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Air,water support life

1) What is a atmosphere?
A- There are different layers of air surrounding the earth.This layer of air is called atmosphere.
2) What are the different layers of the atmosphere?
A- Troposphere,stratosphere,mesosphere,thermosphere,exosphere are the five different layers of atmosphere.
3) How ozone layer is useful to us?
A- Ozone layer in the atmosphere protects every living being on the earth from harmful ultraviolet rays of sun.Ozone absorbs
harmful ultraviolet rays of sun.
4) Write about the second layer of the earth’s atmosphere.
A- Stratosphere is the second layer of earth’s atmosphere.Jet aircraft fly in this layer.It contains ozone layer which absorbs
harmful ultraviolet rays from the sun.
5) What is importance of atmosphere?
A- a)The atmosphere recycles water of the earth through water cycle.
b)The atmosphere protects life on earth by absorbing harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun.
c)Most of the sounds we hear travel through air.
6) What is humidity?
A- The amount of water vapour in the air is called humidity.
7) Write a short notes on composition of air?
A- a)Air is mixture of gases.The two main gases present in atmosphere are nitrogen and oxygen.
b)Atmosphere consists of about 78% of nitrogen and 21% of oxygen and less than one percentage of other gases.
8) What are the different properties of air?
A- a)Air is colourless,tasteless and odourless.
b)Air occupies space.
c)Air has weight.
d)Air exerts pressure.
e)Hot air raises up.
f)Hot air expands.
9)What are the uses of air?
A- a)Air is used for breathing and air is needed for burning.
b)Air turns blades of wind mill to produce electricity.
c)Air is filled in tyres ,pillows.
10)What is water table?
A- As rain water falls down to the earth.Some of the water is absorbed by the soil and it reaches the layer of non-porous
rocks.Water is collected on the top of these non porous rocks.The top layer of this underground water is called water table.
11)Explain about sedimentation and decantation process.
A- Sedimentation:- Water contains lot of mud and dirt which are insoluble in it.If we are allowing the water without disturbing
for sometime the mud particles settle down.This process is called sedimentation.
Decantation:-The clear water which is obtained in the sedimentation process is poured into another container without
disturbing the mud which is present at the bottom of the beaker.
12) Explain filtration process.
A- Using filter paper,funnel and beaker we have to do filtration process.By placing filter paper on the funnel we have to pass
water,the small dirt particles present in the water particles are removed and clear water is collected in the beaker.This process is
called filtration.
13) Write a short notes on distillation process.
A-Distillation:- The process of purifying water by first boiling it and the condensing the steam is called distillation.It involves two
process evaporation and condensation.The method is used to separate soluble impurities from water.
14) Name the different steps involving in the water treatment or purification of water in public water supply systems?
A-The different steps involved in purification of water are
a) Coagulation:- Alum and some other chemicals are added to the water to attract dirt particles and form clumps.This process is
called loading.
b) Sedimentation:-Water is collected in large tanks and left undisturbed.The heavier insoluble impurities settle down at the
bottom of the tank.
c) Filtration:-Then the clear water obtained above is filtered.The Water passes through filters made of sand,gravel and charcoal
to remove small floating particles.
d) Chlorination:-This clear water may still contain germs which cause chlorine gas is passed through it to kill the
e) At last the purified water is stored in the water tank.

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