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Bs & 8 » moorish national republic federal government .» ~sotietas republicae ea al maurikanos ~~ moorish Dibine and national mobement of he toorTb norifiwest amexem / southimest amexem / central amexem / adjoining atlantis anb americana islands & ~ isda, ~ affidavit of turitten initial universal commercial cobe financing statement land and commercial lien rationa| safe harbor program univers commercial Code § 9-521 whereby nationals who fie waitten universal ‘commercial code i claims can fle universal commercial odes any state Sanuary 15, 20211441} {o: [William S, Frazier | and all derivatives thereof [William S. Frazier dba Attorney At Law[And All Assigns, Agents, Principals and Heirs] [9108 Camshire Drive] Jacksonville, Florida] [32244-7426] and all derivatives thereof] mailing address: [9108 Camshire Drive] [Jacksonville Florida 32244-7426] ‘Focuments or requests for copies can be submitted cc muriel bowser “office of chef financial officer john a wilson building 1350 pennsylvania avenue, northwest #203 near [washington district of columbia] (20008) ‘comi@ide.g0¥ [centfied # 7020 1810 0001 1032 3425] [retumed ¥ 9590 9402 6010 0069 2347 02] ‘ce: moorish national republic Federal government tax and revenue office seffrey dewitt dba recorder 1101 Ath stroet southwest #270 near [washington district of columbia{20024) [cortfied # 7020 1810 0001 1032 3371] / (returned # 9590 9402 6010 0069 2346 72] From: moorish american consulate moorish national republic federal government kara smalls el care of p.0. box 77618, near. jacksonville territory, Norida republic) [zip exempt] tal universal commercial code financing statement fixture filing {§28:9-521, universal form of written financing statement an initial universal commercial code fixture filing per de official codes 502, § 28:9-816a, § 28:9-516b, § 28:9-520c, § 28:9-521 and all other applicable codes ‘concerning secured party creditors and intial filings. Tos sat bg esp ead pagan eg mote mn a Se oi 8 ® §§ 28:9-521 universal form of written financing statement - filing office that accepts written records thay not refuse to accept a written inital financing statement inthis form and format except for a reason set forth in § 28:9 316(0) entitled “what Constitutes filing; effectiveness of filing”. (a) except as otherwise provided in subsection (b), communication of aecord io filing office and tender ofthe filing fee or “acceptance ofthe record by the filing office constitutes filing, {§28:9-501 Gling office. 1 as otherwise provided in subsection (b), ithe local law ofthe district govems perfection of a interestor agricultural lien, the office in which to file a iouncing statement to perfect the security Interest or agricultural lien (1) the reeonder of deeds, if (b) the financing statement is filed asa fixture fling and the collateral is goods that are or are become fixtures; or (2) the mayor in all other eases, ineluding 2 case in which the collateral is ods that are or are to become fixrures and the financing statement isnot filed asa fiatue filing, () the office in whieh to file Financing statement to perfect a security interest in collateral, ineluding, fixtures, ofa transmitting utility isthe office of the mayor. the financing statement also constitutes fixture fling ¢s to the collateral indicated inthe financing statement which is or is to become fixtures, {§ 28:9.51$ duration and effectiveness of financing statement; effect of lapsed financing statement. (0)if 2 debtor isa transmitting tility and a Filed inital financing statement so indicates, the financing statement ‘is effective until a termination statement i filed {§28:9-521: universal form of written financing statement and amendment, commercial codel financing Tollowing instructions tement appellation & phone (optional) ara smalls (904) 719-2332 b. emall (optional) iar smalls 1990@gmal com «¢. send acknowledgement to: (appellation and location) ‘moorish american consulate moorish national republic federal government sharon tracey gale bey, mohammedan vizir [judge] ‘cate of 444 township line road, box 712 near [havertown pennsylvania republic] empire of the moors new jerusalem “the above space is for “filing office only 1. debtor's name: provide only one debtor name (Ia or 1b) (use exact, full name; do not omit, modify, or abbreviate any part of the debtor's oame); if any part of the individual debtor's name ‘will not ft in ine 2b, leave all of item 2 blank, check here [ | and provide the individual debtor information in item 19 of the finance statement addendum form (form weclud) 1a, organization’s name [William 8. Frazier] and all derivatives thereof] [and All Heirs, Assigns, Principals and Agents) 1b, individual’s surname first personal name [William Stafford Frazier | additional name(s)initial(s) that are part of the name of this debtor suffix (WILLIAM S, FRAZIER DBA ATTORNEY] and All Heirs, Assigns, Principals and Agents) 1c. property address [9108 Camshise Drive} city state postal code country [Jacksonville Florida) (32244-7426) us. 2, debtor’s name: provide only one debtor name (1a or 1h) (use exact, full name: do not omit. vga nk tne er tomo | ange MELAM FRASER ‘ntaaotclsnee tcl Semen