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The following items were listed on the agenda in the City Clerk's Office by 4:00 p.m. on
Thursday, February 17, 2011, in accordance with Section 3-103(2) of the City Charter and
will be ready for your consideration at the regular meeting of the City Council on Monday,
February 21, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. at the Council Chambers, 10th Floor, City Hall.



Approval of the Printed Council Proceedings of February 7, 2011

IV. CONSIDERATION OF LATE ITEMS (Suspension of Council Rule #9 is needed to
allow consideration of late items. Late items will be considered as part of the regular
portion of the meeting to which they relate.)
V. TABLED ITEMS (Tabled items, if removed from the table, will be considered as part
of the regular portion of the meeting to which they relate.)


VIII. COMMUNITY EVENT ANNOUNCEMENTS (Time, place, purpose, or definition of

event – 1 minute limit)



XII. PUBLIC COMMENT ON LEGISLATIVE MATTERS (Legislative matters consist of the

following items on the agenda: public hearings, resolutions, ordinances for
introduction, and ordinances for passage. The public may comment for up to three
minutes. Speakers must sign up on white form.)

1. In consideration of Z-9-10 117 E. Hillsdale Street, rezoning from “F-1”

Commercial District to “E-1” Apartment Shop District





a. Confirmation of Appointment of David Price to the Board of
Water and Light Board of Commissioners for an At-Large Term
to Expire June 30, 2014
a. Approval of an Application to Michigan Department of
Transportation for Local Bridge Funding Program; Aurelius Rd.
over Pawlowski Drain and Aurelius Rd. Bridge over Grand
Truck Railroad
b. Golf Fund Deficit Elimination Plan for Fiscal Year 2010 – Fiscal
Year 2011 Transfer of Funds
c. Approval of a Ballot Proposal for New Additional Millage in
excess of the “Headlee Cap” and Calling a Special Election for
May 3, 2011


E. ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION and Setting of Public Hearings





considered as being read in full and that the proper referrals be made by the

a. Letter from the City Clerk submitting Minutes of Boards and

Authorities placed on file in the City Clerk’s Office
b. Letter(s) from the Mayor re:
i. Fiscal Year 2011 Budget Amendment; Public Education and
Government (PEG) funds for Office of Community Media

a. Letter from the State of Michigan Liquor Control Commission
providing notice to Mr. Mayo, LLC of the Cancellation of its request to
Transfer Ownership of 2010 Specially Designated Distributor (SDD)
& Specially Designated Merchant (SDM) Licensed Business with
Sunday Sales from GKRA, Inc., located at 4013 Aurelius Rd.
b. Letter from Clark Hill PLC in response to John Salmons’ requested
changes to the City of Lansing Employee Retirement Ordinance




related matters are issues or topics relevant to the operation or governance of the
city. The public may comment for up to three minutes. Speakers must sign up on
yellow form.)


Persons with disabilities who need an accommodation to fully participate in this meeting should contact the
City Clerk’s Office at (517) 483-4131 (TDD (517) 483-4479). 24 hour notice may be needed for certain
accommodations. An attempt will be made to grant all reasonable accommodation requests.


Z-9-2010, 117 E. Hillsdale Street

"F-1" Commercial District to "E-1" Apartment Shop District

The Lansing City Council will hold a public hearing on Monday, February 21,
2011, at 7:00 p.m. in Council Chambers, 10th Floor, Lansing City Hall, 124 W.
Michigan Ave., Lansing, MI, to consider Z-9-2010. This is a request by Rose
Acceptance, Inc. to rezone the property at 117 E. Hillsdale Street, more
specifically described as:

East 56 Feet of the West 4 Rods of the South /2 of Lot 5 & the East 56
Feet of the West 4 Rods of Lot 6, Block 150, Original Plat

from "F-1" Commercial district to "E-1" Apartment Shop district. The purpose of
the rezoning is to allow the building at this location to be used for two residential

For more information about this case, phone City Council Offices on City
business days, Monday through Friday, between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. at 483-4177.
If you are interested in this matter, please attend the public hearing or send a
representative. Written comments will be accepted between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.
on City business days if received before 5 p.m., Monday, Monday, February 21,
2011, at the City Council Offices, Tenth Floor, City Hall, 124 West Michigan Ave.,
Lansing, MI 48933-1696.

Chris Swope, Lansing City Clerk




The City of Lansing ordains:

Section 1. That the district maps adopted by and incorporated as Section 1246.02 of
the Code of Ordinances of the City of Lansing, Michigan be amended to provide as

To change the zoning classification of the property described as follows:

Case Number: Z-9-2010
Address: 117 E. Hillsdale Street
Parcel Number: PPN: 33-01-01-16-455-081
Legal Descriptions: East 56 Feet of the West .4 Rods of the South %2 of
Lot 5 & the East 56 Feet of the West 4 Rods of Lot 6,
Block 150, Original Plat, City of Lansing, Ingham
County, State of Michigan, from "F-1" Commercial
district to "E-1" Local Shopping district.

Section 2. All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with the provisions hereof
are hereby repealed.

Section 3. This ordinance was duly adopted by the Lansing City Council on
, 2011, and a copy is available in the office of the Lansing City Clerk, 9th
Floor, City Hall, 124 W. Michigan Avenue, Lansing, MI 48933.

Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect upon the expiration of seven (7) days from
the date this notice of adoption is published in a newspaper of general circulation.

