Esco2010 Article TheRelationshipBetweenRestingH

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Clin Auton Res (2010) 20:33–38

DOI 10.1007/s10286-009-0033-2


The relationship between resting heart rate variability

and heart rate recovery
Michael R. Esco Æ Michele S. Olson Æ
Henry N. Williford Æ Daniel L. Blessing Æ
David Shannon Æ Peter Grandjean

Received: 6 May 2009 / Accepted: 14 September 2009 / Published online: 10 October 2009
Ó Springer-Verlag 2009

Abstract 2 min following a maximal exercise test. This is possibly

Objective There is limited research available regarding a due to a significant inverse relationship between HRV and
possible relationship between resting heart rate variability MHR, HR1 and HR2 post-maximal exercise.
(HRV) and post-exercise heart rate recovery (HRR). The
aim of this study was to examine the relationship between Keywords Heart rate control  Exercise test 
resting HRV and HRR after maximal exercise. Physical fitness  Cardiovascular  Aerobic exercise
Methods Sixty-six college age men participated in this
study. HRV was measured in a supine position before and
for 30 min after a maximal exercise test on a treadmill. Introduction
HRV was assessed in the time (i.e., SDNN) and frequency
(i.e., normalized HF power [HFnu] and normalized LF:HF During exercise, adjustments must be made within the
ratio [LFnu:HFnu]) domains. Heart rate was recorded at cardiovascular system to meet the metabolic demands of
maximal exercise (MHR), and at 1- (HR1) and 2- active skeletal muscle. The autonomic nervous system
(HR2) min of the cool-down recovery period. HRR was plays a critical role in making these adjustments. For
determined from the difference between MHR and HR1 instance, heart rate, stroke volume, and myocardial con-
(HRR1) and the difference between MHR and HR2 tractility all increase with the exercise due to a withdrawal
(HRR2). of parasympathetic activity and an increase in sympathetic
Results No significant relationship was found between activity [4, 7, 9, 15, 16, 18]. During recovery from exercise,
resting HRV and HRR1 or HRR2. However, SDNN was the initial return of heart rate towards baseline is primarily
significantly inversely correlated to MHR (P \ 0.05), and due to parasympathetic reactivation [10]. Assessing heart
HFnu was significantly inversely correlated to MHR rate recovery (HRR) after exercise has become a valuable,
(P \ 0.01), HR1 (P \ 0.01), and HR2 (P \ 0.05). Fur- non-invasive procedure to assess cardiovascular-para-
thermore, MHR accounted for the greatest variation in both sympathetic influence [5, 10]. Blunted HRR has valuable
SDNN and HFnu (P \ 0.05). clinical applications. For instance, the results of a number
Interpretation Therefore, the HRV may not be related to of large studies suggest that a delayed HRR is an inde-
the recovery of HR expressed as a slope (i.e., HRR) within pendent predictor of mortality [5, 12, 14, 19, 20].
Heart rate variability (HRV) is a procedure that involves
examining the oscillations that occur in adjacent QRS
complexes (specifically, R wave to R wave) on an elec-
M. R. Esco (&)  M. S. Olson  H. N. Williford trocardiogram (ECG) recording. Depressed HRV is pur-
Auburn University Montgomery, P.O. Box 244023, ported to be due to a dysfunctional autonomic nervous
Montgomery, AL 36124-4023, USA system and also has been viewed as an important predictor
of premature and sudden mortality, especially in clinical
M. R. Esco  D. L. Blessing  D. Shannon  P. Grandjean populations [2, 6, 8, 13]. Increases in HRV are thought to
Auburn University, Auburn, AL, USA be cardioprotective [2].

