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International Journal of Fatigue 25 (2003) 427–436

A practical method for statistical analysis of strain–life fatigue data

C.R. Williams, Y.-L. Lee ∗, J.T. Rilly
DaimlerChrysler, Stress Lab and Durability Development, CIMS 484-05-20, Auburn Hills, MI 48326, USA

Received 25 April 2002; received in revised form 15 July 2002; accepted 1 August 2002


A method is presented that facilitates the development of accurate statistical strain–life curves given experimental data from
strain controlled uni-axial fatigue tests. The method establishes a series of selection criteria that ensure that the data used in the
statistical analysis are significant and truly representative of material behavior. The method goes on to establish a procedure for the
statistical analysis that ensures that each domain of material behavior is accurately represented. The statistical analysis incorporates a
method based on the approximate Owen tolerance limit to account for the nature of scatter fatigue data.
 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Strain–life; Cyclic stress–strain; Low cycle fatigue (LCF); High cycle fatigue (HCF); Reliability; Confidence; Statistical analysis

1. Introduction This paper intends to provide useful guidelines for the

deterministic and probabilistic analyses of strain–life
The local strain–life approach for fatigue life predic- data which will result in true representation of the cyclic
tion has been widely accepted by the automotive indus- stress–strain and strain–life fatigue parameters. Dis-
try since 1977 [1]. The local strain–life method can be cussion of the notch analysis methods and the mean
used for pro-active design stages for a number of trial stress correction formulas is beyond the scope of this
geometry and fabrication alternatives because, provided study. Compared to the ASTM standard practice for stat-
that the material data are given, life estimates may be istical analysis of strain–life fatigue data (ASTM E739-
made prior to the existence of any actual components. 91,1998), this paper has the following unique features:
Design cycle reduction, via this method, is beneficial
regarding both time and cost. 1. A linear regression model is restricted to the linear
The local strain–life approach provides a rational range of the data, e.g. either the low cycle fatigue
approach to include the effects of local notch cyclic (LCF) data or the high cycle fatigue (HCF) data.
deformation and mean stress on fatigue life. Although 2. A threshold of plastic strain amplitude of 0.0005 is
the bulk of a notched component behaves elastically dur- suggested, below which the data points can be neg-
ing cyclic loading, the material at the root of the notch is lected to avoid measurement errors.
subjected to cyclic plasticity. The local strain–life model 3. A method based on a modification of the Owen toler-
essentially simulates the cyclic stress–strain behavior at ance interval [2] is incorporated to quantify the stat-
the notch root through the use of: (1) the cyclic stress– istical variation of fatigue data.
strain relations from strain-controlled fatigue tests on
unnotched specimens of the materials at the notch; and
(2) the notch analysis methods. The crack initiation life 2. Proposed methodology
at such a crack is then estimated by: (3) the strain–life
curve; and (4) a mean stress correction formula. 2.1. Introduction of constant amplitude strain–life
data analysis

Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-248-576-1037; fax: +1-248-944- Constant amplitude axial fatigue tests will provide the
2005. necessary information about the strain–life curve and
E-mail address: (Y.-L. Lee). cyclic stress–strain behavior of the materials. Based on

0142-1123/03/$ - see front matter  2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
428 C.R. Williams et al. / International Journal of Fatigue 25 (2003) 427–436

