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Pavacaei) ci “3 ee» WATTIE/BEKI COLOUR POSTER OFFER FIRST AND foremost, the two mejor remaining Punk Radio shows | know of aro virtually dead ond gone. Radio West's ‘Punk And Disorderly’, presented by Riot City supremo SIMON EDWARDS, has boon dropped due to cutbacks. On the last show Simon asked listeners to write in and try to get the show back. In ease ‘you didn’t get the address P.0. Sox 963, Radio West, Watershed, Bristol 1 Pax Rocord's MARCUS FEATHERBY'S show, ROTT, has changed its alternating {ortniahtiy format with Chris Andrews more obscure selection to become an Uneasy amalgamation, with punk coming a poor second. If you want to support Marcus write to him at Pax (P.O. Box3, Shetfield) or directo Radio Sheffield at Ashdell Grave, 60 Westbourne Rd. Shetfiold $10 20. For those with no Punk shows in theit ‘area atall (London especially) get those letters off to those programme controllers. I personaly think Radio One Isa lost cause, sa let's put pressure on the Independent local stations, and tho BBC locals. Remember, they can anly nite back saying no or ignore you but they might tako come notico,strangor things have heppened! Away from the ainvaves, Reading based Criminal Recorde have gone into overdrive with via they describe as “the latest moves to hesome the premier punk label in this festering land”. This month they release the last ever vinyl from THE DESTRUCTORS, a six track EP entitled ‘Cry Havoc And Unleash The Dogs Of War’. Fiom the remnants of The Dastructors comes a new band, METHODS OF EXECUTION, expect 2 debut single by January 1984, Also out fon the label around that time ie the debut alburn from TWISTED NERVE, who currently have a 12" EP out called Eyes You Can Drown In’ (see Singies pege). Two other bands on Criminal Damage are ex-Rondelet stable mates THE MEMBRANES and one of Dr Syn's faves DEAD MAN'S SHADOW. The former releases in the form of a mini LP AUEN SEX RENO: new abun roubl wth cones arn )) T in ADVERTISING bere rentie i fesicasten TTX ee aaa Ed ae aero featuring six tracks, lasting 35 minutes, called ‘Crack House’, whereas the latier have a now single, ‘Another Yoar'"One Mans Crusade (Piiger’s Theme’, released any day now. Their sacond LP should be outin March/April of next year Funniest story of the moment is about ‘a famous)?) rock bend called the ANT- NOWHERE LEAGUE who turned down a feature with this magazine as thoy thought they would be suited better in hheavy rock maa. Kerrang! No such luck, Kerrang! tumed them down instantly. Well, they had no need to worry, atleast there was Sounds. But they were told by Sounds that “thoy were finished.” Should they change their mines about Punk Livas, giveus a call andwe might consider a. amall picture somewhere ALIEN SEX FIEND, who recently toured America, have just leased now LP called Who's Been Sleeping In My Brain?" The band, vino are currently touring Britain, justhad a gig at Portsmouth cancelled because of protests from some town councilors, Itjust shows, some things nover change. Two bands who appeared on the “Son Of OF album, PROLE and the ORGASM. GUERILLAS have boen enapped up by ‘Syncicate Records. Rumours ere currently circulating that the Guerillas are mada up of well know punk heroes and fm told that the guitar sound isa clue but I thought STEVE JONES wee in America! Another rumour bouncing off pub and club walls at the moments ‘that the DAMNED have signed to.a major label and will be touring in Februery 1984 to promote a new studio album. Lot's hope it's better than ‘Strawberries BANDITS AT 40°CLOCK, the band Containing two of punk’s best guitarists, NICK AUSTIN (EX CHELSEA] ond STEVE KENT (EX BUSINESS and GONADS) have last founder member PHIL LANGHAM, who is currently busy managing TURKEY BONE AND THE WILD DOGS. 2s well as drummer JOHNNY TOOBAD, whose piace has been taken hy EX BUSINESS drummer KEV BOYCE, the band are currently looking for @ new bassist Outin the shops at this very moment is Word From The Womb, the debut release from the highly rated HAGAR THE WOMB on CONFLICTS Mortarhate Label. Also out before Christmas is the LOST CHEREES second EP ‘A Woman's Duty A Man's Place’. But the band ‘everyone is raving