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MM Related Authorization Objects – How to Find

out & Assign

Introduction & Scope:

This document explains the basic details of authorization object, how to find out and assign missing authorizations objects
and what are the common authorization objects used in Materials Management module. This document does not include
creation of user roles, creation of custom authorization objects, creation of authorization class etc.

Important Note: Assigning authorization is a highly sensitive transaction, which has direct impact on your customer
confidentiality and user authorizations. So, kindly use this knowledge to work with your BASIS/Security team. Or, carry out
the changes only with prior approval from your system administrator.


1. 1. Authorization object:

Authorization object is an element of the authorization system. Authorizations are checked against objects in the system.
Authorization objects enable complex checks (linked to several conditions) of an authorization. For the authorization check
to be successful, the user must pass the check for each field contained in the object.

1. 2. Field of an Authorization object:

In authorization objects, authorization fields represent the values to be tested during authorization checks. For example,
Movement type in material movements, document type, plant etc in purchasing documents etc. An authorization object
combines up to 10 authorization fields.

1. 3. Finding out missing authorization object:

The most common and easiest way of finding out missing authorization is through Transaction SU53. Whenever user finds
a missing authorization, User needs to enter /nSU53 in Command field and see the authorization data for the user.

Here, make a note to drill down and get both authorization object and field name. This will make the job of
Basis/Security consultants easy and they can provide the required authorization correctly.

When you find such messages, go to SU53.

In SU53,
Here, Authorization object, fields and corresponding values will be displayed. This data is sufficient to provide required

Another way of finding out Authorization object is to check in table TOBJ.

Here, in SE16N, for table TOBJ, Enter the authorization class (Say MM_E for Materials Management: Purchasing).

You can see the list of authorization object and fields relevant for entered class.

1. 4. Assigning missing Authorization objects:

Authorization objects are assigned to user roles. First, find out the user role in Transaction SU01.

Enter the user ID and click display.Click on Roles tab and copy the user specific role.
Go to Transaction PFCG.

Enter the User Role and click on change.

Click on Authorizations Tab and click on Change Authorization data.

