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Interesting exchange value, own by the oligarchy, cannot, in the aggregate, alienate the total

aggregate of use-values in the sphere of exchange. Hence cannot employ profitable, or,
exploitable labor at the current rate of exploitation for the next cycle of "investments".

Interesting exchange value, own by the oligarchy, cannot, in the aggregate, alienate the
total aggregate of use-values in the sphere of exchange. Hence cannot employ profitable,
or, exploitable labor at the current rate of exploitation for the next cycle of "investments".
Labor, in the aggregate, is simply more valueable than exchange value so labor must be
devalued again. Hence the amazoneization of the U.S. working class.

This is why infantilizers, and child, and women rapists like Obama, and Trump were so
despereate to hump the population into the "significance" of being an American. You
know, give them something they already had: good capitalists. The whole intermural
scremeage with China then may be used to further dump money on the tumor known as the
pentagon (how many times are the willing to destroy the planet, and how many times could
that have financed the lifes of millions they murdered as opportunity cost....tent-hunt. How
they love the place) and at the same time further militarize social relations at home which is
the whole point of increasing the rate of exploitation: "from war fighter to crime fighter"
always makes them willing to fight for the place. Unlike immigrant leeches, they like to
make non-consentual love in the nice houses they had set up for them. They owe them.
Clearly ungrateful. We all know that when humanity is at great risk the capitalist leech has
always been there to further advance its march toward history.

The bonds are dropping that rate huh? I guess the reduction on the debt burden will be put
to good police, military, and judgeamental use. That is not predictable. They are way too
predictable this ought to be of some advantage for strategizing, and going after stopping
them, and sending them, in something cozier, and much more luxurious than Epstein, to
prison for being enemies of humanity: where else do they belong?

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