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Ved De Gaulle
Reg. No. 082600080

Under the valuable Guidance of

Mr.Santhosh Shetty

Submitted to the Mangalore University in Partial fulfillment of the

Requirements of the

Bachelor of Business Management

Degree Course

Department of Business Management

St. Aloysius College,
Mangalore - 575 003.

2007 - 2008

I hereby declare that this project, entitled “A Study on the

consumer satisfaction of various Mobile Service provider with specific
reference to Airtel” has been prepared and submitted by me, during the
year 2010-2011, under the guidance of Mr.Santhosh Shetty, Lecturer,
Faculty of Department of Commerce, St. Aloysius College, Mangalore,
in Partial fulfillment of the requirements of Bachelor of Business
Management Degree Course of the Mangalore University.

I further declare that, this project report has not been submitted to
any other University or Institution for award of any Degree or Diploma.

Place : Mangalore
Date :
Abdussamad A.K.

It would not have been possible for me to succeed in this project

work without the help of those who shaped and encouraged my Idea of
making the project, and guided me to success.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Rev. Fr. Swebert

Dsilva Principal, St. Aloysius College, Prof. T. Ramesh Kamath Dean,
Faculty of Business Management, for their encouragement and support
to take up this project.

I thank my project guide Ms. Akshatha Pai, Faculty of Business

Management St. Aloysius College, Mangalore, for her valuable
guidance and encouragement while working on this project.

I am grateful to Mr. Vaibhav Deshpande, Marketing head, Bharti

Airtel Ltd., Mangalore, for permitting me to undertake the project in the
firm and providing me with required assistance and support for the

Chapter Contents Page No.

- Introduction to Communication 1
- Mobile as a Medium of Communication 2
- A view on the evoluation of Mobile Network 3
- Technology in Cellular service
- About the study
- Objective of the Study.
- Research Methodology adopted
- Limitations of the study.
- Chapter scheme
2. About Airtel:
- Company profile
- Airtel
3. Telecommunication Industry:
- Telecommunication Industry in India
- Current Trend in Mobile
- Mobile service providers in the Market.
4. Data Analysis and interpretation
5. Finding & Suggestions

Statement showing list of Tables:

Table Page
Number Number

1. Statement showing Gender Classification of the


2. Statement giving the age group of the respondents

3. Statement representing the occupation of the mobile
4. Statement giving the time span of the Mobile
Service used.
5. Statement of Mobile service providers used by the
6. Statement representing the Mobile Service
providers used by the sample with occupation.
7. Statement giving the most influencing source for
selection of mobile service provider.
8. . statement reveling the most influencing source for
selection of their respective mobile service provider

9(a) Statement showing type of connection used by the

9(b) Statement representing the type of prepaid
connection used by the sample units.
9(c) Statement giving type of post paid connection used
by the post paid users.
10. Statement reveling the factors influencing the
selection of Mobile Service provider.

11. Statement giving the selection of the Mobile Service

providers based on the factors.
12. Statement showing Average monthly Mobile bill or
recharge of the respondent.
13. Statement reveling the switching over from Airtel to
other service provider.
14. Statement showing the Switch over from other
service provider to Airtel
15. Statement showing rating of Network.
16. Statement giving rating of quality service.
17. Statement giving the rating of SMS.
18. Statement representing the rating of call tariff.

Statement showing list of Graph

Table Page
Number Number

1. Graph showing Gender classification of the

2. Graph giving the age group of the respondent.
3. Graph representing the occupation of the Mobile
4. Graph showing time span of Mobile service used.
5. Graph of Mobile Service providers used by the
6. Graph representing the Mobile Service providers
used by the sample with occupation.
7. graph giving the most influencing source for
selection of mobile service provider
8. graph reveling the most influencing source for
selection of their respective mobile service

9(a) Graph Showing type of connections used by the

9(b) Graph representing the type of prepaid connection
used by the sample units.
9(c) Graph giving type of post paid connection used by
the post paid users.
10. Graph reveling the factors influencing the selection
of Mobile Service provider.

11. Graph giving the selection of the Mobile Service

providers based on the factors.
12. Graph showing Average monthly Mobile bill or
recharge of the respondents.
13. Graph reveling the switching over from Airtel to
other service providers
14. Graph showing the Switch over from other service
provider to Airtel
15. Graph showing rating of Network.
16. Graph giving rating of quality services.
17. Graph giving the rating of SMS.

18. Graph representing the rating of call tariff.


Introduction to Communication

Our silence connotes some intention, which others may interpret

human being constantly participate in the process of communication.
Communication is essential to every area of life. With every introduction,
at their discretion.. Whether by artifact or by attendance every whether
active or passive, we find our self communicating with other people.

Communication means giving out and taking information and

knowledge. It doesn’t matter whether you are at work, in college or out
socially. At some point you are going to be using some from of
communication. Almost every activity involves communication such as
listening to a teacher, talking to friends, reading a book, using telephone,
writing e-mails, writing report or even watching television. By
communicating we learn facts and figures, discover information,
understand knowledge, develop our Ideas and personalities, relate to
other people and enjoy ourselves.

For the purpose of communication, man has been inventing many

things. Over the past decade, we have seen the technological revolution
that has taking place. The emergence of computers, the internet, satellite
and cellular communication and host of other things have changed, the
way we have conducted our business and communication.

Communication is one of the basic factors of management in any

organization. Here the information, Ideas, thoughts, opinions and plans
are transmitted between various part of an organization. Communication
holds the key to how successful a business can become. No business can
develop in the absence of effective internal and external communication.
Good communication is also necessary to bring an atmosphere of mutual
trust and confidence.

So a good and effective communication is required not only for

good human relation but also for good and successful business.

Mobile as a medium of communication

The Mobile Phone or Mobile, also called a cellular phone, or cell

phone is a long range portable electronic device used for mobile
communication that uses a network of specialized base station known as
′ cell sites. It is like a standard telephone with a low power radio
transmitter- receiver. The sound waves of your voice are converted into
electrical signals and then into radio signals which the phone transmits
from its aerial. These are picked up by one of the networks transmitter-
receives, usually on a nearby tower. The phone also receives radio signals
from the transmitter-receiver and converts them into electrical signals and
then into sound waves for the earpiece.

Mobile phones are small and light because their radio signals are
low-powered and they rely on a cellular network. A country is divided
into a group of cells. Each cell is an area of few kilometers across, with a
transmitter, receiver near to centre. The phone is never more than a few
kilometers away from transmitter-receiver, and locks on to the signals
from the nearest. If the user is moving, the phone switches between
transmitter- receiver as it moves from cell to cell.

There are over 2.6 billion subscribes world wide, and this is
expected to touch 4 billion subscribes by 2010. so mobile serves as a
medium of communicating for a whooping 2.6 billion subscribes world

A View on the evolution of Mobile network

The Firzast radiotelephone service was introduced in the U.S. at the

end of the 1940s, and was meant to connect mobile users in cars to the
public fixed network. In 1960’s, a new system launched by the Bell
System, called improved mobile telephone service (IMTS) brought many
improvement like direct dialing and higher Bandwidth. The first analog
cellular system were based on IMTS and developed in the late 1960s and
early 1970s. The systems were “cellular” because coverage areas were
split into smaller areas or “cells”, each of which is served by a low power
transmitter and receives.

 First Generation (IG)

First Generation analog system for mobile communication saw two
key improvements during the 1970s. The invention of the micro-
processor and the digitization of the control link between the mobile
phone and the cell site. AMPs (Advance mobile phone system) was first
launched by US which is IG mobile system. During the early 80s, analog
cellular telephone systems were deployed. At that time each country
developed its own system, limiting usage within national boundaries and
avoiding economies of sale. It is best on FDMA technology which allows
uses to make voice cells within one country.