lon ure sau et tomee te minal Thurs beng engender new oS EA Se nel @ ® ‘modify, or abbreviate any part ofthe debtor’s name; if any part ofthe individual debtor's name will ‘not ft inline 1b, leave all of item Iblank, check here [ | and provide the individual debtor information in item 10 of the finance statement addendum form (form ucctad) Za, organization's name [9108 CAMSHIRE DRIVE} [JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA] (32244-7426) and all derivatives thereof] l 2b, individual's surname first personal oame {William Stafford Frazier] additional name(@Vinivial(s) that are part of the name of this debtor suffi [William 8, Fraizer d/b/a Attorney at Law] and All Heirs, Assigns, Principals and Agents] 2c, mating address [9108 Camshire Drive} city state postal code country [acksonvile, Florida] [32244-7426] US. 3. secured first party creditor (or appellation of assigns of ussignor secured party): provide only one secured party appellation (38 or 3b) ‘moorish national republic federal government 3. organization's appellation 3b. appellation Kiara smalls el ‘additional appellation(s) initials) suffix 3c. mailing location {care of post office box 77618) ity state postal code country] neat, [jacksonville florida teritory ]2ip exempt ‘without the united seats of america 4. collateral: this financing statement covers the following collateral this financing statement covers the following collateral the collateral covered by this financing sateme is the mdebtedness of the debtor to the secured (first) party creditor in the sum certain amount of: '$100,000,000,000,000 in gold backed lawful tender due for each parcel the debtor is occupying upon the Tand to which Kiara smalls el and all moorish american nationals of the moorish national republic federal ‘government, the moorish american consulate and the moorish divine and national movement of the world ‘are heirs to pursuant tothe treaty of peace and friendship 1786 and 1836 and the american mandate for the land, previously held im the united nations trusteeship system (1946) im geneva switzerland, and the constitution for the united states 1791. nune pro tune. this true bill in commerce has been executed ‘pursuant fo the following universal commercial codes that govern the private secured firs panty creditor {Charges are also calculated pursuant to the fraud and other violations committed against the moorish fmenican nationals at north america as well as indebtedness for debt engaged into before the said Constitution and for occupying the land of the moorish american nationals. the said treaty is the attached Iibrary of congress certified publiation entitled the public statutes a large of the united states of america, volume & pages 100 through 105, certified september 26, 1990, signed and seeled by library of congress photoduplication service acting chief shirley m. berry on november 8, 2007. charges are additionally fxlculated pursuant to all wits and affidavits (statements of truth in law, amity, trade & commerce) filed by the moorish american nationals where the abovementioned debtors have caused injury to the estate of the secured first party ereditor at any and all times on the Iand pursuant tothe said treaty. proof of service fof each weit and affidavit is attached. creditors notice against the liable parties is the judgement. res Judiata, stare decisis. nght of the secured party creditor. additionally, this claim is filed pursuant to jemational commercial claims, aboriginal & imperial claims (antiquitous claims). this is a fil a Se 8 ® ‘encumber land, property, realestate, an all commercial transactions by debtor (all principals and agents) falso pursuant to *uce 9-607 collection and enforcement by secured party*uce 9-203 attachment and tnforecability of security interest*uce 9.609 secured party's right to take possession after default. all contacts with the united states corporation company are cancelled effective september 11,2018. ww contracts ernment for 45 follow: Ail debiors named above have curent contracts with the moorish american nationals st north america ‘which isthe treaty of peace and friendship 1786/1836, the consituton for the united states 1791 and this ‘ucel financing statement whose document number is ¥ 7020 1810 0001 1032 3425. the moorish american, ‘consulate record number for this lawful document is macn-r00001319 and downloadable from the following website link: the terms of your contract with the moorish national republic federal govermment, the moorish amencsn consulate and the moorish american nationals is that the moorish american nationals are to be respected a8, the secured first party creditors at all times and now the new heirs 10 [9108 CAMSHIRE DRIVE, JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA 32244-7426] and all ofits intellectual property and holdings. contract particulars are to be discussed as soon as this notification is confirmed received by [William S, Frazier dlb/a ATTORNEY AT LAW|, the only fag that will ly at north america, morocco isthe moorish american flag [red with five-pointed green star] and all “us banners of amity and commerce" are outlawed and are ‘commanded to be "removed. ‘immediately. all indigenous people who are not