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Isma Rural Municipality

Office of the Rural Municipal Executive

Ismarajasthal, Gulmi.
Province No. 5, Nepal

Ref No: Date: B.S.2077/01/11

To: R.R. Construction, Sunwal - 1,Nawalparasi.

Subject: Issuance of letter of Acceptance to award the contract

This is to notify that your Bid Dated 2020/03/15 for execution of the Construction of Gaupalika Stariya
Chakrapath (Ring Road) (OIRM-GUL-NCB-9-076/77) for the Contract price of NRs.31,82,015.1 (In words
Nepalese Rupees Thirty one lakhs eighty two thousand fiveteen rupees and ten paisa only)(Including
VAT and PS items) as corrected in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders is hereby accepted in
accordance with the Instruction to Bidders.

You are hereby instructed to contact this office to sign the formal contract agreement within 15 days with
Performance Security of NRs. 10,13,100.00 for 13 months after Intended Date of Completion as
specified in the SCC consisting of a Bank Guarantee in the format included in Section IX (Contract
Forms) of this Bidding Document.

The Employer shall forfeit the bid security, in case you fail to furnish the Performance Security and to sign
the contract within specified period.


Narayan Mahat

Acting Chief Administrative Office

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