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Yogyakarta (JP)- National flag carrier Garuda Indonesia has temporarily diverted its flights

intended for Adisucipto Airport in Yogyakarta to Adisumarmo Airport in Surakarta, Central

Java, after one of its planes overshot an Adisucipto runway lane on Wednesday night. “All of
Garuda Indonesia flights heading toward Yogyakarta, for a total of 34 flights, now will [be
diverted] to Surakarta,” Garuda Indonesia VP of corporate communications Benny S.
Butarbutar said in an official statement on Thursday.

The flights include 10 coming from and going to Jakarta, three to and from Denpasar, Bali,
two to and from Makassar, South Sulawesi, and one flight from Surabaya, East Java. The
airline would provide a bus at Adisumarmo Airport to transport passengers to Yogyakarta.

Garuda Indonesia is still evacuating the Boeing 737-800 NG, which slipped on the runway
and overshot a lane on Wednesday night. It carried 123 passengers, none of whom were
harmed. Garuda aims to finish evacuating the aircraft on Thursday afternoon.

31. What is the text about?

a. Redirect flights of Garuda Indonesia from Yogyakarta to Surakarta because of
runway accident
b. Slipped plane accident in Adisucipto runway lane
c. Evacuation of Garuda Indonesia after its accident
d. Confirmation of Garuda Indonesia VP of corporate communication about overshot
e. Garuda aims to finish evacuating the aircraft on Thursday afternoon

32. The reason why Garuda Indonesia diverted Yogyakarta flights to Surakarta is because
a. Maintenance one of Garuda Indonesia’s aircraft
b. The accident of its plane which slipped on the runway lane
c. Many flights in Adisucipto Airport
d. The evacuation of Garuda Indonesia’s aircrafts
e. The airline would provide a bus at Adisumarmo Airport to transport passengers to
(Reuters Health) – Half of all heart patients made at least one medication-related mistake
after leaving the hospital, and guidance from a pharmacist didn’t seem to reduce those errors,
in a new study.

Consequences of mistakes – such as forgetting to take certain drugs or taking the wrong dose
– can range from side effects like constipation to more serious drops in blood pressure. Two
percent of errors were life-threatening.

Hospitals involved in the study were already taking steps to prevent medication mistakes in
addition to the extra pharmacist intervention, said Dr. Sunil Kripalani, the study’s lead author
from the Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, Tennessee. “We were surprised
to see that in spite of these efforts that 50 percent (of patients) were still having these
medication errors,” he told Reuters Health.

Although the pharmacist visits didn’t help the average patient, he added, certain ones seemed
to benefit – such as patients who were on multiple drugs or had trouble understanding health
information. As for traditionally lower-risk patients, he said other strategies to prevent errors
may be needed.

33. What is the effect of medication errors?

a. Bleeding on heart
b. Health information
c. Life—long time
d. Life –threatening
e. Be beautiful
34. “… and guidance from a pharmacist didn’t seem to reduce those errors ….” The
“reduce” word is closest in meaning to ….
a. Delete
b. Discard
c. Decrease
d. Degrade
e. Determine
There are many reasons for both sides of the question, "Should we have printed
advertisement'?" Many people have strong views and feel that ads are nothing more than
useless junk mail, while other people feel it is important source information.

There are some reasons why we should have advertisement in newspaper and magazines. One
reason is ads give us information about what is available. Looking at ads we can find out
what is on sale and what is new in the market. This is an easy way of shopping. Another
reason is that advertisement promotes business. When shop owners compete against each
other the buyer saves money, more people come to their shops and they sell more goods.

On the other hand, some people argue that ads should not be put in newspapers and
magazines for these various reasons. Firstly, ads cost the shopkeepers a lot of money to print
onto paper. Also some people don't like finding junk mail in their letter boxes. Ads also
influence people to buy items they don't need and can't really afford. Ads use up a lot of
space and a lot of effort has to be made the ads eye-catching.

