Now, Please Do and Answer The Following

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1. Please get the idea of the two sources, then write your opinion about it.

What can
you learn from it? What important points for you to get better in developing your
reading skills?

Some strategy for implementation before I read. I must to have purpose why I read.
Integrate prior knowledge, I must think about how this topic relates to other topic.
Preview the text, read introduction and conclusions can help get main idea, I can
predict main concept this topic. I can make schedule. How to read from a screen,
some material or journal may be in digital format, I have two choose, I can print out
the material or I just read from my screen.
Some strategy for implementation while I read. Self monitoring, make sure I focus
while read, I can make resume about the text. Note the following in the text key word,
unfamiliar word, important information. Summarize the main idea and detail in my
word. Ask myself something like high level question, critical thinking question.
Some strategy for implementation after I read. I must know, how much I understand
from I read, I must to understand what a text mean and idea the author is attempting to
convey (reading comprehensions) . I can try write on the same subject and I can
discussing with my friend. I can tell what I know about the topic, something like
discussing with my friend, ask myself, create a concept map, and self test. Without
practise in reading, nuances like these can become lost.
reading comprehension can give improve for me, dedicate to myself in combination
of both guided and relaxed reading, practise for at two hours a week, I can
combination reading for studying and make sure it make I am happy, improve my


Now, please do and answer the following:

1. At the first attempt, do you answer all questions correctly? If no, how many
mistakes do you have?
2. Resume the important points of the passage and write in your own words about 50 -
150 words
2. Do you find some difficult words in the passage? Mention them!
3. How do you manage those difficult words that finally you know the meaning
without opening a dictionary?
4. Find some sources on the internet which tell the tips to catch the meaning of words
in a reading passage. (Remember to write the source and give a brief explanation on
the source you cite)
1. I have answer all question, and I get full score.
2. in the text tell about information technology and history information technology.
Information technology is use application and internet for manipulation in the context
business. IT use for information distribution such as television and telephone.
Industries related to IT such as hardware, software, electronic, semiconductor,
internet, engineering, and computer service. For now computer is evolving faster to
becoming accessible wherever you needed. IT can change people and companies and
can influence society and economy. History of IT, human are the first computer,
machine have tasks computation, and machines give new form of technology
3. I got difficult word in the text such as retrieve, dethroning, disembodies
4. First I read again the sentence, and I try to compare with before and after word
(difficult word)
5. Tips to catch the meaning of word. Using the part of sentence of the unknown
word. Using the sentence to determine the unknown word, the word around can give
the clue about unknown word. Using other clue gotten from the text. The another clue
can found in sentence, paragraph, passage, or chapter. The another clue help to define
new word in the text. Use clue to compare word unknown word that mean the same of
word you know

3. Now, let's discuss the type of reading passages. Some reading passages are popular
some are academic.

1. Please watch this video to know the different type of reading passage or text.
2. Open the attachment! You will find two reading passages, text 1 and 2. Both of
them are Technology. Compare both of them.
3. Do you think both of them are different text and have different purposes? Explain
your answer!

In my opinion the text tell about technology but, the text have different in terms of
purpose. Text 1 because IT have new invention, that make workers can be work
effective and IT can create a new branch, which create different type of IT job. In IT
have language specialist, business database needed programming in oracle or SAP,
write network software needed C programming. Actually in IT restricted the career
paths of work. The second text tell about technology should be reduce because
technology can contrary to nature. Technology produced at the expense of nature, its
can be destroy ecological habitats. Technology can be lost human character. Because
we lost human character, human behave selfishly, stupidly, and the extreme human
behave like machine, technology make human greedy, unhappy, and impatient.
Technology processed so fast its going to human self destruct. Technology like an evil
force which ready have been to kill human as many possible.

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