Morrow’s proposal [3], the relation of the total strain 20 uni-axial fatigue specimens should be tested over a
amplitude (ea) and the fatigue life (2Nf) in reversals to strain range of 0.01–0.001 mm/mm in increments of
failure can be expressed in the following form: 0.0025 or 0.005 mm/mm. It is wise to prepare several
extra test specimens to allow for repeated data points
ea ⫽ eea ⫹ epa ⫽ (2Nf)b ⫹ e⬘f (2Nf)c (1) due to abnormal fracture or the need to produce
E additional high plastic strain, short-life data points to
where s⬘f = fatigue strength coefficient, b = fatigue allow a well-founded statistical analysis. The use of
strength exponent, e⬘f = fatigue ductility coefficient, c = additional specimens for improved high plastic strain
fatigue ductility exponent, E = modulus of elasticity or resolution is often necessary when testing low ductility
Young’s modulus. and heat-treated alloys. The specimen preparation and
The above equation, called the strain–life equation, is the testing should adhere to ASTM 606-92 [7]. The test-
the foundation for the strain-based approach for fatigue. ing should be strain controlled and should operate at a
It is achieved by summing of two separate curves for rate of 0.1–3 Hz. Those tests with anticipated lives
elastic strain amplitude-life eea-2Nf , and for plastic strain exceeding 1 million cycles are changed to stress control
amplitude-life, epa-2Nf. Dividing the equation of the stress mode at frequencies in the range of 20–35 Hz in order
amplitude [4] by the modulus of elasticity arrives at the to shorten the overall test time and cost.
equation for the elastic strain–life curve, A transition fatigue life point occurs when the magni-
tude of plastic strain amplitude is equal to the magnitude
⌬ee sa s⬘f of elastic strain amplitude. As shown in Fig. 1, the tran-
eea ⫽ ⫽ ⫽ (2Nf)b. (2)
2 E E sition fatigue life (2N T) is the intersection of the elastic
Coffin [5] and Manson [6] proposed the equation for the and plastic strain lines. The region to the left of this
plastic strain–life curve, point, where fatigue life is less than the transition fatigue
life, is considered the plastic strain dominant region, the
⌬ep so-called LCF region. The region to the right, where
epa ⫽ ⫽ e⬘f (2Nf)c. (3)
2 fatigue life is higher than the transition fatigue life, is
the elastic strain dominant region, the so-called HCF
When plotted on log–log scales, both curves become
region. The introduction of the transition fatigue life is
straight lines, as shown in Fig. 1. Besides the modulus
important because to accurately determine the fatigue
of elasticity, E, the baseline strain–life expression is
strength parameters (b and s f’) and the fatigue ductility
defined by four regression constants: fatigue strength
parameters (c and ⑀ f’), the elastic strain dominant and
coefficient, fatigue strength exponent, fatigue ductility
the plastic strain dominant regimes must be statistically
coefficient, and fatigue ductility exponent.
emphasized, respectively. This technique ensures that
The regression constants produced by the least-
the data points in each region are accurately represented
squares method are valid in the range of the experimental
and appropriately weighted in this analysis.
data. This emphasizes the necessity for a broad range
of experimental data. Experience has shown that strains
2.2. Data selection for data quality
should be selected such that fatigue lives range from
1000 to 10,000,000 cycles. To ensure that a sufficiently
In the past, the procedure for identifying quality data
large sample exists for the statistical analysis used to
has been far less rigorous. Either all data were included
develop the statistical strain–life curves, a minimum of
regardless of failure location or plastic strain amplitude,
or data was excluded for reasons that were not scientifi-
cally founded, but were based on experience. The fol-
lowing procedures are suggested.

2.2.1. Identification of a linear model range—

separation of LCF and HCF regimes
Calculation of the elastic and plastic strain amplitudes
is required. The calculated values will be used in the
analysis, rather than the experimental values, because the
measurement resolution at low plastic strains is poor and
measurement error could substantially affect the curve
fitting results. First, the elastic strain amplitude was cal-
culated. The elastic strain amplitude is defined as aver-
age half-life stress amplitude divided by Young’s modu-
lus. The plastic strain amplitude is defined as the
Fig. 1. The schematic total strain–life curve. difference between the total strain amplitude and the
C.R. Williams et al. / International Journal of Fatigue 25 (2003) 427–436 429

