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INSTRUCTIONS FOR MAIN/OPTIONAL SOFTWARE INSTALLATION Installing, Storing and Retrieving software ‘You oan instal the main andthe optional software. Also, service data, proses, GuuckSets,loenses and {histomer data can be stood onto a disk media ar 2 USB-compatible dovico and ean be relioved. Location of the Control panel and Keyboard: Power ipartiall — ON/OFF switch Keyboard — Control Panel Te display the Presets Menu screen: + Prass the Presats key located on the keyboard Example of Press Mery screen pa teen ber seem INSTRUCTIONS FOR MAIN/OPTIONAL SOFTWARE INSTALLATION 1. System Software Installation Note: Before starting a sotarenstallaton, make backup copy of user-defined setings such as Presets ‘Quecksetse pation darabase, sn the optonalSeenaes, Use the instructions bolow to loathe sotware on the ulrascund system, ‘The software fr the utasound system generally consists of: ‘+ Instalation DUD : Systom Software To verity the system software version: 41. Power on (2) the uiascund system, 2. Prose the Presets Key on tha keyboard, ‘The system displays the Presets Manu sereen. Click Service on tho ll of tha screen, The system csplays the Presets Survice scrasn. ‘ily the sofware version displayed an the Presets Service sereen Example of Proszis Service soreen 5. Glick Cancel to ext ho screen, Note: Bera staring a sohwar instalation, make @ backup copy of user-defined setings, sn! de patent database bythe flowing sovtons. Aer you nsal ston sofware, custome the seling of Vises ar ‘Language format INSTRUCTIONS FOR MAIN/OPTIONAL SOFTWARE INSTALLATION To perform an installation of system software: 1. Power on (0) the utrasound system, 2. Inser the installation DVD. 3. Restart the ultrasound system, 4. Afr restarting the system automaticaly the system displays the method of instalation onthe DOS(disk operating system) screen UPGRADE (Program Only) INSTALLATION :orain current stucies, user-defined daa, and Presets ‘+ CLEAN (Program & Data) INSTALLATION :iniiakzes studies, user-defined dala, and presets Note: The CLEAN instalation eres al patet studies fom the hard ive. ackup al pati stuns bofere ne instalation DO NOT INSTALL (AFTER REBOOT, REMOVE CD/DVD) : rosters the system eee eed Cea Cee Pct s Example of tataton DOS so2=h 5. Selecta metnod of the instalation, Enter 1, 2,07 3 ‘The system dsplays an oxocute message for nstalation metiod tan 2 6. Enter y to canyon the installation. Note: To ron bak fo the soma sofware operation to backup system daa, enter n For software versions 2.0 and higher: Note: For sofware versions below 30, ses age 6 1 8 ‘The system wil start the installation and restart automaticaly displaying a completion DOS screen. Remove the DVD from the CD/DVD tray and then power of the system, ee eee ees Example of completion DOS sereen Festot the system, ‘The ystem dsplays an Upgrade dialog box to confirm the installation, Click OK to conte te instalation, Example of comploton diaiog box 11. Vority the installed sonware version, Note: see ape, INSTRUCTIONS FOR MAIN/OPTIONAL SOFTWARE INSTALLATION To warty he aster sofware version” chapter, For software versions bolow 20: Note: For sttaare versions 2.0 and higher, see page S 7. The system ul star the intallaon and restart automatically displaying the DOS screen again. {8 Select the DO NOT INSTALL motiod and remave the software instalation DVD. The system wil restart. 2. _Verty the installed software version Note: vee page To vorly the sysiom setvare varson”choptr. ‘To customize the Video and Language format: 1. ress the Presets key on the Keyboara and clck General 1 on the eft ofthe Prescts Menu screen, 2. Selecta language fom the Language drop-cown ist nthe Format section. : 4 Format ee 2 Save Example of Pieseis Goneral? screen ~ 3, Click Peripheral trom the let oft Presets Menu screen. 