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Fishing Vessels Energy Efficiency Operational and Technological Measures

A. W. Hussein , A. Elsayed , W. Yehia

This paper outline review of most technological, design, and operational energy
efficiency measure applicable for fishing vessels specially trawlers. The International
Maritime Organization (IMO) requirements and the specificity of operational activities
for fishing vessels have been taken into consideration. Sailing and trawling operational
phases characterizing fishing vessel activities also considered in this study. All energy
saving technologies and adoptable solutions for new and existing vessels beneficial
outcomes have been discussed. Technological, operational and logistic activities have
been discussed to ensure that fuel consumption and the emission of exhaust gases are
reduced. The operational methods in consideration included speed optimization,
controlling fuel consumption on current basis, controlling the steamed distance,
optimizing draft and trim, trip planning, and fishing operations verification.
Additionally, design strategies for energy efficiency considerations have been
discussed. A reference vessel has been selected for analysis of applied operational
measures to assess its economic and environmental impacts.
Key words: Energy efficiency, Fishing vessels, Propulsion effectiveness, Trawling gear
1. Introduction
Globally Fisheries play a very important role directly and indirectly in millions of
people`s livelihoods. What's more, the fishing is the activity that results in the collecting
or harvesting of fish, for any purpose besides scientific research from every aquatic
environment on the earth using a various technologies. The fishing sector is a very
important part of global trade particularly where fish consumption is high for many
communities which depend on fish for their food security. Fish is a source of nutrients,
fatty acids and minerals protein (ILO, 2004).
1.1 The state of world fisheries
Over 60 years there is a notice increasing on global food fish consumption at a rate
essentially more than that of world population growth. The annual growth rate average
of total food fish consumption through years from 1961 to 2017 was increased to be
3.1 percent while the annual population growth rate is 1.6 percent. Through the same
period, the annual growth rate of other animal proteins (meat, eggs, milk, etc.) is
2.1 percent per year, with the apparent exception of poultry, which grew at an average
4.7 percent per year. The annual growth rate average of total food fish consumption per
capita increased to be 1.5 percent per year, as it was in 1961 9.0 kg and rose to be
20.3 kg in 2017; while in the same period total meat consumption grew by 1.1 percent
per year. In 2018, Total fish production is 179 million tonnes in 2018 and it is expected
to rise to 204 million tonnes in 2030 and fish consumption per capita currently stands at
[SYLWAN., 165(1)]. ISI Indexed,Jan 2021 197
20.5 kg. Factors like technological developments in processing, cold chain, shipping
and distribution; rising incomes worldwide increased the fish consumption. These
factors strongly connect with demand for fish and fish products and increased awareness
among consumers of the health benefits of fish (FAO, 2020).
1.2 Fishing Fleet Status
In 2018 the globally number of fishing vessels was about 4.56 million from large
industrial vessels to small undecked and non-motorized vessels; it has a decline of 2.8
percent than 2016. The motorized vessels are 2.86 million vessels. Globally, in 2018 the
motorized fishing vessels were in the LOA class of less than 12 m was about 82 percent,
the majority is undecked boats, and those small vessels were dominated in every region.
Worldwide, FAO estimated that fishing vessels with an LOA of at least 24 m were
approximately 67 800. The estimation of small vessel is less accurate than industrial
vessel because it doesn‟t licensing and registration requirements (FAO, 2020).
1.3 Fuel Consumption
Many factors and conditions are affecting the varying on fuel consumption on fishing
vessels like, vessel age, size, and condition, vessel speed, engine power, gear, weather
condition and current state. (Driscoll & Tyedmers, 2010; Schau et al., 2009; Tyedmers,
2001). Combination between gear type, vessel size, and fuel price affected Fuel
consumption of a fishing vessel (Davie, S.et al, 2015).
Fuel inputs and GHG emissions from fisheries are calculated and emissions are
comparing with to those from agriculture and livestock production. In 2011 fisheries
consumed about 40 billion liters of fuel and these generated about 179 million tonnes of
CO2-equivalent GHGs. Between 1990 and 2011 production is slight increasing while
Emissions from the global fishing industry increased by 28% (average emissions per
tonne landed grew by 21%). Increasing harvests from crustacean fisheries are fuel-
intensive which growing emissions (Robert W. R., et al, 2018).
1.4 Fisheries and Environmental Aspects
The threats of climate change to human society and natural ecosystems are on a top
priority. While the importance of fisheries is understated, it is difficult ignoring the
implications of climate change for this sector and for coastal and riparian communities
in general. Fishing and aquaculture, at the same time, contribute to greenhouse gas
emissions and present some opportunities for mitigating these emissions. Climate
change affected the fisheries environment where the 55 million fishers and fish farmers
live and work and this threats their livelihoods and the ecosystems which they depend
on (IFAD, 2014).
Fishing vessels depended on fossil fuels (diesel and petrol) for generating power.
Combustion of fossil fuel generates greenhouse gas (GHG) emission which effecting
negatively the environment. CO2, NOx, SOx, CO and hydrocarbons are the main
exhaust gas emissions from ships. It is essential to raise the concern of reduction of