After looking at both sides of issue, I think we should not have advertisements because they
cost a lot of money and take up a lot of room in the papers. I don't think I find some of them
interesting. I mainly disagree because it's junk mail.

35. Why does the writer present two sides of opinions of advertisements?
a. She/he wants to take side
b. She/he wants to be in the affirmative side
c. She/he uses the opinions to emphasize her own stance
d. She/he wants the readers know the opinion about the issue
e. She/he wants the readers to understand her stance
36. The writer influences the readers by repeatedly saying that ....
a. The ads are only garbage
b. The ads contain unimportant business information
c. The ads promote unnecessary service products
d. The ads inform us tips of easy shopping
e. The ads become the source of information
37. "Ads use up a lot of space and a lot of effort has to be made the ads eye-catching. The
underlined word is closest in meaning to ....
a. Newsworthy
b. Subtle
c. Plain
d. Impressive
e. Delicate
38. What is the generic structure of the text?
a. Arguments-Recommendation-Thesis
b. Recommendation-Issue-Arguments-Thesis
c. Issue-Supporting Points-Contrasting Points-Conclusion
d. Thesis-Supporting Points-Contrasting Points-Reiteration
e. Reiteration-Arguments-Thesis

Fill in the Blanks

I recently took a trip to New Hampshire and had what I would call my first genuine ... (39) ...
hiking up a mountain. I’ve gone up hiking before but this was without a doubt the best
experince of my life. My friend, Sean and Madeline ... (40) ... some pictures during the trip.
We need 2 hours straight before we reached the summit. The storm clouds were heading right
toward us and you could actually see the rain falling from the could. It was like a wall of
water moving at an alarmingly ... (41) ... pace ready to engulf us.

39. .......
a. Experience
b. Influence
c. Experiment
d. Expedition
e. Independence
40. ..........
a. Broke
b. Bought
c. Brought
d. Took
e. put
41. ..........
a. Wide
b. Strong
c. Long
d. Bright
e. Fast
Read the following text for questions 42 to 45!

A blonde and a lawyer were seated next to each other on a flight from LA to NY. The lawyer
asked if she would like to play a fun game. The blonde, tired, just wanted to take a nap,
politely declined and rolled over to the window to catch a few winks.

The lawyer persisted and explained that the game was easy and a lot of fun. He explained, "I
ask you a question, and if you don't know the answer, you pay me $5.00, and vice versa."

Again, she declined and tried to get some sleep. The lawyer agitated and said, "Okay, if you
don't know the answer you pay me $5.00, and if I don't know the answer, I will pay you

This caught the blonde's attention and, figuring there would be no end to this torment unless
she played, agreed to the game. The lawyer asked the first question. "What's the distance
from the earth to the moon?" The blonde did not say a word, reached into her purse, pulled
out a $5.00 bill and handed it to the lawyer.

"Okay" said the lawyer, "your turn now." The blonde said to the lawyer, "What goes up a hill
with three legs and comes down with four legs?" The lawyer, puzzled, took out his laptop
computer and searched all his references, no answer. He tapped into the air phone with his
modem and searched the net and the library of congress, no answer. Frustrated, he sent e-
mails to all his friends and coworkers, to no avail. After an hour, he woke the blonde, and
handed her $500.00.

The blonde said, "Thank you", and turned back to get some more sleep. The lawyer, who was
more than a little miffed, woke the blonde and asked, "Well, what's the answer?" Without a
word, the blonde reached into her purse, handed the lawyer $5.00, and went back to sleep.

42. The story tells us about …

a. a plane which a blonde and a lawyer took.
b. a lawyer who played a game with a blonde.
c. a lawyer who bet on something with a blonde.
d. a blonde who was tricked by a lawyer.
e. a blonde who lost her money.

