Beijing Treaty - Flyer - EN

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NEW INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS FOR PERFORMERS BEIJING TREATY YOUR RIGHTS THE WIPO 7 BEWJING TREAT Yoru ON AUDIOVISUAL PERFORMANCES YOUR PERFORMANCE | AS A PERFORMER, Get involved! THE BEIJING TREATY MATTERS TO YOU. Contact you how you can earistherecogison hat yourwork WIPO Bejing syn your county, deserves ntllecval property protection, ist ike audio perfor. Find ov! more an the websie tances, no matter where is produced or used. Glebe retfication ofthe Being Treaty means your wor willbe valved and your rights ar @ performer protected THE BEIJING AND WHAT IT MEAN FOR RS AND OTHER ERFORMERS? In 2012, ater 20 years ofhegetiaion ‘and hard work by performers around ‘he world the United Nation's World Intellectoal Property Organization WIPO) retin Being and approved {international realy establishing new moral and economierights for Sperformers who Before the Beijing Treaty, only perfoimersin audio recordings ny signfiean protection at rational level including for growing dil we ir work, With no equiva io egvord ae rh ‘mos! audiovisual performers have found their work being exploited in various ways, wihout any addtional benef for them or have had wnfavo: rable terms and conditions unjosly Imposed upon them. WHY IS THE BEING TREATY IMPORTANT? The Beijing Treaty outines global standards recognizing the right of ‘udiovisvol performers to be compen- sated Fail for he use of heir creative contributions, This is aval principle for performers seeking o make a living from their croft Equelly, the Treaty recognizes performers cites! moral righ's: as performers, our public image intartwines wih who we are as art Thanks to the Beijing Treaty, performers finally have the ability beter protect ‘heir images ond performances liom being vsed in ways they would never The Beijing Treaty will become legally binding only once iis atfied by 30 cligble pares, ineluding counties or certain iter-governmental bodies. will encourage countries around the world fo bring their national tual property provsions inline wth these new internaenal tandards. The wider he ratification of he Being Treaty, he so rotecton cvdiovieval performances beyond rofonal borders is your national legislation, Boling Treaty as such, hatrerl you enforceable righ. Your country will need to comply with the Teaty provisions once it rats it. The fr priortyis therefore the ratfication and {entry int free af he realy. Perfor- ters and their representative ‘organisations around the world must work together make that happen! Mean that my audiovisual performances will get the same protection everywhere? The Boing Teaty allows some latitude to counties to determine he extet of rights granted. Is up to performers ‘and their representative organisotions to be vigilant and push for he best implementation possible in their national laws and regulations .an that my audiovisual performances will alto be protected abroad? Each country hel is bound by the Beijing Treaty commis in principle to granting yeu the same protection Under the treaty that offers rots own nationals Mean that there are new formalities I should respect in order for my performances to be MORE SPECIFICALLY, THE BEIJING TREATY GRANTS: Moral rights These rights empower performers to prevent lack of attibuton or distortion oftheir performances, allowing them te protect their work om being used in ‘@ manner thet is hormful their reputation and to prevent unauihorized use of ther performances, Economic rights The right of performers authorise use cond receive nancial compensation from the exploitation oftheir work This isespecally important in an age of global cigitel disibution. The rights ‘granted cover ll forms of exploitation of audiovisual performances. They ore also “fture-proo!, meaning they wll not become obsolete wih technologi cal change.

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