about on Mo-tarhate is VEX, and having heard their tape | can see why —wait and see orhear) Another cr cata Pe cians Erica Echenberg Tony Mottram Paice) ne eee react eter beste Te enor ee eer a ees DON’T MISS IT! Re Cee eee cd pacer rea en tare Piranesi eae eee ‘asked for it. Why not place a regular Pere en rene Poppet ecenper i oiniatis Creer Ln HAND THIS COUPON TO YOUR DW cs DEAD MAN'S SHADOW: Signed fe new band, well nev line up, being raved bout s the new VICE SQUAD, where new vocalist LI and guitariet SOOTY have mad tenfold improvements. Watch ‘ut for gigs and the briliant new 12" EP. ‘New Blood’ Black Sheep’ on Anagram. Ona non-musical note, why not spend 10p. yes 10p on an interesting magazine entitled NE. I's available from 6 Mendip lose, Peterlee, County Durham SRB 2JL, and is thoroughly recommended for ts fancinesigigiband reviews, as well 35 ‘many other attractions, Should you have wandered into your Eermminal Damage ‘re currently searching for a now ‘guitarist. ‘Brummie band, DEAD WRETCHED, have splitup. No reason has been given but i's said thatthe band were unhappy with the'r record company, Infemo. ‘CARNAGE, the East Sussex punic band, recently released a single called “All The Sad People’ on Creative Reality Records. le available through Rough Trae ee aary NAME. ADDRESS... feozived a litle missive from FISH of The SKEPTI cay eat hel guitare hhad a heart attack when he read in Punk Lives that he'd joined EXPLOITED. It Please order PUNK LIVES! for should have read the SKROTEES, Sorry shopte order COMBAT ONsdehutLr, [ual have macltne S10 ‘Send In The Marines. you wouldn't have beon ablo to buy it yet because its release date has been put back to next Year. Another band who are not that popular with most hacks are DISORDER, who release a new LP in January 1984 and is yet untitled, as isthe debut album from the UNDEAD, which like Disorder, is also from Riot Cty. Talking of hacks, ATTILA THE STOCKBROKER has ventured inio the Studio to record a 12” EP (everyone seems to ho releasing 12” all of a eudden| ands currently negotiating 2 deal for the single which is to coincide with his and 'S WELLS book which ie out on Allen and Unwin in Spring 1384 Last manth’s caver boys, the TOY DOLLS, have their thicd Volume Records ‘ingle “fie From The Bronx’ released in late Novernber. You ean eatch them live in December. Meanwhile volume release| 12" EPby TOTAL CHAOS, called ‘Fields| And Bombs’ and single ‘Reproduction OF| Hate’ by REALITY CONTROL, Contrary 1o a news item a couple of issue ago, DEAD MAN'S SHADOW have not sighed with Rot Records but Criminal Damage and their single aready out, “Another Year;One Man's Crusade’ will be followed by an album early next year. DISORDER have recently ost thoir drummer, VIRUS and are now using GLENN (ex-MO8), Virus is said to be “doing something different” anc working] with his brother. Disorder and a fen fends ata squat in Bristol have started a fanzine called 'Bo Bad Be Clad’. k's obtainable from 28 Collingwood Road, SIX STUDIO TRACKS SEVEN LIVE TRACKS Redland, Bristol. i's 20p + a large SAE CHAOS UK have como 10 a standstill after losing SPOT, their guitarist. They Out on Syndicate Records (Syn LP2) Also available ‘Fistful Of 4-Skins’ (Syn LP1) And ‘Son Of Oi’ (Syn LP3) BAND OF HOPE AND GLORY ‘cent of the papers are Tory backed, putting Thatcher's viewpeint and ridiculing everyone else. They condemn the National Front, but the Tories are equally bigoted. Like the Front, they stir up patriotic fervour to frenzied levels. Anyone witnessing the singing of ‘Land Offiope And Glory’ at the end of their conference in Blackpool should have asked thomzolves a few questions, Where is the hope in a country with increasing unemployment, poor housing, worsening hospitals and schoo!s facilities? Some hope, some glory. But not all of us believe in the Tory party and their facades. Forin deepest Harlow three young men of passionate baliefs have slowly bean getting some recognition. Sol went there to hear for mysalf the views of the Newtown Neurotics. The train to Harlow from London's Liverpool Street station, took me through abeautiful place, blossoming with hope and glory... Bethnal Green, But Harlow isno dump. One of the sixties ‘new