43. What was the rule of the game finally?

a. If the blonde could not answer the lawyer’s question, she paid him $5.00, and vice
b. If the blonde could not answer the question, she should pay $5.00. If the lawyer could
not answer her question, he should pay $500.00.
c. If the blonde could not answer the lawyer’s question, she paid him $500.00, and vice
d. If the blonde could not answer the lawyer’s question, she paid him $500.00. If the
lawyer could not answer her question, he paid her $5.00.
e. If the lawyer could not answer her question, he paid her $500.00. If the blonde could
not answer his question, she did not have to pay him.

44. How much money did the blonde benefit from the game?
a. $5.00
b. $10.00
c. $500.00
d. $510.00
e. $490.00

45. The word “miffed’ in the last paragraph has the similar meaning to…
a. shy
b. curious
c. mad
d. generous
e. doubt

46. Her eyes are red. She … as if she ... for something.
a. looked – cried
b. looks – was crying
c. looked – had cried
d. looked – cries
e. looks – has cried

47. He acted as though he had never met her. The sentence implies that …
a. He had never met her before.
b. He meets her often.
c. He had actually met her.
d. They did not know each other.
e. It was the first time he met her.

48. Bill stopped drinking at weekends after having a baby. It can be implied that …
a. Bill used to drink at weekends before.
b. Bill is used to getting drunk.
c. Bill often has drinking party at weekends.
d. Bill used to babysit at weekends before.
e. Bill needs to stop drinking.
49. This place has changed a lot. I remember … in this town when traffic was not too heavy
a. be driving
b. we drive
c. drive
d. to drive
e. driving
Text for number 50-53
One day our school organized a natural walk to Barely forest. We were very excited with this
outing as this was our first time participating in a nature walk with our seniors. It was a bright
and sunny day, and we enjoyed the tranquility of nature. It was a contrast from the hustle and
bustle of city life.

Suddenly, James, a brave boy who always loved to perform daring stunts in class, caught up
with us. He whispered that he had found something exciting to show us. Naturally, we were
curious, so we followed James.

James showed us a pit, and next to it we found a rope and a flashlight. James, who was rather
mischievous, thought of an idea. He suggested that he would go down in a pit to see what was
in there. Where were very excited and agreed to help him.
We tied the rope around his waist and started to lower him into the pit bit by bit. Just before
James reached the bottom, he shouted out,” Stop! Let me see if there is anything below me.”

“All right, all clear!” shouted James as he landed safely. Then, without any warning, the
flashlight suddenly went out. James was standing gingerly at the bottom of the deep pit,
plunged in total darkness with no light. Suddenly, he heard a hissing sound next to him. He
was rooted to the spot, frozen in fear. James cried for help and followed by a loud painful
scream. We could not see James, but we were horrified by his scream. We quickly pulled the
rope up.

Once James got out from the pit, trembling with fear, he shouted, “Help! I have been bitten
by a snake!” We burst into laughter when we saw the snake was nothing more than a plastic
bag coiled tightly around James’ankle. James was embarrassed.

50. What is the main idea of the text above?

a. James and his friends wandered off from nature walk and explored the pit.
b. James learnt a lesson not to do silly things that put his classmates into trouble.
c. James’mischief had cost his classmates a great deal of trouble.
d. The writer and his friends were terrified by James’ painful scream.
e. James will not pull any stupid stunts anymore.

51. Which of the statements is true?

a. The nature walk was organized by James.
b. The nature walk was held on Sunday.
c. James saw a snake in the pit.
d. James was fearful when the flashlight went off.
e. James and his friends were discovered by their teachers.

52. Which statement in the text suggested that the pit was explored before James discovered
a. James showed us the pit, and next to it we found a rope and a flashlight.
b. Naturally, we were curious, so we followed James.
c. We tied the rope around his waist and started to lower him into the pit.
d. He whispered that he had found something exciting to show.
e. We were very excited and agreed to help him.
53. Which of the following is not true according to the text?
a. James was a brave boy.
b. James and his friends were horrified.
c. James was not allowed to participate in nature walk.
d. James found the pit.
e. James went down in the pit.

