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Presented By:
R.Durga Devi, EEE (III YEAR)

N.Pavithra,EEE (III YEAR)

Email Id:
Nanotechnology is one of the fast
OVERCLOCKING: Extra cooling which is
developing branches of hybrid science
usually required by those who run parts of
combining physics, chemistry and
their computer (such as the CPU and GPU)
engineering. One of the major implications
at higher voltages and frequencies than
of this technology will have on the future
manufacturer specifications call for.
field of engineering. Future computer chips
will contain more circuitry and components, INTRODUCTION:
causing them to generate additional heat and
The present trends used for reducing
requiring innovative cooling methods.
the heat in the computer are Liquid
This paper explains the various types
submersion cooling, Passive heat-sink
of cooling devices used for reducing the heat
cooling, Active heat-sink cooling, Peltier
from the computer chip and the most
cooling or thermoelectric cooling, Water
innovative and emerging technique, using a
cooling Heat pipe ,Phase-change cooling,
liquid to cool electronic circuits, however,
Integrated chip cooling techniques. However
poses many challenges, as they are
the new technique works by generating ions
expensive and prone to breakdown. So, our
or electrically charged atoms using
aim here is to create a type of system for the
electrodes placed close to one another on a
chips to cool such that the challenges
computer chip. Generated ions are passed
hindered are overcome. Thus industry has
from electrode to electrode, with collisions
developed a new cooling method that uses
between ions and neutral air atoms
air. The key attribute of this work is that it
propelling the air forward in what is called
sticks with air cooling while possibly
the corona wind effect – the process that
providing the same rate of cooling as a
cools. The entire thing would sit on, and be
liquid. We explain the cooling of future
integrated into, a chip that is 10mmx10mm.
computers using nanotechnology. This
method uses new type of cooling technology CAUSES OF HEAT GENERATION
for computers that uses a sort of nano-
lightning to create tiny wind of currents that
would self-cool the chips without any
requirement of an external mean.
The amount of heat generated by an necessary to insulate certain parts of
integrated circuit (e.g., a CPU), the components susceptible to electromagnetic
prime cause of heat build up in interference, such as the CPU. For these
reasons, it is preferred that the liquid be
modern computers, is a function of
the efficiency of its design, the
technology used in its construction Evaporation can pose a problem, and the
and the frequency and voltage at liquid may require either be regularly
which it operates. In operation, the refilling or sealing inside the computer's
temperature of a computer's enclosure. Liquid may also slowly seep into
components will rise until the heat and damage components, particularly
capacitors, causing an initially functional
lost to the surroundings is equal to
computer to fail after hours or days
the heat produced by the component, immersed.
and thus the temperature of the
component reaches equilibrium. For PASSIVE HEAT-SINK COOLING
reliable operation, the equilibrium
temperature must be sufficiently low Passive heat-sink cooling involves
for the structure of the computer's attaching a block of machined or extruded
metal to the part that needs cooling. A
circuits to survive.
thermal adhesive may be used. More
commonly for a personal-computer CPU, a
clamp holds the heat sink directly over the
chip, with a thermal grease or thermal pad
An uncommon practice is to submerge the
spread between. This block usually has fins
computer's components in a and ridges to increase its surface area. The
thermally conductive liquid. heat conductivity of metal is much better
Personal computers that are cooled than that of air, and it radiates heat better
in this manner do not generally than does the component that it is protecting
require any fans or pumps, and may (usually an integrated circuit or CPU). Until
be cooled exclusively by passive recently, fan-cooled aluminium heat sinks
were the norm for desktop computers.
heat exchange between the
Today, many heat sinks feature copper base-
computer's parts, the cooling fluid plates or are entirely made of copper, and
and the ambient air. Extreme mount fans of considerable size and power.
component density supercomputers
such as the Cray-2 and Cray T90
used additional liquid to chilled
liquid heat exchangers in order to
facilitate heat removal.