towns, full of prosperity, with. endless queues of people waiting to invest their money into it, Well, Harlow ‘Town station is certainly one of the cleanest stations I've come across. Iwas met by Colin Dredd, bassist with the [Neurotics, who [failed to recognise due tohis latest hair style! We stepped outside to await the arrival of Colin's two Neurotic friends and he told me Harlow had a population fof around a hundred thousand but did not have one venue for gigs. “The other new towns have places for gigs. Places such as Milton Keynes and Stevenage, but there is nowhere in Harlow, just alot of discos. ‘The station is situated a mile or so {rom the town. Very convenient ‘thought! Colin explained the theory: “When they built the station they said ‘thore'd bo regular buses back and forth from the station to the town. But it’s not uite worked out that way! The buses stop running at about half ten, co f you {go to a disco or pub, you either leave early or walk home.” And who's this approaching, Simon Le Bon? Oh! Sorry, Simon Lomond! The ‘young man who beats the skins for the Nourotics. He proceeds to tell us about last night's gig, where he witnessed The ‘Alarm. “Real pop stars,” as he puts it "You've got to giveit to them. They doit well. At the end the singer just tossed his guitar to the bouncer. Great!” Simon thon wont on to rave over the support act, The Fleshtones, twas now long past the arranged ‘meeting time with singer Steve. Simon pointed out that “If Steve said five, he'l bbe here about six!” Thie proved to be a feirly accurate guess. About six, the upteenth bus drew inte the station, and off this one came Steve. Army trousers, leather jacket, cropped hair and, of ‘course, those rounded dark glasses Rather than waste further time waiting fora bus, we piled into the first taxi to come our way and made haste towards fone of the Newroties favourite haunts. ‘Once inside with a round on the table we could begin at lact. I thought the LP was an excellent bit of stuff, with oreat lyrics and equally powerful tunes to mateh, The Neurotios ‘modestly agreed! Seriously though, there were a few hiccuns as Steve divulged. “Hfwo'd had more money, we could've made it even better. We had. the studio for 10 days. The first day there was ne engineer, no producer, just us and the equipment, so we couldn't really ddo anything ” Colin chipped in that “having only nine days to do itin, we ‘obviously had time limitations, soit could've boon a bit better possibly.” How has it been selling? Simon: “Quite well. twent into the indies at ‘While nearly al the tracks were good, elt ‘No Respect’ was the most poignant of the lot. A sincere attack on the sexcuel double standards that currently exist. ‘And asit was done by an all male band, | thought it was a particularly brave step ‘to make. Steve: “As far as 'm concerned the dflerence between punk and say heavy metal, is that punk is about saying things that nobody else agrees with. Its quite odd, because you've got NME, which is supposedly trendy and left ‘wna, yet in their review of the LP they didn’t even montion that song.” I got a bit of a surprise when I read ‘that the Neurotics would be contributing track to the now Oi album, ‘The Son OF ‘OF’ Steve put me in the pleture. “it's not us teally, it's Attila. The song they used ‘was Mindless Violence’. did some ‘singing at the start and at the end, but the restis Attila. Indeed, Attila The ‘Stockbroker is @ name often used in the ‘same breath as the Newrotics, although, at Stove explains, Attila’ association with the band is not in any official ‘capacity! “Hfanything needs doing we call Atila. t's uct handy because he lives in the same town,” a point Colin referred to. “We tend to do a lot of gigs. with him, I's cheap because we only need the one van, and we're all coming home to the same town Also it makes a {good show with Attila. He fitsin well with what we do.” ‘The Neuroties enjoy playing live, but, 0 far have had too few opportunitics to 4s support to Peter And The Test Tube Babies The agencieethy've been involved with have been pretty crumby 25 fa as geting the band gigs oes Steve: "The agency we've gotat the moment have got us one gig, and the Brevious agency only gat sone! Most