 Second Generation (2G)

The second generation digital systems were first developed at the

end of the 1980s. These systems digitalized not only the control link but
also the voice signal. The new system provided better quality and higher
capacity at lower cost to consumers. The 2G phone systems were
characterized by digital circuit switched transmission and the introduction
of advanced and fast phone to network signaling. The 2G system reduced
the large “brick phone” towards tiny 100-200g Hand held devices which
soon become the norm. This change was possible through technological
improvements such as more advanced batteries and more energy-efficient
electronics, but also was largely related to the higher density of cellular
sites caused by increasing usage levels. GSM (global system for mobile
communication) was the first commercially operated digital cellular
system which is based on TDMA (Time- division multiple access)

 Third-Generation (3g)
The idea of 3G became evident with the need for more capacity,
new frequencies and higher bit rates. 3G systems promise faster
communication services including voice, fax and internet, anytime and
anywhere with seamless global roaming. ITU’s, INT-2000 global
standard for 3G has opened the way to enable innovative applications and
services eg: Multimedia entertainment, infotainment and location based
services. The first 3G network was deployed in Japan in 2001. During the
development of 3G system, 2.5G system such as CDMA 2000 1X and
GPRS were developed as extensions to existing 2G networks. These
provide some of the features of 3G without fulfilling the promised high
data rates on full range of multimedia services. 3G technology supports
144 Kbps bandwidth with high speed movement, 384, Kbps and 2Mbps.

 Fourth Generation (4g):-

Fourth generation aims to provide an effective solution for the next

generation mobile service. Progressing from previous three generation,
4G mobile systems have been significantly improving in terms of
interactive multimedia services. At present the download speed for mode
data is limited to 9.6 K bit/sec, but the 4G mobile data transmission rates
are planned to be up to 20 megabits per second.

Reasons to have 4G:

- Support interactive multimedia service, wireless internet, etc.

- Wider bandwidths, higher bit rates

- Global mobility and service portability

- Low cost

- Scalability of mobile networks.

Technology in cellular service

In cellular service there are two main competing network
technologies. Global system for mobile communication (GSM) and code
division multiple access (CDMA). The mobile market in India is also
divided between two technologies namely GSM and CDMA. While the
earlier service providers had opted the GSM technology, the new players
have been using CDMA technology.

 A view on GSM

GSM is the most popular standard for mobile phones in the world.
GSM uses the narrowband Time division multiple access technology.
Here each call is assigned a frequency and so, the number of cells that
can pass through a spectrum is limited. GSM is a combination of Time-
and Frequency-Division multiple Access (TDMA/FDMA). The FDMA
part involves the division by frequency of the 25 MHZ bandwidth into
12G carrier frequencies spaced 200KMZ apart. Each of these carrier
frequencies is then divided in time, using or TDMA scheme. The
fundamental unit of time in this TDMA scheme is called a fast period and
it lasts 15/26ms. Eight frame, which forms the basic unit for the
definition of logical channels. One physical channel is one burst period
per TDMA frame. Thus GSM allows light simultaneous cells on the same
radio frequency.

 A view on CDMA

CDMA is a form of multiplexing (access to the same resource will

be given to more than one user) which allows the use of a particular
Frequency for a number of signals, optimizing the use of available
bandwidth. It is a cellular technology that uses spread-spectrum
techniques. In CDM technology every channel uses the full available
spectrum. Individual conservations are encoded with a pseudo-random
digital sequence.

CDMA employs analog-to-digital conversion (ADC) in

combination with spread spectrum technology. Audios input is first
digitized into binary elements. The frequency of the transmitted signal is
than made to vary according to a defined pattern (code), so it can be
intercepted only by a receiver whose frequency response is programmed
with the same code, so it follows exactly along with the transmitter
frequency. There are trillions of possible frequency-sequencing codes.
This enhances privacy and makes cloning difficult. The technology is
used in ultra-high-frequency cellular telephone system in the 800-MHZ
and 1.9 GHZ funds.

About the Study:

The Study is conducted to know the consumer satisfaction of
various Mobile Service providers with specific reference to Airtel. Effort
is also made to know the consumer’s Attitude and behavior towards
various Mobile Service providers.

Objective of the Study:

→ To determine the Influencing source for selection of service
→ To rate consumer behavior relating to various aspect of Mobile
→ To determine the factors that influences the customer to subscribe
to their respective Mobile Service provider.
→ To study the level of Brand switching.
Research Methodology adopted:
The data required for the study was collected from two sources.
a)Primary Data:
The data has been gathered through a survey conducted using
questionnaire. For this purpose a total of 100 respondents of various
Mobile Service providers customers were approached, personal interview
was also held with Mr. Madhav, Marketing head ‘Airtel’ Manipal.
The questionnaire were distributed at Random and no strict scientific
method was used.
The data collected were later analyzed, tabulated and interpreted
for easy understanding. Diagrammatic representation is given where ever

b)Secondary Data:
Secondary data has been obtained from ‘user guide’, journals,
News Paper & Records of C.O.A.I. (Cellular Operators Association of
India) Information was also collected from Web sites of the Mobile
service provider like, www.spice.IN., www.vodafone.IN
etc. for the companies present context.

Limitation of the Study:

→ Time span did not permit a detail study.
→ Due to the cost constraint a comprehensive and exhaustive study
was not possible.
→ As consumer preference and perception are subject to changes
from time to time, the study is relevant for the period in which it is
→ A sample size of 100 respondents may not be large enough to get
accurate and binding conclusion.
→ As the study was based on the survey report, the incorrect
information if any on the part of the respondent. May act as a
major limitation to the study.
→ The researcher has no previous experience.
Chapter Scheme

Chapter: 1 - Introduction
This Chapter starts with brief introduction to communication it
also gives detail about Mobile as a Medium of Communication,
evolution of Mobile network, the technologies used in cellular service,
objective of the study, research methodology adopted, limitation of the
study and ends with chapter scheme.

Chapter :2
This Chapter introduces the Company “Bharti Airtel’ and gives
brief report of Airtel Mobile Service provider.

Chapter :3 -Telecommunication Industry in india:

This Chapter provides with detail about the Tele Communication
Industry in India, proceeds by giving the detail about the current trend in
Mobile Services and ends by giving a small detail services and ends by
giving a small detail about the Players of ‘Mobile Service Providers in
the Market’.

Chapter: 4 - Data Analysis and Interpretation:

This Chapter analyses and interprets the data collected through the

Chapter : 5 -Findings & Suggestions:

This Chapter reports the findings of the study. It also gives
suggestions to Airtel in light of the findings of the study after careful
analyses & interpretation.


Company Profile:
Bharti Airtel, Formerly known as Bharti Tele Venture limited is
one of India’s leading private Sector providers of Telecommunication
services based on an aggregate of 5,73,41,120 customer as on December
31 2007, consisting of 5,51,62,944 GSM Mobile and 21,78,176 Broad
band and Telephone customers.
Telecom grant Bharti Airtel is the Flagship Company of Bharti
Enterprises. The Bharti group has a diverse business port folio and has
created global brands in the telecommunication sector. Bharti has
recently forayed into retail business as Bharti Retail Pvt. Ltd., under a
MOU with wal-Mart for the cash and carry business. It has successfully
launched an international venture with EL Rothschild group to export
fresh agri Products exclusively to markets in Europe and USA and has
launched Bharti AXA Insurance Company Ltd. Under a joint venture
with AXA, world leader in Financial Protection & Wealth management.
Bharti also manufacturers and exports telephone terminals and cordless
phone. Apart from being the largest manufacturer of telephone
instruments in India, it is also the first company to export its product to
The Business at Bharti Airtel have been structural into three
individual strategic business units (S.B.U’s) - Mobile Services, Tele
media services (A.T.S) and enterprise services. The mobile services
group provides GSM service across India in 23 telecom circles, while the
ATS. Business group provide Broadband and telephone service in 94
cities. The enterprise services group has two sub units carries (long
distance services) to corporate. All these services are provided under the
Airtel Brand.
The company also has a submarine cable landing station at
Chennai which connects the submarine cable connecting Chennai and
Singapore. The Company provides reliable end to end data and
enterprise services to the corporate customer by leveraging its nationwide
Fiber optic backbone, last mile connectivity in fixed - line and Mobile
circles, VSATs, IPS and International bandwidth access through the
gateways and landing stations.
Business Division at Bharti Airtel:

 Mobile Services:
Bharti Airtel Offers GSM Mobile services in all the 23 - telecom
circles of India and is the largest mobile service provider in the country,
based on the number of customers.