The liquid used must have sufficiently low

electrical conductivity in order for it not to
interfere with the normal operation of the
computer's components. If the liquid is
somewhat electrically conductive, it may be
Fig 1: Passive heat sink on a chip The buildup of dust is greatly increased with
active heat-sink cooling, because the fan
Dust buildup between the metal fins of a continually takes in the dust present in the
heat sink gradually reduces efficiency, but surrounding air.
can be countered with a gas duster by
blowing away the dust along with any other PELTIER COOLING OR
unwanted excess material. Passive heat sinks THERMOELECTRIC COOLING
are commonly found on older CPUs, parts
that do not get very hot (such as the chipset), In 1821 T. J. Seebeck discovered that
and low-power computers. different metals, connected at two different
junctions, will develop a micro-voltage if
Usually a heat-sink is attached to the the two junctions are held at different
integrated heat spreader (IHS), essentially a temperatures. This effect is known as the
large, flat plate attached to the CPU, with "Seebeck effect"; it is the basic theory
conduction paste layered between. This behind the TEC (thermoelectric cooling).
dissipates or spreads the heat locally. Unlike
a heat sink, a spreader is meant to In 1834 Jean Peltier discovered the inverse
redistribute heat, not to remove it. In of the Seebeck effect, now known as the
addition, the IHS protects the fragile "Peltier effect". He found that applying a
CPU.Passive cooling involves no fan noise. voltage to a thermocouple creates a
temperature differential between two sides.
ACTIVE HEAT-SINK COOLING This results in an effective, albeit extremely
inefficient heat pump.
Active heat-sink cooling uses the
same principle as passive, with the addition WATER COOLING
of a fan that blows over or through the heat
sink. The air movement increases the rate at
which the heat sink can exchange heat with
the ambient air. Active heat sinks are the
primary method of cooling modern
processors and graphics cards.

Fig 3: DIY Water cooling setup showing

12v pump, CPU Waterblock

While originally limited to mainframe

computers, water cooling has become a
practice largely associated with
overclocking in the form of either
manufactured kits, or in the form of do-it-
Fig 2: Active heat sink with a fan and
yourself setups assembled from individually
heat pipes.
gathered parts. The past few years has seen unit, and/or other components at the same
water cooling increasing its popularity with time with the same system. As opposed to
pre-assembled, moderate to high air cooling, water cooling is also influenced
less by the ambient temperature. Water
performance, desktop computers. Water has
cooling's comparatively low noise-level
the ability to dissipate more heat from the compares favorably to that of active cooling,
parts being cooled than the various types of which can become quite noisy. One
metals used in heat sinks, making it suitable disadvantage to water cooling is the
for overclocking and high performance potential for a coolant leak. Leaked coolant
computer applications. can damage any electronic components it
comes in contact with. Another drawback to
Advantages to water cooling include the fact water cooling is the complexity of the
that a system is not limited to cooling one system; an active heat sink is much simpler
component, but can be set up to cool the to build, install, and maintain than a water
central processing unit, graphics processing cooling solution.

HEAT PIPE this method of cooling, many desktop CPUs

and GPUs, as well as high end chipsets, use
heat pipes in addition to active fan-based
cooling to remain within safe operating


Most older PCs use flat ribbon cables to

connect storage drives. These large flat
cables greatly impede airflow by causing
Fig 4: A graphics card with a heat pipe drag and turbulence. Overclockers and
cooler design. modders often replace these with rounded
cables, with the conductive wires bunched
A heat pipe is a hollow tube containing a together tightly to reduce surface area.
heat transfer liquid. As the liquid evaporates, Theoretically, the parallel strands of
it carries heat to the cool end, where it conductors in a ribbon cable serve to reduce
condenses and then returns to the hot end. crosstalk (signal carrying conductors
Heat pipes thus have a much higher inducing signals in nearby conductors), but
effective thermal conductivity than solid there is no empirical evidence of rounding
materials. For use in computers, the heat cables reducing performance. This may be
sink on the CPU is attached to a larger because the length of the cable is short
radiator heat sink. Both heat sinks are enough so that the effect of crosstalk is
hollow as is the attachment between them, negligible. Problems usually arise when the
creating one large heat pipe that transfers cable is not electromagnetically protected
heat from the CPU to the radiator, which is and the length is considerable, a more
then cooled using some conventional frequent occurrence with older network
method. This method is expensive and cables.
usually used when space is tight or absolute
quiet is needed. Because of the efficiency of
In order to have a still better efficiency of It refers to the manipulation of matter on the
the computer, the cooling devices, cables are
minutest scale i.e. atoms and molecules. Fig
replaced by nanotechnology.
(5) shows the process of Atom.


