Sta. Lucia High School: Republic of The Philippines Department of Education Region III Schools Division of Bulacan

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III



Learning Area: English Week No. 2 Date Covered:

MELC: Determining the effect of textual aids like advance organizers, titles, non-linear
illustrations, etc. on the understanding of a text
Objectives: At the end of this module, the learner is expected to:
1. identify different types of textual aids;
2. use various types of textual aids on interpreting and understanding the
text; and
3. show appreciation on the value of resourcefulness.


 Wake up, make up your bed, eat breakfast, and get ready for an
awesome day!
 Have a short exercise/ meditation/ bonding with the family.
Preliminaries/Introduction (What I need to know)
 To begin the learning session, ask the learner to say something about
what he/she loves to read the most and what usually helps him/her in
comprehending whatever he/she is reading.
 After the sharing of thoughts, give the module to the learner, and
provide sheets of paper needed in answering the activities.
Pre assessment (What I know)
 Let the learner answer the 15-item pre-test on pages 3-5.
Note: Guide the learner as he/she answers the questions. Remind him/her
not to hurry in answering because his/her score will determine his/her
readiness for the lesson to be learned in this module.

1. Review/Motivations (What’s In)
 In this part of the module, the learner is given an opportunity to have a
recap of the previous lesson. Have the learner answer the activity on
page 6 to reflect his/her past learning.
Note: Allow the learner to think freely and apply his/her past lesson in
answering the activity. This may be a test of the learner’s retention skill.
2. Initial Activity/Discovery (What’s New)
 Let the learner read & analyze the news story on pp. 6-7, then
complete the diagrams on p. 7 and answer the questions on p. 8.
Note: Instruct them to copy the diagrams on their answer sheet before
answering with their own ideas. Remind them also to write their answers
to the questions in complete and correct sentences.
3. Discussion of the Topic (What is it)
 In this part, allocate enough time as you are proceeding to the
discussion of the lesson. Here, the learner is going to read about
Textual Aids which can be found on pages 8-9.
Note: Take time to read and analyze with the learner the graphic
organizers. Engage him/her in a free-wheeling discussion of the given
explanations and illustrations to draw active participation from him/her.
4. Enrichment Activities (What’s More)
 This part will try to measure how well the learner understands the
lesson. There are six independent activities/assessments that he/she
has to answer from page 10 - 15.
Note: Make sure that the learner will be able to answer the activities
properly. Remind him/her to read and follow the instruction given in each
activity correctly. Constant guidance is essential for the learner to complete
the activities one after the other.
5. Generalization (What I Have Learned)
 This part aims to let the learner summarize the lesson through the
given activity on page 16.
Note: Guide the learner in accomplishing the task. Asking him/her first to
recite his/her ideas may help in organizing his/her thoughts properly.
6. Application (What I Can Do)
 On page 17 of the module, the learner is instructed to compose a
persuasive essay about the preciousness of life as the theme. Let
him/her take note of the given rubric for his/her guidance.
Note: Remind the learner to follow the basic format in writing essays. The
output is expected to measure how much he/she comprehends the lesson.
7. Assessment (Post assessment)
 This is where the learner will be tested if he/she fully understands the
lesson. Have him/her answer the test on pages 18-19.
Note: Again, guide the learner in this assessment, but bear in mind that it
is very important to observe honesty while answering the questions.
8. Additional Activity
 High five! Another achievement is unlocked! In this part of the module,
the learner must accomplish the task (i.e. to make a poster ) on page
20. This will further prove how well he/she understood the lesson in
this module.
Note: As soon as the learner finishes the final task in this module, greet
him/her with enthusiasm and pride. Give him/her due praises in order to
motivate him/her to do well again in the next lessons.


 After accomplishing all the activities, the parent will personally submit to the teacher in school the
module, the answer sheets, and the output/s (if there is any).

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:


Subject Teacher Head Teacher III - English School Principal III
Date: _______________ Date: _______________ Date: _______________

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