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Université Mohamed Seddik Ben Yahia, Jijel

Faculté des Lettres et des Langues

Département d’Anglais

Cours/TD du module Langue de Spécialité (LS/ESP)

(Licence 3 Anglais, tout les groupes) : Semestre 2

Responsables du Module : Pr. Boukkrika Amar et Dr.Boukhentache Slimane

Année Universitaire: 2019/20

Contents : The textbook use is : Beginning Scientific English

Lecture 1 : Unit 16 : The air

Lecture 2 : Unit 17 : Carbon Dioxide and Respiration

Lecture 3 : Unit 18 : Sources of Energy

Lecture 4 : Unit 19 : Transfer (Radiation)

Lecture 5 : Unit 20 : Heat Transfer (conduction)

Lecture/TD 1 : Unit 16, p. 90)

Title : Air : 1 Two important gases (Beginning Scientific English)

Objective: Familiarising the learners with the technical words related to air and

New vocabulary: breathing, height, jar, upright

1. Reading the parallel texts many times
2. Comparing the texts in terms of structure and vocabulary
3. Do as much as you can of the activities from 1 to 7 (pp. 92-95)
4. Write a summary table of the differences between the lexical and
syntactic differences between ordinary English and scientific English

Lecture/TD 2: Unit 17, p. 96 (Beginning Scientific English)

Title: The Air: 2 Carbon Dioxide

Objective: Familiarising the EFL students with the technical words and the field
of gases

New vocabulary: To blow, to get rid, lime-water, pure, to breathe, headache,

lung, unusual, cloudy

1. Reading the parallel texts: ordinary and scientific texts on pages 96; 97
2. Comparing the texts in terms of the use of lexis and structures
3. Summarising the texts using the specific writing features of each style
(sicnetific and ordinary)
4. Do as much as necessary of activities from 1 to 8 (pp.98-101)
5. Write sentences of your own using conditional type 0 (i.e., if present
simple= present simple, if you heat ice, it boils)
6. Write sentences of your own in passive without agent
7. Writing the nominal (noun) forms of the verbs used in the scientific text
(first text)
8. Write a summary of what you have learned in this unit

Lecture/TD 3: Unit 18 p. 102 (Beginning Scientific English)

Title: Sources of Energy

Objective: Familiarising the EFL students with the technical words and the field
energy, as well as the different types of energy.

New vocabulary: carbonhydrates, coal, to crush, energy, engine, oil,

petrol, petroleum, power, ray

Texts: pp (102-103, Beginning Scientific English)

1. Jot down all the words you know about the different sources of energy
2. Read the parallel texts on pages 102,103.
3. Write a summary for each text using the specific style of each of them
4. Do as much as needed of exercises from 1 to 7 on pages 103-105
5. Use which clause in passive form in your sentences to avoid the
6. Write a paragraph in which you summarise the most important source of
energy in our times. It should presented in two texts: one in ordinary
English and the other in scientific English
Lecture/TD 4: Unit 19 p. 108 in the Textbook: Beginning Scientific English

Title: Transfer: 1 Radiation

Objective: Familiarising the EFL students with the technical words and the field

New vocabulary: Dull, shiny, wave, rays, electro-magnetic, throw rays

Texts: pp (108-109, Beginning Scientific English)

1. How does Sun heat reach Earth?

2. Read the parallel texts on pages 108_109)
3. Write a summary for the two texts using your own style and complying
with their writing genre.
4. Do as much as you can or as you need of activities 1 to 7 on pages109-
5. Note down in your diary what you have learnt from this unit in terms of
the use of scientific and ordinary English and information gathered about
Lecture/TD 5: Unit 20 p. 112

Title: Transfer: 2 Conduction

Objective: Familiarising the EFL students with the technical words and the field
transfer , as well as the different types of conduction.

New vocabulary: asbestos, fibre-glass, material, silver, cork, handle,

molecule, wool, to dip

Texts: pp (112-113, Beginning Scientific English)

1. Read texts on pages 112-113 and express in your own words the general
idea expressed in them
2. Compare the styles used in the two texts and find out the major
3. Read each text loudly with a good pronunciation (check first
pronunciation of the difficult words)
4. Do the activities 1-7 on pages 113-115
5. Write sentences of your own using the following forms: This is not true/
This is not the case
6. Write passive sentences of your own without agents
7. Write all what you have learned about conduction from this unit
8. Note down the scientific forms of language you have learned from this
9. Try to record yourself explaining orally the phenomenon of conduction
Good Luck to all!

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