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Vector Analysis “THE ESTABLISHED LEADER IN EE REVIEW” LEGIT MULTIVECTOR Review and Training Center Ground Floor, Cuevasville Tower F, Cayco corner Earnshaw St. Sampualoc, Manila Tel. No. (02) 8731-7423 ‘SCALAR QUANTITIES LEGIT MULTIVECTOR REVIEW AND TRAINING CENTER VECTOR ANALYSIS = quantities which are completely specified when their magnitude are given, for example: speed, distance, work, volume, mass, specific heat, gravitational potential, time, etc. VECTOR QUANTITIES = quantities which require both magnitude and direction in order to be completely specified {for example: velocity, displacement, momentum, weight, torque, centrifugal force, electric field intensity, etc. VECTOR REPRESENTATION : a. Graphically for example, oo? length — represents the magnitude arrowhead — represents the direction UNIT VECTOR : ~ isa vector having unit magnitude, Cartesian Unit Vectors |, kin 3D-space : direction of increasing value of x, y, and z respectively. Note: b. Analytically for example, vector A can be represented as A or A. Note: —Ris a vector having unit magnitude es A but opposte in direction Vector in 3D-space : A= Ait Agi tAgk =< AyAg,Ay > where: Ay, As, Ay are scalar components of A ‘Axi, Ad, Ask are vector components of A 1. Zero or Null Vector - it has zero magnitude and direction is undefined or no specific direction, 2. Equality of Vectors —two vectors are equal if and only if their corresponding components are also equal. Vector Analysie Page| LEGIT MULTIVECTOR REVIEW AND TRAINING CENTER VECTOR ANALYSIS Magnitude or length of A is Unit Vector in the direction of A is denoted by |Al or A. denoted by d, Ait AIHA. Ieuvaeal oy = A = Mit YA yA tan’ + As fa? + Aa? + A? Position/Radius Vector = any vector starts from the origin which is usually represented by r rexityj+zk ae a y a * vate ytea Laws of Vector Algebra : IFA, B, and C are vectors and m and n are scalars, then 1. A+B=B+A 4. m(na)=(mnja 2. A+(B+C)=(A+B)+0 5. (m+ n)A=mA+ nA 3. mA=Am 6 mA+B)=mA+mB Multiplication of Vectors : |. DOT OR SCALAR PRODUCT By definition, AsB = |A||B| cos@ g where 8 — smaller angle between A and B Oses Important Laws (Dot Product) : 1. AsBEBeA 5. IAS A+ Ag+ Ack and B=B,i+Bj+Bsk 3 AG CaAnBekeb Then A+ B= A,B; + A.B, + ABs 1(A) = At) + AlAs) 3. m(A+B)= (mA) +B PEAS n+ Ay’ + Ay = [Al (A+B = 848) + where mis a scalar ee 4. since i,j, and k are orthogonel 9. WKeb=t Teas k= (OC) cos 80"= 0 where A and B are not null vectors, then A and B are perpendicular LEGIT MULTIVECTOR REVIEW AND TRAINING CENTER VECTOR ANALYSIS Sample Application of Dot Product : Scalar Projection of B unto A (Syoit) 8 e A Sprig | A {Ste Sproin ‘Similarly for scalar projection of A unto Bis, cos® “Bl Sproj,a = [Bl cos Sprojga = A¢ Op ase Note: butcos@ = TATIB] 180° < @ < 180° (negative scalar projection) If 0°S<90° (positive scaler projection) therefore, A+B_B+A Sproe = Tay = gay = Bea Vector Projection of B unto A (Vprojys) : 8 