Click on Find (or press CTRL+F) and enter the missing authorization object identified earlier. Enter the field also, if
System will take you to the respective Authorization object. Click on Edit and enter the required values.Click on * if
authorization needs to be provided for all the possible values of a particular authorization field.
1. 5. List of Commonly used Authorization objects in MM Module:
Authorization Obj Field 1 Field 2 Field 3 Field 4 Class Description
M_ANFR_EKO ACTVT EKORG MM_E Purchasing Organization in RFQ
M_ANGB_EKG ACTVT EKGRP MM_E Purchasing Group in Quotation
M_ANGB_EKO ACTVT EKORG MM_E Purchasing Organization in Quotation
M_BANF_BSA ACTVT BSART MM_E Document Type in Purchase Requisition
M_BANF_BWK ACTVT BESWK MM_E Procuring Plant in Purchase Requisition
M_BANF_EKG ACTVT EKGRP MM_E Purchasing Group in Purchase Requisition
M_BANF_EKO ACTVT EKORG MM_E Purchasing Organization in Purchase
M_BANF_FRG FRGCD MM_E Release Code in Purchase Requisition
M_BANF_LGO ACTVT WERKS LGORT MM_E Plant/Storage Location in Purchase
M_BANF_WRK ACTVT WERKS MM_E Plant in Purchase Requisition
M_BEST_BSA ACTVT BSART MM_E Document Type in Purchase Order
M_BEST_EKG ACTVT EKGRP MM_E Purchasing Group in Purchase Order
M_BEST_EKO ACTVT EKORG MM_E Purchasing Organization in Purchase Order
M_BEST_LGO ACTVT WERKS LGORT MM_E Plant/Storage Location in Purchase Order
M_BEST_WRK ACTVT WERKS MM_E Plant in Purchase Order
M_EINF_EKG ACTVT EKGRP MM_E Purchasing Group in Purchasing Info
M_EINF_EKO ACTVT EKORG MM_E Purchasing Organization in Purchasing
Info Record
M_EINF_WRK ACTVT WERKS MM_E Plant in Purchasing Info Record
M_EINK_FRG FRGGR FRGCO MM_E Release Code and Group (Purchasing)
M_LFM1_EKO ACTVT EKORG MM_E Purchasing Organization in Vendor Master
M_LPET_EKG ACTVT EKGRP MM_E Purchasing Group in Scheduling
Agreement Delivery Schedule
M_LPET_EKO ACTVT EKORG MM_E Purchasing Org. in Scheduling Agreement
Delivery Schedule
M_ORDR_EKO ACTVT EKORG MM_E Purchasing Organization in Source List
M_RAHM_EKG ACTVT EKGRP MM_E Purchasing Group in Outline Agreement
M_RAHM_EKO ACTVT EKORG MM_E Purchasing Organization in Outline
M_SC_PGRP ACTVT EKGRP MM_E Purchasing Group Authorizations for
Shopping Cart
M_SUST_EKO ACTVT EKORG MM_E Sustainability Info Record: Authorization
for Purchasing Org
V_KONH_EKO EKORG ACTVT MM_E Purchasing Organization in Master
M_MATE_BUK ACTVT BUKRS MM_G Material Master: Company Codes
M_MATE_BWT DUMMY MM_G Material master: Change of valuation type
for batch
M_MATE_CHG ACTVT BEGRU MM_G Material Master: Batches/Trading Units
M_MATE_DGT DG_OBJECT ACTVT MM_G DG Material Master: Dangerous goods
texts (obsolete)
M_MATE_DPR ACTVT MM_G Material Master: MRP Profiles
M_MATE_LGN ACTVT LGNUM MM_G Material Master: Warehouse Numbers
M_MATE_MAF ACTVT MM_G Material Master: Material Locks
M_MATE_MAN ACTVT MM_G Material Master: Data at Client Level
M_MATE_MAR ACTVT BEGRU MM_G Material Master: Material Types
M_MATE_MAT ACTVT BEGRU MM_G Material Master: Materials
M_MATE_MEX ACTVT MM_G Material Master: Export License Data per
M_MATE_MTA ACTVT MM_G Material Master: Change Material Type
M_MATE_MVD ACTVT MM_G Maintenance Authorization Layouts:
Overview Material Version
M_MATE_MZP ACTVT WERKS MM_G Material Master: Customs Tariff
Preference Data
M_MATE_NEU DUMMY MM_G Material Master: Create
M_MATE_PER AKTPR BUKRS MM_G Material Master: Allow Posting to Prior
Period/Close Periods
M_MATE_PPR ACTVT MM_G Material Master: Forecast Profiles
M_MATE_STA ACTVT STATM MM_G Material Master: Maintenance Statuses
Organization/Distribution Channel
M_MATE_WGR ACTVT BEGRU MM_G Material Master: Material Groups
M_MATE_WRK ACTVT WERKS MM_G Material Master: Plants
M_MATE_ZST DUMMY MM_G Material Master: Change Status of Batches
WRF_FOLUP ACTVT MM_G Authorization: Follow-Up/Replacement
Material Relationships
M_BSV_ALL BUKRS ACTVT MM_W Authorization for BSV
M_BSV_CONF BUKRS ACTVT MM_W Authorization for Creating Rule in BSV
M_BSV_PROC BUKRS BSV_PROC ACTVT MM_W Authorization for Valuation Procedure in
M_LIFO_MLY BUKRS ACTVT MM_W Authorization for LIFO Valuation
M_NIWE_BIL BUKRS ACTVT MM_W Authorization for Lowest Value
M_RECH_AKZ ACTVT MM_R Invoices: Accept Invoice Verification
Differences Manually
M_RECH_BUK BUKRS ACTVT MM_R Invoices: Company Code
M_RECH_CPY ACTVT BUKRS MM_R Copy Invoice: Company Code
M_RECH_EKG ACTVT EKGRP MM_R Invoice Release: Purchasing Group
M_RECH_SPG ACTVT SPEGR MM_R Invoices: Blocking Reasons
/PSPRO/_US ACTVT MM_B Overwrite User Status Checks
M_GRPT_WWW ACTVT MM_B User is authorized to perform Goods
Receipt via WWW
M_ISEG_WDB ACTVT WERKS MM_B Phys inv: Difference Posting in Plant
M_ISEG_WIB ACTVT WERKS MM_B A. Phys. Inv.: Phys. Inv. Document in
M_ISEG_WZB ACTVT WERKS MM_B A. Phys. Inv.: Count and Difference
Posting in Plant
M_ISEG_WZL ACTVT WERKS MM_B A. Phys. Inv.: Count in Plant
M_MBNK_ALL ACTVT MM_B Material Docs: Number Range
M_MPRIO ACTVT MM_PRIO MM_B Requirement Prioritization
M_MRES_BWA ACTVT BWART MM_B Reservations: Movement Type
M_MRES_WWA ACTVT WERKS MM_B Reservations: Plant
M_MSEG_BMB ACTVT BWART MM_B Material Documents: Movement Type
M_MSEG_BWA ACTVT BWART MM_B Goods Movements: Movement Type
M_MSEG_BWE ACTVT BWART MM_B Goods Receipt for Purchase Order:
Movement Type
M_MSEG_BWF ACTVT BWART MM_B Goods Receipt for Production Order:
Movement Type
M_MSEG_LGO ACTVT WERKS LGORT BWART MM_B Goods Movements: Storage Location
M_MSEG_WMB ACTVT WERKS MM_B Material Documents: Plant
M_MSEG_WWA ACTVT WERKS MM_B Goods Movements: Plant
M_MSEG_WWE ACTVT WERKS MM_B Goods Receipt for Purchase Order:
M_MSEG_WWF ACTVT WERKS MM_B Goods Receipt for Production Order:
M_MWOF_ACT ACTVT MM_B Control for Split Calculation of Value
M_SKPF_VGA ACTVT VORGANG MM_B Inventory Sampling: Transaction
M_SKPF_WRK ACTVT WERKS MM_B Inventory Sampling: Plant

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