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emissions, greenhouse gases (GHG) measure from fuel. Carbon emission is the most
important anthropocentric GHG among the gas emission. Carbon emissions are form of
CO and CO2 (Trozzi, C., 2010).
Emissions of fishing sector is influenced by the abundance of fish (stocks), the distance
to fishing grounds and the used fishing technology; 2.25 tonnes of CO2 is produced
from fishing vessels. Over the decades emissions affected the of air quality level (Smith
et al, 2014). In case of fishing industry, the carbon emissions from the fishing vessels
still contribute significantly. Large percentage of vessels in the global fleet are
developing as 57 percent are motorized about 79 percent of them are less than 12 m
overall (about 2.1 million vessels) (FAO eastmed, 2014).
2. Fishing Vessels Energy Efficiency
Marine ecosystem contributes with 60% of the economic value of global biosphere
(Martinez et al., 2007). Because of the importance of this value, the global community
has increased a lot of efforts to develop the economic capacity in order to exploit at a
sustainable manner the aquatic ecosystems and the services provided (FAO, 2018).
Due to the economic recession that is invading the world, high fuel prices and severe
environmental laws have forced ship-owners to make their ships more efficient.
Increased emissions of carbon dioxide and global greenhouse gases have led the IMO to
put limits to these emissions. Consequently, the IMO has enacted a mandatory law to
achieve energy efficiency measures at various stages, technically and operationally.
Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP) includes all ships being in
operation. The plan subjects to the ships which ensure the optimal ship operation for
power consumption and hazards to environment.
The international Maritime Organization (IMO) has made mandatory plan on all vessels
which it is the Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan, SEEMP. The plan is used to
continuously plan, monitor and follow-up on fuel efficiency and safety of vessel
operation, increasing the fuel efficiency through four steps: Planning, Implementation,
Monitoring, Self-evaluate
The SEEMP worked to reduce CO2 emissions from ships, through the continued
repetition of the gradual improvement of energy-efficient operation should be achieved
by the four stages by two factors; Energy Efficiency Design Indexes and energy
efficiency indicator. The Energy Efficiency Design Indexes (EEDI) is introduced for
new built ship to conform the development and the older vessels in operation should
implement technological changes during repairs and inspections in order to reduce fuel
consumption and the emission of exhaust gases. Moreover to monitor the energy
efficiency of the ship the IMO recommends using of EEOI at the monitoring stage
(Nam-kyun., et al, 2019).