Br the gige mo've been deing we've either done trough Attia oust th frends” Cmte recor! sie of things, the UP wae on Razor, the band's previous Teleases hoving been on CNY Simon Srplnined the swap over "CNT were stright but they just cht neve the toner for ant Also Ravr understand what we're trying to do." ‘As you would expect rom a band with social conscience, they are notin the business of ripping people of, ssl discovered when asked Steve about {unite releases: "Whon we doa now single, [don’t want an LP track with 2 new sie. Singes are expensive enough asitis without paying money just fore B-side Wi eter be al new Songs ofboth racks taken off the LP in Which ease you dow't have fobuy the Single if youve gotthe = "The Neurotics make no apologies for their attudes towards new tomes Their namels astatementtn isl and formore padding just ston o-Newtoven Boopl' the opening track on side two Steve's views were very much the same as Calin had expressed caer “There's Aothing here Just one venue, but thnk thats clesing down, They used to ran Gi atthe collage, but that was burnt dlown end they heven' rebut. There aremno old buildings like in mosttovrns There's nowhors for an entrepreneur to start heving gigs Calin “wihen they butt Harlow, they but a massive sports complex and theyre bik “Simon informs me that most ofthe kde are soul borsand tendies,athough Steve says there are a few punks, "The Dunks jst ple down the shopping exntre one Saturday aternoon and hang around. You se em standing on stroct Somers with bottler af der Gan “They're doing just what everyone expects of them" Colin adds that Harlow s unemployment statisti re oor. “For this Son af area theres more Linemplorment than you'd expect You havo tobe qualified to get someting Steves the songwriter and through hisivies the angor hotest about hinge comes over well Of course there are bands withthe lew thet music cant change anything or perhape that oll the Parties are the seme, and none are worth ating for. That, according to Simon, “just an excuse” Steve gives further reason. “Palestshardo grasp BY {aking rointerest t saves people uring their brain. theard on the edo this imotning tat there's going to be more do so. Their only tour came last February, ‘and dole money will ll be cut. And the ‘thing is all the youth on the dole don’t ‘even fight back. “People are taking away their money ‘and rights, but they're not doing onything ‘aboutit. The Tories are bleeding money, ‘Out of the hospitals. Just up the road at Bishops Stortford they're closing down, ‘ hospital. They're going to move t ll in ‘with the hospital in Harlow, so they ean ‘eat down on staff and costs. All the patients'llbe overcrowded, but the Tories don't care about that ” It Seems tome that teo many people ‘are living in the past. The Empire, and ther such virtues are now meaningless. This is 1983 not 1783, Steve isin unison with me. “All that stuff Thatcher says about the Empite is a load of bollocks. Traditionally we've always had a strong army and navy, but now they're cutting down on those things and just pouring ‘money into nuclear weapons, They're all liars. A they re interested in is massive profits.” All good socialist stuff! But why then did Britain see fit to re-elect such a poor government. Colin’ roply is as sharp as their record label. “Because most people are thick shits!” Despite most poople being working lass, The Sums the top selling daily, Paper. a point Steve makes. "Most of my mates are working class, yet nearly all of them buy The Sun. The Sun is the biggest load of shit out. The thing ia you've got a traitor element in the ‘working class. As soon as they can see it willbe to their advantage to vote Tory, they will. Most people vio vote Tory don't understand politics.” That last sentence may be true, but equelly 50, is the selfishness of so many people. mh alright Jack. stuff you! This point is further endorsed by Simon. “All they're iterested in is another one percent off their mortgage” ‘Should people really expect any better from Labour? Steve answers directly and with conviction, “Labour still has problems, but itis more sympathetic to the working class.” Colin puts in aclevor speech ahout capitaliem destroying itself