The word nanotechnology is derived

from the Greek word ‘nanos’ meaning
‘dwarf’. Nanotechnology involves working
with matter at the scale of one-billionth of a
meter (1mm).

Fig (5): Atom

Every element is composed of matter. atoms and placing each atom in the right
Matter is again the composition of infinite place.Nanotechnology crosses and unites
atoms. The atoms cluster together to form academic fields of physics,
molecules, which, in turn, combine with chemistry,biology and even computer
several other molecules to form a basic science taking shape to create ‘smart
molecular structure. The molecular materials’ roughly the size of atoms,
structures have specific density, shape, possessing far better characteristics than
hardness and other physical properties of what they originally had.
that particular element. These very
A major challenge for
properties are taken to consideration when
nanotechnology is to get control on the
we talk of nanotechnology. The properties
characteristics of the matter to develop
of matter depend on how atoms are arranged
highly efficient systems. The goal of
in the matter. It is possible to rearrange
nanotechnology is to manipulate atoms
atoms in the matter. If we rearrange atoms in
individually and place them in a pattern to
coal we get diamonds. When we rearrange
produce a desired structure. The fig (6)
atoms of sand with addition of little
shows Molecules process.
impurities we get computer chips. Thus
nanotechnology is about rearranging of
computers currently are cooled with ‘heat
sinks’ that contain fins to dissipate heat. The
heat sinks are connected to bulky fan
assemblies to carry away the heated air.

You need an external means of

Fig (6): Molecules creating air. We need the fan. Here, the
creation of air as well as the cooling is all
happening on one chip. That’s the key value
A new type of cooling technology for of this idea. The researchers envision
computers that uses a sort of nano-lightning cooling devices that are small enough to fit
to create tiny wind currents is used to cool on individual chips, actually making up a
the chips. Future computer chips will layer of the chip. The entire thing would sit
generate additional heat, requiring on, and be integrated into, a chip that is
innovative cooling methods, as they will 10mmx10mm.
contain more circuitry and components. REGIONS OF COOLING
Engineers are studying ways to improve
The cooling of computer chips is
cooling technologies, including systems that
incorporated through two regions
circulate liquids to draw heat from chips.
Using a liquid to cool electronic circuits,
however, poses many challenges, and  Ion – Generating region
industry would rather develop new cooling  Ion – pumping region
methods that use air.

Future cooling devices based on the

design will have an ion-generation region,
where electrons are released, and a pumping
region, made up of another set of electrodes
needed to create the cooling effect. The key Fig (7): Shows the electron emission

attribute of this work is that it sticks with air process.

cooling while possibly providing the same ION – GENERATING REGION

rate of cooling as a liquid. Chips in desktop
This region consists of electrodes for ionization of air, which in turn creates tiny
electron emission and ion creation. Using wind currents thereby cooling the chips.The
electrodes placed close to one another on a researchers are able to create the ionizing
computer chip, the new technique works by effect with low voltage because the tips of
generating ions – or electrically charged the nanotubes are extremely narrow and the
atoms. Negatively charged electrodes, or oppositely charged electrodes are spaced
cathodes, are made of nanotubes of carbon apart only about 10 microns, or one – tenth
with tips only as wide as five nanometers, or the width of a human hair.
billionths of a meter. Carbon nanotubes are
tiny cylindrical structure that are some
50,000 times thinner than the diameter of
human hair.