elastic strain amplitude. These values need to be calcu- applied stress is a function of the cross-sectional area of
lated for each sample in the test. the test specimen and the error in the applied load. The
Again the calculated elastic and the plastic strain error in the applied load is generally 0.1% of the
amplitudes must be considered. If a transition life point maximum capacity of the load cell. Generally a 22-kN
exists within the data set this must be determined. Once (5000-lbs) load cell is used. When this term is scaled by
the transition point is determined, qualitatively, the data the modulus, the uncertainty in the stress term is 0.00001
set to be analyzed is chosen such that an intersection of mm/mm. Since this value is an order of magnitude less
the plastic and elastic curves is ensured. All viable life than the error introduced by the strain measurement, this
data points below and the two data points immediately term is neglected. The functional uncertainty in the cal-
above the transition life point are selected for the fatigue culated plastic strain is then 0.0001 mm/mm. If the
ductility parameter portion of the analysis. The fatigue maximum acceptable uncertainty is 20% then the thres-
strength parameters are developed using all viable life hold for plastic strain data is 0.0005 mm/mm.
data points above and the two immediately below the A simple study that compared the effect of a 0.0005
transition life point. mm/mm threshold to a 0.001 mm/mm threshold was per-
If a transition point does not occur within the experi- formed. It was found that the inclusion of the lesser plas-
mental data set, the above method does not apply. If all tic strain data, which contained a greater percentage of
the experimental data are in the elastic strain dominant error, had little adverse effect on the predictive accuracy
region, the points used for the fatigue ductility para- of the resulting fatigue parameters. It was found that the
meters analysis must be chosen judiciously. The positive value provided by the additional data, more
measurement error in the total strain and stress will dis- accurate design strain–life curves, was greater than any
tort the data such that the values produced by the small distortion that could occur because the last
regression of those plastic strain data points will provide included data point had a 20% intrinsic error rather than
parameter values that are not representative of true a 10% intrinsic error. The threshold of 0.0005 mm/mm
material behavior. In this case, any remaining data points of plastic strain was a compromise between accuracy and
with plastic strain amplitude less than a threshold value the costs associated with producing sufficient data with
should be disregarded. For the elastic region analysis, all a threshold of 0.001 mm/mm of plastic strain. Fig. 2 is
data points that have not been excluded, due to failure an illustration of how the intrinsic error can affect the
or testing non-conformities, should be used. placement of a data point on the log plot of plastic
strain–life. This placement of data points directly effects
2.2.2. Threshold of plastic strain amplitude to avoid the accuracy of the linear regression, especially when
measurement error the upper and lower boundaries of the data range are not
There are references [8,9] suggesting that data points parallel, but are diverging as strain decreases. This figure
with plastic strain amplitude less than 0.001 mm/mm helps to illustrate the reasoning behind setting the plastic
should not be considered for analysis. These thresholds strain threshold at 0.0005 mm/mm rather than at 0.001
were established from previous experience, rather than mm/mm. Fig. 2 indicates that the minimal distortion pro-
from a mathematical evaluation of the propagation of duced by a maximum error in the data point at a plastic
measurement error. strain of 0.0005 mm/mm is small and, therefore, the dis-
From a partial differential uncertainty analysis of the tortion caused by this point is far less significant than
plastic strain function, a threshold that considers the the value added by the inclusion of data between 0.001
effect of propagating measurement error on the accuracy and 0.0005 mm/mm of plastic strain.
of the plastic strain values can be developed.
2.2.3. Inspection of failure modes
sa The failure location on the test specimen is also an
e ⫽ ea⫺e ⫽ ea⫺ .
a (4)
E important criterion in determining the quality of a data
point. It must first be determined whether the specimen
∂{epa} ∂{epa}
⌬{epa} ⫽ d{ea} ⫹ d{sa}. (5) failed due to the applied strain or if the test fixture or
∂{ea} ∂{sa} specimen finish quality adversely affected the speci-
⌬{sa} men behavior.
⌬{epa}⬇⌬{ea} ⫹ . (6) If the failure was at or outside the region bounded by
the extensometer probes, the specimen must be called
Given the equipment that is generally used today to into question, because this failure may have been caused
perform strain controlled fatigue testing, the uncertainty by the improper attachment of the extensometer blades
or error in the total strain measurement is 0.1% of the or a poor surface finish on the specimen. To dismiss all
maximum strain capacity, which is generally 0.1 samples that fail at or outside the region bounded by
mm/mm. This results in an uncertainty of 0.0001 the extensometer will require a prohibitive number of
mm/mm in the total strain measurement. The error in the specimens to be tested, so an engineering judgment must
430 C.R. Williams et al. / International Journal of Fatigue 25 (2003) 427–436

Fig. 2. Effect of experimental uncertainty on the plastic strain regression.