54. I like listening Old music on the Radio with my brother beside me. What does it mean?
a. I just want to refresh my mind by listening Old music on the Radio with my brother
b. I am bored, so I listen Old music on the Radio with my brother
c. I am constrained by my brother to listen Old music on the Radio
d. I just follow my brother listen Old music on the Radio with my brother
e. I enjoy Old music on the Radio with my brother

55. I like to tidy up my bedroom after i wake up every day. What does the sentence mean?
a. I don’t enjoy it, but it is a must after I wake up every day
b. Everyday I do it well
c. I do love it
d. I just don’t want to make my mom angry
e. I am happy to do it every day

56. I would prefer to order English articles for my niche blogs .................them.
a. Better than write
b. Rather than to write
c. Rather than write
d. Better than to write
e. Rather than write to

57. President Joko Widodo would prefer to wear white shirt for his daily duties ...........
a. rather than wearing coat
b. rather than wear coat
c. rather than to wear coat
d. better than wear coat
e. rather than coat wear
58. Chicago, is called the Windy City because of the winds coming down across the lake
from Canada, is never very hot in summer.
a. Chicago, is called
b. Because of
c. Is
d. Never very
e. accross

59. When scientist discovered how soap works, it became possible to do synthetic detergents
out of petroleum.
a. discovered
b. how
c. it
d. scientist
e. to do

60. Lyndon B. Johnson (was) the only United States President (who) oath of (office) was
(administered) (by) a woman Judge Sarah Tilghman Hughes.
a. Was
b. Who
c. Office
d. Administered
e. By

61. (Despite) the growth of (manufacturing) and other industries, the economy of the state of
Texas (has) remained heavily (dependence) on (oil and gas).
a. Despite
b. Manufacturing
c. Has
d. Dependence
e. Oil and gas

62. Ruth Bader Ginsburg argued six women’s rights cases before the United States Supreme
Court in the 1970’s, _____________
a. Of five winning them
b. Five winning of them
c. Of them five winning
d. Winning five of them
e. They are five of winning

63. The chief sources of B12, a water-soluble vitamin _________ stored in the body, include
meat, milk and eggs.
a. Is not
b. That is not
c. Not that is
d. That not

64. There was a meteor shower in space, but the crew did not know how to avoid the meteors
What kind of the sentence is it?
a. Compound
b. Complex
c. Compound complex
d. Simple sentence
e. Two sentences
65. She stepped on a nail while walking around the construction site. What kind of the
sentence is?
a. Compound complex sentence
b. Compound sentence
c. Simple sentence
d. One sentence
e. Complex sentence
66. Nove and Gabriel : where have you been, Mom?
Mom : I just got back from ATM
Nove and Gabriel: let us bring your bag
Father says to his wife: They are being...... . They must have wanted money from you.
a. Lazy
b. Responsible
c. Unkind
d. Polite
e. Unkind

67. Where in the passage does the author give the name of a baby beaver?
a. Line 1
b. Line 2
c. Line 3
d. Line 4-5
e. Line 5-6

68. Where in the passage does the author indicate why the young beavers must leave their
parents’ home?

A. Line 1
B. Line 2
C. Line 3
D. Line 4-5
E. Line 6

69. What is the main topic of the passage?

A. Deserts are dry, flat areas with few plants.

B. There is little rainfall in the desert.
C. Many kinds of vegetation can survive with little water.
D. Deserts are not really flat areas with little plant life.
E. Desert plants have a variety of mechanism for obtaining the water needed for survival

70. The passage implies that…

A. the typical conception of a desert is incorrect

B. all deserts are dry, flat areas
C. most people are well informed about deserts
D. the lack of rainfall in deserts causes the lack of vegetation
E. the lack knownledge about rainfall