4. Selecta viceo format fom the Video suction according to customer's need and then cick Save 1 viaeo § 2 Save ample of Presets Perpteral seen 5. Restart the system, PAGE 6 OF 24 INSTRUCTIONS FOR MAIN/OPTIONAL SOFTWARE INSTALLATIC INSTRUCTIONS FOR MAIN/OPTIONAL SOFTWARE INSTALLATION 2. Software-Based Optional Installation Use the instructions Below to load the software on the ultasound system Tih software-based optional ioenses are: + THI Tsu Harmonic Imaging Tectnolaay! + TGO" Tissue Grayscale Optimization Option + 2.Scape Reabtime 30 Imaging feature Note: Replacement ofthe BE Board is necessary when upgrading the 3-Scape Rea-me 3D imaging license + Doppier Tissue Imaging (OT) 1 St96e Echo Option + DICOM Modality Worklst Option + DICOM Connectivity Option + DICOM MPRS Option + DICOM Structured Reporting for Obstetrics? + BICOM Structured Reporting for Cardiac (Requires software varsions 2 0 anahisher) + Axis Eage-Aeeleteg Ejection Fraction Option + Carly vascular enancement(Clanty VE) tachnalogy Option + SieClenr Mult- View Spatial Compounding Option + syngo Aroial Health Package Option + SieSeape Pancramic Imaging Option + DICOM Structured Reporting for Opstotics/Gynecolony + DICOM Structured Reporting fer Vascular (Requires software verslons 3.0/ané higher) + syngo Velosity Vector aging Option + gyngo Auto Left Heart Option (Requires sofware versions 40 and tigher) + fourSight AD Imaging Option + AovanceetfourSight 40 imaging Option + TourSight TEE View + Wal Vaive Assessment Packoe |Requbes somare versions 4.0 and higher) + Dynamo TCE + syngo Auto OB + CARTOSOUND™ Communication, x300 PE {For eatmare versions blow 3.0 | 2 For somvareveraons below 20 Installing the Software Option License ge alg enone lana ponies ae bene nals eins “The recede resale deter ta tain ool oon Knee onth utasouns {an Tose up the intl screen: 1+ Boron (Oi sce te 2 Garmin ne spay noten Be ePtApcone ot be sen cacti eplay if necessary. si fessor ate vi bow 2 Che ink ian Chao etn $0 tC eta Ue Car “Regering an Examination” ana Press Pres y on fe ken anh lk Seven onthe tien, 4 Chas Serie ten “Tht ston depo the tention aren. INSTRUCTIONS FOR MAINIOPTIONAL SOFTWARE INSTALLATION 5. Delete none from the text box" anc then click OK. The system displays the Home Menu screen, Service Software 10 Example of Service Seftuare Authentication een 8. Glick Configuration The system displays the Configuration screen e Service Software 1 + cantauston ' Example of Service Sonware Home Menu "Requires sottware version 20 or higher INSTRUCTIONS FOR MAIN/OPTIONAL SOFTWARE INSTALLATION PAGE 9 OF 25 INSTRUCTIONS FOR MAIN/OPTIONAL SOFTWARE INSTALLATION To select software-based option licenses: 1. Gilck Noxt to cispay the inital Setup screen and then cick Next again to display the configuration scroon wih Licensing & Components soloctes. 2 itLieonsing & Components is at selcted, click Licensing & Components onthe let of he ‘Tho systom displays a while arrow on the let of he Licensing & Components, 5. Click Select Now License File, ‘The system sisplays Licanse File tobe set section. 4 Select ene ofthe two methods inthe License Fle to be set section, Note: Sect Browse to eloet the Licanee File on rst ietaaten = Browse to select the License File click Browse and search forthe license 1t the License File from History elec he loanse within the History stared in he lacat ive Lot 1 Lconse & Component verersies 2 Sect Now Une Pe Ser License File ae 4 Stott case Fe SES fom Hoy = i | rare fCotgaaon son 5. clk Save ‘The system dpays a ag boxinfoming the icanse update to hardnare ae displays an Updating lconee fo HY onthe vats Dot | pastors] | 2 wearers | ___| 10 x arene i 2S br iced Example of Configuration sereen PAGE 10 OF 24 INSTRUCTIONS FOR MAINIOPTIONAL SOFTWARE INSTALL ATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR MAIN/OPTIONAL SOFTWARE INSTALLATION For software vorsions 3.0 and higher: Note: For sotware versions below 2.0, see page 11 6 lek Ox. ‘The system displays a progress bar and “reboot system pening’ onthe statis bar {When ue progress is complete, click Mome on the upper right ofthe sezeen, ‘The system displays “sar report creation’ on the statusbar and also displays. confirmation saog bore forrestaring