 Enterprise Services (Corporate)

The Group focuses on delivering telecommunications services as
an integrated offering including mobile, broadband and telephone,
national and international long distance and data connectivity services to
corporate, small and Medium Scale enterprises.

 Airtel Telemedia Services:

The Group offers high speed broadband internet with a best in class
network. With landline services in 94 cities they help you stay in touch
with friends & family and the world.
 Enterprise Services (Carrier Services)
The Company compliments its mobile and broadband and
telephone services with national and international long distance services.
The company is the member of the South East Asia, Middle East, and
Western Europe consortium along with 15 other global telecom
Company share are listed on the stock exchange, Mumbai (BSE)
and the National Stock Exchange of India limited (NSE).

The Company has a strategic alliance with ‘Sing Tel’, the
investment made by sing Tel is one of the largest investments made in the
world outside Singapore in the Company.
The Companies mobile network equipment partners include
Ericsson and Nokia. In case of the broadband and telephone services and
enterprise services (carrier) equipment suppliers include Siemens, Nortel
corning, among others. The company also has information technology
requirements. The call center operation for the Mobile Services have
been outsourced to IBM, Daksh, Hindeia TMT, Teletech & M Phasis.

Position of the Company for third quarter ended December 31, 2007
 Market leader with a market share of all India Mobile subscribers
at 23.6%
 Highest ever net addition of 63.9 lakh customer in single quarter.
 Total revenue of Rs. 6,964 crore (up 42% Y - O - Y)
 EBITDA of Rs. 2,963 crore (up 48% Y - O - Y)
 Cash profit of Rs. 2,882 crore (up 35% Y - O - Y)
 Net income of Rs. 1,722 Crore (up 42% Y - O - Y)

About Airtel:
Airtel is the brand of Tele Communication services in India
operated by Bharti Airtel Limited, India’s largest integrated and the first
private telecom services provider with a footprint in all the 23 circles
- Andhra Pradesh
- Assam
- Bihar & Jharkhand
- Chennai
- Delhi
- Gujarat
- Haryana
- Himachal Pradesh
- Jammu & Kashmir
- Karnataka
- Kerala
- Kolkata
- Maharashtra & Goa
- M.P. & Chhattisgarh
- Mumbai
- North East
- Orissa
- Punjab
- Rajasthan
- Tamil Nadu
- UP East
- UP (West & Uttarakhand
- West Bengal

Airtel in the largest cellular service Provider in India in terms of

number of subscribers. It has an aggregate of 55.16 million Mobile
customers as of end of December 2007.

New Theame of Airtel

Barriers break when people talk.

Brand Philosophy in relation to Advertisement:

Barriers Break when people talk:

The simple act of talking can bring the world together. In the
future, countries will no longer be divided by languages, but shall be
united in dialogue. Families will come together in lively conversations.
And people will be set free by reason, understanding and speech. Simply
put, the world will be a better place, if only we talk to each other.

Type of connection offered by Airtel:

a) Prepaid connection:
A prepaid card by definition is a card which allows Mobile services
against a balance that has been paid for by the customer. The customer
can buy the prepaid card - from any outlet or dealer. Each prepaid card
has a selling price and available talk time in rupees after deductions of
service fees or taxes as applicable.

b) Post paid Connection:

A Post paid connection is like any other telephone connection,
where you get a SIM Card, use it and pay for your monthly bill based on
rentals, Plan charges and usage charges etc.

C) 3G Facility
3G is the third generation of wireless technologies. It
comes with enhancements over previous wireless
technologies, like high-speed transmission, advanced
multimedia access and global roaming. 3G is mostly used
with mobile phones and handsets as a means to connect
the phone to the Internet or other IP networks in order to
make voice and video calls, to download and upload data
and to surf the net.

Advantages of Airtel Prepaid:

 Total Cost Control:

You can control your Airtel Prepaid like never before. No more
rentals or deposits - simply recharge as much as you need to from as low
as Rs. 10 to as high as Rs. 10,000
 Pre activated STD/IDS without deposits or Rentals:

You can now enjoy a Pre-activated STD/ISD on your Airtel

Prepaid. No more paying deposits or having a minimum balance in your
account to make STD/ISD call.
 Strong Network Coverage:

Enjoy complete clarity when calling with Airtel’s World class

technology and unbreakable network coverage that spans over 23 circles
across the country.
 Instant Balance and Validity Expiry:
Your account balance is updated on the screen of your handset at
the end of each rechargeable call.
 Recharge your Airtel Prepaid:
Recharging is Easy. The calling Value on your card
keeps reducing as you make calls or use any other chargeable service.
 More Recharge Option:
- Flexible Recharge Voucher:
This unique recharge voucher gives you the option to choose
between validity or talk time, as per your need.

- Easy Recharge:
Recharge your Airtel prepaid card electronically with value that
suits your needs you can also recharge your Airtel prepaid while
Roaming anywhere in the country.

- 24 Hour recharge Via ATM:

Now you can recharge your Airtel prepaid round the clock at your
nearest ATM.

- SMS Recharge:
You may also register your mobile number at any of the member
bank’s ATM, to avail the SMS Recharge facility.

- Internet Recharge:
You may log on the Internet banking website of your bank and
select the Prepaid recharge option to recharge your Airtel prepaid.

- Transfer Talk Time:

Now you can transfer talk time to another prepaid. You can
transfer Rs. 50 per request for which Rs. 55 would be deducted from your
 Prepaid Roaming:
Airtel Prepaid comes pre activated with ‘National Roaming’ so
your stay connected no matter wherever your are.

Advantages of Airtel Postpaid

Easy Billing:
Enjoy a host of rich Features only with Airtel e-bill. Register free
on ‘My Airtel’ Section and view your monthly bill with call details for
last three months. Sort your calls between personal and official or
analyze your usage, at the click of a button.

Easy payment option anytime anywhere

You can choose from a host of convenient payment options only
with Airtel. Walk into any Airtel relationship Centre and make your
payments by cash or credit card. Drop a cheque at any of the drop boxes
for making payments or simply log on to my Airtel selection and pay
instantly through your credit card.

- Standing instructions:

You can give us standing instruction to debit your credit card

account for your monthly Airtel bills. All you have to do is fill the
standing instruction form and mail box it to Airtel or drop it at any of our
relationship center.
- Electronic clearing system:

Fill an E.C.S. form and drop it at any of our relationship centers to

directly debit your bank account for your monthly Airtel bill.

- Pay while Roaming:

Airtel has introduced ‘Anywhere payment’ that offers you the

convenience of making payments while you roam.

Credit Limit:
Your pre set credit limit mentioned on your monthly bill helps you
keep your mobile charges in control, keeps track of your usage and
ensures that your mobile phone is not misused.

Long distance calling facility:

Call long distance calls in India and overseas with STD/ISD facility
on your Airtel phone.

Widest Roaming - National and International:

Airtel’s Roaming serve allows you to stay connected and use your
mobile phone to make or receive calls from almost anywhere in India and
also over 160 countries Abroad.

Advantages of Airtel 3G-

Airtel has finally launched its 3G mobile and data services in India
starting off with Bangalore and Chennai. Airtel is expected to launch its
3G service in 13 licensed circles by March 2011. Airtel has also
introduced a new family of 3G USB Data modes. Airtel has now become
the second privately held mobile operator after Tata DoCoMo to launch
3G and data service in India.