Vproig = (Sproigs)(@a) = (B+ 25)05 Similery for Vector Projection of A unto B is, Vproia® A = Vproiga = (A+ 05)05 I. CROSS OR VECTOR PRODUCT By definition, ery AXB=|A||B|sin0 a, AXB where Ou = ASB] K) then, w AxB ! AxB=laliBi(sin®) (5-5) ! |A x B] = [Al|B| sin® BxA=-AxB Vector Analysis Page| LEGIT MULTIVECTOR REVIEW AND TRAINING CENTER VECTOR ANALYSIS Important Laws (Cross Product) : 1. AXB=-BxA 5. + Ag + Ack and \i+ By + Bk 2. Ax (B+C)=AxB+AxC 3. m(A x B)= (mA) xB AXB= Bs — AsB,)i +(AsB, — A:B3)j + (AiB2— A,B,)k ij Jar Az As IB, By By 6. AxA=OandBxB=0 Also A « Ox 7. If A= mB, itmeans A is parallel to B; then @ = 0 or mand we define A x B=0 ‘Sample Application of Cross Product : Area of a Parallelogram with vector sides A and B Ag=lAlh Ag= |Al[Bisin@ B but |A||B| sin @ = |A x B| Ae. — therefore, Ag=lAxBl Note: the area of triangle with vector sides A and B is 1/2 of the area of parallelogram. thus, 1 Ag=5/Ax Bl = 2 PLANE IN 3D-SPACE : Po > (Xo, Yor 20) A Po (xyz) eine PoP = (x Xo,Y —¥o.2— zo) ¢ N 1 PyP,then N+ PP =0 / {a.b,0) XY — Yo 0) ’ Standard a(x x9) + b(Y — yo) + e(@— 2%) = 0 (zeatn of a Plane ax + by + c2-+ (—axy — by — ¢%) = 0 J General axtby+crtd=0 Equation ofa Plane Vector Analysie LEGIT MULTIVECTOR REVIEW AND TRAINING CENTER VECTOR ANALYSIS ‘SCALAR TRIPLE PRODUCT : for example, Note: 1. As (Bx 1. The cross product must be evaluated first. 2 Be(CxA: 2. The parenthesis used in scalar triple product . =: is notnecessary. 3. GARB) = CAH 3, The dot product and the cross symbol can be interchanged Important Laws of Vector Triple Product : 4. AxB+C=A+BxC 4, AeBxC=-B+AxC=-C-BxA=-A-CxB 2. AxBeC=C+AxB 5 3. A+BxC=B+CxA=C+AxB 6 VOLUME OF A PARALLELEPIPED : Ag(h) BX Cl(Sprojycca) = IBXCl(A'e 9g) Bxci(a+ BXC) = asxe = “ipxq) “4° Ay Ay Ag V=IA+Bxcl=|8, B, B,| CG Gs VOLUME OF TETRAHEDRON : 1 Volume of Pyramid = = (Area of itsbase)(Height) 1a Volume of Tetrahedron = =(5A.3) (Sprotmca) i = [(Volume ofParallelepiped) i Volume of Tetrahedron = =|A + Bx ¢| VECTOR TRIPLE PRODUCT for example, Ax (B XO), (A*B) Cet 1. Ax (BX) # (AXB)xC Showing the need for parentheses in A x B x C to avoid ambiguity 2. Ax (BX0)=(A+OB-(A+B)A also, (AxB) x C= (A+ B-(B+OA 3. Ax (Bx€)=—(BxO)xA Vector Analyte Page| LEGIT MULTIVECTOR REVIEW AND TRAINING CENTER VECTOR ANALYSIS DIFFERENTIAL OPERATOR DEL OR NEBLA (V) Oye ‘ax Vay * Fae If 6( y, 2) is a differential scalar field, Then the gradient of is ‘THE DIVERGENCE : IF V(x, y, 2) s'@ vector function with components whose first derivatives are continuous in the domain of V, the divergence of Vis given by 9 8 a r teva (isting tks) + (iV, + iV, + kV) Vector Analysie Page 18 LEGIT MULTIVECTOR REVIEW AND TRAINING CENTER VECTOR ANALYSIS REE - Apr. 2007 1. Find the length of the vector (2, 4, 4). AS B.6 c.4 D8 2. Express in forms of the unit vectors i, j, k the force of 200 N that starts at the point (2, 5, -3) and passes through the point (-3, 2, 1). A. -141.42i + 84,85] + 113.14k C. 141.421 + 84.85) + 113.14k B. 141.42i- 