A carbon nanotubes is a sheet of

carbon atoms joined in a pattern of hexagons
and rolled into a cylinder, like chicken wire.
Fig (8): Pumping Region process.
Where the two ends wrap around and meet
determines the conductive properties of the
monotube. Line the ends up one way, and
the nanotube conducts electricity like a
metal. But line them up another way, and the Pumping region made up of another
nanotube heaves like a semiconductor. Roll set of electrodes needed to create the cooling
one nanotube around another, and you get a effect. Clouds of ions are created when
multi-walled nanotube – a metal – type electrons react with air can then be attracted
inside a semiconductor inside a metal – type, by the second region of electrodes and
for example. The negatively charged pumped forward by changing the voltages in
nanotubes discharge electrons toward the those electrodes. This region consists of a
positively charged electrodes when voltage series of electrodes, with descending
is passed into the electrodes. positive polarity with the final one
negatively charged. Usually the series
These carbon nanotubes combine to form
consist of three electrodes with the first one
electrodes to generate ions that cause the
highly positive, the next one less positive
and the last one negative. This combination EFFECT ANALYSIS
creates a kind of environment so that the
The effect relies on corona
ions are pumped out resulting in an ionic
discharge, which allows atoms to become
breeze which cools the computer chips. The
ionized near sharp points and edges – this
creation of ionic breeze is explained by
belief is perpetuated in the construction of
“corona wind effect”.
pointy lightning rods historically (though
rounded or spherical topped rods are better
than the pointed rods).
Usually, two electrodes are used with a
A corona wind is created by the ions
high voltage between them, about 20kV,
that follow an electrical field set up by
where one electrode is small or sharp, and
opposite charges. In man – made devices,
the other larger and smoother. This creates
generated ions are passed from electrode to
a high field gradient around the smaller,
electrode, in the mode of a charge – coupled
positively charged electrode. Around this
device, with collisions between ions and
electrode, electrons are stripped of the atoms
neutral air atoms propelling the air forward
in the surrounding medium they are literally
in what is called the corona wind effect
pulled right off by the electrode’s charge.
(Ionic Breeze). The corona wind effect was
The electrons quickly move to the electrode,
explained by Biefeld and Brown. This
and are driven to the negative electrode by
effect is also known as Biefeld-Brown
the voltage. This leaves a cloud of positively
charged ions in the medium, which are
BIEFELD – BROWN EFFECT attracted to the negative electrode. This also
drags along some of the surrounding
The Biefeld – Brown effect is an electro
medium, causing what is known as ion
kinetic effect that was discovered by
wind, which creates a breeze of considerably
Thomas Townsend Brown and Dr. Paul
greater magnitude than the ions themselves
Alfred Biefeld. The effect is more widely
account for.
referred to as Electro – hydrodynamics
(EHD) or sometimes electro – fluid – Unipolar charge current can be
dynamics. generated through corona discharge from a
thin wire enclosed in a shield electrode.
Except for an ionization sheath adjacent to  To create lightning we need tens of
the coronating wire surface, most parts of kilovolts, but we do it with 100 volts
the region in the enclosing shield contain or less, in simple term, we are
drifting ions of a single polarity in response generating lighting on a nano-scale
to the electric field. Momentum transfer as a here.
consequence of collisions between drifting  The researchers are able to create the
ions and electrically neutral air molecules ionizing effect with low voltage
gives rise to the electro hydrodynamic flow because the tips of the nanotubes are
known as corona wind. extremely narrow and the oppositely
charged electrodes are spaced apart