the syst 4. CCK OK to and the syster wil automaticaly restart Example of the Restart hag box For software versions blow 2.0: Note: For softmare versions 3 O and higher sa page 17 6. Click OK, 7. Whon the progress is complet, the progress bar displays Yebnot system pending” nl starting repo creation 8. Glick Home on the upper ight ofthe screen, ‘The system displays a confrmation dialog box for restarting, 9. Click OK tone! the system wil restart utommticaly, Examoe of e Restart dialog box INSTRUCTIONS FOR MAINIOPTIONAL SOFTWARE INSTALLATION + Home 2 Rasta nog box 2 estar eal box INSTRUCTIONS FOR MAINIOPTIONAL SOFTWARE INSTALLATION To verify the software-based option licenses: 1. Glick Licensing & Components on the let of the soreen ‘The eystem clsplays a white erow on the lof of te Licensing & Components. 2. Selacta license istedin the Available Fastures section ‘The system displays the faature detain the Feature Details section 1 Lioonse & Component 2 Feature ure Desai Example of Configuration screen Pace 12 0F 24 INSTRUGTIONS FOR MAINIOPTIONAL, SOFTWARE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR MAINIOPTIONAL SOFTWARE INSTALLATION Installing the Trial License To instal the til loanse, folow tha Wontica steps describes in page 8, ‘installing the Software Option License” chaptor To activate the trial Hcense (only for Trial license software) 1. When the system restarts, 2 message box for using he tal icense displays. 2 Click Yes to acvate the nal iene of ack Ne to postpone the activation ofthe Wal conse fo the nest bootup ra Example ofthe Tat feonse activation aaiog Dox Note: Amessage box informing the ring days of tal ans csply when 90 cys, 30.doys nd ays Temain The message Bor nino plays on he axing cat A). tercedetraenetbri tng erie ieee Example ofthe Tal eons explain dag box INSTRUCTIONS FOR MAIN/OPTIONAL SOFTWARE INSTALLATION PAGE 19 OF 24 INSTRUCTIONS FOR MAIN/OPTIONAL SOFTWARE INSTALLATION 3. Backing up and Retrieving Data Note: is revommented fo save all usr-etinod dat and patent daa toa disk mec ora USB.compatile dovie before he HD serage becomes fl. Use tie instructions provides to save service data, presets, QuekSele, lenses and customer dat isk media or a USB-compatbie device and then etnave the fies as neeoe: To back up service data, Presets, QuickSets, Lleenses to an inserted disk media Not: ite Servcw Data of empty, there is noneede back up the Service Dat, 1. Power on) the vltascund system. 2 Press the Presets key on the keyboard The system displays the Prosets Menu screen, 3, Glick Service on tho lft of the soroen, Tha systam displays the Presets Sevice sroen 1 Senco ‘Trangia a Fiastis Serwce seen 4. Glick the Service bution ‘The systom displays the Authentication seroen. PAGE 14 OF 24 INSTRUCTIONS FOR MAIN/OPTIONAL SOFTWARE INSTALLATION INSTAUGTIONS FOR MAIN/OPTIONAL SOFTWARE INSTALLATION 5. Delete none fram tho text box! and then click OK The system csplays the Homo Menu screen. Service Software Example of ha Authentication screen 5, Glick Backup & Rostore to display the Backup & Restore screen, Example of the Home Meow screen " Requessoare version 20 or her INSTRUCTIONS FOR MAINIOPTIONAL SOFTWARE INSTALLATION 10K {Backup & Restore PAGE 15 OF 24 INSTRUCTIONS FOR MAIN/OPTIONAL SGFTWARE INSTALLATION For software versions 3.0 and higher: Note: For software vorsons blow 30, see page 7. Insert the elsk media and thon select Backup fromm the Selaet deop-sown ls. ‘The system displays a QuiekSet UUity dialog screon, : i 1 roped st xampie of Backup estore drop-down ist 8. Select ine check box for each requirad GuickSet to backup and then click the Next bon fees | | | | | | 1 Backup & Reston Exampie of QuekSu Utiiy sareon For software version below 3.0: Note: For sotware versions 2.0 an higher see page 18 7. Select Backup fom tha dkop-dowm ist ‘Tho system cisplays 9 Backup Presets cialog box 1 Drop-down ist Example of Bacar Rostere drop-down fst PAGE 16 OF 24 INSTRUCTIONS FOR MAIN/OPTIONAL SOFTWARE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR