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Higher Diploma in Cloud and Data Centre Administration (IT114115)

ITP4107 Technical Support Fundamentals Test 2

Marking Scheme

Total Marks : 40

You are required to answer ALL questions in this test paper. Write your answer in the space provided on this test paper.

1. List the FOUR support levels of a typical multi-level help desk. [4 marks]

 Incident Screener
 Product Specialists
 Technical Support
 Support Manager

2. In the area of customer service, difficult client is one who requires special handling.
(a) State FOUR areas we should focus on when handling difficult clients [4 marks]
(b) State FOUR techniques we should use when handling users who are reluctant to respond. [4 marks]

(a) the specific problem
getting the needed information to the client
providing excellent customer service in a respectful manner
moving to the next incident
(b) Any 4 of the following:
Use very simple language or questions
Avoid technical jargons
Try different kinds of questions, e.g. Yes/No
Give positive feedback when the user does provide useful information
Suggest exchanging information in a different mode
(e-mail, chat session, face to face)

3. One computer problems troubleshooting strategy is known as “module replacement”.

(a) Briefly describe the principle of the strategy. [4 marks]
(b) How could this strategy be apply to a software problem? [2 marks]


(a) Module replacement involves replacing a hardware or software component with one
that is known to work.
(b) Reinstall the software package.
Department of MIT (Lee Wai Lee) page 2/2
Higher Diploma in Cloud and Data Centre Administration (IT114115)
4. A factory is going to implement a Robot system to automate one of the production line. Following is an estimation of
the cost involved:
 Robot system with 1 year warranty: $1,500,000.
 Maintenance fee of Robot system: $15,000 per year after warranty.
 One time training of system for operators: $50,000.
 Supplies and parts: $40,000 per year.
 Extra electricity: $20,000 per year.

(a) Calculate the Total Cost of Ownership for running the Robot system for SIX years, listing appropriate steps.
[10 marks]
(b) Assuming that the benefit of using the Robot system can be expressed in terms of dollar amount as $400,000
per year and that the system can last 6 years only, is it justified to implement the system (justify your answer
with figures)? [2 marks]

(c) In which year will the benefit overcome the total cost spent (justify your answer with figures)? [2 marks]

Item Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6
Robot 1500000 15000 15000 15000 15000 15000
Training 50000
Supplies 40000 40000 40000 40000 40000 40000
Electricity 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000

Total 1610000 75000 75000 75000 75000 75000

YTD cost 1610000 1685000 1760000 1835000 1910000 1985000

The Total Cost of Ownership is $1,985,000

(b) Yes, since the total benefit ($2,400,000) is bigger than the TCO ($1,985,000):

YTD cost 1610000 1685000 1760000 1835000 1910000 1985000

benefit 400000 800000 1200000 1600000 2000000 2400000

(c) The fifth year. In the fifth year the total benefit ($2,000,000) is bigger than the
TCO ($1,910,000)

5. What are the major sources of Hardware and Software Problems?

Which problem can be solved by Plug and Play Standards? [8 marks]

Hardware: Installation and compatibility, Configuration, Malfunctions

Software: Installation and compatibility, Configuration, Software Bugs, Performance
Hardware Configuration problem.

****END OF PAPER****

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