be made. If a specimen has failed beyond the test sec- life curves are constructed to ensure that a majority of
tion, in the area between the blades, then the half-life the fatigue data falls above the minimum or lower bound
stress and the life of the specimen must be reviewed. If value. The choice of the lower bound strain–life curve,
these values are consistent with the trend created by the design strain–life curve, is fairly arbitrary and dependent
other samples, then the sample should be included, upon material cost, safety policy, and industry standards.
otherwise the sample should be excluded from the analy- Traditionally, the engineering community prefers to use
sis. the lower two-sigma or three-sigma design curve
Frequently, a testing laboratory will provide infor- method. That means the design curve can be derived by
mation regarding the location of visible cracks other than shifting the median strain–life curve in log coordinates
the location of the fracture. This information can be to the left by two or three times the sample standard
helpful in determining whether a specimen has failed due deviation. This fails to account for the statistical distri-
to the strain or because of outside agents. If cracks were bution of the results due to the sample size and various
visible within the test section, yet the failure occurred reliability/confidence levels. Thus, the approximate
elsewhere, it is likely that the data is reasonable and can Owen Tolerance limit method [2] is adopted.
be included. One must be particularly cautious if no In the automotive industry, values of R90C90 and
cracks were visible in the test section, yet the specimen R95C90 are often used for safety related component
fractured. This is a strong indication that the test set-up designs. The value of R90C90 ensures that there is a
was improper or the specimen was poorly machined. For 90% possibility of survival (reliability) with a 90% con-
the proposed analysis to be valid, the specimen must fail. fidence level at the specific data point. In the approxi-
Specimens that are tested at small total strains may mate Owen Tolerance limit approach, a variable
present an endurance limit strain. This endurance limit YR,C( ⫽ lnNf,R,C) defined as the lower tolerance limit of
information may be of interest if a component is to have Y( ⫽ lnNf)with reliability R and confidence level C at a
an infinite life, but these points must be excluded from given stress amplitude Xi( ⫽ lnSa,i) follows the
the proposed analysis, because failure is an assumption expression below:
of the governing equations.
YR,C(Xi) ⫽ mY(Xi) ⫺ K × s (7)
2.3. Statistical data analysis procedures where my(Xi) is the least squares estimate of median (Y
on X i), s is the sample standard deviation of Y on X i, and
For industrial applications, a strain–life curve that rep-
resents median behavior of a material is insufficiently K ⫽ KD × R. (8)
robust; therefore a strain–life curve that incorporates a KD ⫽ c1KR ⫹ KC冑c3K2R ⫹ c2a (9)
specific factor of safety is necessary. A rigorous expla-
nation of the statistical analysis follows. b2
A practical method for constructing design strain–life R ⫽ b1 ⫹ ⫹ b4exp( ⫺ f) (10)
curves to characterize the minimum fatigue life at a
given fatigue strength level is presented. Design strain– in which
C.R. Williams et al. / International Journal of Fatigue 25 (2003) 427–436 431

Table 1 Table 3
Empirical coefficients b i (i ⫽ 1,2,3,4) [2] K-factors for the approximate Owen tolerance limits