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A developed formula for determining for fishing vessels, having in regard the
specificity of fishing vessels‟ operational activities and the relation recommended is as
follows (IMO, 2009a, 2009b):
[g / Mm]
FCj : is the mass (in grams) of consumed fuel;
J : fuel type (one fuel type used at fishing vessels);
CFj : conversion factor expressed by the relation of CO 2 mass (tones)
produced from the
combusting of a tonne of j type fuel;
mcargo : the mass of catch carried (tonnes);
D : distance in nautical miles corresponding to the operational task
Factors associates the CO2 amount emitted to the atmosphere with the mass of
fuel consumption, the distance sailed of fish caught. During the analysis of the formula
(1) it can be concluded that the value depends strongly on the distance travelled
by a vessel during an operational mission and the fish caught amount. The value
will vary in different operating states i.e. during free sailing or trawling.
According to the formula (1) the estimation of during free sailing to a fishery
when it is not carrying any fish is impractical. It is advisable to taking into account the
distance travelled, the total mass of fuel consumed and fish caught. The mass of fuel
that consumed is affected by the type of engines installed at a vessel and the level of
their technical and technological advancement related to the year of production engines.
Reduction factor and energy consumption should be mainly concentrated on
main drive systems so a complex plan put to reduce of energy consumption, and hence
also for increasing the operational effectiveness of fishing vessels, should cover a
number of activities which may include: – technological activities; – operational
activities; – logistical activities
3. Economic Analysis of Sample Reference Trawler
As an example of a 22 m length trawler operated by 12 crewmembers, powered by a
252 hp Gardner diesel engine driving a three-bladed propeller with a rudder through a
3.20:1 reduction gear. It has a width of 6.5 meters and a draft of just 2.5 meters.
Building a cost breakdown for operation of such fishing vessel for a 21 trip of 10
days/year is shown in Table 1 and schematic chart in Fig. 1.

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Table 1 A sample 22 m length trawler operation costs breakdown analysis
Variables Value ($) Revenue Avg/Day
Fuel 32 barrels x 85.09$/barrel x 21trip of 10 days/ 41.24% 3,579$
Yr = 57,164.46$
Wages $24,891/Yr 18% 1,185$
Ice 500 Plate x0.44$/plate/day x 21 trip/Yr= 3.3% 220.5$
Oil 50Lx3.47x21trip= 3,643.5$ 3.34% 1,73.5$
Others: 6,301.197$ 4.5% 300$
Maintenance 18,903.59$ 13.6% 900$
Total expense 115,535.12$ 84% 5,501.67$
Value of landing 138,801$ 100% 6,609.5
Catch Capacity:
Landed catch 100 Box x 21 day x30 kg/Box 100 Box
Economic performance:
Net profit $138801-$113910=$24,891 16% 1,108$

Profit , 16%

Maintenanc Fuel , 41%

e , 14%

Others: , 5%

Oil, 3%

Wages ,
Ice , 3%
Figure 1 A sample 22 m trawler costs breakdown
The highest share of vessel operating cost is always given to fuel bills. The operating
costs of a fishing operation is varying greatly and this varying depending on the: type
and size of fishing vessel, target species, fishing method, average time at sea and
distance to fishing grounds. This paper introduces some operational, technological and
logistical will lead to saving fuel. These procedures considered as easily applied to
vessels in operation. The fishermen unconsciously understand that in the long term they
will get their price as a result of the great savings in fuel consumption. Through building
a breakdown of costs for operation for a trip and show how much the bottom line will
affect by difference saving fuel, work through the Table 1 the fuel cost sharing is 41%
of the total expenses. For increasing the operational effectiveness of fishing vessels,

[SYLWAN., 165(1)]. ISI Indexed,Jan 2021 201

should cover a number of activities which may include: – operational activities; –
technological activities; – logistical activities.
4. Energy Efficiency Operational activities
4.1 Operating Speed
One of the easiest saving methods is operating speed. Fishing vessels operators want to
reach to fishing grounds as fast as possible, and once they gain the catch and put it
onboard it‟s again tempting to go back to port as quickly as possible. Using high boat
speed will make increasing at a cost and dramatically the fuel bill will increase. Every
vessel should have a flow-meter and GPS; flow-meter for recording fuel use and GPS
unit will record speed information. The fuel efficiency is expressed as the number of
liters of fuel used to travel one nautical mile (L/Nm). It's more useful than the more
commonly used liters per hour (L/h) as the distance travelled depends on how fast the
vessel is going.
The sample case study in concern uses about 87 l/hr when travelling at 10 knots, the
current fuel efficiency can be calculated using the following formula
Fuel Efficiency =
Fuel efficiencies at a slower speeds, may be estimated by the following formula:
Fuel efficiency =
12 30
Vessel Speed
10 Fuel Consumption 25
Fuel Consumption (L/Nm)
Vessel Speed (Kn)

