Transportation Engineering: Class Assignment

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Transportation Engineering

Class Assignment

1. Ball, a Civil Engineering student traveling at 100 kph on a Bangpli - Bangpakong

expressway intends to leave the expressway using an exit with a maximum speed of 40 kph.
At what point on the expressway should ball step on his brakes in order to reduce his
speed to the maximum allowance on the ramp just before entering the ramp, if this section
of the expressway has the level surface with the coefficient of friction of 0.33?
Note: State any essential assumptions if needed, but all your stated assumptions must be
realistic and relevant. (3 marks)
2. What would be your recommended improvement to help alleviate traffic congestion
problems within the campus or an area nearby the campus?
Note: You need to identify at least one traffic congestion problem to recommend any
improvement to alleviate the problem. (2 marks)

3. A four-lane freeway is on mountainous terrain with 11 ft (3.4 m) lanes, a 5 ft (1.5 m) right-

side shoulder, a 3 ft (0.9 m) left side shoulder and a 60 mph free flow speed. During the
peak hour there are 12 % large trucks & buses and 6 % recreational vehicles. The driver
population adjustment is determined to be 0.90. The freeway currently operates at capacity
during the peak hour, in the directional in questions. If an additional 11 ft (3.4 m) lane is
added, and all other factors stay the same, what will the new level of service be? (5 marks)

4. A four-lane divided suburban multilane highway is being planned with 12 ft (3.6 m) lanes, 6
ft (1.8 m) shoulder on both sides, and a 50 mph (80 km/h) speed limit. One 3% downgrade
is 4.5 mi (7.2 km) long and there will be 4 access points per mile (2.5 access points per
kilometer). The peak-hour directional volume among this grade is estimated to consist of
1,800 passenger cars, 140 large trucks, 40 buses, and 10 recreational vehicles. If the peak-
hour factor is estimated to be 0.85, what level of service will this section of highway operate
under? (5 marks)

5. Using the below information explain whether the intersection should be signalized or not, if
so specify the type of warrant? (5 marks)

Approach Speed
Minor Road Major Road = 50 km/h
Minor Road = 40 km/h

Major Road

Annual Accidents:
Peak hour delay = 70 s/veh 4 Rear end
1 Pedestrian with 1 fatality
Area Population = 50,000

Time Major Road (veh/hr) Minor Road Pedestrian Number of

From To Eastbound Westbound Total Volume Crossing Acceptable
Major Road Gap
(veh/hr) (ped/hr)
08:00 09:00 450 450 900 95 110 50
09:00 10:00 500 300 800 110 90 62
10:00 11:00 600 200 800 80 120 70
11:00 12:00 500 500 1000 90 130 50
12:00 13:00 500 550 1050 120 140 95
13:00 14:00 450 450 900 120 120 95
14:00 15:00 475 325 800 110 125 90
15:00 16:00 500 300 800 140 130 70
16:00 17:00 500 450 950 145 140 65
17:00 18:00 550 450 1000 150 115 70
18:00 19:00 500 500 1000 120 115 65

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