71. He likes to swim. He wishes he … near the sea.

A. Lives
B. Lived
C. Had lived
D. Would live
E. Have been living

72. I wish I … the answer, but I don’t.

A. Know
B. Knew
C. Had known
D. Would know
E. Have known

73. Only after finishing your English homework __________.

A. you can go out

B. you go out
C. can you go out
D. will you go out
E. you will go out

74. Only after selling this house did I realize that it wasn’t a good idea.

A. I did realize
B. I realized
C. did I realize
D. could I realize
E. I could realize

‘Laskar Pelangi’: The Audacity of Hope

This is a movie adapted from a best-selling Indonesian novel. It took 40 days of filming on
Belitung Island, Bangka-Belitung province. Involving 12 local actors, it reportedly cost Rp8
billion. With all the efforts of transforming Laskar Pelangi (Rainbow Warrior) into a moving
picture, will it satisfy readers’ imaginations?

Laskar Pelangi, the novel, was written by Andrea Hirata in 2005, based on his own
experiences. It is about an inspiring teacher and her 10 students in the poverty-stricken
Kampung Gantong in Belitung. The poor condition of their school building does not dampen
their high spirits and hopes for a better future.

Two years later, the novel became a phenomenon in Indonesia literature. With its humanistic
touch, Laskar Pelangi has sold more than 500,000 copies and has won the position of Must-
Read Novel in every corner of the nation’s bookshops and media review pages. It has finally
overcome the domination of teen-lit, chick-lit and even religious novels, the popular theme of

Andrea entrusted the fi lming of the story to the respected figures in the film industry, Mira
Lesmana and Riza, as producer and film director. In July 2007, Mira and Riri started the per-
production, which took a year to finish. Together with the scriptwriter Salman Aristo they
decided to create a different scenario for the film.
75. From the text above, we know that ....
a. The movie was played by poor children
b. Andrea Hirata is the producer of Laskar Pelangi
c. The novel of Laskar Pelangi as a phenomenal work of literature
d. People like the movie better than the novel
e. People like the novel better than the movie

Answer the questions 76-78 based on this text

It was the dawn of science and technology. Anything seemed possible even the creation of
life itself. Victor Frankenstein becomes obsessed with this idea and works relentlessly to
prove his theories; but the glory he imagined becomes a living nightmare - not only for him,
but for his friends and family too.

Mary Shelley’s gothic horror story-frankenstein - was first published in 1818 and has been
the inspiration behind numerous stage productions and films - many of which strayed a long
way away from her original masterpiece. Classical comic presenting a full-colored graphic
remains true to this classic tale, bringing the original story to life which has never been
created before.

This graphic novel is available in two versions: Original Text and Quick Text editions. The
Original Text stays faithful to Shelley's original text, while the Quick Text brings the story up
to date by presenting the text into a more simplified style so that the tale is accessible to all

The quick Text edition will allow you to soak up a general feeling for characters and
locations, while the Original Text version will  help you easily slip into the language in which
the novel was written.

Even if you're not studying the original, this graphic novel is worth buying. It's a great story,
and should be one that everyone has the chance to read. Now, thanks to this release,
even those who don't particularly like to read too much are given the chance to find this tale
and hopefully it may encourage them to search out the original book too.

As with the previous classical comics, the presentation is first class. The best grade glossy
paper really helps to set this graphic novel head and shoulders above the usual comic book
releases on the market. Not only, that you also get a pretty comprehensive biography of
Shelley; Mary Shelley's family Tree; a feature that explains what life was like in the year of
the book's release; and a brief. Look on how Frankenstein has been adapted to many different
formats over the years.
76. The text is about
a. The quick text and original text of Frankenstein story
b. The simplify ed text of the updated horror story
c. The horror story written by Frankenstein
d. The original text of the author’s novel
e. The updated of classical horror story 

77. The simple way to understand the story is to read ....

a. The original text
b. Classic comics
c. The quick text
d. The original book
e. The author’s biography 

78. “... many of which strayed a long way away from ... “ (paragraph 2).
The underlined word can be replaced with
a. Wandered
b. Changed
c. Directed
d. Pointed
e. Avoided 
This text is for questions 79 and 80

A natural disaster is a terrible accident, e.g. a great flood, a big fire or an earthquake. It
usually causes great suffering and loss of a large sum of money. The causalities are injured or
died. Some people are homeless and need medical care.