MAIN/OPTIONAL SOFTWARE INSTALLATION 8. Insert the disk media or 3 USB-compatible device and then cick OK. ‘Te system cisplays 2 Backup dialog box containing the backup ist. | | | | | FE Exampie of Backup Presets dog box 8. Select the backup Items using one ofthe below methods: |3. Ck Select allo elect all the items at once, Bb. Select the chack boxas one item al tin. ‘The system displays a check mark on the check box © Select Clear alto ear the selections an the check boxes at once See algo: ‘Decumeniion ana Sioage” chapter fh System Roeronca manu forthe prasets backin procedure sve | ow | ‘Evample of Backup iatog box 6. For software versions 5.0 and higher, slect a device, CDIDVD or USB from the drop-down list, to back up the date 10. Click Backup to star the storage ‘A progress bar displays on tne Backup dialog box 11. Click Cancel to cancel the backup procedure INSTRUCTIONS FOR MAIN/OPTIONAL SOFTWARE INSTALLATION PAGE 17 OF 2¢ INSTRUCTIONS FOR MAIN/OPTIONAL SOFTWARE INSTALLATION 12, Cick OK when the progress bar reaches the end and the backup compton log box csp, 1 1 Backup log box 2 Progress bar Example of Backup progress bar 13. Giek Home on the upper right of he screen to ext the Backup Restores screen To back up customer data: Note: Backup the pation data beloce performing Cian Insallion Als, ts recommended to backun Daten dala the hard disk des not Rave anough space 4. Power an () the ultrasound system, 2. Inge tha disk media ino the COIDVD rive ora USB-compaible devie to the USB por 5. Press Patient Browser key on he Keyboacd, Or, press REVIEW. The system clspays the study soraen, 1 + archived column 2 Diaksection 2 CDIDVD status | Progress bar ‘5 Exporvinpon action Example of Sty screen 4. Select HD inthe Disk seetion, Note: HD is soloctod whon daa sored onthe system eto be reviewed ox exported toa disk medi. {CBIBVD or USB i elated when data stored onthe disk mesin ore USS compatible devices tobe ‘evlewed or imported fo the HDD disk PAGE 18 OF 24 INSTRUCTIONS FOR MAIN/OPTIONAL SOFTWARE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR MAIN/OPTIONAL SOFTWARE INSTALLATION Insert the ask media and then select CDIDVD or insert the USB-compatile device and then select USB fom the Exportlmport section Ifthe CDIOVD Status is Unknown select Load in the Exportiimport section and confirm whether the status is Ready ifthere are more than one USB-conpatibie devi installs to the system select the proper device ‘tom tne srop- own st next fo the USB." 1 COIDVD status 2 Exot 5 Progress bar ‘Load Exampie of the Exportinport section Solecta study (eustomor data. 7. Formultple choices press and hol the Ct Key en the Keyboard and selec the stsies 8, Click Export inthe Exportimport section Progress bar located inthe Exportimport section reaches tho end and cisplays CDIDVD or USB in the Archived column. 9, Click Eject to aject the disk media. To restore service data, prosots, QuickSets, Licenses: Note: Use the fatowing istuctons only when m backup sk media is reat prior to sare installation 4 omer on () the uttasound system 2. Press the Presets key onthe kayboard and then eck Service on he lft ofthe screen. The system displays the Presets Service sereen 3. Click he Service buton. ‘The system displays the Service Authentication screen, 4. Delete none from the textbox’ and then click OK ‘The systom displays the Home Menu scroan, | ee CE RT Service Software 10K polite ere Example ofthe Authentication sereen * Requs sotware versions 2.0 adhe: INSTRUCTIONS FOR MAIN/OPTIONAL SOFTWARE INSTALLATION PAGE 19 OF 24 INSTRUCTIONS FOR MAIN/OPTIONAL SOFTWARE INSTALLATION 5. Click Backup & Restore to cispay the Backup & Restore screen Service Software oo oo [aa ee ooo 1 1 Backup & Restore Example ore Hora Menu scree 6. _Soloct Restore located on the Backup & Restore scr, + Restore drop-down ist Example of Bactup/Restor drow-down ht 7. Insert the backup disk media or the USB-compalile device into the CD/DVD dive or the USB pont and cick OK. CES ee Example of Restore Prasats dog box PAGE 20 OF 24 INSTRUCTIONS