before! put forward the name of Grass. Opinions please, gentlemen, This ‘time Simon boats Stove to the draw, and gets his piece in first. “Crass are OK. ‘They ve stuck by everything they've ever Set out to de.” Steve does not agies. “By not voting they helped Thatcher get 2 point Simon backed. “Vou've got fight through the existing channels, but! sul respect them.” Whereas | respect Crass for their ideals, | agree wholeheartedly with Steve's next remarks. “Crass do a good job. They open people's eyes. Like how ‘they were one of the first bands to sing about sexist attitudes. The thing is though, they don’t mention their contradictions. They pay tax on their records. just like everyone alee.” Simon and Colin pointed out other things such {as paying some big firm for theit van: hiring someone's equipment. t's all ‘utsin publicspending. Education, health working within the system they oppose. ‘Simon says (put yourhands on your head!) that you con never completely disassociate yourself from the system, I've always felt one of Crase’s main {faults has been their brand of music. Hardly daytime radio is it! The Neuroties style of music is ust as emotional and Powerful, even without the swearing ‘and harsh music. Steve naturally agrees! “Our music is far more accessible than Grass. | want our records played all over ‘the world on major radio stations.” Well personally, Id settle for afew bursts on radio one occasionally! It’s good to see a band appreciative of ‘other types of punk. Despite the ‘Neuroties ear fora tune, Steve refuses to ‘lag off the GBH brigade. “There's nothing wrong with thrash, i's Just that. ‘here's so much oft at the moment. ‘Take The Fall. (must wel) Mark Smith is ‘Supposed to be some great socialist, yet ‘on most of The Fall's stuff, you can't hear what the hell he’s on about.” ‘As we sat supping our drinks, | put on ‘my hair net and incklged in a bit of gossip. Well, why not? I's all the papers hhave been on about lately, soit must be well crucial! Sussod it yot? That's right, the Cocit Parkinson fiasco. Oh lord, what fun! But, when you get down to it you ‘can see the serious side. The Conservative morals. You know, strong family backbone, loyalty, trust. Well good ‘ole Cecil cocked up the lot. Literally! Super stud Cecil caught with his trousers down! Over to you Colin. “Well it’s proved he's.a true Tory. He ‘made promises and then lied.” Well said Colin. How about you Steve? “He lied to the woman end his wife end Thatcher. ft just proves what Isaid. All Tories are liars." But while our mighty leaders dive in and out of beds, lke the stars of Dallas, the mere man in the stroet lives o reality. No ponies for his daughter, no lavish wedding for her son. No Mediterranean cruise for their parents Don't telk to me about an equal society. ‘And as the man said, you ain't so nothing yet. lacked Steve how much ‘worse things can get. “A lot worse.” He didn't expand, he didn’t noed to. Maybe hhe was frightened of how bad things can ‘get. lam, and so should you be. ‘The Neurotics on Top Of The Pops? A socialist dream? Let's dream then. If you were on Top Of The Pops (don't you just love it!) would anyone pay a blind bit of ‘attention to what you're saying? Or ‘would they dance on, waving flags, hitting balloons and giving joyous yells? Simon: “Even i only a hundred people pay attention, we would be achieving something.” Harlow may just be another blank new town, with no life or spirit; but at least a few of ts inhabitants have not picked up the bad habits! The Newtown Neurotics have plenty of life. They've also got a fighting determinationto ‘succeed in theit struggle against the justices in society. While Harlow sleeps the Neurotics fight on {TONY PUPPY lights the touch paper for Flesh For Lulu sRAPPED IN a van speeding through T darkened London streets Brixton bound, for Flesh For Lulu are due ‘onstage there now. The tape playing is logy Pop's ‘Kill ity’; as | Got Nothing” sneersits way through the ” nothing to say” bitte-nihilsm tainted Iyries FFL Nick March picks it up. “That'sit, that’s our generation. We got nothing and nothing, baby. to say,” with that he clumps back, taking another hefty swig from the bortie of vodka being passed around. "We should