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- yes, a multiple of e = 1.6 x 10^-19 C.

Since this charge is quantized other objects can

only have charges divisible by it, this charge is 2e. The second is not as it is not a
multiple of e
- Conductor will spread out on the outer surface of the object over time because the free
electrons repel each other while the insulating sphere will have the charge remain at the
top of the sphere for the duration of the test.
- The comb accumulates an opposite charge to the hair through the buildup of static
electricity and since opposite charges attract the comb will be attracted to the hair and
vice versa for a brief period of time after the brushing
- Polarization between the charged balloon object and the uncharged wall will cause the
balloon to be "hung" on the wall due to the triboelectric charging that took place with the
balloon and the cloth
- Since the objects do not touch this is an example of inductive charging where the
insulator plastic ball will not move (first drawing). With the two metal balls will have the
negatively charged electrons move away from the negatively charged left metal ball
leaving the protons to attract the negatively charged ball, dragging the two together
(second drawing).

- F = (k(q1)(q2))/r^2. If you halved the distance between both charges the force of
attraction would increase 4x. If you halved the charges the force of attraction would
decrease by ¼.
- Both contain a constant multiplied by the product of a property of both attracting objects
over the distance between them squared and work over infinite distances. The differences
are that the two constants are different as the electromagnetic force is greater and the
gravitational equation uses the two objects' masses while the electromagnetic one uses
the charges. The electromagnetic force is attractive or repulsive and can be shielded or
blocked while the same is untrue for gravity.
- The magnitude of the charges is a lot smaller than their masses as the electromagnetic
constant is larger than the gravitational one
- The ratio stays the same as the distance between the two objects affects the calculated
value for both forces in an inverse squared way
- The axes should be the electrostatic force and the square root of the radius. (or
radius/time to yield a really boring graph)
- Both can determine the strength of the charges present but not if they are positive or
- the electrons in rod 1 are initially pushed to the right side of it and when it makes contact
with rod 2, the electrons in rod 2 are pushed to the right as well
- The particle accelerates upwards and has a quadratic path

- If the charge was increased the two balloons would

get further apart from each other. Increasing the charge on only one would shift them
both away equally.

- Sphere A has the largest charge at +3Q and Sphere B and C both have a charge of +1.5Q
- The positive charge pulls negative charge towards it on the sphere 2 and the ground
removes electrons from sphere 1 causing it to have a positive charge and to further pull
the electrons on sphere 2 to the left side
- -----+++++ for the second rod, first rod unchanged
- Less electrons, the sphere has a positive charge after the ground is removed. If charged
rod is positive some electrons have moved to the left side of the sphere, if negative they
have moved to the right side
- The charges of A and B are opposites and C is the same charge as B
- X feels the same force since Y as both charges are multiplied together when calculating
the electromagnetic force. Therefore, X would feel 2x the acceleration of Y as it has half
the mass, f/m=a
- sin(theta)*T = Fe, cos(theta)*T = mg
- Net electrostatic forces
- A to B: k*(-1*2)/1^2 = 1.8×10^10
- A to C: k*(-1*-4)/3^2 = 4×10^9
- B to C: k*(2*-4)/2^2 = 1.8×10^10
- Net at A: 1.8×10^10 - 4×10^9 = 1.4×10^10
- Net at B: 0
- Net at C: 4×10^9 - 1.8×10^10 = -1.4×10^10

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