computer addiction and Digital divide. Phishing is a cybercrime in which a
target or targets are contacted by email, telephone or text message by someone posing
as a legitimate institution to lure individuals into providing sensitive data such as
personally identifiable information, banking and credit card details, and passwords.
Commercial fraud is when sellers pretend to sell goods or services, which, after
payment, either do not show the promised attributes or are not delivered at all.
Grooming is a method used by offenders that involves building trust with a child and the
adults around a child in an effort to gain access to and time alone with her/him. In
extreme cases, offenders may use threats and physical force to sexually assault or
abuse a child. Bullying uses digital technology to harass, threaten, or humiliate you.
Computer addiction is the excessive use of computer to the extent that it interferes with
daily life. Lastly, digital divide refers to the gap between those able to benefit from the
digital age and those who are not.

3. We can combat cybercrime by being mindful. Build your security consciousness.

Don’t click on phishing emails and dodgy links. Don’t give out personal information
unless the site is secure. Keep your software updated. Use strong passwords and don’t
store your card details on websites.

4. We can protect ourselves from cybercrime by securing our information, thinking twice
before posting something, Be cautious when opening emails from financial institutions,
Use strong passwords, keep your settings private, ignore unsolicited emails and protect
your devices and computer. Be mindful of which website URLs you visit.



Digital Divide We have seen this a lot Digital divide is a method of
during the COVID-19 the world improving and
pandemic, as many moving forward however it
students and workers found is a step back for those less
it difficult to work from fortunate in terms of
home and follow classes keeping up with the growth
online. Students with of the digital world. Here
access to a computer at are some solutions for this:
home have greater Increase affordability by
opportunities than those providing low-cost
who don’t. There is a broadband Internet access
potential for social conflict or portable Wi-Fi hotspots
in communities where some at home, or public access
are wealthy and have computers connected to the
computers, and Internet Internet freely available for
access, while others are use at the library. Open
poor and have no IT innovations. For the
equipment. Social students, adjust their
opportunities arise with the assignments and resources
use of ICT such as use of that they don’t have to
chat rooms to keep in touch access internet. But we
with other people or make have this called Free
new friends, access to a Basics that is promoted by
wider range of job Facebook that offers
opportunities by looking on access to basic online
the Internet. services without data
Bullying Just like any other victim of Think twice before posting
bullying, cyberbullied kids or sharing anything online –
experience anxiety, fear, it may stay online forever
depression, low self- and could be used to harm
esteem, and fear which can you later. You can report
cause decreased school hurtful comments,
attendance. The students messages and photos and
will be disinterested in request they be removed. If
school because he/she you see someone bullying
feels humiliated. Some of take a screenshot and
the victims may have report them immediately.
depression that may lead to
Computer Addiction Computer addiction makes Limit the use of social
the child not interested in media and choose outdoor
school and makes his\her activities. Discipline
grades low. yourself. Have some quality
Computer addiction affects time with your family. Self-
their physical and mental Control: Block out
health including anxiety, distracting websites for a
sleeplessness, pain, set amount of time.
numbness, dry eyes or
strained vision. Back and
neck aches.

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