84.85] + 113.14k D, ~141.42i - 84.85) + 113.14k REE — Apr. 2017 3. The position vectors of point A and B are 2 +i and 3 - 2i respectively. Find an equation for line AB. A.ox-y=5 B.3xty=7 C.x+3y=5 Dx-3y=9 REE - Oct. 1994 4. Displacement A is 2 meters north, displacement B is 3 meters south. Find the magnitude and direction of B- A. AIS B.1N css DSN REE ~ Apr, 2015 5. Find a+b if |a|= 26 and | b|=17 and the angle between them is pi/3. A221 B.212 C. 383 D338 6. Given A = (y - 1)a, + 2xay; find the vector at (2, 2, 1) and its projection on B where B= 6a, —a, + 2a, toa! + stat Aca + day, apt ga B.at4a,ta+7 6 atta 30 7. Find the area of the triangle whose vertices are (0, 1, 2), (-1, 2, 1) and (5, 1, 2). A 2 B22 oie 03a REE - Sept. 2001 8. The 3 vectors described by: 10cm/at 120k degrees, k = 0. 1, 2 encompass the sides of an equilateral triangle. Determine the magnitude of the vector cross product: 0.5[(10/ at 0 deg) x (10/ at 120 deg)} A866 B. 25.0 €. 50.0 0.43.3 REE ~ Sept. 2011 / Sept. 2016 9. There is a vector v = 7j, another vector u starts from the origin with a magnitude of § rotates in the xy plane. Find the maximum magnitude of u x v. A24 B.70 c.12 0.35 REE — Apr. 2019 / Aug. 2019 10. Find |u x vj correct to three decimal places where lu| = 9, jv| = 3, 20 = 85 deg. A.2.989 8. 31.897 C.2:353 D. 26.897 REE - Apr. 2013 11. What is the vector which is orthogonal both to 9i + 9j and 9i + 9k? A.B1i+81j-81k —B.B1i-84j-Stk —C. B1i-B1j+ 81k. Bti+ 84) + 81k Vector Analysis Page | LEGIT MULTIVECTOR REVIEW AND TRAINING CENTER VECTOR ANALYSIS REE ~ Sept. 2014 / Sept. 2015 / Apr. 2018 12. What is the unit vector orthogonal both to Gi + 9j and 9i Agtats Bate os 9k? _ a REE - Oct, 1996 13. Find the equation of the plane passing thru the points P(2, -3, 1), P'S, -3, -5) and perpendicular to the plane x —2y + 52 +20 = 0. A.x-2y+5z-15=0 C.x-2y + 62+ 15=0 B.4x+7y+22+11=0 D.4x+ Ty +22-11=0 14. Find the volume of the parallelepiped having i + 3] + 2k, 2i + j—k and i - 2 + k be the edges. A 18 cu. B.19 cu. ©.20cu. D.2teu. 15, Find the value of m that makes vectors A = i+j-k, B +k and C= mi coplanar. AO B.1 c.2 D3 REE - Apr, 1999 16. Determine the gradient of the function f(x, y, z) = x + y? +z at the point (1, 2, 3). Give the magnitude of the gradient of f A.7.21 units B. 6.25 units C.6.00 units D. 7.48 units 17. Evaluate V[r|? Acre Barr Care D.3rr REE - Apr. 2001 18, Determine the divergence of the vector: ‘V= i(x?) + j(—xy) + k(xyz) at the point (3, 2, 1) A. 13.00 B. 9.00 C. 11,00 D.7.00 REE - Sept. 2001 19.A point travels as described by the following parametric equations x = 10t + 10cos(rt), y = 10t + 10sin(mt), z = 10t, where x, y, z are in meters, t in seconds, all angles are in radians. The vector locating the body at anytime is r = ix + jy + kz. Determine the magnitude of the velocity of the body in meters per second at time t = 0.25. A. 33.07 B34.57 C. 35.87 D.33.85, Vector Analysis Page|

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