Airtel had promised to launch its 3G services and finally it's being
available in select regions of the country. Spectrum License fee of Rs.
12,296 crores has been paid by Airtel and the company is said to have tied
up with with Ericsson, Nokia Siemens Network and Huawei for
installation of high speed packet access (HSPA) network in its 3G circles
for India.
The third generation cellular network technology promises you blazing
fast data connection speeds, multimedia streaming and several other
services bundled. But all of these come at a cost. Tata DoCoMo has
already announced Tariff Plans details but the 3G services are available
only in select circles (regions).

Airtel has promised that it will introduce two types of 3G data services
- Time-based plans: light users of data where usage and billing will be by
- Flexi-shield plans: heavy users of data where usage and billing will be

Airtel 3G Tariff Plans would be further classified for Occasional User,

Medium User and Heavy User. As of now, we await details about the
Airtel Tariff Plans
3G has the following enhancements over 2.5G and previous networks:
• Several times higher data speed;
• Enhanced audio and video streaming;
• Video-conferencing support;
• Web and WAP browsing at higher speeds;
• IPTV (TV through the Internet) support.

Other main Services from Airtel:

Call Management Service:
Call waiting, call hold, call divert and caller Identification
presentation, help you do more with your Airtel Post paid connection.

Conference Call:
You can hold a teleconference with 5 people simultaneously with
call conferencing service fro, Airtel.

Missed Call Alerts:

A missed call alert is a SMS that you will receive for all the calls
that you missed the SMS will detail the CLI and the time when the call
was made.

Voice Mail:
When your handset is switched off, or you are too busy to
answer the phone, Airtel voicemail will answer your calls and
record a message.

SMS (Short Messaging Service):

Send Messages quickly and easily, using text messaging .

Subscription Alerts:
Get regular alerts on News, Takes, Business, health and films
on your Airtel Phone with subscription services.

MMS (Multi-Media Messaging Services):

Jazz up your messages with pictures, images and Video
clippings, with MMS from Airtel.

Airtel Live;
Make your Mobile the most happening entertainment
destination with Airtel live. Airtel brings you the latest in
entertainment and information services right on your phone.

GPRS (General Packet Radio Services):

Log on to internet, with GPRS that allows data Transmission
at a higher speed. Access e-mails and internet across Airtels Pan-
India presence using ‘Mobile Office’ with your phone.

Get the EDGE:

Browse the internet on your Mobile Phone with Airtel’s
EDGE Services. Enjoy TV, enhanced WAP experience and Airtel
Data cards on our high speed network.

Hello Tunes:
When any one makes a call, you can make them groove to the
hottest new tracks burning up the music charts with hello tunes
from Airtel.

Mobile Strategy of Airtel:

Capture Maximum telecommunications revenue potential with
minimum geographical coverage to maximize its revenue and

Build high quality mobile networks by State - of - the art

technology to offer superior services.

Use the experience it has gained from operating its existing mobile
networks to develop and operate other mobile network in India and
to share the experience across its existing and New ones.

Attract and retain high revenue generating customers by providing

competitive tariffs, offering high quality and customer support, pro-
active retention programs and roaming packages across all of its
mobile circles.
Provide affordable tariff plans to suit each segment of the market
with a view to expand the reach, there by increasing the mobile
customer base rapidly.

Mission of Airtel:

To meet the Mobile Communication needs of their customers through :

- Error - Free service delivery

- Innovative Products and services
- Cost Efficiency.
- Unified messaging solution.

Vision of Airtel:
By 2010 Airtel will be the most Advised Brand in India.
- Loved by more customer.
- Targeted by top talent.
- Benchmarked by more businesses.
Tele-communication industry in India

The Indian telecommunications sector has been zooming up the

growth curve at a Feverish pace, emerging as one of the key sector
responsible for India’s resurgent economic growth. It is the fastest
growing telecommunication market in the world, and with 24.77 million
telephone connections, is the third largest telecom market.

India has achieved its target of reaching 256 million subscribes by

2007, two months before time. Simultaneously, overall tele-density has
increased to 23.21 percent.

The year 2007 saw the Indian telecom sector achieving significant
distinctions: having the worlds lowest call rates (2.3 US cents), the fastest
growth in the number of subscribes (15.31 million in 4 months), the
fastest scale of a million mobile phones (in a weak), the worlds cheapest
handsets (in the third quarter)

Segment-wise growth:

The wireless segment has emerged as the preferred mode of

telephone service by consumers, reflected in the rising space of mobile
phone connections to total connections. The share of mobile phone has
increased from 71.69 percent at the end of March 2006 to 85.15 percent
at the end of March 2006 to 85.15 percent at the end of November 2007.
While total mobile subscribed base was 225.56 million, wire line
subscribed base was 39.31 million. Since 1999, the mobile subscriber
base has been growing at a CAGR of around 85 percent. And, while an
average 6 million new subscribers are being added every month in the
mobile segment there has been a decline in the total number of wire line

A large part of these numbers are being pushed by the private

sector while the pubic sector companies added 53.6 million subscribes
during 1998-2007, private companies subscribes during 1998-2007,
private companies added a whopping 133.58 million subscribes during
the same period. The dominance has been much more pronounced in the
mobile market, where private operators have added 124.68 million
subscribes, while public sector operator added only 31.79 million


Bucoyed by a rapid surge in the subscriber base, huge investment

are being made into the sectors. During the first five month of the current
fiscal year (April – August 2007), the sector received US $ 850 million of
foreign direct investment (FDI) as against US $ 521 million during the
whole of 2006-2007. The communicative FDI inflows from April 2000 to
August 2007 have been US $ 3.45 billion, accounting for 8.74 percent.

Indian telecom companies are investing over US$ 15.21 billion in

2007-08 to finance the expansion of their massive mobile networks and
related infrastructure. This in fact is equivalent to 60 percent of the
cumulative investments into the entire wireless segment since 1995 These
inflows are driven by the sectors potential of high profitability, reflected
in the higher FBIDTA (or earnings before interest dose, depreciating and
amortization) margins. A report by Merrill Lynch’ Puts the Indian
telecom industries EBIDTA ahead of that in developed countries such as
the US, UK, Japan and France among others.

Value Added service market:

Indian runway success in mobile telephony has also given a boost

to the mobile value added services (MVAS) market. According to the
study by Standford University and consulting firm BDA, The Indian.
MVAS is poised to touch US$926.2 million in 2007 and is likely to grow
at (AGR of 44 percent to US$2.74 billion by 2010.

Simultaneously, the share of mobile value added service is

estimated to increase from 7 percent in 2007 to 12 percent in 2010.
Significantly, mobile data/internet, e-mail and EVER-based services are
estimated to play an increasing role.

Government Initiatives:

The Government has taken many proactive initiatives to provide a

framework for the rapid growth of the telecom industry.

- Industry opened to private sector

- 100% FDI permitted in telecom equipment manufacturing through

the automatic route.

- FID ceiling in telecom services rose to 74 percent.

- An independent regulator – the telecom regulatory authority of

India (TRAI) – established for he telecom sector.
- Introduction of a unified access licensing regime for telecom
service on a plan – India basis.

- Implementation of view telecom policy (NTP99)

- Introduction of calling party pay (CPP) regime and lowering of

access deficit coupled with introduction of revenue share regime in
access deficit charge.

- Introduction of mobile number portability in a phased manner,

starting with the fourth quarter of 2008.

Road Ahead:

According to report by Boston consulting group, while only one in

20 of the world’s first two billion mobile subscribers live in India, in the
next billion subscribers’ one in every four will be an Indian. The
department of telecommunication estimated the total subscribes base to
total 500 million by 2010, out of which 80 percent are expected to be
from rural areas.