FOR MAINIOPTIONAL SOFTWARE INSTALLATION 8 8 For software versions 2.0 and higher INSTRUCTIONS FOR MAIN/OPTIONAL SOFTWARE INSTALLATION “Seloct tne restore tems using one of he below methods 18. Cick Select allo select all the tame at once. b._ Select the chuck boxes one iter at ate. “The system dsplays chock mark on tho check box © Gick Clear all to clear the solections on the check boxes at once. Note: Refer to the “Documentation and Storage” chapter ofthe System Reference manwal for the presets backup procdute, ch SORES wan [ee8iea cael eter Example of Rector dialog box 6. For softwaste versions 5.0 and higher select a device which contains the data fem the crop-down ist Click Restore to begin the data restore ‘The system costoras the data and displays tne completion alog box. : 1 Restore dag tox Exarple of Restore Ditog Note: Far sofware versions below 20, s20 page 22, 10. " ca ‘ick OK in he displayed complalion message ‘The system displays @ QuickSet Utility dialog box' a QuickSet was selected as an item Inet revo to step 14 Select the required QuickSets in the QuickSets ~ Removable Media section to estore on to the system and then press the Restore button ‘The restored QuickSets display on the Guieksets ~ System section ‘Todelete ane QuickSets stored onthe system, selec! the check box for Claan QuickSet(s) on ‘systom nie Options section “The system wil dolate all QuickSete stoed on the system and restore the selected QuickSet rom the disk mac INSTRUCTIONS FOR MAIN/OPTIONAL SOFTWARE INSTALLATION PAGE 21 OF 24 INSTRUCTIONS FOR MAINJOPTIONAL SOFTWARE INSTALLATION 13, To exit ho QulekSet Utlty dialog box clck the Close burton, ‘The system displays a restart message, 1 vicksots— Removable Mesa 2 cxsckSete-Syatom 3. Restore 4 Chose 5 Options secon ‘Example of uckSer Una 14. Clok OK to costa the system, Example of Restore confrmaton daeg For software versions below 20: Note: Fer software versions 2.0 and higher, 62 page 21. 10, Click OK and remove the backup disk meta or the USB-compatble device. ‘The system wil deploy 9 Shuteown dialog box 11, Click OK and then cick Close to ex the seroen, 12, Restart the system, PAGE 22 OF 24 INSTRUCTIONS FOR MAIN/OPTIONAL SOFTWARE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR MAIN/OPTIONAL SOFTWARE INSTALLATION To restore customer data: ‘Note: Sackup the pation: data before perormng Gieanistlaton. Aso tis recommended o backup pation data the hard dick dus not have eu space, 1. Powor on (©) he ultrasound system, 2. Insert the disk med ino the CDIDVD eve 3. Prass Patient Browser key on the keyboard. Or, press REVIEW. ‘The sysiem dispiays the study screen. + Disk section 2 Expoctinpot secon Examoteof Stay seraen 44 Inser the back up CD/DVD and then sslect CDIDVD or insert the LISE-compatible cevice and then select USB from the Disk section, ‘The system displays the data stored on the CD/DVD or the USB-compatible device. 5. Selocta study (customer data). For multiple choices press nd hold the Ctl Key onthe Keyboard and selec he studies. 7. Seloct mportin the Exportimport sactian to ratieve the data onto the HOD dlsk. ‘Tho syst rtriowos the data to the HDD disk INSTRUCTIONS FOR MAIN/OPTIONAL SOFTWARE INSTALLATION PAGE 23 OF 24 INSTRUCTIONS FOR MAIN/OPTIONAL SOFTWARE INSTALLATION 4. BIOS Installation Use te instructions below to update the BIOS for USB 2.0, To perform an update for USB 2.0: 1. Power an (8) tno utrasound syst, Insert the BIOS CD into the CDIDVD deve, Restart the sysiom ‘itt afew second, the system displays 2 matnod of instalation onthe DOS (sk operating sysiom) PO DOS 7.1 Startup Nena eee oe eB r ere eae a pee xaipto cf B10 italian seven Select the method 1 and ten press the Enter key In about 10 minutes, the system wil display a compton message Remove the 8108 CD fom the CDIDVD eve, Press and hold the paral onof such (0) to power of the system, By poworing the system on again wil confirm updated software PAGE 24 OF 24 INSTRUCTIONS FOR MAIN/OPTIONAL SOFTWARE INSTALLATION

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