8 20

6 15

4 10

2 5

0 0
1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 1800
Engine Speed(rpm)
Figure 2 Fuel consumption vs speed for a trawler of 22 m
Turning vessel speed to lower has been analyzed and shown in Fig. 2. Vessel speed
and fuel consumption crossed at an equilibrium point at which fuel consumption
varies linearly with vessel speed. In this case 9.7 Kn might be considered as the
maximum economical speed, and speeds over burn fuel at rates better to be

[SYLWAN., 165(1)]. ISI Indexed,Jan 2021 202

avoidable. Fig. 2 normally known as vessel performance curve which categorized
the consumption figures at variable vessel speeds. As A rule of thumb, it should
whenever possible not to pass over economical speeds or at least operate the vessel
at reduced economical speeds for better achievement of reduced fuel consumptions.
Speed reduction benefits or in other words the speed penalty can be calculated in
term of value ($/hr) as per the following equation:
⁄ ⁄
⁄ ⁄

V1= Original vessel speed
V2=Reduced vessel speed
Fig. 3 shows plotted penalties values due to increased vessel speed and as relatively
linear at lower speed ranged but turned over to step trend for higher ranges of
speeds. Bothe results in Fig. 2, Fig. 3 are totally relative and may lead to conclude
that, it is unwise to operate the vessel over a speed of 9.7 Kn, while a great
beneficial effect would be gained if speed penalty over 9 Kn avoided.
60 22m Fishing trawler 225 HP speed penalty

Value ($/hr)

7.37 7.81 8.47 8.91 9.3 9.6 9.9
Speed (Kn)
Fig. 3 22 m Fishing trawler speed penalty
4.2 Hull and Propeller Fouling
Fishing vessel steaming for her catch should keep a clean hull which is of special
concern for vessel trades a much time at high speeds. Hull cleanliness is a bit less
important for other boats sails at lower speeds, remains important for fuel saving.
While steaming drag took place by skin roughness and being dominant at higher speed
than trawling. Hull smoothness might grant by frequent light polishing of underwater
area for hull friction resistance reduction and consequently. The optimum interval
between hull Cleanings is a balance between the amount saved and the cleaning cost.
The cleaning cost may approach around $500 for a 22m (72 foot) trawler as about $4 to
$6 per foot of waterline length. FAO reported the slime layer will lead to increase fuel
consumption by 8% to 12%.
Downgraded propeller surface roughness decreasing its efficiency and increasing fuel
consumption, proper action regarding polishing of propeller blades maintains its
[SYLWAN., 165(1)]. ISI Indexed,Jan 2021 203
efficiency. Clean propeller can share in a round 3% to 5% of fuel consumption if
compared with fouled propeller. A yearly polish of propeller blades disregard fuel
penalty due to propeller roughness can occur over time and may not be tracked
because Propellers are out of sight, out of mind. For the reference case study of a 22 m
trawler powered by a 225 hp engine driving a three-bladed propeller, typically uses
6400 liters of diesel per trip. Polishing the propeller save fuel consumption of 5%, and
few thousands of dollar might be saved yearly only by propeller polishing every year.
4.3 Trip Planning
Weather forecasting and sometimes long-term forecasting helps too much in trip
planning. Useful data is such as tides, currents, wind directions and speeds, wave
heights, etc. Nowadays, modern navigational equipment‟s can supply fishermen with
these valuable data onboard or this might be done by shore companies for rout planning
or exact timing and trading area for safe and economic operation of fishing vessels.
4.4 Steaming Distances
Long steaming normally preferred by fishermen for best catch and thus reflected in
voyage expenses on the other hand the revenue of this catch also considerable. For the
economic and environment points of views, in practice the choice of closer targets may
be better than higher value species away further. Expert companies prepare record of
expenses and outcomes for different targets and monitor fuel consumption as a bench
mark of economic operation in order to identify optimum targeted areas. The steaming
distance can be coupled to stay time at sea which might compensate the shortened target
by long stay for much more catch. Obstacles of long stay are the refrigeration insulation
and effectiveness, bigger holds capacities, and accommodations suitability.
4.5 Trim optimization
Trim is a parameter that can affect the level of fuel consumption in operation. for a
fixed displacement and constant ship speed change of trim cause the differences in fuel
consumption ranging from 3 to 7 percent. This change is important from the point of
view of the operating costs.
Slight trim during operation may result is a valuable reduction of boat resistance and
fuel required to maintain boat speed. Optimum trim is a ship specific and function of
vessel draft and speed. The required trim can be assured by ballasting tanks and fish
caught deployment.
4.6 Approximate Economical Analysis
The most practical, easiest and cheapest activities which can apply on existing vessels
are operating speed, clean hull, and polished Propeller. These activities show obvious
reduction on fuel and emissions as well. Table s summarizes a rough estimation of the
beneficial outcomes of the aforementioned activities for the candidate reference trawler