Confidence b1 b2 b3 b4 na Cb=0.90 C=0.95

Level, C
Rc=0.90 R=0.95 R=0.99 R=0.90 R=0.95 R=0.99
0.95 0.9968 0.1596 0.60 –2.636
0.90 1.0030 –6.0160 3.00 1.099 6 3.136 3.839 5.204 3.560 4.331 5.837
0.85 1.0010 –0.7212 1.50 –1.486 7 2.818 3.446 4.667 3.167 3.846 5.173
0.80 1.0010 –0.6370 1.25 –1.554 8 2.608 3.191 4.320 2.910 3.534 4.751
9 2.458 3.009 4.075 2.728 3.314 4.455
10 2.436 2.874 3.894 2.592 3.151 4.237
11 2.259 2.769 3.755 2.485 3.024 4.069
KR ⫽ f-1(R) (11) 12 2.189 2.686 3.644 2.400 2.923 3.936
13 2.131 2.617 3.554 2.331 2.840 3.827
KC ⫽ f (C)-1
(12) 14 2.083 2.560 3.479 2.272 2.771 3.737
f⫽n⫺2 (13) 15 2.041 2.511 3.415 2.222 2.712 3.660
16 2.006 2.469 3.360 2.178 2.661 3.594
1.85 17 1.974 2.432 3.312 2.140 2.617 3.536
a⫽ (14) 18 1.946 2.400 3.270 2.106 2.577 3.485
n 19 1.922 2.371 3.232 2.076 2.542 3.440
20 1.899 2.345 3.199 2.048 2.510 3.399
where f(.) is the standard normal cumulative distribution
21 1.879 2.321 3.168 2.024 2.482 3.363
function. Coefficients for empirical forms of K are 22 1.861 2.300 3.141 2.001 2.456 3.329
shown in Tables 1 and 2. Based on the approximate 23 1.844 2.280 3.115 1.981 2.432 3.300
Owen tolerance limits (i.e., Eqs. (8)–(14)), the K-factors 24 1.828 2.262 3.092 1.961 2.410 3.271
for various reliability and confidence levels are derived 25 1.818 2.247 3.075 1.947 2.389 3.247
and shown in Table 3. a
n = sample size
Given a median curve and the experimental data, the b
C = confidence level
table for the Owen tolerance limit K-factors is used to c
R = reliability level
develop a design strain–life curve with a specific
reliability and confidence level. The slope of the
regression line for each of the plastic strain dominant or
the elastic strain dominant regimes is assumed constant, side the knife-edges with no other cracks in between.
because the slope is found to be material dependent. Based on the available experimental data, the median
Therefore, it is the intercepts of the regression lines that and the R90C90 cyclic and fatigue properties were
must be adjusted. determined.
First, the fracture location must be considered for each
sample. If the sample did not fail, the data point should
3. Examples be excluded from this analysis because this analysis
technique is only valid for failure occurrence and the
A test company conducted constant amplitude axial analysis of an endurance limit involves a different
fatigue tests on 16 samples with one sample for each approach [10]. In this case, the data point with sample
strain amplitude. A summary of the test results is shown number 13 is not considered for analysis.
in Table 4. The samples were made of SAE 1137 mild If the sample displayed a failure that occurs outside
carbon steel. Throughout the tests, all failures were the knife-edges (test section) with no other cracks evi-
defined when the load drop was 30% of the initial value. dent within the test section (a NOKE failure) that point
Also note that BKE denotes failure detected between is circumspect. To determine the accuracy of the point,
knife-edges and NOKE symbolizes failure detected out- the duration before failure must be checked. If the failure
was obviously premature, occurring after a small fraction
of the anticipated number of cycles, with respect to the
Table 2 life trend, then the point should be excluded and a note,
Empirical coefficients ci(i ⫽ 1,2,3) for K [2]
which includes an explanation, should be made. The data
c1 c2 c3
point with sample number 11 is valid from the aspect of
the life trend. Other measurements can be checked to
f⬍2 1 1 1 verify the decision to exclude a point. For example,
2f checking the minimum and maximum plastic and elastic
fⱖ2 3 f c2 ⫺ c21
strains. For each, the absolute value of the minimum and
1⫹ maximum should be approximately equal. If not, then a
4(f ⫺ 1.042) f⫺2
mean or residual stress has developed due to an improper
432 C.R. Williams et al. / International Journal of Fatigue 25 (2003) 427–436

Table 4
Constant amplitude axial fatigue test data for SAE 1137 carbon steel

Sample Diameter(mm) Modulus (MPa) Total strain Max. stress at Min. stress at Total fatigue Failure locationa
number amplitude half life (MPa) half life (MPa) life (cycles)

16 5.979 208229 0.00900 545 ⫺561 2117 BKE

15 5.982 207815 0.00800 532 ⫺550 2351 BKE
12 5.987 206850 0.00700 515 ⫺529 3699 BKE
10 5.984 211676 0.00600 500 ⫺513 5502 BKE
4 5.987 208919 0.00500 461 ⫺467 7384 BKE
9 5.982 215124 0.00450 456 ⫺466 10035 BKE
1 5.987 206850 0.00400 437 ⫺444 15264 BKE
3 5.984 207540 0.00350 420 ⫺427 20884 BKE
2 5.984 210297 0.00300 401 ⫺409 38552 BKE
5 5.987 208229 0.00250 374 ⫺379 66838 OKE
8 5.984 209608 0.00225 354 ⫺366 92467 BKE
6 5.984 210298 0.00200 342 ⫺358 218749 BKE
11 5.984 209963 0.00188 330 ⫺336 336546 NOKE
7 5.940 206161 0.00175 316 ⫺322 1663979 BKE
13 5.982 207367 0.00150 288 ⫺295 5000000 NONE