stop ‘somewhere and get ice to putin this vodka, it's too warm.” “Right. right, fr the vodka isthe only cure for hie fl wrecked throat. The van careers on its ‘way relentlessly and the passengers sit tight, getting tighter. Carefree sleaze and flashy panache are Flesh For Lulu aifts as they ply their trade in this sordid rock and roll arena — ‘and they live as they love ft. Earlier, sitting in their manager's basoment flet as guitarist Rocco and Nick get made-up and prepared for the night's entertainment, we get introduced toabrief history of the band. ‘There are four of them, Nick singing and playing rhythm guitar, Rocco on ‘white noise’ guitar and backing vocals, (Pope) Glenn Bishop playing solid bass- lines and James Mitchell whacking out the beat from subtle tenderness, 10 ‘let It rip’ rockers without getting clumbersome or stilted, ‘They all play their part in developing and shaping the songs, though James and Nick are the veritable back-bone. ‘Signed by Polydor last year, they were the only two survivors when that FFL incarnation hit e state of flux ‘Surprisingly Polydor stuck by them, having faith in their songs potential as they sleaze-anthems they are now. Aloud bbrashness in Dolle/Thunders loose rocking style is underscored with subtle depth, reminiscent of the Oniy Ones. Lyrics are cmattorod in imagery such as ‘carnage of colours’ and ‘dying alamourcusly’, the whole injected with a twisted perverseness that is ex-Wasted ‘Youther Rocco's quitar playing. ‘What about the name though? Not turning from his make-up mirror, Nick puts down his wine-alass and replies, “Me and James were in Paris when we came across Roceo outside a Lulu concert holding a hunk of raw meat. She came out caying she was hungry ‘and Rocco said he had some flesh... Glenn was auditioning for her band at the time.” ‘Yes, yes—so the name's not that important anyway, what about aims? "We're entertainers, creating a bit of excitement in this mundane world.” Fine, Entertainment bogins at ten, ari at the Brixton Ritzy we find ex- ’igandage The Knives still onstage. Fired by that live anticipatory, andrenalin sush we head in search of space to Continue the interview. Crammed into the backstage toilet the tape mac {FLESH FOR LULU: one hell ofa rebellious band nothing, the gig. lot'sjust {go and get crunk again,” menager Peter {gets excited whilst Nick claims garaling ipped and prodded them into the re-activated ... but let us Say abit about {this concert Organised by the headlining Under 2 Flags, an afirmation of no frippery, strong-minded independence comes out of the night ‘The four bands playing (Vortex’s slam-motal adding the fourth shade to the picture) and the audience created ‘one of these subversivein secrecy stmoopheres where everything seems that it special. Under the shadow of Theatre of Hate’s legend a bit but the feeling was reminiscent of many cult births. No matter what happens tothe bands, from the Pistols or Ante to Death Guts end ANIWLs, there's too many People wanting that bit morefrom their music to ever let the strains fade away, The cult who never went home? Ask }your mother. ‘Meanwhile back in the toilet Thve music you play has always been strongly linked to excessive drug-taking ~ on the EP you've even gota song called “coming Down, so what's the scam? "Coming Dow’ doesn’t glorify drug. aking in any sense. documents © set of cireumstances that people usualy Felate to, involving drugs falter Nick, saved by Rocco's interruption “Elation sadrug intel. anything ‘that makes you olated you come down off eventually. Like when you play ‘onstage and feel realy great, thea when you come off you ind you're totally Exhausted. Espedially on tour.” FFL seem to be continually playing ‘siwaysjuat nishing one tour before ‘they te off round the country again. [Oxygen isnot enough for these boys to live, they must be up their playing music. Rocco again, ‘What ese can you da? You just have to five for the momen, Jeveryone’s addicted to something, Lite kids: when you were young you'd spin round andround o get thet dizzy feeing, fand when you grow-up you do things to. JSotthat same effect. We play music.” “And turn our amps Up too loud.” adds Nick "Anything less then excess just ist Jenough realy. Once you sit dewn and try to think about your mind gets ‘warped by everything. You've got todo ‘whatever comes into your head at that ‘imo, and de #0 the fulloct you can, or itjust builds up and up inside you," states Rocz0 calmly. a wry smile playing on his ips. 