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Table 2 Approximate virtual economical analysis of reference trawler
Measure Fuel Saving % Reduction (Liter/Yr.) Value ($/Yr.)
Optimized 10% reduced speed 13% 15,120 $6,431
Clean hull 6% 6,720 $2,858
Polished propeller 3% 3,065 $1,304
Total 22% 24,905 $10,117

5. Energy Efficiency Design Measures

5.1 Displacement
Vessel displacement rise increase, the water plan area increase resulting into
augmentation of skin friction and additional wave resistance and logically extra fuel to
be burnt to overcome these increases. The hull resistance and fuel consumption are
almost linearly proportional to displacement. Strategical rational of lowering boat
displacement can be assured by considering the essentials to be carried onboard.
Provisions, stores, ice, fresh water, and fuel with safety margins are considerable issues.
Frequent pumping out of clean bilge and garbage disposals and removals or irrelevant
materials. Carrying only whichever relevant and reduce any redundant accumulated
unused equipment will share in reducing vessel displacement even if with a little bit
share but with other shares do.
5.2 Propulsion System Design Compatibility
Incorrect selection of fishing vessel power train system or incompatibility of engine,
propeller, and reduction gear may lead to worth consequences of speed loss and higher
fuel consumption. Carful sizing of propeller significant parameters i.e. diameters and
pitch is the key point of successful propeller design. The larger the diameter of the
propeller is the higher efficient. The Minimum recommended propeller diameter can be
calculated using the following formula (Dave Gerr, 2001):
Dmin = 0.339 x (BWL x Hd)1/2 (5)
Dmin = Minimum recommended propeller diameter, m
BWL = Beam on the waterline length, m
Hd = Draft of hull, m
Dmin for twin screws = 0.8 x Dmin
Improper pitch sizing will result in Overloading engine which is the most common
source higher fuel consumption and fuel inefficiency. Too much low propeller pitch

