1 Ob Individual Assignment

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SESSION : AUGUST 2020 (2-2034)

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DUE DATE : 15/10/2020


I hereby declare that all the answers we have submitted is entirely our own work and we understand that there are
disciplinary penalties for cheating, plagiarism and inappropriate collusion.


1) Chapter 5 : You are hired as an Assistant HR Manager in a well-established company in

Malaysia. On the first day of the job, you are informed that the company is experiencing some
difficulty in motivating its employees, which in turn has resulted in decreased productivity. As the
new Assistant HR Manager, you are required to take actions to improve the decline in
productivity. Plan your approach in motivating the employees.

Ways to improve motivating the employees by let them know you trust them. By using this
motivating would make them feel they need do a good job because don’t want disappointed you. As a
result, the employees will more responsible than before this and can increase their productivity. Second
motivating is be transparent. As assistant HR manager, I should be transparent with the employees and
everyone has the opportunity to ask questions and give feedback. This is for i want them know they are
also important to the company. From this point can helped maintain their motivations and increased
their loyalty towards the company. Third motivating is giving work that suits his abilities. When the
employees suits with his job scope, they will understand the vision and mission and able to execute job
more efficiently. In addition, by understanding their purpose of job, the employee will doing a better
job until they achieve the job objective and goals. Fourth is learn what makes each employees
weaknesses. Each employees is important to the company. We need to know what’s their weaknesses
and ask them what they do like and don’t like working on to show that we are caring towards them. The
weaknesses can make their productivity decreased. We must motivate by tell them do not involved a
personal problem into the company and try to solve the problem efficiently.

2) Chapter 10 : Compare and contrast the five-stage model for group development with the
punctuated equilibrium model.

In organizational behavior studies, there is five stage model for group development that we are
learn. It takes 5 stage to create an effective team. The first stage is forming. Forming means team
members are learn to know each other and understand the scope of project. Second stage is storming.

Storming is a development process where there is conflict between each other in the team members
such as there are a handful of members that don’t want follow the natural working styles and cause the
project fail. Third stage is norming. Norming stage is when the team members realize and try to correct
team mistakes and start to survive back also accomplish more together than they could do on their
own. Four stage is performing. Performing stage is the team member are more interdependent, confident
and feel themselves to be part of greater entity. Team members starts doing the project together
effectively and efficiently with new environment such as trust, open minded, helping each other and
open communication. Five stage is adjourning. Adjourning is the final stage of group development.
Groups will disband either when the team members has fulfilled the goals and objectives of project by
achieve the project closure and end with a positive goals.

The Punctuated Equilibrium model is a model of group development that describe how
groups with deadlines are affected by their first meetings and crucial midpoint transitions and adds a
time performance measurement element to describe the productivity of the team. The punctuated
equilibrium model have 3 phase. First phase is the first meeting. The first meeting is important to know
what agenda will happen in reminder of phase 1. This is actually a first progress towards achieving a
goals. Second phase is midpoint transition. Transition marks shows that there are changing in the
groups and it is important by that progress is shown. This phase should get an outside advice to make
sure transition may mix the new information and this phase need to move forward. Third phase is
decision and approaches adopted at the midpoint get played out. This phase is a group development
improvement finishes up with a last meeting that reveals a many activity and a concern for how outsider
will assess the item.

3) Chapter 12 : You are a leader in an organization, explain four factors which you need to
consider before giving feedback to your employees.

There are four factors that i need to consider before giving feedback to my employees. First is ask
permission. I need to ask if the employees are free or not to talk before I give the feedback. This is
important because i don’t know if employees are engaged in another job and busy at the time and as a
result they will not receiving the feedback effectively. Second factor is be specific. In order before
giving a feedback, I need to be specific and focus on what issues and do not involve another issues in

the discussion. I must explain more clearly on what the employees has done to the overall work. Third
factors is be timely. Ideally, feedback should occur as soon after i realize the mistakes committed by
employees. This is important to the employees can correct the error better and clearly. Fourth factors is
pick the right place. Pick the right place is also important when delivering the feedback. This to make
sure that nothing can interruption and obstacles the discussion between i and my employees.
Additionally, if the employees did the serious problem, private room may be the best place to discuss to
ensure that the employees would not be embarrassed and they will feel free to express the problems.

4) Chapter 14 : Your cousin comes to you and shares that she is having a disagreement or conflict
with a colleague in the workplace over an important matter. She seeks your advice on what should
be done to resolve the conflict. Recommend some strategies to your cousin.

There is 4 strategies that i want to share with my cousin on what should be done to resolve the
conflict with by encouraging appropriate conflict handling styles, improving organizational practices,
having special roles and structure and using confrontation techniques. First strategies is encouraging
appropriate conflict handling styles. Encouraging appropriate conflict handling styles such as
competition, collaboration, compromise, avoidance and accommodation may will be encouraged
according to the situation. Second is improving organizational practices. After she have identify the
main reasons of the conflict, she can use some of this organizational practices to resolve the conflict.
These are such as improving policies, procedure and rules at the workplace. This is for her team
members will know the bad consequences when they disagreement with each other. Additionally, with
this improvement policy, procedure and rules, would make the team members are more independent
and responsible on the project. Third strategies is having special roles and structure. If she have a special
roles and structure in the workplace, it can make people respect her because they know she have a
problem-solving skills that can reduce the ongoing conflict. Fourth strategies is using confrontation
techniques. This techniques to find a mutually acceptable and can be maintained together through
collaboration and compromise. It is to make sure the conflicting teams are ready to face each other
peacefully and require cooperation, attribution, consultation, mediation and the application of integrate
decision methods to be acceptable to both team members.

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