The Indian telecom industry’s revenues likewise, is estimated to

increase, which according to First & young is expected to total US & 35
billion, accounting for 36 percent of the total GDP of the country with
such growth projections, this industry is likely to see increased
investment. In fact the total investment projected during the eleventh plan
period (2007-12) stands at US $ 76.6 billion. The private sectors likely to
continued its dominant share, accounting for 67 percent of the total
projected investment.
Current Trend in Mobile

M – Commerce:
M – Commerce simply means mobile commerce. It is using a
mobile phone to carry out business transactions – a system that is based
on WAP and e-commerce front work. M – Commerce is viewed as a
revolutionary development in the world of commerce, which has been
made possible by new technologies that allow mobile phones and other
handheld devices to access internet.
M –Commerce offers business enterprises the greatest growth
opportunities since the down of world wide web. Through M –
commerce, business enterprises can access new customers who would
never have used a computer.
Some applications of M – commerce may relate to field like mobile
banking, stock market reports e-bills, e-salaries, booking functions,
placing and paying orders on fly, auctions, retailing, advertising etc.

WAP means wireless application protocol WAP is a global
standard developed to make internet services available for mobile uses.
A company that has an internet site can make the information available
for mobile users by transforming pages into WAP pages. WAP has been
designed and is owned by a consortium (i.e. a group of companies
working together on a particular project) of leading industry vendors like
Nokia, Ericson, Motorola and many others, which are all committed to
developing an industry grade standard.

Mobile imaging is the ability to take a picture using a digital
camera built in to a mobile phone. Since the technology has now
improved rapidly it include not only print quality still images but also
video capture with mobile phone.

What it can do?

- Take snaps with imaging phone
- Edit your images with innovative downloadable applications with
the help of service provider.
- Share your images easily via MMS or email and upload them onto
online albums.
- Print images from MMC, print wirelessly with a blue both –
enabled printer etc.

Dual Sim Mobiles

A hot trend in the Indian mobile market is the introduction of dual
sim mobiles. It provides two different numbers for use. The phone has
two slots for inserting the SIM cards unlike the regular mobile phone
which are limited to one sim card. It can be used for a GSM and CDMA
number. In India SPICE and Tata teleservices has launched this type of

Mobile Marketing
Mobile SMS marketing is a hot new form of marketing which
utilizes the global communication medium of cellular phone and SMS to
get your companies message hand by an increased number of targeted
customers. Due to its speed and simplicity, the complex requirement of
clients to create unique companies can be met rapidly an effectively
without any assistance of technical specialists.
The mobile marketing solution is powerful and extremely
sophisticated web-based tool specifically designed for easy creation and
management of SMS campaigns, and for this reason a number of big
business companies in India are starting to recognize the advantages
which this marketing medium can provide such as immediately and
immense saving in costs.

Major Mobile Service Providers in the Market

Airtel comes to you from Bharti Airtel limited, India’s largest
integrated and the first private telecom services provider with a foot print
in all the 23 telecom circles and is the largest mobile service provider in
the country based on the number of customers. It has an aggregate of 45
million customers as of end of June 07, consisting of 42.7 million mobile
customers. Bharti Airtel has been rated among 100 best performing
companies in the world in the Business Week IT 100 list.

Vodafone Essar in India is a subsidiary of Vodafone group PIC and
Commenced operations in 1994 when its predecessor Hutchison Telecom
acquired the cellular license for Mumbai. Vodafone Essar now has
operation in 16 circles covering 86% of India’s Mobile customer base,
with 38.5 Million customers as on November 30, 2007 over the years,
Vodafone Essar, under Hutch brand has been named the ‘Most respected
Telecom Company. The ‘Best Mobile Service in the Country and the
‘Most Creative and most effective Advertiser of the year.

Tata Docomo:

TATA DoCoMo, usually referred to as DoCoMo , is a Tata Teleservice

Limited's (TTSL) cellular service provider on the GSM platform-arising out of
the Tata Group’s strategic joint venture with Japanese telecom giant NTT Docomo in
November 2008. Tata Teleservices received a pan-India license to
operate GSM telecom services, under the brand "TATA DoCoMo". Tata Docomo
launched GSM services on 24 June 2009. It first launched in South India and
currently operates in 18 of 23 telecom circles. Tata Teleservices is the country's fourth
largest operator in terms of wireless subscribers (including both CDMA and GSM),
after Bharti Airtel, Reliance Communications and Vodafone.

Tata DOCOMO offers both prepaid and postpaid GSM cellular phone in 18 circles. It
has become very popular with its one second pulse especially in semi-urban and rural
areas. They are launching their service from the south of India to central, east and

Tata DOCOMO had about 32.82 million users at the end of June 2010.

Reliance Communication is the flagship Company of the Anil
Dhirubhai Ambani Group (ADAG) of Companies, listed on the National
Stock exchange and the Bombay stock exchange, it is India’s largest
Telecommunication Company. Reliance encompasses a complete range
of telecom services covering Mobile telephony and data services along
with an exhaustive range of value added services enhancing the
productivity of the enterprises and individual customer. Reliance
Communication has maintained its position as India’s second largest
wireless operator, with a re-verified wireless subscriber base of over 28
million as on 31st March 2007.

BSNL GSM cellular Mobile service Cell one has a customer base
of over 5.2 Million. B.S.N.L. Mobile Provides all the services like MMS,
GPRS, Voice Mail, E-Mail, Short Message service (SMS) both national
and international, unified messaging services etc. You can use BSNL
Mobile in over 160 countries worldwide and in 270 cellular networks and
over 1000 cities/towns across India. It has got coverage in all National
and State Highways and Train Routes. BSNL Mobile Offers all India
Roaming facility to both Pre-paid and Post-paid customer.

Tata Indicom:
TATA teleservices is a Part of the INR Rs. 1,90,000 Crore (US $
29 Billion) Tata Group, with a committed investment of INR36000 Crore
in Telecom. Tata Teleservices spearheads the Groups presence in the
telecom sector; Incorporated in 1996, Tata Teleservices was the first to
launch CDMA Mobile service in India with the Andra Pradesh Circle.
Having pioneered the CDMA 3G technology Platform in India, Tata
teleservices has established a robust and reliable 3G read telecom
infrastructure that ensures quality in its service.

The company who heralded convergence technologies in the Indian

Telecom sector, is today the market leader in the fixed wireless telephony
market with a total customer base of over 3.8 million.

Table Number: 1

Statement showing gender classification of the respondent

Gender Number of Percentage

Male 70 70
Female 30 30
Total 100 100
The study undertaken reveals that about to % of the people
surveyed are male and the remaining 30% are female.
Graph Number 1

Graph showing gender classification of the respondents

30% Female

70% Male

Male Female
Table Number -2

Statement giving the age group of the respondent

Age group Number of respondents Percentage

Below 15 1 1
15-30 67 67
30-45 20 20
45-60 10 10
60 and above 2 2
Total 100 100
The Highest Mobile uses where found within the age groups of 15-
30 years that is 67% which is followed by 20% of people who his within
the age group of 30-45. 10% of the people surveyed fall within 45-60 age
group. A mere 2% and 1% was recorded between the age group of 60 and
above and below 15 respectively.

Graph Number -2

Graph giving the age group of the respondent

70 67

1 2
Below 15 15-30 30-45 45-60 60 and
Table Number 3

Statement representing the occupation of the mobile users:

Occupation Number of Percentage

Student 30 30
Business 27 27
Profession 23 23
Others 20 20
Total 100 100

The above statement gives the details about the occupation of the
sample size. Students where the highest number of respondents at 30%,
followed by business-27%. Professionals included in the survey was 23%
and remaining 20% where others.

