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INSTRUCTION: Write your answers on the paper required for your answer sheets.

Read the questions

carefully and ANY ALTERATION OR WHATSOEVER will be regarded as wrong. CHEATING IS STRICTLY
PROHIBITED and will be a ground for not taking the questions further.


1. He is responsible for the abolition of death penalty and torture as a form of punishment.
2. It is the first institution who adopted parole.
3. In classification of prisoners according to the degree of security, the prisoner whose case is
under review of the Supreme Court is considered ___________________.
4. Refers to the manner or practice of managing or controlling places of confinement as in jails or
5. The study and practice of systematic management of jails or prisons and other institutions
concerned with the custody, treatment, and rehabilitation of criminal offenders.
6. Anything that the rules and regulations of the institution prohibit is called ________________.
7. After the lapse of _____ years, the prisoner can dispose his belongings deposited in the
8. The prisoner is allowed to wear jewelry. This is contrary to the truth.
9. There shall be visits on Fridays and Saturdays. This is wrong.
10. The inmate cannot be visited by his legal counsel at night.

Test II. . Choose the correct answer among the choices provided. Write your answer on the sheet
instructed to you.

1. Mario has a pending case before the Regional Trial Court. He was detained at the Provincial Jail
of Cagayan de Oro City and he will be released on August 30, 2015. If you were the Director,
when will you inform the court of the discharge of the prisoner from jail?
a. July 20, 2015 b. July 31, 2015 c. August 1, 2015 d.
2. The superintendent was called that the prisoner will be released next day, July 16, 2015.
Assuming that today is July q6, is it legal for the Superintendent to release the prisoner on the
basis of the call?
a. Yes, because that is the rule
b. No, because he needs written order from the court
c. Yes, because he was called already and no need of written order
d. No, because of protocol

3. If the prisoner is a foreign national, within how many days that the Commissioner of
Immigration will be informed of the release of prisoner?
a. 10 days b. 20 days c. 30 days d. 40 days
4. An inmate shall only be released by the Superintendent with the approval of _______.
a. Court b. president c. director d. BPP
5. It is a one-day seminar in preparation for the inmates’ life outside prison.
a. Post-release seminar b. pre-released seminar c. placement seminar
d. separation seminar

6. It is the directorate responsible for formulating policies for training and recruitment of
a. Comptrollership b. logistics c. operations d.
human resource and development program
7. It is a warrant issued by a court directing the jail or prison authorities to receive the convicted
offender for the service of sentence imposed therein or for detention.
a. Commitment order b. mittimus c. order of service d. any
of these

8. Tasked to receive court decisions and compute the date of the full completion of the service of
sentence of inmates.
a. Property and supply branch b. personnel management branch c. mess
service branch d. general service branch

9. The director shall allow or order an inmate to leave prison sixty (60) days before and after thirty
(30) days after an election except for valid reasons. The statement is contrary to the truth.
a. Yes b. no c. maybe d. it depends

10. How many days will the prisoner stay in Reception and Diagnostic Center (RDC)?
a. 5 days b. 55 days c. 60 days d. no days

11. Who suggested that the Iwahig Penal Colony should be a colony for incorrigibles?
a. RJ Sheilds b. Gov. Luke Wright c. Mr. Madaras d. Mr.

12. At present, Iwahig Colony houses what classification of prisoner according to the degree of
a. Minimum b. medium c. maximum d. super
13. Bureau of Prison was changed to Bureau of Corrections on ____________.
a. Nov. 22, 1989 b. June 2, 1988 C. October 30, 1987 d.
August 15, 1989

14. A uniform used during New Year’s Call.

a. GOA b. Bush Coat C. Gray Duck d. Delta
15. He is responsible of abolishing fee system by which jailers obtained money from prisoners.
a. William Penn b. John Howard c. Voltaire d. Alexander

16. It a century of recognizing human dignity.

a. 15thcentury b. 16th century c. 17th d. 18th

17. Pedro was the mayor of Butuan City. He was caught in the possession of illegal drugs. He was
tried and then convicted of the crime. After conviction, he tried to pay the judge but the judge
refuse. Among the juridical condition of penalty, what would simply suggest the above
a. Productive of suffering b. personal c. certain d. equal

18. He was the director of Elmira reformatory.

a. Sir Evelyn Ruggles Brise b. Zebulon Brockway c. Valencia Spain
D. none of these

19. Under the classification of prisoner, he was convicted of a penalty of more than 3 years but the
case is on appeal but he was unable to file bond for temporary liberty.
a. Insular b. provincial c. city d. municipal

20. Detainees whose cases are pending before the MTC is classified as ______.
a. Insular b. provincial c. city d. municipal

21. He is the 3rd officer in command of the BJMP.

a. Deputy Chief for Operations B. Deputy Chief for Administration C. Chief
D. Chief of Directorial Staff
22. The chief BJMP shall carry with him the rank of ______.
a. Senior Supt. B. chief Supt. C. Director D. Supt.

23. An Administrative branch of BJMP assigned for preparation of daily menu.

a. General Service Branch B. Mess Service branch C. Budget and Finance
branch D. Mittimus computing branch
24. He is responsible for conducting study on the character and behavior of the prisoners.
a. Psychiatrist b. psychologist c. vocational counselor d.
medical officer

25. Prisoner will stay in quarantine cell for _____ days.

a. 60 days b. 55 c. 5 d. 10

26. This was an abandoned warship used to house prisoners.

a. Gaols b. galleys c. hulks d. floating hells
27. This is the accepted oldest code prescribing savage punishment.
a. Sumerian B. Code of King Hammurabi c. Justinian code
d. Greek code of Draco

28. The first American Penitentiary is located at_______.

a. New york b. Philadelphia C. Columbia D. none of

29. Considered as the best reform institution for young offenders.

a. Elmira reformatory b. mamertine prison c. borstal institution
d. wulnut street Jail

30. An administrative branch of the BJMP who is charged in the orderly record of fingerprint and
a. Records and statistics branch b. personnel management branch c.
property and supply branch d. any of these

Test III. Two (2) points each. Write YES if the answer is true and NO is it is otherwise. Write your
answer on the sheet instructed to you.

1. Socio-cultural service takes charge of the moral upliftment of the inmates. The statement is
false. It is true.
2. Mario who is very loyal to the penal colony that even during storm, declared by the president
that the community is in the state of emergency, chose to stay inside. Mario will be given a
loyalty award of deduction of service of sentence of 1/5. The statement is very much true.
3. Pennsylvania system imposes solitary confinement. It is false.
4. 250 km radius is the maximum distance of destierro.
5. Walter Crofton introduced the Mark System.
6. Prisoners of Auburn System were always confined in their own cell. it is false
7. There are 15 ranking officials in BJMP.
8. BJMP exercises supervision and control over all cities, municipal and national jails throughout
the country.
9. BJMP is not a bureau. It is contrary to false.
10. RA 6975 created the BJMP.

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