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Our life itself is the greatest blessing of God with different phase from being baby to Grand
mom or Granddad or simply being old. It’s a beautiful journey not every soul gets to be born
or aged so we should know how to embrace ourselves in every age. A person can change
its states from being poor to rich, unsuccessful to successful if he has clear vision and an old
age is such stage where everything’s seems to be peaceful, a stage where you need proper
care and you are dependent on your children for that, it’s the time when you remember and
talk about your past and enjoy the feeling. But with time people have forgotten the main
essence of life and growing old has become curse for so many people because of the
negligence by their own parents.

We know and also have seen that old age people are respected, loved and cared in the
family but it’s not the case for all the people. In Nepal, nowadays, we can see many old age
homes, about 1500 old age homes all over the country where old people stay and are taken
care of very well. I think the old age homes are made for those old peoples who do not have
family to look after them and also few people want to stay at their will themselves because
they do not want their children to bother. But old age people who even though wants to be
with their family are abandoned mainly because they are physically inactive, sick and they
have to be taken care and looked after. It is a shame to those people who abandon their old
parents because it’s ridiculous and seems they do not acknowledge the fact that their
parents took care of them when they were young, tried very hard to give all the needs and
desires. But when the turn came for those children then instead of love, care and respect,
they show hatred and act as if their parents were burden to them simply because they do not
earn and instead they get sick all the time and thinks that their old aged parents are the main
reason for the drain of the money which is very shambolic.

In one’s old age it is actually the time to remember your past, your journey from your
childhood to old and it’s the period where you guide your junior family members, you get to
see grandchildren. Old age is very special stage of life only if you have all those love, care
and attachment with your family members. Not every person gets to have the good taste of
the old age period because many people who are abandoned by their family, they feel lonely
all the time, even though they have extreme desires to be with the family, to see how their
children is doing and watch their grandchildren grow, they cannot have their desires fulfilled
and they are haunted by these feelings and they take their situation and position as a curse.

Whenever I see or hear that old parents are being taken to old age home by their children I
feel very unpleasing and inhumane. In my opinion the old parents have every right to enjoy
their old age with their family. Everything the children have or owns, the base is built by the
parents. They, now are only asking you for care and love and people take it bothering. I don’t
understand what is happening to the people in this generation, is it ego or lack of education
that has kept the practice of sending the old aged parents to old age homes. It simply is very
disrespectful and unrealistic practice which shouldn’t exist in our society in today’s
Life is a long journey, you grow and experience many situations but at old age experiencing
loneliness and being made far from your family even though you do not want to be it’s a
pretty harsh and sad situation which will haunt and lead to death. People should be aware of
the same lonely feeling and never let the old age of their old parents be a curse by not
abandoning their parents and keeping them happy, loved and cared. Life is very beautiful
until you make some stupid decisions which ruins everything and you will regret doing it

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