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Friday, January 29, 2021

The Ohio Adjutant General

Major General John C. Harris, Jr.
2825 W Dublin Granville Rd.
Columbus, OH 43235

RE: Demand for Trial By General Court-Martial of Ohio Army National Guard Chaplain (1st Lt.) Christopher M. Boyd

Dear Major General Harris,

Sir, my name is Michael L. “Mikey” Weinstein and I am the Founder and President of a large civil rights advocacy
organization called the Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF).

MRFF currently represents over 72,000 Active Duty, Reserve, and National Guard U.S. military members as well as
Service Academy/ROTC/OCS-OTS cadets and midshipmen, DoD civilians, DoD contractor personnel, intelligence
agency personnel, and veterans.

MRFF’s mission is to protect the mandated wall separating church and state throughout our armed forces and intelligence

General Harris, I’ll not belabor the point, sir.

Let’s get right to it.

Directly below my letter to you is a letter requesting MRFF’s timely intervention from an Active Duty U.S. Army officer
regarding the SHOCKING statements recently posted on Facebook by one of your Ohio Army National Guard chaplains;
to wit, Chaplain (1st Lt.) Christopher M. Boyd.

General, these Facebook posts are simply disgraceful, despicable, and repulsive in the extremis!

Sir, MRFF believes them to be CRIMINAL!

There are so many, thus, PLEASE review them all very carefully below, sir.

**NOTE WELL: Of particular abhorrence, is Chaplain (1st Lt. ) Boyd’s accusing the entire Joint Chiefs of Staff of

Oh, sir, but there are so many more as well!

Please carefully review our MRFF complainant's letter, requesting our swift civil rights advocacy intervention, along with
the stunningly wretched screen shots from Chaplain (1st Lt.) Boyd’s Facebook page.

Sir, as you look this hideous train wreck over, please keep in mind the Army’s 7 Core values and consider the filth this
Ohio Army National Guard Chaplain is spewing in light of those crucial Army mandates.

13170-B Central Avenue SE, Suite 255, Albuquerque, NM 87123 800-736-5109
Indeed, General Harris, perhaps even more importantly, please remember that the compelling governmental interest
vis-a-vis the Ohio Army National Guard is to maximize its good order, morale, discipline, unit cohesion, health and safety
of the soldiers, and mission accomplishment.

The boundless vulgarity, poisonous prejudice, and vile bigotry vomited on Facebook by your Chaplain (1st Lt.)
Christopher M. Boyd absolutely eviscerates all 7 Army Core Values and ESPECIALLY savages the just described
constituent mandates of the compelling governmental interest in the Ohio Army National Guard!

Chaplain (1st Lt.) Christopher M. Boyd’s Facebook posts are ABSOLUTELY NOT protected First Amendment speech as
per the U. S. Supreme Court’s seminal decision in the 1974 case of Parker vs. Levy (417 US 733) which holds (emphasis

“This Court has long recognized that the military is, by necessity, a specialized society separate from civilian
society... While the members of the military are not excluded from the protection granted by the First
Amendment, the different character of the military community and of the military mission requires a
different application of those protections. The fundamental necessity for obedience, and the consequent
necessity for imposition of discipline, may render permissible within the military that which would be
constitutionally impermissible outside it ... Speech that is protected in the civil population may nonetheless
undermine the effectiveness of response to command. If it does, it is constitutionally unprotected.”

General Harris, MRFF demands that you immediately, expeditiously, and comprehensively investigate this miserably
sordid matter.

Further, sir, MRFF demands that, as soon as the incontrovertible evidence MRFF has provided you with herein is
officially substantiated, you aggressively and publicly prosecute Chaplain (1st Lt.) Boyd, via trial by General Court-
Martial, to the full extent of military law for what most certainly appear to be any number of irrefutable, incontestable,
and flagrant felonies under the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

*(please see MRFF complainant’s letter below)


Michael L. “Mikey” Weinstein, Esq.

Founder and President
Military Religious Freedom Foundation

CC: Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin

Acting Secretary of the Army John Whitley
Ohio Governor Mike DeWine
Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman General Mark Milley
Joint Chiefs of Staff Vice Chairman General John Hyten
National Guard Bureau Chief General Daniel Hokanson
U.S. Army Chief of Staff General James McConnville
U.S. Army Chief of Chaplains Major General Thomas Solhjem
From: (Name and email withheld)
Subject: Request For Intervention
Date: January 28, 2021 at 6:53:49 PM MST

I (name withheld), an active duty Army Captain, am requesting intervention from the Military Religious Freedom
Foundation in regard to CH Christopher Michael Boyd of the Ohio Army National Guard.

As a CPT in the US Army, it is my duty to hold members of the armed services community accountable when rules and
regulations, meant to maintain good order and discipline, are repeatedly ignored. I have been in contact with CH
Christopher M. Boyd both in person and through social media. I have witnessed multiple occasions that I believe do not
support the UCMJ or the oath of office taken by all officers of the US Army.

Below I have included multiple statements made by CH Christopher M. Boyd. (See attachments for full posts.)

• (In reference to the MFR issued by the JCS following the Capitol riot on 06JAN2021) “This letter sent to all
soldiers is just plain wrong and manipulative. There are so many lies in this memo it is heart breaking that the
joint chiefs would publish such a deceptively seditious memo. They are either scared or are in bed with the left.”
(See attachment A)

• “The real insurrectionists, seditious people, terrorists, and those who attempted a military coup are the
Democrats.” (See attachment B)

• “Demoncrats ruin everything. They steal your money. They steal our election. They murder children. They steal
your history and change it to something fake. And they hate the constitution…” (See attachment C)

• “Those who claim they are not being controlled by the state when they wear masks are lying to themselves.” (See
attachment D)

• “Or just get rid of the Palestinians and make Israel whole. This I support.” (See attachment E)

• “These ‘pastors’ are all fake Christians, wolfs in sheep clothing, antichrist, false prophets. Avoid them at all cost,
run away from them.” (See attachment F)

• “They claim to be Christian, but they have gone so far off the deep end in the seductive cultism of the left that
they no longer follow Jesus Christ. What is worse are the supposed pastors, all of whom are fakes, who have
sunken so far into the filth of socialism…he is not a Christian but a farce filled with manure.” (See attachment G)

• “As Christians, the greatest form of Child abuse is not baptizing your children.” (See attachment H)

• “…all governing figures who support abortion in any way or fashion should be denied communion. All of
them…” (See attachment I)

• “Republicans may soon become the new Jew in America to the openly fascist party known as Democrats. Beware
the evil from the Left that may soon rival the evil of the far far-leftists known as Nazis.” (See attachment J)

There are many more comments like those mentioned above. (See attachments K to N) Based on these publicly made
comments, I don’t believe CH Christopher M. Boyd should continue to serve in the chaplain corps.

Thank you MRFF for your support.

(Name and DoD ID withheld)
Attachment A
Attachment B
Attachment C
Attachment D
Attachment E
Attachment F
Attachment G
Attachment H
Attachment I
Attachment J
Attachment K
Attachment L
Attachment M
Attachment N

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