34 Clin Auton Res (2010) 20:33–38

There have been a few studies to suggest no association day of the week. The subjects were instructed not to con-
between resting HRV and HRR [3, 11]. Javorka et al. [11] sume alcoholic or caffeinated beverages 24 h before the
found no association between HRV (at rest and after test, and to not eat at least 3 h before the test. Upon entry
exercise) and HRR. However, HRR was examined after into the laboratory, subjects were given verbal instruction
only 8 min of submaximal stepping exercise [11]. Bosquet to familiarize them of the testing procedures. After com-
et al. [3] also showed no correlation between resting HRV pleting the necessary screening form, weight, height, and
and HRR. The exercise protocol utilized in their study was body mass index (BMI) were determined and body fat
a maximal exercise treadmill test. However, they used percentage was estimated for descriptive purposes. Height
well-trained endurance athletes with similar maximal was assessed with the use of a wall mounted stadiometer
exercise test results (i.e., homogeneity existed in subjects’ (SECA) and rounded to the nearest 0.1 cm and weight was
aerobic fitness levels) [3]. Moreover, the main purpose of measured with a digital scale (TANITA BWB-800A) and
the study was not to determine a specific relationship rounded to the nearest 0.1 kg. BMI was calculated as
between HRR and HRV [3]. In addition, HRR was ana- weight in kilogram divided by height in meters squared
lyzed for only 1 min after exercise in both of the afore- (kg/m2). Body fat percentage was estimated via 7-site
mentioned studies [3, 11]. From this limited data, a clear skinfold technique [1]. Resting HRV was examined during
relationship between HRV and HRR cannot be fully elu- a 5-min period while each subject assumed a supine posi-
cidated. Thus, additional research in this area is needed. tion. After the 5-min period, resting blood pressure was
The aim of this investigation was to further explore the assessed with the use of a sphygmomanometer and
relationship between cardiovascular-parasympathetic tone stethoscope while the subjects remained in the supine
(as assessed by HRV) at rest and the recovery of heart rate position. Blood pressure was measured twice with 2 min
2 min after a maximal graded exercise test on a treadmill in between each measurement. The average of the two mea-
apparently healthy, young adult men. Because of the surements was recorded. After completing these pre-
parasympathetic influence of both HRV and HRR, it was liminary assessments, each subject performed a maximal
hypothesized that those with higher HRV at rest would also graded exercise test on a treadmill. HRR was analyzed
have greater HRR. during 2 min of a cool-down period.

Heart rate variability

In order to analyze HRV, electrocardiographic (ECG)
Participants recordings were examined before the maximal exercise
test. A modified lead II configuration using three Ag/AgCl
Sixty-six apparently healthy college aged men were electrodes (BIOPAC ES509) was used for the ECG
recruited to participate in this study. All data were col- recordings. The electrodes were interfaced with a Biopac
lected in the Human Performance Laboratory at Auburn MP100 data acquisition system (Goletta, CA). All data
University Montgomery (AUM). This study was approved were stored in a designated PC for analysis. Before exer-
by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) for Human Par- cise, each of the subjects assumed a supine position. Dur-
ticipants. All participants had no history or clinical sign of ing this time, the subjects maintained their normal
cardiovascular or pulmonary diseases and were non- breathing patterns. All external stimuli (e.g., external
smokers. The subjects gave informed consent in writing noise) were excluded and one of two panels of lights within
and completed health history questionnaires to qualify the laboratory was turned off to ensure dim lighting. The
them for the study. Any subject that was hypertensive (i.e., subjects remained in this position for 10 min prior to the
blood pressure [140/90 mmHg), currently taking any exercise test. The ECG was examined at a sampling fre-
prescribed (e.g., anti-hypertensive or anti-depressive quency of 1,000 Hz for HRV analysis.
agents) or over-the-counter (e.g., pseudoephedrine) medi- HRV was assessed during the last 5 min of the 10-min
cations, who currently smoked or quit smoking within baseline recording. Any ectopic/non-sinus beats were
6 months, and/or who displayed abnormal ECG patterns removed and replaced by the adjacent normal R–R interval.
were not allowed to participate in the study. If three or more ectopic beats were found within any ECG
segment, the reading was excluded from analysis.
Experimental design Both time and frequency domain parameters were used
to assess HRV. For time-domain analysis, the ECG
All data were collected for each subject on one visit to the recordings were plotted as a tachogram, which plots the
laboratory during one of two 2-h time slots: either between distance of each consecutive R–R interval (ms) against the
7:00 and 9:00 a.m., or between 9:00 and 11:00 a.m., on any number of total beats. From the tachogram, the standard