'At thE point we are interrupted by someone coming in to use the toilet, in their hand they are clutching an illegal substance. “What can you do? Wherever you ate You'r just surrounded by drag taking egenerates!” James bears his heavy burden with a weary shrug, as they decide druge create only artical elation ‘and so should be avoided, “Stimulation should come through li tsaf, not simulation,” ofthe outit ‘30, whatistte? Jamie, “Life is happiness, and happiness to uss playing in this band the way we want, how we want.” Nick takes up the thread, "f poo don’ tlike it we'll stil carry on. We learned ‘awhile back that you can't change People’s ncode or change to suit those needs either. Especially f you're playing the music of rebellion.” FFL are a robellious band then? Uproar as the band declares mnanimously and vociferously their lief that yes, they are most definitely lone nell of a rebellious band. As the houting dios down Rocea’s voice Jemerges, “I think we're pretty old fashioned...” “and that's rebellion in itself these days, wien everybody's so f-king Brave Nev World. Bollocks to that.” Nickleaves litle room for doubt. Jamie keeps calmer, “everyone's so worried about the flavour ef the month We've been linked to the Bat Cave because that was the only place that ‘would let us play for awhile, But once: you're linked with something fashionable }you're doomed to fall victim of, and [Youll be dead within a few monthe Jwhen feshion changes.” ‘Nick smiles like a man of the world “every time we've thought we could pretend to be something which isn’t really us, it fails abysmally — we always. finich up with the same thing, the Flesh Is it punk noise, do you consider ‘yourselves punks? Rosco, “Yeah, no doubt about it! ‘would, you can define punk...” Glenn (his first wordsin the interview), ‘.punksa stae of mind, nota sive of Nick, ... i's a state of degeneration end lifestyle. Terminal punks,” Rocco, “From way back its always. boon a word for degeneration, delinquency ...” Wasted? Nick adamantly, “who's wasted? We don't waste nothing —utiize everything, imako the most of i.” ‘Then itis time for them to play, which they do gloriously. Though Nick manages ‘0 lose his voice in the fret song through boisterous enthusiasm (vodka gargling [does not cure sore throats after all, th musical dexterity end effortiess mestery ofthe quintessential gutter-rook rtf ‘carries them well heyong the bounds of cliche or redundancy. Under the influence of lowlife aucousness fal, | fight, [find it hard to rogain control ‘Next afternoon | wake up to the ‘seductive embrace of thoir EP’e delicate ‘Power Of Suggestion’, marvelling at the scope and variety Flesh For Lulu hold in, ‘their rip. ‘And, showing their grasp on reality, ‘the 24 minute long EP, “Roman Candles’, is available for the price of an ordinary single. Boom bang.a-bang! Reviewed by BEN FLEET LAA, ee CNN ee ere aC) erro EG near ire NUM eos TIN ee eee te Sa Semen ween ee rarity PE Mcrae tee eee Eee) bad song. 'm not too sure about dance tae eee es Aen aU eee ire Uae oes back to reality, and how cruel that can ees cote en le een Sater ee eae squaddy in Belfast ronically itis one of the Upstarts finest moments, and alsa Cerna aire ies Renee aCe va Riel ere Le ma Caesar three live trecks recorded in Brum, ‘Leave Aram acess og Perera onto e Sree aa et ae great single, and never off my turntable Pe en Cuma an ats Poy cr eg Cor ae een eg mee teats Pea nner Cee ere eee Meet cca e tad Terie ace anes eee meee OL CARs nL Seon eso they have done so fat. Pos Me ate mea) Over produced female vocals are more than made up by excellent musical eres caer aie) eee teas acri UC easy aM nuc rey band, but then if punk is just about being Teecee iD eel DEATH CULT: ‘God's 200" (Situation 2). eee era | SUE aera ieee eure) move towards the U2 market, and Poa teu Tear Geeta eee ees ere Rea eee) Prema Rola eee tr ee) Pc ue tee eres eau ee ois eee BRC cy Jerry Harris old chap, he supporis