Floods occur when the water of rivers, lakes, or streams overflow their banks and pour out
into the surrounding land. Floods are caused by many different things. Often heavy
rainstorms that last for a brief time can cause a flood. But not all heavy storms are followed
by flooding. If the surrounding land is flat and can absorb the water, no flooding will occur.
If, however, the land is hard and rocky, heavy rain cannot be absorbed. Where the banks are
low, a river may overflow and flood adjacent lowland.

In many parts of the world floods are caused by tropical storms called hurricanes or typhoons.
They bring destructive winds of high speed, torrents of rain, and flooding. When a flood
occurs, the destruction to the surrounding land can be severe. Whole villages and towns are
sometimes swept away by water pouring swiftly over the land. Railroad tracks and buckles
are uprooted from their beds. Highways are washed away.

When a building caught fire, the firemen pitched in to help battle the blaze. Before the pumps
were invented, people formed bucket brigades to fight fires. Standing side by side, they
formed a human chain from the fire to nearby well or river. They passed buckets of water
from hand to hand to be poured on the flames.

The damage of fire did depend a great deal on where it happened. In the country or a small
village, only a single house might burn down. But in crowded cities, fire often destroyed
whole blocks and neighborhoods before being controlled.

79. What can posTTsible prevent rivers and lakes from overflowing?

a. An absorbent bed
b. A low land
c. A rocky surrounding
d. A high road
e. A high bank

80. We know from the text that ….

a. River can sweep heavy flood

b. People can make money from flood
c. The destruction by flood is always less severe
d. Typhoons caused heavy flood
e. Water flood is absorbed by land directly
This text is for questions 81 and 82


Tsunami occurs when major fault under the ocean floor suddenly slips. The displaced rock
pushes water above it like a giant paddle, producing powerful water waves at the ocean
surface. The ocean waves spread out from the vicinity of the earthquake source and move
across the ocean until they reach the coastline, where their height increases as they reach the
continental shelf, the part of the earth crust that slopes, or rises, from the ocean floor up to the

A tsunami washes ashore with often disastrous effects such as severe flooding, loss of lives
due to drowning and damage to property.

A tsunami is a very large sea wave that is generated by a disturbance along the ocean floor.
This disturbance can be an earthquake, a landslide, or a volcanic eruption. A tsunami is
undetectable far out in the ocean, but once it reaches shallow water, this fast traveling wave
grows very large.

81. Tsunami happens because ….

a. the displaced rock pushes water above it

b. A major fault under the ocean floor slips suddenly
c. The ocean waves spread out from the vicinity of the source
d. The waves moves across the ocean until they reach the beach
e. A tsunami is undetectable far out in the ocean

82. “... producing powerful water waves at the ocean surface.” The synonym of the
underlined word is…

a. Strong
b. Deep
c. Quick
d. Fast
e. Weak
Conversation about Asking and Giving Direction for questions 83-84

Man : Excuse me, I’ve got an appointment to see the manager. Can you tell me where his
office is, please?

Woman: Sure. You need to go up to the second floor, to the household good department.
There’s a door to the right of the cash desk. Go through the door and go along the corridor.
The manager’s office is on the right hand side. It’s opposite the staff kitchen.

Man: Is there an elevator?

Woman: Yes, there is. It’s just over there, next to the changing rooms.

Man: Is there a bathroom I can use, please?

Woman: Yes, on the lower ground floor, near the restaurant.