only about 10 microns, or one – tenth
the width of human hair.
The steps involved in the cooling process  The ionized air molecules cause
are as follows. currents like those created by the
“corona wind” phenomenon, which
 Carbon nanotube electrodes placed
happens between electrodes at
close to one another on a computer
voltages higher than 10 kilovolts, or
chip and voltage is passed into the
10,000 volts.
 Clouds of ions created when
 When voltage is passed into the
electrons react with air can then be
electrodes the negatively charged
attracted by the second region of
nanotubes discharge electrons
electrodes and pumped forward by
towards the positively charged
changing the voltages in those
 The electrons react with surrounding
 The voltages are rapidly switched
air, causing the air molecules to be
from one electrode to the next in
ionized just as electrons in the
such a way that the clouds of ions
atmosphere ionize air in clouds.
move forward.
 This ionization of air leads to an
 As the ions move forward, they
imbalance of charges that eventually
make repeated collisions with neutral
result in lightning bolts.
molecules, producing the breeze.
 Voltages are switched at the right literally through the core of a chip
frequency so that the ion cloud is and out the other side.
constantly moving forward causing  Thus the process of cooling is carried
the breeze to flow. out so that the heat is given out
 The pumping concept works with a without providing any external
region of electrodes made of many means.
series, each series containing three
 The first in the series is the most
 Additional cost for providing
positively charged, followed by an
external cooling (coolers, air –
electrode that has a less – positive
conditioner etc) can be eliminated.
charge and then a third electrode that
 Size of computers will be smaller in
is negative.
near future compared to those used at
 Switching the voltages from one
electrode to the next causes the
 No moving parts inside the
charges to move forward, which in
computer, hence there will be more
turn moves the ion clouds.
reliable and noiseless.
 Generated ions are passed from
 Self – cooling of chips will increase
electrode to electrode, in the mode of
the life expectancy of the chips and
a charge – coupled device, with
hence increase the life of appliance.
collisions between ions and neutral
 Additional and more advanced
air atoms propelling the air forward
circuitry can be designed and
in what is called the corona wind
fabricated within a single chip.
 In conventional cooling we need an
 The researchers nanosized the corona
external means of creating air. We
wind effect and combined it with
need the fan. Here, the creation of
micro fluidic channels with
air as well as the cooling is all
embedded, megahertz – sequenced
happening on one chip. That’s the
electrodes to create suitable for
key value of this idea.
pumping heat – laden air molecules
CARBON NANORIBBONS FOR temperature. Graphene is a form of carbon
SMALLER, SPEEDIER COMPUTER derived from graphite. Other graphene
CHIPS transistors, made with wider nanoribbons or
Stanford chemists have developed a thin films, require much lower temperatures.
new way to make transistors out of carbon Field-effect transistors are the key elements
nanoribbons. The devices could someday be of computer chips, acting as data carriers
integrated into high-performance computer from one place to another. They are
chips to increase their speed and generate composed of a semiconductor channel
less heat, which can damage today's silicon- sandwiched between two metal electrodes.
based chips when transistors are packed In the presence of an electric field, a charged
together tightly. Researchers have made metal plate can draw positive and negative
nanoribbons, strips of carbon 50,000-times charges in and out of the semiconductor.
thinner than a human hair, that are smoother This allows the electric current to either pass
and narrower than nanoribbons made through or be blocked, which in turn
through other techniques. controls how the devices can be switched on
and off, thereby regulating the flow of data.