Graph Number 3

Graph representing the occupation of the mobile users:

30 27
25 23
No. of respondents




Sudent Business Profession Others
Table Number 4

statement giving the time span of the mobiles service used

Time span Percentage

Let than 1 year 2 2
1-2 years 12 12
2-3 years 24 24
3 years and above 62 62
Total 100 100
The statement discloses the time period for which the mobile services
was been used. Only a mere 2% of the people surveyed used the mobile
service for less than 1 year. 12% and 24% of the people surveyed used
the mobile services for 1-2 years and 2-3 years respectively. A whopping
62% of the people responded used the mobile service for more than 3
Graph Number 4

Graph giving time span of mobile services used




Let than 1 year 1-2 years 2-3 years 3 years and

Time span
Table Number 5
Statement of mobile service provides used by the sample
Service provides Percentage
Airtel 31 31%
Vodafone 29 29%
Spice 16 16%
Reliance 9 9%
BSNL 9 9%
TATA 6 6%
Total 100 100%
If we see the above statement we can understand that, out of the
sample size 31% used Airtel, 29% used Vodafone which act, 16% of the
respondents used spice, Reliance and BSNL was found to be used by 9%
each of the respondents. TATA was the least used that amounted to 6%.
Therefore it is clear that Airtel is the leader in the market.
Graph Number 5
Graph of mobile service providers used by the sample



20 16

9 9
10 6

Airtel Vodafone Spice Reliance BSNL TATA
Service provides
Table Number: 6
Statement representing the mobile service providers used by the
sample with occupation
Servi Stude Busin Profes Other Total
ce nt ess sion s
Respo Perce Respo Perce Respo Perce Respo Perce Respo Perce
ndent ntage ndent ntage ndent ntage ndent ntage ndent ntage
Airte 10 33 8 30 7 30 6 30 31 31
Voda 11 37 9 33 6 26 3 15 29 29
Spic 7 23 2 7 5 22 2 10 16 16
Relia 0 0 2 7 2 9 5 25 9 9
BSN 2 7 5 19 1 4 1 5 9 9
Tata 0 0 1 4 2 9 3 15 6 6
Total 30 100 277 100 23 100 20 100 100 100

The study of different occupation of the people reveals that highest

number of student used Vodafone at 37%, 33% of students used Airtel
followed by spice – 23% and BSNL -7%. Students were not in favor of
Reliance and TATA which scored NIL. Business people opted for
Vodafone at 33%,Airtel at 30% . BSNL was in third position with 19%. .
Spice and Reliance was in same position with 7% record of Business
market. The least was recorded by Tata with a mere 4%. Out of the 23
professionals surveyed Airtel was the leader, with 30% opting for it.
Vodafone stood in the second position with 26% professionals opting for
it followed by Spice – 22% Reliance and Tata tallying with 9% and
BSNL recording the lowest with 4%. Out of the survey 20 people
belonged to other category of people, of which Airtel recorded the highest
with 30% of the respondents favoring it and Reliance taking the second
position with 25% followed by Vodafone and Tata each getting 15%,
Spice at 10% and BSNL stood last with mere 5% of people favoring it.

Graph Number: 6
Graph showing the mobile service used by the sample with

35 33 33
30 30 30
30 29
25 23 22
20 19

15 15 16
10 9 9 9 9
7 7 7
5 6
5 4 4

0 0
1 2 3 4 5

Airtel Vodafone Spice Reliance BSNL Tata

Table Number. 7
Statement giving the most influencing source for selection of mobile
service provider.
Number of Percentage
Advertisement 52 52
Friends 33 33
Family 7 7
Others 8 8
Total 100 100

The study makes it hear that advertisement means through which

the respondents came to known about the service provides. At least 52%
said that they came to know about the mobile service provides through
advertisement, Friends were the means for 33% of the respondent,
another 7% by family and 8% being other reasons.
Graph Number. 7
Graph giving the most influencing source for selection of mobile
service provider.


40 33


7 8

Advertisement Friends Family Others
Table number. 8
Statement revealing the means through which respondents came to
know that their respective service provides:
Air Voda Spi Relia BS Ta To
tel fone ce nce NL ta tal
Advertis 19 6 14 4 4 2 6 6 4 4 5 8
ement 2 8 5 7 5 3
Friends 8 2 8 2 11 6 3 3 2 2 1 1
6 8 9 3 2 7
Family 2 6 2 7 1 6 0 0 2 2 0 0
Others 2 6 5 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0
7 1
Total 31 1 29 1 16 1 9 1 9 1 6 1
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0

The above statement helps to know abut the most influencing means
through which, the respondents came to know about their respective
mobile service provides. 62% of Airel users were influenced by
advertisement, 26% Airtel users were influenced by advertisement, 26%
by friends, 6% each from family and other sources. This indicate that
advertisement has high influence on Airtel users. Most of the Vodafone
was also came to know about the service provider through advertisement
with 48% influenced by it, 28% through friends, 7% by family and 5%
through others.
Spice had great influence with friends group with 69% influenced
by them, 24% through adults sement and 6% through family. In case of
remaining 33% with friends. When it came to BSNL advertisement had
an influence with 45% of its users, family and friends had equal influence
of 22% and remaining 12% being others. As high as 83% of TATA users
came to know about them through advertisement and remaining 7%
through friends. So use can tell that advertisement is very effective with
Airtel and TATA users.

Graph number. 8
Graph revealing the means through which respondents came to know
that their respective service provides:

90 83
70 69 67
50 48 45
30 26 28
25 2222
20 17 17
10 66 7 6
0 0 00 00
Airtel Vodafone Spice Reliance BSNL Tata

Advertisem ent Friends Family Others

Table Number 9 (a)
Statement showing type of connections used by the respondents
Type of connection Percentage
Prepaid 72 72
Postpaid 28 28
Total 100 100
The study conducted show that a whooping 72% of mobile users
used prepaid connection as against 28% of the post paid users.

Graph Number 9 (a)

Graph showing type of connections used by the respondents

80 72



40 Postpaid



Prepaid Postpaid
Table Number 9
Statement representing the type of prepaid connection used by the
sample units.
Type of prepaid connection No. of respondents Percentage
Lifetime 16 22
Normal 56 78
Total 72 100

For the purpose of the study the prepaid users was further grouped
into lifetime users and normal users. Out of the 72 people who used
prepaid connection 22% of people where using lifetime connection, the
remaining 78% used the normal plan.

Graph Number 9
Graph representing the type of prepaid connection used by the
sample units.


40 22
Lifetime Normal
Table Number 9 (C)
Statement giving type of the paid connection used by the post paid

Individual 26 100
Corporate 0 0
Total 28 100

Out of the 28 people who used postpaid service all has individual
connection. The survey did not find any one using corporate one.

Graph Number 9 (C)

Graph giving type of the paid connection used by the post paid users

30 26





Individual Corporate
Table Number 10
Statement reveling the factors influencing the selection the mobile
service provides
Reasons Number of respondents Percentage
Network 38 38
Tariff 35 35
Customer service 5 5
Brand Name 12 12
Value added service 9 9
Others 1 1
Total 100 100
The above statement reveals that out of 100 people surveyed,
highest preference was given for Network being the reasons for selecting
the mobile service provider that comes to 38%. 35% people selected the
service provider based on the tariff and 12% due to the Brand Name. a
mere 9% and 5% people selected the mobile service provider based on
value added service and customer service respectively. The least number
i.e. 1% of the people surveyed went for other reasons while selecting the
mobile service provider.
Graph Number 10
Graph reveling the factors influencing the selection the mobile
service provides