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also results in speed loss with regard to engine underloading. In brief, equilibrium of
energy demands that the power produced by the engine (minus any loss in transmission)
equal to that consumed by the propeller as shown in Figure 4. Engine torque, multiplied
by the reduction ratio (if any), likewise must equal propeller torque, and must do so at
the common rpm. Practical considerations of propeller sizing and system matching
guidelines have been summarized in (W. Yehia, 2014).
Figure 4. Engine – Propeller Power Equilibrium
Especially for trawlers; two basically different fishing conditions for fishing activity are
sailing and trawling phases. For variety ranges of vessel speed the propulsion system
must give the required thrust; at different operating points and thermal loads the main
engine will work because of reduction gear ratio and the fixed propeller pitch (Reso and
Amici, 1997). It can be adopted a two-speed reduction gear box For a given propeller
thrust and operating condition to perform without overloading the main engine each
fishing phase and saving fuel (Notti E., and Sala A, 2012).
5.3 Fishing Gear Optimization
The trawling system consists primarily of: 1. a funnel-shaped net with top and bottom
panels and a codend, 2. Ropes such as footline, headline, bridles, warps and sweeps 3.
Otter boards 4. Sinkers / ground gear 5. Sometimes float (Sterling, 2005). Today,
trawling fish catch essential for both the economy and the food supply, and it is
contribute with 40% of world catch (Reite, 2006). Trawl nets which are towed by a boat
through the water column called midwater trawl and the nets towed along the seabed are
bottom trawl. For improving the design of the trawl system, a series of research on the
hydrodynamics should be conducted.
Trawls are the most energy intensive fishing systems consuming more fuel than purse
seining, long lining and gillnetting (Gulbrandsen, 1986; Muir, 2015; Parker &
Tyedmers, 2015; Parker et al., 2015).
Hence maximum scope for fuel conservation among fishing sector exists in trawling.
During calm weather, large quantity of fuel is used to overcome the trawl drag. In
trawling operation, a sizeable time is also spent for towing the gear and 10-20% fuel
consumed is spent to overcome the resistance (drag) during towing time (Montgomerie,
5.4 Trawl Drag Resistance
The drag of the trawl gear that towed at a particular speed is the power required to
overcome the hydrodynamic resistance of the gear. The total drag of the trawl system
and the towing force of the vessel should be compatible. The total trawl gear resistance
is determining by summation of the resistance of the various gear components. Netting
resistance represents around 66% of total trawl resistance (Hameed and Boopendranath
- A new technology for further drag reduction known as the “W” trawl has
been developed by Balash et al. 2015a; 2015b. a large proportion of drag
[SYLWAN., 165(1)]. ISI Indexed,Jan 2021 206
because of netting can be transferred through a trawl sled to a central towing
wire, connected to lower and upper tongues, contrary to putting through the
wings of trawl load on the otter boards.
- Electrical stimulation in shrimp and beam trawls used for forcing the target
species to swim clear of the bottom. that will reduce the need for the
footrope of the net to dig into the sea bottom to reach the target species
Richard and Tait (2007).
- Bycatch reduction devices letting unwanted fish to escape. This reduced
codend drag, fuel consumption and greater yields of target species Gaston et
al. (2012).
- Using platelets rather than kites or floats, reduce drag and improved fuel
utilization by reducing the need for otter boards and floats to spread the gear.
Helping on open the net.
- Lowe (1996) conducted as a series of experimental fishing operations by
replacing polyethylene netting prawn trawls with spectra netting. Achieving
10% higher drag coefficient is happened with the new type of spectra
- Wray (2001) evaluated the gear tension for Regular Braided Polyethylene
material compared with Tricolor Elite High Tenacity Braided Polyethylene.
The surface area decreased by 42%, and the gear tension was decreased by
- Reduction netting twines area using larger mesh, thinner twine, and knotless
nettings in different sections of trawl. The results which showed are the drag
of modified new trawl can be reduced by 25%. (Arkley, 2008).
- The most recent method used for achieving reduced drag, According to
Balash et al. 2015a the use of stronger Dyneema and spectra netting
materials that allow the use of a thinner twine than traditional gear materials.
Mesh orientation:
Mesh orientation used on net is T0, T45 and T90.
- Balash et al. (2014) made this theoretical prediction and found that for
angles below 45 °, T0 could have a drag of 40–50 per cent less than T45 for
the same twine area.
- Arkley (2008) compared T90 meshes with standard diamond meshes. The
use of T90 mesh decreases the trawl net's twine surface area and thus reduce
the net drag.
Cables optimization:
The trawl cables are warps, bridles, headline and footrope. By optimizing the cable
lengths reduced the ratio between trawl drag and catch efficiency by up to 46% (Khaled
et al. 2013).