The researchers have developed nanowires

capable of storing computer data for
100,000 years and retrieving that data a
Fig (9) A schematic of graphene thousand times faster than existing portable
memory devices such as Flash memory and
nanoribbon field-effect transistor with
micro-drives, all using less power and space
palladium contacts (S,D) on a 10 nm thick than current memory technologies. These
nano-wires can retrieve data 1000 times
insulating silicon dioxide surface (purple).
faster than the normal wire. This new form
Beneath the Si02 layer is a highly of memory has the potential to revolutionize
the way we share information, transfer data
conductive silicon layer (G)
and even download entertainment as
The researchers have made the consumers. The researchers grew the
nanowires onto a layered oxide-nitride-oxide
transistors called "field-effect transistors"—
substrate. Applying a positive voltage across
a critical component of computer chips— the wires causes electrons in the wires to
tunnel down into the substrate, charging it.
with graphene that can operate at room
A negative voltage causes the electrons to
tunnel back up into the wires. This process finished wafer using the team’s method is
is the key to the device's memory function: shown in (c), with a typical device shown in
when fully charged, each nanowire device (d). Note that a stray nanowire intercepts the
stores a single bit of information, either a device on the upper part of (d). The oval
"0" or a "1" depending on the position of the feature surrounding the stray nanowire is
electrons. When no voltage is present, the due to the varying thickness of the spin-on
stored information can be read. glass film. When a voltage is applied to this
device, it emits ultraviolet light (as shown in
The device combines the excellent image (e) obtained with a CCD camera)
electronic properties of nanowires with with a peak wavelength of ~380 nm.
established technology, and thus has several
characteristics that make it very promising FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS
for applications in non-volatile memory. For
example, it has simple read, write, and erase 1. Silicon Nanowires Upgrade Data-
capabilities. It boasts a large memory Storage Technology - fabricated
window--the voltage range over which it memory device that combines
stores information--which indicates good silicon nanowires with a more
memory retention and a high resistance to traditional type of data-storage.
disturbances from outside voltages. The Their hybrid structure may be more
device also has a large on/off current ratio, a reliable than other nanowire-based
property that allows the circuit to clearly memory devices recently built and
distinguish between the "0" and "1" states. more easily integrated into
commercial applications.
2. Another version of the design
might replace the carbon nanotubes
with a thin film of diamond, which
would be sturdier and easier to
fabricate than the nanotubes. The
grain boundaries in the diamond
film provide the same kind of
opportunity for electron emission
Fig (10): Basic Structure of NanoWire
and ion generation as a carbon
The basic structure of the nanowire
nanotube. Most features of the
devices is based on a sandwich geometry in
which a nanowire (n-type zinc oxide) is device could be manufactured with
placed between the substrate (heavily doped
conventional silicon fabrication
p-type silicon) and a top metallic contact,
using spin-on glass as an insulating spacer techniques used in the
layer to prevent the metal contact from
semiconductor industry to make
shorting to the substrate (as shown in (a) and
(b)). This allows for uniform injection of computer chips. Electronics
current along the length of the nanowire. A
manufactures ultimately are most
interested in reliability because so other hand, would be expensive and prone to
much of what we do now depends break down. For that reason, the ion – driven
completely on the reliability of our cooling device represents a way to increase
systems. This cooling method cooling capacity in laptops, meaning they
would have no moving parts could use higher performance chips that
making it quiet and reliable. generate too much heat for current laptops.
Moreover the entire thing could sit on, and
3. Integrated Nanowire Sensor
be integrated into, a chip that is 10 x 10
Circuitry -Integrated sensor circuit
millimeters. The researchers envision
based on nanowire arrays,
cooling devices that are small enough to fit
combining light sensors and
on individual chips, actually making up a
electronics made of different
layer of the chip.
crystalline materials.
Here, the creation of air as well as
the cooling is all happening on one chip.
Cooling of computer chips is indeed Hence self – cooling of computer chips is far
a matter of highest concern in today’s more beneficial than the conventional one
electronic world.With greater development and moreover it paves way for innovative
in the field of IC fabrication, more complex thinking and research.
circuitry may be designed. Additional heat
Nanotechnology is used in
production eventually leads us for
computers for improving its efficiency.for
requirement of innovative cooling methods.
eg.,in case of normal wire the data may be
Chips in desktop computers currently are
lost during its transmission process and
cooled with ‘heat sinks’ that contain fins to
consumes more power but using nanowires
dissipate heat. The heat sinks are connected
will provide us secure data transmission
to bulky fan assemblies to carry away the
along with low power consumption ,high
heated air. External means of creating air
speed and reliability.
and the fan are needed. Conventional fans
use too much space and energy for laptop
computers, which have to be cooled entirely 1.
with heat sinks and tube – like “heat pipes”
that dissipate heat. Liquid cooling, on the
3,High Voltage Engineering,Fourth
edition,by MS.Naidu and V.Kamaraju,Tata
McGrawHill Education Private
Limited,New Delhi

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