BKE, failure detected between knife edges; NOKE, failure detected outside knife edges with no other cracks in between

testing procedure. Such effects should not occur in test- All viable life data points below and the two data points
ing of this nature. immediately above the transition life point are selected
Next, calculation of the elastic and plastic strain for the fatigue ductility parameter portion of the analysis.
amplitudes is recommended. These data points will The fatigue strength parameters are developed using all
allow us to determine where the transition fatigue life viable life data points above and the two immediately
is. These values need to be calculated for each sample below the transition life point.
in the test. A new data set for fatigue data analysis is
generated and shown in Table 5. Based on the same 3.1. Low cycle fatigue data analysis
magnitude of the calculated elastic and plastic strain
amplitudes in Table 5, the transition life is roughly esti- To begin the actual fatigue ductility parameter analy-
mated as 22,000 reversals. sis, one needs the following data: total life and calculated
Once the transition life is determined, qualitatively, plastic strain amplitude for the plastic region data points.
the data to be analyzed is chosen such that an intersec- Since the plastic strain amplitude is the control para-
tion of the plastic and elastic strain curves is ensured. meter, the statistical independent variable X for the

Table 5
Summary of useful fatigue test data for SAE 1137 mild carbon steel

Sample Total strain Avg. stress Modulus (MPa) Total fatigue life Calculated elastic Calculated plastic
number amplitude amplitude @ (reversals) strain amplitude strain amplitude
(mm/mm) half life (MPa) (mm/mm) (mm/mm)

16 0.00900 553 208229 4234 0.002656 0.006344

15 0.00800 540 207815 4702 0.002603 0.005397
12 0.00700 522 206850 7398 0.002523 0.004477
10 0.00600 507 211676 11004 0.002394 0.003606
4 0.00500 464 208919 14768 0.002221 0.002779
9 0.00450 461 215124 20070 0.002144 0.002356
1 0.00400 441 206850 30528 0.00213 0.00187
3 0.00350 424 207540 41774 0.002041 0.001459
2 0.00300 405 210297 77104 0.001925 0.001075
5 0.00250 376 208229 133676 0.001806 0.000695
8 0.00225 360 209608 184934 0.001718 0.000532
6 0.00200 350 210298 437498 0.001663 0.000337
11 0.00188 333 209963 673092 0.001587 0.000293
7 0.00175 319 206161 3327958 0.001548 0.000202
C.R. Williams et al. / International Journal of Fatigue 25 (2003) 427–436 433

analysis will be the logarithm of the plastic strain ampli- a sample size of n ⫽ 8, the Owen tolerance factor (K)
tudes, log(epa), and the statistical dependent variable Y is 2.608 and the standard error (s) from the linear
will be the logarithm of the fatigue life, log(2Nf). A lin- regression analysis is 0.03011. With the assumption of
ear regression analysis should be performed, the least- constant fatigue ductility exponent (c ⫽ ⫺0.6207), the
squares method on the XY data. The R-squared R90C90 fatigue ductility coefficient e⬘f,R90,C90is determ-
regression statistic should be above 0.90. If the R- ined 0.9870.
squared value is lower it suggests that substantial scatter
exists. If the data is not plastic strain dominant then the 3.2. High cycle fatigue data analysis
accuracy of the test should be questioned. Given the
intercept A, slope B, and variables X and Y, the equation The analysis for the elastic strain dominant regime (b
for the regression line takes the linear form: and s f’) is performed using the same method and criteria
that were previously detailed, but the half-life stress
Y ⫽ A ⫹ BX
amplitude is used instead of the plastic strain amplitude.
where The elastic strain amplitude could be used, but the coef-
ficient produced would have to be multiplied by the aver-
A ⫽ (⫺1 / c)log(e⬘f)
age value of Young’s Modulus to produce the desired
B ⫽ 1/c strength coefficient. To generate the values of s⬘f and b,
when performing the least squares on the high cycle
fatigue data, the logarithm of the stress amplitude (sa)
c ⫽ 1/B (15) is the statistical independent variable and the logarithm
of the reversals to failure (2N f) is the statistical depen-
e⬘f ⫽ 10(-c×A)). (16)
dent variable. Again the regression equation assumes the
The linear regression analysis results in A ⫽ following linear form.
0.06933, B ⫽ ⫺1.611, R 2 ⫽ 0.9942, and s ⫽ 0.03011.
Y ⫽ A ⫹ BX
With Eqs. (15) and (16), the fatigue ductility parameters
are c ⫽ ⫺0.6207 and e⬘f ⫽ 1.104. where
Since the number of data points in the above analysis
A ⫽ (⫺1 / b)log(s⬘f)
exceeds five then a reliability and confidence analysis
can be performed. For this example an R90C90 analysis B ⫽ 1/b
is recommended. The R90C90 regression line (YR90C90)
can be determined by shifting the median regression line
toward the left with the following equation, b ⫽ 1/B (18)
YR90C90 ⫽ Y⫺K × s (17) s⬘f ⫽ 10(-b×A)). (19)
where s is the standard error of Y on X. In this case for The linear regression analysis results in A ⫽ 37.11,