Clin Auton Res (2010) 20:33–38 35

deviation of all successful R–R intervals (SDNN) was Statistical analysis

examined and utilized as a marker of overall HRV [17].
The frequency domain method involved a power spectral Subject data were entered into SPSS 16.0 for statistical
analysis on the ECG-derived tachogram by applying a analysis. Means and standard deviations were determined
Hanning window and a fast Fourier transformation to the for the following descriptive statistics: age (years), height
R–R intervals. In the frequency domain, HRV was (cm), weight (kg), BMI (kg/m2), predicted body fat (%),
separated into high-frequency (HF) power (0.15–0.40 Hz) VO2max (ml kg-1 min-1), SDNN (ms), HFnu (ms2),
and low frequency (LF) power (0.04–0.15 Hz). Both of LFnu:HFnu, MHR (beats min-1), HR1 (beats min-1), HR2
these values were normalized (HFnu, LFnu) to account (beats min-1), HRR1 (beats min-1), and HRR2 (beats
for the influence of total power of the entire wave and min-1). Pearson product correlations were used to examine
the very low frequency (VLF) band (0.0033–0.04 Hz) the relationship between relevant variables. Stepwise mul-
as follows: HFnu = HF/(total power of the entire wave tiple regression procedures were also utilized to determine
- VLF) 9 100; LFnu = LF/(total power of the entire the extent of variation in the HRV parameters (i.e., SDNN,
wave - VLF) 9 100. HFnu was recorded and utilized as a HFnu, and LFnu:HFnu) that could be accounted for by the
marker of parasympathetic modulation. The LF:HF ratio heart rate values: i.e., MHR, HR1, HR2, HRR1, and HRR2.
was also recorded during the selected time interval and Statistical significance for all tests was set at P \ 0.05.
used as an index of sympatho-parasympathetic balance. For
the purpose of this study, LFnu was not recorded for
analysis. Results

Maximal graded exercise test All 66 subjects completed the study. The descriptive sta-
tistics (mean ± standard deviation) for the all of the sub-
Each subject performed a maximal graded exercise test, jects were as follows: age = 22.74 ± 3.64 years; height =
i.e., Bruce Treadmill Protocol, on a Parker Treadmill 181.36 ± 7.51 cm; weight = 82.11 ± 11.62 kg; BMI =
(Parker Co., Opelika, AL). Each stage was progressed from 24.97 ± 3.20 kg/m2; predicted body fat = 9.64 ± 4.73 %;
the previous stage, every 3 min, by increasing work rate and VO2max = 46.39 ± 8.23 ml kg-1 min-1; SDNN =
(speed and grade), until maximal oxygen consumption 96.01 ± 45.20; HFnu = 37.98 ± 10.61 ms2; LFnu:HFnu =
(VO2max) was reached. Expired gas fractions (oxygen and 2.10 ± 1.77; RHR = 60.24 ± 8.61 beats min-1; MHR =
carbon dioxide) were collected at the mouth in a continu- 188.91 ± 8.83 beats min-1; HR1 = 169.03 ± 11.40
ous manner, utilizing a mixing chamber and gas analyzers beats min-1; HR2 = 146.08 ± 13.89 beats min-1; HRR1 =
from Applied Electrochemistry (AMETEK, Pittsburg, PA). 19.62 ± 6.20 beats min-1; HRR2 = 42.33 ± 10.03 beats
All data were recorded on a personal computer every 30 s min-1.
using Turbofit 5.06 software (VACUMED, Ventura, CA).
Maximal oxygen uptake was reached if two of the fol- Heart rate recovery
lowing occured: a plateau in oxygen consumption despite
an increased work rate; respiratory exchange ratio (RER) Heart rate significantly dropped during the cool-down
C1.10; heart rate within 10 beats of age-predicted maxi- period. The heart rate recorded at maximal effort (i.e.,
mum (220 - age); or volitional fatigue. Heart rate was MHR) was 188.91 ± 8.83 beats min-1. The heart rate at
monitored continuously during the exercise test using a 1-min recovery (i.e., HR1) was 169.03 ± 11.40 beats -
Polar Heart Rate Monitor (Polar Electro Oy, Kemple, min-1. The heart rate at 2-min recovery (i.e., HR2) was
Finland). Blood pressure was also measured during the last 146.08 ± 13.89 beats min-1. Both HR1 and HR2 were
45 s of each stage. After the termination of the exercise significantly lower than MHR (P \ 0.05) and HR2 was
test, a 3-min period was utilized as a cool-down, with the significantly lower than HR1 (P \ 0.05). The mean HRR1
treadmill workload decreased to 2.5 mph and 1.5% grade. and HRR2 was 19.62 ± 6.20 beats min-1 and 42.33 ±
10.03 beats min-1, respectively, which were significantly
Heart rate recovery different from each other (P \ 0.05).

