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Pornography Draft

Pornography is any explicit image or video that show nudity or sex. It

has been around since man could fashion sexual images. In most free

countries it is allowed or even accepted into their culture such as in the

Netherlands. Still it is a highly controversial and most people do not wish to

talk about it. The two main types of pornography out there is soft core porn

and hard core porn. Soft core often depicts full female frontal nudity but

usually never male nudity. It never shows the actual sex and the actors

usually never engage in actual sex. When acting out the sex penetration is

never showed, it is often blocked by something such as a hand or body

part. Hard core pornography often shows actual penetration and

ejaculation. In the hardcore category there are hundreds sub categories

and spinoffs. With the arrival of the internet porn has really come out of its

shell. Before people would have to go to a shady part of town or an

embarrassing trip to an adult store to get what they wanted. Now they can

get any type of pornography they want in the comfort of their own homes.

This has increased porn market to almost double what it used to be

Pornography has been around since sex has. Early forms of it take the

form of painting, sculptures or even live shows preformed mostly by

women. As the times changed so did pornography. With the invention of

the printing block books started to depict naked images. One of the most

famous of these books was the Kama Sutra which is basically a sex

manual depicting positions and nude pictures. To this day it is still in

circulation making it one of the oldest forms of literature still being read

today. Much later in history, pornography started to appear in magazines.

The most famous magazine was started in December 1959 Hugh Hefner.

Called playboy it mixed interviews of notable public figures, such as film

directors, artists, economists, architects, religious figures, conductors,

politicians, journalists, novelists, playwrights, composers race car drivers

and athletes with nude picture of attractive looking women. Although

pornography has been around for quite a while so has the attempt to ban it

or censor it. Even in ancient time the religion was often strictly against

pornography even going as far as those who had it were arrested or even


Today many controversies surround pornography with many sides to

the topic. One problem is how easily pornography is to get now for children

who have access to the internet.

To find out if these claims am I went out and had a survey of 50 boys in the

tenth grade. I asked them whether they looked at porn more than once a

week or only seen it by accident or never in their lives. Out of the 50 kids I

asked 48 said they do look at it more than once a week and the other two

accidently saw it as a pop up on the internet. Other question I asked is

whether porn was easy to get or not. Out of 50 50 said yes! With that and

other studies, such as 90% of 8-16 year olds have viewed porn

online(Pornography Statistics pg 4). In this day and age anyone especially

children can find porn or happen upon it by accident. This is no reason to

ban pornography or censor it. It is meant for adults and in only that case is

ok. There are many programs out there that can prevent children from

seeing any explicit materials on the internet. Some come with the system

while other such as Netnanny could be bought for only 15 dollars. Those

who have widow’s vista or the new form of Mac it comes with parental

controls. On it recommended pc Pandora they

said “The best of the best. Quick and easy to install and use. Completely

undetectable. Best of all it records everything - email, websites,

passwords, keystrokes, screenshots, instant messages including Myspace

IM, P2P, programs run, and more. PCPandora offers Parental Control

options. It can also forward you ALL emails to and from the computer you

install the software on. It Can also email you activity reports.

PCPandorawill email you screen shots of what anybody is doing on the pc.

The other programs it recommended were pc battletale, IamBigbrother, pc

spy and win spy. This shows with proper care and some talking to your

children pornography should not be a problem if properly taken care of.

Another controversy of pornography is does it contribute to the

divorce rate in America. “At the 2003 meeting of the American Academy of

Matrimonial Lawyers, two-thirds of the 350 divorce lawyers who attended

said the Internet played a significant role in divorces in the past year, with

excessive interest in online porn contributing to more than half of such

cases” (The Porn Factor by Pamela Paul). Most spouses do not tell their

partner about their pornographic activates. This could easily be worked by

talking to your partner as most psychologist say. It is better to confront it

head on then them finding out about it later. Recent statistics show that

72% of males and 28% of female’s frequent porn sites on a constant basis.

(Pornography Statistics pg 5). Pornography has become a part of common

life for some and it may take some getting used to.

One of the biggest arguments over pornography is does it cause

violence and rape. Many people say that exposure to hard core forms of

pornography such as seen depicting rape and bondage increases chance

for the viewer to act out his fantasies. They back this up with statistics such

as “A high percentage of non-incarcerated rapist and child molesters have

said that they have been incited by pornography to commit crimes”.

(Pornography Daina E.H Russell pg 49). There are many problems with

this topic most research like I just mentioned are experimental research

and have yet to find conclusive data. The above mention statement can be

questioned to as sexual offenders often use pornography as a scapegoat

to their problems as do many people. People who are say pornography

does not cause violence say that it prevents violent urges by helping

people get rid of them in a safe and healthy way. Pornography has also

become a favorite scapegoat being blamed for a lot of sexual problems.

“Research done by the national research council’s panel on understanding

and preventing violence has shown there is no correlation between

pornography and violence against women.” (Pornography Mathew Gever

pg 54).

Today there are many controversies surrounding porn. They way we

can get, its accessibility and whether it should be censored or even

banned outright. Yet pornography is on the rise growing in size. Today in

the USA the porn industry makes annual revenues of over 13.33 billion

dollars a year. ( Pornography Statistics pg 1). It is something that America

has to get used to and understand it instead of blaming it for its sexual


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