West Harn! pers Saha: ee ee een another phrase, with brillianty clear Demerara asa Pee Pay eure eat ann tetsy ea JOOLZ: ‘Wars OF Attrition/Latest Craze/ Peete enter CSc et Me ease aS cue crea ceo emcee cer uae ee eats Peres eae Ome ream ne ee a See Lee ete meee aie tetas i? Lea AU a Ret ae Lomas rt nan the old anarchist bands all used to sound eee ee er eta) eet auteur best form of flattary. Good lyrics. MAYHEM: Pulling Puppets Strings EP’ (Rot City). Gental Murcer’ has a nice ae eet sa eae aes Rerun rere eae Oa ier etsy Pee ied toe ces ey ees Ce Nea aa cnn Pte ae ees ie hee ORCL Tae ‘THE OUTCASTS: ‘Nowhere Left To Run’ Ee UMaros aaCcay oer res ern Creer ees a ne Brenner een! Per sien Cee ee! Standard were played a Th Cmca eM ga Rare errs aoc eo ree eee tea eh ani POG Sereno ee eure en eel st Rey ee ere eee Pei eee er ys ‘Almond of punk carries the vocals off aie nt te ames) VEX: Poot eee Ree cere eee Pas UC iets eee ae eel CPC nt een oT Ses cer Me teed Cec aceey Nee Neem Crass and Conflict the Icons of Filth, they aldo it better Bea Neg ooe ee acca ae Pier es ane Tr ete eae ees RE Mier ean) Pearman) Se See Belden ROM Naeem yy Leander Peat oa eae ee love ‘em. TWISTED NERVE: ‘Eyes You Can Drown In’ (Criminal Damage). Medusa’ has one Cesar iar SD ek one ee ed Renee ee rhs incyets Neo ee eg Coenen e ets es with nevrguitarist Sooty, and vocalist La. The big question is cbviously how do the line ups compare? Simple, there's eae eed Sree} eee aie a ng ean ea erty een enn erie pee ae a ee aes Rete eet ga as Toy Dolls, hava a hit Sea Oe eee nS aera Pele era eaten on De Er oe nae Bee ri C3 one POUL Meo ae ee mcs half the gloom neaded fer the bandite be branded Posi-Punk, and like the other SMe ane a te eater! ruins the tape. 'm told this will all be eS Ce ey Sea esecer oie eeeneers Reid eee aed defunct Chords and Kidz Next Door, Pee ea ar eens Cea et eae rete my favourites If | Could Reach You Which, if e-recatded and re-arranged by Pree eet Peet rs eee nercenies overuse rane ene) Sone aa et Ree are GENOZIDE ASSOCIATION, Seer are rics CS SGC men nod eer ater oon ar nen ag ee Nee oes See ene rane SCI eee ue aca ‘Shed! —featuring Poison Justice, Legion Riemer errno Ce runes Coe ee el Ponca Atte Recerca Teen COA Zer Lae Pees DOC gy ead a eee S eer Mem a SE an tert Ta Pree eee aL eet Biz Pune ‘This tepe was originally an EP by the Cena ashe Reems nea er nee emt Eee eer ictn) Pera eae aCe ter ea pert Sen eta) coe te tears eee oral eee) een rete IT coos a a ae sy faveroica oe oot Oy aoe em Put avescie es Let ee Pee Ueo tener enuekin ‘admit part oftheir influences ere heavy CNet PUES uu e ICI an PoE ea ola acer Cees ora Er netacrr try titaet neice Tues ‘rumming and moody vocals. it brings Suite ee aera Seeger rn rae’ amateurish tracks, vihere the ideas ere ea a aut simplicity to force the tuna and words Pouce ema ree eee Pe Mcal clin ee ae ee Pe SOc ee ce Ga Rate aira aU Rcear CM acolaauek eee’ Ramsey testing his voice, singing instead Penman rats Casa cea an tee Pune eer ee ha Cera eens Sas oral cae ane mn ERC occ te a ete een Peace ear ee Cheesy, believe it ornot handles gulters ION ec nee Pla EMU iano ages ge ee ern Poe er en eae WMA Rha ae Pee seer tona Sere LM Ror ee Lene eae Cen ur en ee aes is as rare as.a braincell at an Exploited PN m eC ara Pout ia ee ea ama nea Res Peer canine ters Seamer Lak Pea era ae Nits cel nae EL erry Stirling, Scotione. BUY IT. Banc’ like this ener tac ee a ee PCr maar eae Somourhat ramoved fom the Wall Of Regie eter Pree tarry tm ema eat Pecan ve tee nae Pet corp eet tena Per haem ise atic erent Beare ere SiCaeeierar errors Serena ge Pearman a eel eae cima creel aoe PLASTIC SURGERY: Piastic Surgery” Wore PALI Mati aS SOS aren ana eee era a ea Tee ane ety ReMi eesti Poteau a chee Elie keene Pea ter Falak Waar sd Pre aoe Peak Laplace Perera een ry Persea ner eter Liane tates Mea ante neaa Se ae TaN eters DU eae tee Ciseeeeeeeete) Peace ear te sear eae rere Eee rey East ese ee eres ree catchy chorus which doesn't grate, Peat ire eri Peace Pat ate oR ea Beale ae Roce an aieree aed eterno Rare aaa erent Poe eee ee Been eer yey oper orate ae Bena ta vs, Ease pean », Grays, ‘Avenue, 13 Maycroft

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