Heart rate was recorded at three time points as follows: at The relationship between the studied variables
maximal exercise (MHR), and at 1- (HR1) and 2 min
(HR2) of the cool-down period. HRR was derived as the Correlation coefficients between the heart rate values and
difference between MHR and the HR1 (HRR1) and HR2 HRV parameters can be found in Table 1. There was no
(HRR2). HRR1, HRR2, MHR, HR1, and HR2 were significant relationship found between any resting HRV
recorded and analyzed. parameter and either HRR1 or HRR2. However, SDNN

36 Clin Auton Res (2010) 20:33–38

Table 1 Pearson product correlation values of HR recovery values Discussion

and resting HRV
SDNN HFnu LFnu:HFnu The major finding of the study was that resting HRV was
not associated with the recovery of heart rate expressed as a
MHR -0.26* -0.39** 0.24 slope (i.e., HRR1 and HRR2). However, resting HFnu was
HR1 -0.15 -0.37 0.24 significantly associated with MHR and the heart rate values
HR2 -0.10 -0.27* 0.20 at selected time points of recovery (i.e., HR1 and HR2).
HRR1 -0.05 -0.17 -0.17 Although these significant associations were rather small.
HRR2 -0.10 -0.02 -0.09 HRV can be assessed over a short-term period (e.g.,
MHR represents the heart rate recorded at VO2max 5 min) by the use of the frequency domain method [17],
HR1 represents the heart rate recorded at 1-min post-exercise. HR2 which involves the transformation of an ECG signal into a
represents the heart rate recorded at 2-min post-exercise power spectrum. The different frequency ranges from the
HRR1 represents the 1-min heart rate recovery (i.e., the difference power spectrum that are typically used to represent HRV
between MHR and HR1) are HF power (0.15–0.40 Hz), and low frequency (LF)
HRR2 represents the 2-min heart rate recovery (i.e., the difference power (0.04–0.15 Hz). HF power is said to represent
between MHR and HR2)
parasympathetic influence and LF power is purported to
SDNN represents the standard deviation of the R-to-R intervals
represent both parasympathetic and sympathetic activities.
HFnu represents the normalized high-frequency parameter of resting
LF to HF ratio (i.e., LF:HF) represents sympathetic to
(PRE) heart rate variability
parasympathetic balance [17]. Owing to the purpose of this
LFnu:HFnu represents the ratio of normalized low frequency power to
normalized high-frequency power of resting (PRE) heart rate study HFnu and LFnu:HFnu ratio was analyzed. Both of
variability these parameters provide reliable and valuable information
*P \ 0.05 regarding cardiovascular-parasympathetic tone at rest,
**P \ 0.01 when assessing HRV over a short-term period [17]. The
statistical domain parameter, SDNN, was also included in
the analysis as it is indicative of overall HRV [17].
significantly inversely correlated to MHR (P \ 0.05). In Because both HRV at rest and HRR after exercise are
addition, there were significant negative correlations tools used to examine cardiovascular-autonomic influence,
between HFnu and the three following variables: MHR a few studies have examined the relationship between these
(P \ 0.01); HR1 (P \ 0.01); and HR2 (P \ 0.05). Fur- two values [3, 11]. Javorka et al. [11] examined the asso-
thermore, no significant correlations were revealed for ciation of selected HRV parameters (at rest and after
LFnu:Hfnu and any post-exercise heart rate value. The exercise) and the recovery in heart rate immediately after
results of the stepwise linear regression procedure revealed exercise. In their study, HRR was expressed as a percent
that MHR accounted for the greatest variation of SDNN decrease in the heart rate from cessation of an 8-min
(R2 = 0.07, P \ 0.05, Fig. 1), and HFnu (R2 = 0.15, stepping exercise at 70% maximal power output to the
P \ 0.01, Fig. 2). None of the other post-exercise heart heart rate at 1-minute post exercise. They found no sig-
rate parameters added statistical significance to the nificant correlation between resting HRV and post-exercise
regression models. Last, no significant correlations were HRR [11]. Moreover, Bosquet et al. [3] also showed no
found between VO2max and either HRV or HRR, nor correlation between resting HRV and the recovery of heart
between BMI and either HRV or HRR (P [ 0.05). rate 1 min after a maximal exercise test. The results of the