83. Where are they?

a. in a shop
b. in a college
c. in the street
d. in a factory
e. in the house

84. What is on the lower ground floor?

a. the household goods department

b. the staff kitchen
c. the restaurant
d. the changing rooms
e. the cash desk

This text below for questions 55-58

85. What was the source of the writer’s problem?
a. Her father was a victim of an explosion
b. Her father was confined to the hospital
c. Her father was heavily addicted to drugs
d. Her father was imprisoned for drug offenses
e. Her father destroyed her health and social life.

86. Paragraph 4 is about . . . .

a. how the writer solved the problem.
b. how her teacher helped her recover.
c. how the teacher stopped her in the hall.
d. how the writer met her only best friend.
e. how the writer repaired her teacher’s kindness.

87. How did the writer recover from her difficult situation?
a. She went to see doctors in hospitals.
b. She left her father and her home.
c. She stopped going to school.
d. She abandoned her friends.
e. She talked to her teacher
88. ‘I was so mad and hurt, and suffered from severe depression’. (Paragraph 3)
The word severe could be best replaced by the word . . . .
a. gentle
b. amenable
c. mild
d. serious
e. pliable

A long time ago, very few people lived in the New Territories. There were only a few
villages. If the people wanted to go from one village to another, they often had to pass
through wild and unsafe forest.

One day, a farmer’s young wife went to the next village to visit her own mother and brother.
She brought along her baby son. When it was time for her to leave, her brother said “ it is
getting dark. Let my son, Ah Tim go with you though the forest.”
So Ah Tim led the way and the young woman followed behind, carrying her baby. When
they were in the forest, suddenly they saw a group of wolves. They began to run to avoid the
danger, but Ah Tim kicked against a stone and fell down. At once the wolves caught him.

The young woman cried to the wolves, “ please eat my own son instead.” Then, she put her
baby son on the ground in front of the wolves and took her nephew away. Everyone
understood that this was because the woman was very good and kind. She had offered her
own son’s life to save her nephew.

They ran back to the house and called for help. All men in the village fetched thick sticks
and went back with her into the forest. When they got there, they saw something very
strange. Instead of eating the woman’s baby the wolves were playing with him.

89. What separated between one village to another a long time ago in the New Territories ?
a. Another village
b. Mountains
c. Forests
d. Hills
e. Towers and logs

90. Who was Ah Tim ?

a. The young woman’s brother
b. The young woman’s son
c. The young woman’s brother and nephew
d. The young woman’s brother ‘s son
e. One of the men who fetched a stick

91. Who walked in front when they were in the forest ?

a. Ah Tim
b. The woman
c. The woman‘s son
d. Her brother’s nephew
e. The baby and his mother

92. How Could the wolves catch Ah Tim ?

a. He was afraid
b. He was stumbled by a stone
c. He ran slowly
d. The woman cried
e. The wolves were goog runners

93. The woman gave her son to the wolves because ?

a. She loved her nephew than her son
b. She thought about how her brother would be
c. She wanted her son was eaten by the wolves
d. She was crazy
e. She kept a grudge on his brother

94. “ all men in the village fetched thick stick..”

The word “fetched” has a similat meaning to ?
a. Received
b. Caught
c. Got
d. Hit
e. Lifted
95. The mayor can't decide whether ____ candidate for next election.
a. Should be
b. He to be
c. Be
d. To be
e. Being

96. Could you please let me know where have to go to get some good Mexican food?
a. could
b. let
c. have to go
d. to get
e. Mexican food

97. I'd rather …. to him in person …. things over the phone.

a. speaking ; than discussing

b. to speak ; than to discuss
c. speak ; than discuss
d. speaking ; to discussing
e. spoke ; of speaking

98. Farmers that use ______ of gravity irrigation are the most able to limit evaporation losses
during the drought.
a. least amount
b. a least amount
c. a least amounts
d. the least amount
e. that least amount

99. The group of men got a _______ reception as they entered the hotel.
a. chilly
b. icy
c. wintry
d. cool
100. Prabu and Ratu are at Kadita’s house. They want to finish their homework. They ___
it seriously now.

a. are doing
b. were doing
c. do
d. did
e. Have

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