Fig. 3. The total strain–life curves, R50 and R90C90, for SAE 1137 steel.
434 C.R. Williams et al. / International Journal of Fatigue 25 (2003) 427–436

B ⫽ ⫺12.36, R 2 ⫽ 0.9517, and s ⫽ 0.1742. With Eqs. which is equivalent to the following linear regression
(18) and (19), the fatigue ductility parameters are b ⫽ form using log(epa) as the statistically independent vari-
⫺0.0809 and s⬘f ⫽ 1006 MPa. able X and log(sa)as the statistical dependent variable
Since the number of data points in the above analysis Y,
exceeds five then reliability and confidence analysis can
Y ⫽ A ⫹ BX
be performed. In this case for a sample size of n ⫽ 10,
the Owen tolerance factor (K) is 2.436, and the standard where
error (s) from the linear regression analysis is 0.1742.
A ⫽ log(K⬘)
With the assumption of the constant fatigue strength
exponent (b ⫽ ⫺0.0809), the R90C90 fatigue strength B ⫽ n⬘
coefficient s⬘f,R90,C90 is determined to be 929 MPa.
Once the four fatigue parameters have been derived,
the total strain–life curve can be assembled. The graph n⬘ ⫽ B (22)
in Fig. 3 consists of the total strain–life curve, plastic
K⬘ ⫽ 10 . A
strain–life curve, and elastic strain–life curve. These
three curves are plotted on a log–log scale graph with In this analysis all the sample data where plastic strain
the experimental data superimposed on the graph. This amplitude exceeds 0.0005 are included. The linear
aids in demonstrating the quality of the curve fit. If the regression analysis results in A ⫽ 3.090, B ⫽ 0.1608,
R90C90 curves were generated, these curves could be R 2 ⫽ 0.9905, and s ⫽ 0.008126. Thus, n⬘ ⫽ 0.1608
superimposed on the median curves for design, as shown and K⬘ ⫽ 1230MPa.
in Fig. 3. Reliability and confidence analysis for the cyclic
stress–strain parameters can be performed. In this case
3.3. Analyses of cyclic stress–strain behavior and for a sample size of n ⫽ 14, the Owen tolerance factor
transition fatigue life (K) is 2.083, and the standard error (s) from the linear
regression analysis is 0.008126. With the assumption of
Similar to the monotonic behavior, the cyclic strength constant cyclic strain hardening exponent (n⬘ ⫽ 0.1608),
coefficient K⬘ and the cyclic strain hardening exponent, the R90C90 cyclic strength coefficient K⬘R90C90 is
n’, are the intercept and slope of the best fit line to the determined as 1175 MPa.
true stress amplitude (⌬s / 2) versus true plastic strain Equating the elastic and plastic strain components can
amplitude (⌬eP / 2) data in log–log-scale: derive the transition life in reversals (2NT):
sa ⫽ K⬘(epa)n⬘ (20) s⬘f
(2NT)b ⫽ e⬘f(2NT)c (24)
where K’ ⫽ cyclic strength coefficient; n’ ⫽ cyclic E
strain hardening exponent. and