Fig. 1 Regression scatterplot

indicating the inverse
relationship between SDNN and
MHR. The middle line indicates
the regression line and the two
outside lines indicate the 95%
confidence interval

Clin Auton Res (2010) 20:33–38 37

Fig. 2 Regression scatterplot

indicating the relationship
between HFnu and MHR. The
middle line indicates the
regression line and the two
outside lines indicate the 95%
confidence interval

current investigation concur with the two aforementioned

studies. There was no significant relationship between
resting HRV (i.e., SDNN, HFnu, and LFnu:HFnu) and
either HRR1 or HRR2.
The value of HRR is indicative of a non-steady state
slope between the heart rate recorded at the cessation of
exercise and a heart rate recorded at a selected time point
during recovery, usually either 1- or 2-min post exercise.
HRV, on the other hand, represents the variation between
each successive heart beat over a period of time and is most
accurately assessed during resting conditions. In the pres-
ent study, no relationship was found between resting HRV
and the recovery of heart rate expressed as a slope (i.e.,
HRR1 or HRR2). However, significant inverse correlations Fig. 3 Two subjects from the current study’s sample with differing
were noted between two HRV parameters and the heart MHR, HR1, and HR2, but similar HRR1 and HRR2
rates at the selected time points during the cool-down
period (i.e., MHR, HR1, and HR2). In other words, there illustrates the global finding of the study that those with a
was a significant inverse relationship between SDNN and superior HRV (i.e., higher SDNN and HFnu) profile at rest
MHR and a significant inverse relationship between HFnu have lower heart rates at maximal exhaustion and during the
and MHR, HR1, and HR2. Furthermore, MHR accounted recovery from exercise despite no difference in HRR (i.e.,
for the greatest variation of SDNN and HFnu. the slope of the line from MHR to HR1 or HR2). A higher
It should be noted that the significant correlations HRV, specifically a higher HFnu, is indicative of a more
revealed between resting HRV and the hearts rate after the favorable cardiovascular-parasympathetic tone [17], which
cessation of exercise (i.e., MHR, HR1, and HR2) were rather could be expressed at all times, in exercise as well as rest.
small. Thus, this link cannot be fully clarified. However, it This is reflected in the relationship of HRV and MHR, HR1,
seems possible that those with higher SDNN and HFnu and HR2.
values at rest display lower heart rates recorded at maximal It should also be noted that the previous research suggest
exercise and at 1 and 2 min of the cool-down period. For that those with higher aerobic fitness levels tend to also
example, Fig. 3 represents two subjects from the current have superior HRV and HRR profiles [3, 5, 10]. The link
study’s sample with similar HRR values, but differing heart between HRV and VO2max could possibly help in
rates throughout the cool-down period and differing HRV explaining the inverse relationship between HRV and
values. Subject A, represented by the dashed line, has an MHR, HR1, and HR2. However, VO2max did not signifi-
inferior HRV profile (i.e., SDNN = 72.3 ms, HFnu = cantly correlate with HRV or any HRR parameter during
22.6 ms2) compared with Subject B, represented by the solid recovery (i.e., HRR1, HRR2, MHR, HR1, or HR2) in the
line (i.e., SDNN = 99.1 ms, HFnu = 63.7 ms2). In addi- current investigation. Therefore, further research is needed
tion, MHR, HR1, and HR2 are higher in Subject A versus to determine if VO2max plays a role with explaining a
Subject B (heart rate values are expressed within the figure). potential relationship between HRV and post-exercise
However, there is no significant difference between HRR1 HRR.
(Subject A = 23 beats min-2 vs. Subject B = 24 beats This study was limited to apparently healthy, young adult
min-2) and HRR2 (Subject A = 47 beats min-2 vs. Subject men. Thus, these findings cannot be extrapolated to women,
B = 49 beats min-2) between the two subjects. This figure subjects of older ages or clinical populations. In addition,

38 Clin Auton Res (2010) 20:33–38

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