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Otter boards optimization:
Doors are important pieces in the gear, has a high hydrodynamic force, normal to the
forward direction. It produces a horizontal opening in the net mouth by the arrangement
of the corresponding cables; provide the front bottom contact points of the trawl gear. It
stimulates fish to swim towards the trawl path (Jorge Freiria Pereira, 2012). Rectangular
flat otter boards are not hydro-dynamically efficient. Hydrodynamic efficiency is a
measure of the ratio between lift and drag ratio of the otter board, where lift is the
horizontal spreading force generated by the otter board as it is towed and the drag force.
The trawl doors are the most important source of bottom impact and the relatively deep
and can visible on side scan sonar and video recordings of the seabed. A range of
options are available to modify otter board design or performance to mitigate seabed
contact and decrease of the drag results in an overall increase of the energy
Sweep and bridle modification:
The sweeps and bridles function is to herd fish into trawl net. They are also used to
connect the otter boards to the trawl net and to a limited extent help to keep the trawl net
close to the seabed.
Modify sweeps and bridles to reduce seabed contact by Reduce sweep and bridle
diameter and weight per unit length.
Ground gear modifications:
Ground gear is designed to be in contact with the seabed, protect trawl net from
damage, and help the trawl net being close to the seabed. Their design varies
significantly, from simple lengths of rope with weights attached to lengths of wire rope
threaded through rubber discs of varying size. The ground gear may include larger
rubber discs in the center of the groundrope the large rubber discs may rotate as the
trawl gear is towed over the seabed. This helps reduce seabed impact and reduce drag
force, although along the wings they are unable to rotate and are simply dragged over
the seabed. The ground gear is fitted with spherical bobbins or rock-hoppers to facilitate
passage over obstacles like rocks. Rock-hopper ground gear does not rotate; this gear is
designed with a wire rope threaded through the large rubber discs, which helps „spring‟
the ground gear over obstacles. Danlenos are a part of the ground gear that acts as a
footrope and lower bridle attachment point and designed to be in contact with the
seabed. They are either triangular or bobbin-shaped and constructed from steel or heavy
rubber (bumper bobbins) to protect the attachment point from impact and seabed
damage. A range of options are available to modify the ground gear to mitigate seabed
contact and habitat impact and reduce the drag force. These include; reduce ground gear
weight, increase the distance between rubber bobbins, wheels and rollers.
5.5 Winches
Winch is one of the most important instruments on trawlers. It used for hauling and
lifting the net. There are a wide range of winches are used. One of these winches is the
electrical winch. The advantages for favoring an electrically driven system is it more
[SYLWAN., 165(1)]. ISI Indexed,Jan 2021 208
efficient giving improved performance than automatic trawl winches. But also it has
Lower maintenance and noise levels, reduce energy consumption, improving security
and operator well-being and No emissions or oil spills / leakages, no risk of fire, no
need for oil filters and oil dirties disposing. Compared to hydraulic winches, electric
winches reduce power required for trawling winch because of more energy efficiency
(80% for electrical against 55% for hydraulic winches).
Majority of the energy saving activities analyzed in this study are related to the
reduction of fuel consumption by some design and operational measures. Long term
investment of optimum design is workable strategy for new built vessel. While Existing
vessel can only managed by adoption of specific operational measures and planned
maintenance program assuring vessel continued energy efficiency. Preliminary design
consecrations of hull displacement, fishing gears, winches, and proper selection of
propulsion system design have a great effect on trawler vessel performance and
operation costs which consequently reflected on less environment impact.
Reducing trawler steamed distance or trip length by selection of closer fishing location
could magnify vessel effectiveness and profits. Carful design or selection of trawler net
material, size, and optimization of cable length can reduce trawl drag by 46:50%.
Simple operational measure of optimized speed, maintenance of clean and polished
propeller at yearly interval might achieve at least 22% reduction of fuel consumption.
A two-speed reduction gearbox application onboard trawler might consider as a perfect
practice for the totally different sailing and trawling operational phases of fishing
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