40 38
15 12
10 9
Netw ork Tariff Customer Brand Value Others
service Name added
Table Number: 11
Statement giving the selection of the mobile service provides based on
the factors
Ai Vod Sp Reli BS TA To
rte afon ice ance NL TA tal
l e
Net 24 78 4 14 0 0 3 34 6 67 1 17
Tarif 3 10 14 49 11 69 1 11 3 33 50
Cust 0 0 2 7 1 6 2 22 0 0 0 0
Bran 2 6 6 20 0 0 2 22 0 0 2 23
Valu 1 3 3 10 4 25 1 11 0 0 0 0
Othe 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Tota 31 10 29 10 16 10 9 10 9 10 6 10
l 0 0 0 0 0 0
% % % % % %
The survey reveals that 78% of the Airtel users preferred Airtel due to
network which indicates that Airtel has a wide network followed by a
10% due to tariff and 6% due to Brand Name. 3% each of the Airtel users
preferred it due to value added services and other cases, with customer
service yielding nothing. When it came to Vodafone. Majority of
Vodafone users preferred tariff is 49% Network was the criteria only for
14% of the users as against 20% going for Brand name. 10% went for
value added service and remaining 7% for customer service, other
reasons being Nil.
Spice users mainly selected it due to tariff. As many as 69% of
spice users used it due to the tariff provided by them, followed by a 25%
towards value added services and 6% towards customer service. None of
the spice users where satisfied with network and brand name. highest
users of Reliance was attached due to network-34%, followed by
customer service and Brand Name – 22% each, 11% each went for tariff
and value added service. BSNL was also highly influenced by network.
67% BSNL users opted for it due to network coverage and remaining
33% due to tariff. A whooping 50% of Tata users went for it due to tariff
followed by 33% Brand name and 17% due to network.
Graph Number: 11
Graph giving the selection of the mobile service provides based on
the factors

80 78

70 69


50 49 50

23 25
22 20 22
20 17
10 11 10 11
10 76 6
3 3
0 0 0 0 0 0 0000
Network Tariff Customer Brand Value Others
service Name added

Airtel Vodafone Spice Reliance TATA

Table Number 12
Statement showing the average monthly mobile bill or recharge of
the respondents
Mobile fill or recharge No. of respondent Percentage
Less than Rs. 500 31 31
Rs. 500-1000 23 23
Rs. 1000-1500 17 17
Rs. 1500-2000 11 11
Rs. 2000 and above 18 18
Total 100 100

The study reveals that almost 31% of the respondents spent less
than Rs. 500 per month, followed by a 23% of respondents who spent Rs.
500 to 1000 in a month. Rs. 1000 to 1500 was spent on mobile users by
17 of the people, a one percent above ie 18% of the respondents span Rs.
2000 and above. Least number of respondent fall in the category of
spending Rs. 1500-2000 ie 11% .
Graph Number 12
Graph showing the average monthly mobile bill or recharge of the

25 23

20 17 18


Less than Rs. Rs. 500-1000 Rs. 1000-1500 Rs. 1500-2000 Rs. 2000 and
500 above
Table Number: 13
Statement revealing the switching from Airtel to other network
Service provides Number of respondents Percentage
Vodafone 12 53
Spice 8 35
Reliance 2 8
BSNL 0 0
TATA 1 4
Total 23 100
When 69 people out of 100 sample who where others users than
Airtel was surveyed it was found that 23 people have switched from
Airtel, of which 53% have switched over to Vodafone, 35% have
switched over to spice, 8% to Reliance and 4% to TATA. none have
switched over from Airtel to BSNL.
Graph Number: 13
Graph revealing the switching from Airtel to other network



2 1
Vodafone Spice Reliance BSNL TATA
Table Number 14
Statement showing the switch over from other service provider to

Service Provides Number of Total

Vodafone 3 23
Spice 2 15
Reliance 3 23
BSNL 5 39
Tata 0 0
Total 13 100

Out of 31 people who where using Airtel in the study, as many as

13 people have switched over from other service provider. Highest
switch over was from BSNL, recorded at 39%, then from Vodafone and
Reliance with 23% switch over to Airtel, 15% have jumped from spice to
Airtel, but there was no switch over from TATA. All these gives a picture
that Airtel is highly competitive in the market.
Graph Number 14
Graph showing the switch over from other service provider to Airtel



25 23 23



Vodafone Spice Reliance BSNL Tata
Table Number 15
Statement showing the rating of Network
Rating Airtel Others Total
Very 21 8% 20 29% 41 41%
Good 9 29% 26 38% 35 35%
Average 1 3% 11 16% 12 12%
Poor 0 0% 8 11% 8 8%
Very 0 0% 4 6% 4 4%

Rating of Network reveals that, Airtel Network is the best. Almost

68% of Airtel users rated the Network to the very good as against other
( all other operators combined together) amounted to mere 29%. The
remaining 29% and 3% of the Airtel users found that the network is good
and average respectively. No one was of the opinion that network of
Airtel is poor and very poor. 38% of all other mobile service provides
rated the network to be good, 16% to be average, 11% and 6% of other
mobile service provides felt that network was poor and very poor.
Graph Number 15
Graph showing the rating of Network

29% 29%
20% 16%
10% 6%
0% 0%
Airtel Others

Very good Good Average Poor Very poor

Table Number 16
Statement giving rating of Quality service

Service Airtel Others Total

Very 7 23 14 20 21 21
Good 20 64 30 43 50 50
Average 4 13 17 25 21 21
Poor 0 0 8 12 8 8
Very 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 31 100% 69 100% 100 100

The study gives the idea that is as many as 64% of Airtel

users rated. The quality services provided by then as good, 23% rated it
as very good and 4% as average. No one felt that Quality services
provided by Airtel is poor and very poor. While other mobile service
provides was studied ( combining – Vodafone, spice, reliance, BSNL and
TATA) 43% rated the quality service to be good, 25% felt it was average,
only 20% felt it to be very god, 8% recorded the quality service to the
poor. So we can say that when it comes to quality service Airtel is leading
with high competition from other service providers.
Graph Number 16
Graph giving rating of Quality service

70 64


30 23 25
13 12
0 0 0
Airtel Others

Very good Good Average Poor Very poor

Table Number 17
Statement giving the rating of SMS
Rating Airtel Others Total
Very 7 23 16 23 23 23
Good 15 48 29 42 44 44
Average 7 23 18 26 25 25
Poor 1 3 5 7 6 6
Very 1 3 1 2 2 2
Total 31 100 69 100 100 100

The rating of SMS (Short message service) show that some of the Airtel
users are not satisfied with SMS provided to them. 3% each of the Airtel
respondent rated at as poor and very poor. 48% felt it to be good and 23%
each felt that it is very good and average. Most of the other users rated
SMS to be good with 44% of others responding towards it. An equal
present as if Airtel felt that SMS facility is very good in other service
Graph Number 17
Graph giving the rating of SMS
50 48
45 42
30 26
25 23 23 23
10 7
5 3 3 2
Airtel Others

Very good Good Average Poor Very poor

Table Number: 18
Statement representing the rating of call tariff
Rating Airtel Others Total
Very 6 19 25 36 31 31
Good 16 52 26 38 42 42
Average 8 26 16 23 24 24
Poor 1 3 2 3 3 3
Very 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 31 100 69 100 100 100

The survey conducted gives an idea that Airel users were not highly
satisfied with the all tariff provided to them. Only 19% of Airtel users felt
that the call tariff was very good, 52% felt it to be good, another 26% to
be average. 3% was of the opinion that call tariff was poor, however there
was no one of the opinion that it was very poor. When it came to other
service provides (ie all other mobile service provider, other than Airtel)
36% felt call tariff to be very good, 38% to be good, 23% to be average.
Graph Number: 18
Graph representing the rating of call tariff

40 36 38

30 26
10 3 3
0 0
Airtel Others

Very good Good Average Poor Very poor


It has been observed from the study that out of 100 respondents
70% were male and remaining 30% were female.

Majority of Mobile users were found within the age group of 15-30
with 67% , followed by 20% users within the age group of 30-45,
followed by 10% within 45-60 and 2% above 60, least number of
Mobile users were below 15 at 1%.

When the occupation of Mobile users was studied it was found that
student were 30%, business people with 27%, Professions were
recorded at 23% and other category with 20%.

Time span of Mobile service used reveled that about 62% of the
respondent used mobile for 3 years and above, at least 24% of the
respondent used mobile for 2-3 years, 12% for 1-2 year and a mere
2% fall within the category of using mobile for less that 1 year.

It was found that Airtel had highest number of users. Out of 100
people surveyed 31% were using Airtel, 29% were using Vodafone
followed by a 16% by Spice, Reliance and BSNL at 9% each and
TATA stood at 6%.

