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Articles and materials which are found in connection with the investigation and which aid in
establishing the identity of the perpetrator and in general, assist in the prosecution of the
criminal. Physical Evidences
2. One of the important qualities of the investigator which describe him as incorruptible and
possess personal integrity. Honest
3. One who directs the search, assign duties, and assumes responsibility for the effectiveness of
the search. Officer-in-charge
4. Objects of substances which are essential part of the body of crime. Corpus Delicti
5. One who writes down in shorthand the observations and descriptions during the search. Master
6. The knowledge which the investigator gathered and acquired from other persons. Information
7. The searchers proceed slowly at the same pace along the path parallel to one side of the
rectangle. This kind of search is called; Strip method
8. The process of questioning witnesses and suspects to obtain further information. Interrogation
9. Evidence which links the suspect to the crime scene or offense. Associative Evidence
10. The searchers follow each other in the path like a coiled circle in the outside towards the
center. This kind of search is called; Spiral method
11. The application of instruments and methods of physical science to the detection of crime.
13. The phases of criminal investigation, except one; the criminal is identified. He is traced and
located. The facts proving his guilt are gathered for court presentation
14. The questioning of person who is believed to possess knowledge that is official interest to the
investigator. Interview
15. Also known as the pattern of criminal behavior. Modus Operandi
16. Articles which assist the investigator in locating the suspect. Tracing Evidence
17. The area to be searched is divided into quadrants and each searcher is assigned to one
quadrant. Zone Method
18. One of the important qualities of the investigator which implies a clear mental picture of what it
seen accurately and completely. Keen power of observation
19. A body of knowledge an investigator must possess and he may particularly during investigation.
Psychology of human behavior
20. A vigorous questioning of one who is reluctant to divulge information.
21. A self-incriminatory statement by the subject falling short of an acknowledgement of guilt.
22. One of the important qualities of the investigator which enables him to know the weaknesses
and strengths of the people so that he can use them to his advantage. Understanding of the
people and the environment
23. The searchers gather at the center and proceed outward forming a radii or spokes. This kind of
search is called; Wheel method
24. One of the important qualities of the investigator which would enable him to acquire
information easily and the capacity to think through situations. Intelligence
25. One of the important qualities of the investigator which made him stick to the task in spite of
the monotony and the many obstacles that surround his investigation. Ability to Persevere
26. An art which deals with the identity and location of the offender and provides evidence of his
guilt through criminal proceedings. Criminal Investigation
27. After the completion of the search, an effort must be made to determine from the appearance
of the place and its objects what actually occurred and what the circumstances of the crime
were. This is known as; Reconstructing the crime
28. A person who is charged with the duty of carrying on the objectives of criminal investigation.
Criminal Investigator
29. The primary job of the investigator is; to discover whether or not an offense has been
committed under the law

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