of the moorish nation (melanin dominant) birthright and bloodline ere subjects of the moonsh american nationals. all immigrants who do not pledge sincere allegiance to the moorish flag will be arested and detained and/or deported all who pledge allegiance 10 the moorsh national republic Federal government and the moorish american fag will be made subjects and are mandated to protect and serve the moorish american nationals upon our land, the property with all acreage is now the property ofthe moorish national republic federal government, the :moorish american consulate ané the moorish american nationals. the property isto be tumed over to kiara smalls el with the keys and codes to all of the buildings no later than the 30% of January 2021. the Toorish american government will begin using the property at that time. anyone who obstructs, hinders, ‘encumbers, speaks against or resists the mandates of this affidavit willbe seized by the grand army of the republic, formerly known as the united staes military, and detained in a jail cel indefinitely. kiara smalls th the maorish national republic federal government, and the moorish american nationals are the creditors ‘and [WILLIAM STAFFORD FRAZIER|and All Heirs, Assigns, Principals and Agents) are the debtors to the moors. as with all property at northwest amerieg, if at any time & moorish american national should send by mail, deliver, hand, snd, or state a notification tothe residence of any foreigner, europetn, for immigrant stating that you are to vacate the premises of any property at north america, along with providing a copy of the treaty of peace and friendship 1786/1836 and a copy of the moorish american fonsilate notice of existence, you ate tO vacate the premises at once without question or hesitation. the ‘moorish national republic federal government will provide remedy 10 you at our discussion. we remain in honor and governing accordingly. the property has been conveyed inta the moorish national republic federal government trust under record number macn-r999999099, slong with the private trust of Kiara smalls el under record number macn- 0001319 which can be downloaded along with a copy of the declaration of trast of the moorish national republic federal at veew.:moorishamericanconsulate,ore'public_notice. all uities and living services at morocco are st no charge or feudal fee to the moorish american nationals ‘the maorish national republic federal government is the only government with superior jurisdiction at north america. only gold and silver are to be used as currency in payment of debts. fat currency, federal reserve debt notes are outlawed forever, you will not charge the moorish american nationals any currency, money, or otherwise as you are the ebtors and the moorish american nationals ae the creditors. 5. check only if applicable and check only one box; collateral is Cxx held in a trust (see =o being administered by a decedent's personal representative, a. check only if applieable and check only one box: “ce AB001219 ni ane crm ce ams atm [WILLIAM S- FRAZIER) ongsaland gee pg: So es see ee scat eer one ene ‘Sti ad sy eget cn nur lpn dn non ran ons ‘ose sive bag epi iat ring bogs rho ie) se ca) 8 ® ‘© public-finance transaction © manufactured-home transaction (Dax a debtor isa transmitting utility 6b, check only if applicable and check only one bos agricultural lien © non-uce filing 7. alternative designation (if applicable): esseeessor C consignee'consignor c seller/buyer © bailer/bailor © licenseeflicensor 8. optional filer reference data (maximum principal indebtedness) the governing principle does extend to the american mandate for the land, held in geneva switzerland (1948), the united nations amesiean mandate forthe land held in the united nations trusteeship (1948) and the amendment xii (20 sections) of the constintion fo the united states of amerce, ratified: nov 18, 1865 by % of the several states. we, the moors at north america, claim tisteeship, heirship, exceutorship, administration of, and beneficiary status of all land in the western hemisphere and all land as mandated by ‘our ancient aboriginal pharaonie ancestors. ‘notice to agent is notice to principal and notice to principal ‘upon my inherited status, i Klara smalls el, being a descendant of the ancient moabites in other respect known as american ~ al morocesn = moor, standing squarcly affirmed upon my oath to the ‘five points ‘of ight” ~love truth, peace, freebom, and justice; being competent (in my own proper person) to attest to this affidavit upon which i place my signature; whereas, i sate, proclaim, and declare the following to bbe true, comect, not misleading, anda intended to be presented for any misrepresented, ‘colored’ ot Improper use or purpose. Gam: Yiova Smalls ¢ Kiara smalls chief exceuive ‘nosh een Sonat ofrorhae SNoptph omia ura mervantio, Spon office bon Mas ‘a Gil Nord eps eto] emai of the moors new jerusalem spomthwest amexem ~ northwest aftiea ~north america the north gate tantum est unum exitum notice to agent. stecgnal ind ngewe ple donate ones nett teh a eta eR ee ote ones empleo nam nde nan tome ne chon ele ‘Sn ple od ponepesnac cp sree ed

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