The study of Mobile service users with their occupation gave the
following data.

- Highest number of students used Vodafone out of 30 students

37% used Vodafone, 33% Airtel, Spice - 23% and BSNL 71%,
Reliance and TATA has no preference.
- Business people also saw highest users as Vodafone at 33%,
30% used Airtel, Spice and Reliance Share 7% each, BSNL 19%
and Tata 4%.

- Highest number of Professionals used Airtel at 30%, 26% by

Vodafone 22% by Spice, 9% by Reliance, 4% by BSNL and
Tata at 9%.

- 30% of other category of people used Airtel, Reliance stood at

2nd position with 25%, then Vodafone and Tata at 15% each,
Spice recorded 10% and BSNL at 5%.

The study shows that 72% of the sample used prepaid connection
and the remaining 28% used post paid connection.

- Out of the prepaid users 22% has life time connection and 78%
used Normal collect.

- All the post paid connection users were using Individual

connection. No one using corporate connection was in valued in
the survey.

Advertisement was the main means through which the respondents

came to know about the Mobile Service provider. As high as 52%
came to know about the service provider through advertisement,
33% through friends, 7% through family and 8% being other

The analysis for the most influencing means through which the
respondents came to know abut their respective service provider the
following findings.

- As much as 62% of Airtel users were influenced by

Advertisement, followed by friends - 26% and 6% each from
family and other sources.

- In Vodafone users, most of them were influenced by

advertisement, which was recorded at 48% , 28% by friends, 7%
by family and 17% by other reasons.

- Spice people were mostly influenced by Friends at 69%, then by

advertisement at 25% and remaining 6% by Family.

- 67% of Reliance users opted for it by the influence of

advertisement and remaining 33% by friends.

- In BSNL advertisement had an influence of 45%, Family and

friends should equally with 22% and 11% being other reason.

- A whooping 83% of Tata’s people were influenced by Airtel and

the remaining 17% through friends.

Out of the survey it was found that 38% people preferred Network
as the reason for selecting the service provider, 35% went for tariff,
12% for Brand Name, 9% for value added services, and a mere 1%
as other reasons.

The study found that

- 78% of Airtel users went for it due to Network, 10% due to

tariff, 6% due to brand Name; value added service and other
reasons being rated at 1%.

- Tariff was the main reason for Vodafone users to subscribe for it
which stood at 49%, Network at 14%, 20% went for Brand
name, 10% for value added service and 7% for customer services
- Most of the Spice users i.e. as much as 69% went for Spice due
to the tariff, 25% towards value added services and 6% towards
customer services. None of them were satisfied by their

- Highest users of Reliance was attracted due to Network - 34%,

followed by customer service and Brand Name - 22% each and
11% each event for tariff and value added services.

- BSNL users also went for it due to Network with 67% favoring
it and the remaining 33% going for Tariff.

- 50% of TATA users went for it due to Tariff followed by 33% to

Network and 17% for Brand name.

The observation found that 31% of the respondents spend less than
Rs. 500 per month on mobile, followed by a 23% between Rs. 500
and 1000, 17% between Rs. 1000 to Rs. 1500, 11% between Rs.
1500 and 2000 18% people spent Rs. 2000 and above.

Out of the 69 other users that Airtel was surveyed 23 people have
switched over from Airtel of which 53%, have switched over to
Vodafone, 35% to Spice, 8% to Reliance, 4% to TATA. No one has
switched over to BSNL.

Out of the 69 other users than Airtel surveyed, 23 people have

switched over from Airtel of which 53% have switched over to
Vodafone, 35% to Spice, 8% to Reliance, 4% to TATA No one
have switched over to BSNL.

Out of 31 people who used Airtel, 13 people have switched from

other mobile service provide which indicate Airtel drew 42% of its
competitor towards it. Highest switch over was from BSNL
recorded at 39%, then from Vodafone and Reliance at 23% each and
15% from Spice. There was no switch over from TATA.

Rating of Network found that 68% of Airtel users rated it to be very

good 9% to be good & 1% to be average. No one rated it to be poor
or very poor.

Rating of Quality service reveled that 23% of Airtel users rated it to

be very good, 64% to be good, 13% be average. None of the Airtel
users was of the opinion that the Quality services provided are poor
and very poor.

Call tariff was rated by Airtel users as follows 19% to be very good,
52% to be good, % to be average and 3% to be poor.

The rating of SMS shows that some of the Airtel users are not
satisfied with the facility provided to them 3% each of the Airtel
users felt it to be poor and very poor. 48% rated it to be good and
23% each felt it to be very good and average.

→ Airtel is the market leader in the survey with 31% respondent and
has got good competition from Vodafone with 29%. So Airtel
should see Vodafone as its main competitor.
→ Airtel saw 33% of students, 30% of Business people, 30% of
professionals and 30% of other category of people opting for it. So
it seems that Airtel is doing quite well in the market.
→ The Business class people is not much aware of the corporate
connection, so Airtel needs to work for reacting awareness in this
→ Advertisement was very effective in Airtel as most of Airtel users
subscribed it due to advertisement, how ever friends group mostly
influenced spice users.
→ Airtels Network was found to be very good as most of the people
prefered Airtels network to others. So Airtel will get most of the
people who prefer network.
→ The switch over from Airtel saw most of people opting for
Vodafone, but it do not act as threat as there is switch over from
Vodafone to Airtel also.
→ The survey indicates that 42% of Airtel users were switchers from
various other service provides, that means Airtel is very
competitive in the market. So Airtel should work hard and maintain
this competitive level.
→ The rating of Network, quality service, SMS and call tariff was
favorable to Airtel. In the present scenario the services provided by
Airtel is very good.

The study titled “consumer satisfaction of various mobile service
provider with specific reference to Airtel has been conducted by the use
of questionnaire that were distributed at random.
Its been found that Airtel is the market leader, and the services
provided by them is quite satisfactory. Airtel is also successful in
providing quality services to its customer.
In order to maintain / Increase the market share/Airtel must live up
to its customer’s specification and provide them with required service.
So we can conclude that, Airtel by going for more innovation and
by delighting the customer will be able to succeed in making its vision
come true i.e.
By 2010 Airtel will be the most admired Brand in India.
Loved by more customers
Targeted by top talent
Benchmarked by more business

- Leon G. Schiffman and Leslie Lazar Kamuk Fourth Edition,

Consumer Behaviour Mall India Pvt. Ltd.

- Philip Kotler - Millenium edition Marketing Management, Mall

India Pvt. Ltd.

Web Sites:

1. Name:

2. Gender:
Male Female

3. Address:

4. Age Group:
Bellow15 15-30 30-45 45-60
60and above

5. Occupation:
Student Business Profession others

6. do you own a mobile phone

Yes No

7. How long have you been using mobile phone

Less than 1 year 1-2 years 2-3 years 3years and

8. Your mobile service provider

Airtel Vodafone Spice Reliance

9. How did you come to know about the service provider

Advertisement Friends Family Others

10. Type of connection

Prepaid Postpaid
a) If Prepaid
Lifetime Normal
b) If Postpaid
Corporate Individual
11. Reasons for selecting particular mobile service provider
Network Tariff Customer service Brand name
Value added services Others

12. your average monthly mobile bill or recharge

Less than Rs500 Rs500-1000 Rs1000-1500
Rs2000 and above

13.Have you switched over from Airtel to any of the following service
Vodafone Spice Reliance BSNL

14. Have you switched over from any of the following service provider to
Vodafone Spice Reliance BSNL

15. How do you rate the mobile service provided to you

Very good Good Average Poor
Very poor
Network coverage
Quality service
Call tariff

16. Reason for dissatisfaction (if you have marked any of the above
as Poor or Very poor)

17. Will you recommend Airtel Service Provider to others(Reasons if any)


18. Suggestion for your mobile service provider



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