冉 冊
When performing the least squares fit, the logarithms
of the true plastic strain amplitude are the statistical e⬘fE
2NT ⫽ (25)
independent variables and the logarithms of the stress s⬘f
amplitude are the statistical dependent variables. A plas-
Therefore, using Eq. (25) the transition fatigue life for
tic strain amplitude less than 0.0005 is neglected in
R50 and R90C90 are determined as 23,700 reversals and
regression analysis. Taking the logarithm on both sides
22,300 reversals, respectively. A typical summary of this
of Eq. (20) gives the following linear form
analysis is presented in Table 6.
log(sa) ⫽ log(K⬘) ⫹ n⬘log(epa) (21) A brief material analysis is provided for SAE D4512,

Table 6
Data analysis summary for SAE 1137 carbon steel

R50 R90C90

Avg. Young’s modulus (MPa) E 209000 209000

Fatigue strength coefficient (MPa) s⬘f 1006 929
Fatigue strength exponent b ⫺0.0809 ⫺0.0809
Fatigue ductility coefficient e⬘f 1.104 0.9870
Fatigue ductility exponent c ⫺0.6207 ⫺0.6207
Cyclic strength coefficient (MPa) K⬘ 1230 1175
Cyclic strain hardening exponent n⬘ 0.1608 0.1608
Transition fatigue life (Rev) 2NT 27500 25900
C.R. Williams et al. / International Journal of Fatigue 25 (2003) 427–436 435

Table 7
Summary of useful fatigue test data for SAE 4512

Sample Total strain Avg. stress Modulus (MPa) Total fatigue life Calculated elastic Calculated plastic Failure
number amplitude amplitude at half (reversals) strain amplitude strain amplitude locationa
(mm/mm) life (MPa) (mm/mm) (mm/mm)

14 0.00500 431 175823 1066 0.002713 0.002287 BKE

6 0.00450 419 177891 3780 0.002638 0.001862 BKE
9 0.00400 409 173754 5914 0.002595 0.001405 BKE
11 0.00350 391 172375 14842 0.002514 0.0000986 BKE
16 0.00315 375 173065 21126 0.002439 0.000711 BKE
4 0.00300 375 171686 33064 0.002397 0.000603 BKE
15 0.00275 344 173065 22138 0.002331 0.000419 BKE
19 0.00265 359 173409 31888 0.002279 0.000371 BKE
1 0.00250 362 173065 72100 0.002175 0.000325 BKE
8 0.00235 332 175823 114936 0.002124 0.000226 BKE
10 0.00215 319 175823 125840 0.002013 0.000137 BKE
2 0.00200 289 174444 314982 0.001889 0.000111 OKE
13 0.00183 282 172375 1337430 0.001759 6.56E-05 BKE
3 0.00175 270 174444 438390 0.001657 9.33E-05 BKE
12 0.00165 260 173065 930654 0.001606 4.44E-05 BKE
5 0.00150 238 174444 11025548 0.001472 2.81E-05 NONE
7 0.00100 171 174444 305602 0.000982 1.83E-05 NONE

BKE, failure detected between knife edges; NOKE, failure detected outside knife edges with no other cracks in between

a ferric steel used in industrial cast components. This is to produce the fatigue parameters. Notations on the table
a low ductility, high strength alloy that does not exhibit (highlighted with bold fonts) indicate which data points
the transition fatigue life point within a commonly tested were used for the elastic analysis and the plastic analysis.
total strain range. The transition life point for this It is also noted that the last two rows of data points were
material occurs at approximately 1000 reversals, which excluded from the analysis for no cracks.
is at the extreme minimum for accurate life data. In a The data presented in Table 7 is analyzed using the
case such as this, the criterion for data selection is if the same method that was discussed in the example for SAE
plastic strain is greater than 0.0005 mm/mm, rather than 1137 carbon steel. The only difference is how the data
the data’s relationship to the position of the transition is selected. Data are reviewed using the same failure
life point. Table 7 is a summary of the data necessary location criteria and the same minimum plastic strain

Fig. 4. The total strain–life curves, R50 and R90C90, for SAE D4512 steel.
436 C.R. Williams et al. / International Journal of Fatigue 25 (2003) 427–436

requirements. Which data to use for the plastic strain reducing the number of iterations in the design and
analysis is the primary difference. In this situation, test cycle.
where the transition life point is not present in the data,
all data with a calculated plastic strain greater than
0.0005 mm/mm are used for the development of the References
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