Page 1 of 1 Approval for placement on City Council agenda:

Brigham Smith Date

City Attorney



WHEREAS, the Mayor made the appointment of David Price of 514 Fulton Place, Lansing, MI
48915 as an At-Large member of Board of Water & Light Board of Directors for a term to expire
June 30, 2014 .

WHEREAS, the Intergovernmental Committee met on February 17, 2011 and took affirmative

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Lansing City Council, hereby confirms the
appointment of David Price of 514 Fulton Place, Lansing, MI 48915 as an At-Large member of
Board of Water & Light Board of Directors for a term to expire June 30, 2014
Xing' cFC^





WHEREAS, the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) is currently soliciting

applications for candidate projects for the Local Bridge Program to be funded in the 2014
fiscal year; and

WHEREAS, May 1, 2011 is the deadline for submitting the applications; and

WHEREAS, the City of Lansing, Public Service Department, accordingly intends to

submit the Local Bridge Program funding applications to the MDOT for the following two

Structure Funding Category

1) Aurelius Road over Pawlowski Drain Replacement
2) Aurelius Road Bridge over Grand Trunk Railroad Rehabilitation

WHEREAS, if successful, the City would receive State funding to finance 95% of
construction costs, and the City would fund 5% of the construction and 100% of the
engineering costs; and

WHEREAS, based on the engineer's preliminary estimate, the estimated construction

cost of the above listed structures is approximately $1,940,000.00; and

WHEREAS, 5% of the estimated construction cost of the structures is approximately

$97,000.00 and the estimated engineering costs is approximately $485,000.00;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Lansing City Council approves the
submittal of the FY 2014 funding application for the MDOT's Local Bridge Program for the
following two structures:

Structure Funding Category

1) Aurelius Road over Pawlowski Drain Replacement
2) Aurelius Road Bridge over Grand Trunk Railroad Rehabilitation

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that upon grant award, the Mayor is authorized through the
Public Service Director to appropriate administratively the necessary accounts for the
grant with the City match coming from Major Street funding.
ua 6



WHEREAS, the City must annually file a deficit reduction plan with the State for any
City fund ending a fiscal year with a deficit; and

WHEREAS, failure to have the plan accepted by the State results in withholding of City
State Revenue Sharing payments and the denial of our Debt Qualification Statement
needed for State approval for bonding for the City, Board of Water and Light, Tax
Increment Financing Authority, Brownfield Authority, and Building Authority; and

WHEREAS, the Golf fund had a deficit of $136,937.00 for the 2010 fiscal year;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the following FY 2010/2011 budget

amendment be approved:

Park Millage Fund Expenditures

Basketball Complex (136,937)
Parks Millage Fund Transfer to the Golf Fund 136,937

Golf Fund Revenues:

Transfer from the Parks Millage Fund 136,937
Golf Fund Retained Earnings 136,937



WHEREAS, the City currently levies property taxes at a rate of 15.44 mills ($15.44 for
every $1,000 of a property's taxable value); and

WHEREAS, the City is currently facing an estimated $15 million budget deficit due, in
part, to declining property values; and

WHEREAS, the City Charter, pursuant to the Home Rule City Act, being MCL 117.1 et
seq. (the "Act"), limits the City's authority to levy property taxes to a rate of 20 mills ($20
for every $1,000 of a property's taxable value); and

WHEREAS, the Headlee Amendment, being Section 31 of Article IX of the State

Constitution, has reduced this authorized rate to 19.1692 mills (the "Headlee Cap"); and

WHEREAS, increasing the current rate of 15.44 mills by 4 mills to 19.44 mills would
amount to an estimated $8.5 million in increased revenue to the City for the fiscal year
beginning July 1, 2011; and

WHEREAS, a property tax rate of 19.44 mills would exceed the Headlee Cap, and
therefore require voter approval; and

WHEREAS, restoring the total authorized millage to the maximum 20 mills authorized
under Charter and the Act would help the City preserve its positive credit rating by
allowing additional room to levy taxes under exigent circumstances;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that a special election shall be held on

Tuesday, May 3, 2011 for the purpose of submitting the following ballot proposal to the
qualified electors of the City of Lansing in a manner and form substantially as follows:


This ballot proposal, if approved, will authorize a new additional millage of .8308
mills for a period of 5 years (from current year 2011 through 2015, inclusive), permitting
the City of Lansing to levy a property tax in excess of the limitation imposed by the
"Headlee Amendment," being Section 31 of Article IX of the State Constitution of 1963
(the "Headlee Cap"). Pursuant to the Home Rule City Act (the "Act"), being MCL 117.1
et seq., the City Charter permits the City to levy property taxes at a rate of 20 mills ($20
for every $1,000 of a property's taxable value). The Headlee Cap has reduced the
City's maximum taxing authority to 19.1692 mills.

This ballot proposal would restore the limitation on the City's taxing authority to
the maximum of 20 mills permitted under Charter and the Act. This is .8308 mills in
excess of the Headlee Cap of 19.1692 mills. If this ballot proposal is approved, the City
could levy a 4 mill increase over the current rate of 15.44 mills ($15.44 for every. $1,000
of a property's taxable value), resulting in a millage rate of 19.44 mills ($19.44 for every
$1,000 of a property's taxable value), which is in excess of the 19.1692 mills currently
authorized under the Headlee Cap.

For the Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 2011, the 4 mills of new additional millage
to be levied is estimated to result in an additional $8.5 million of revenue to be
disbursed to the City of Lansing. If approved, and the City levied an additional .8308
mills in excess of the Headlee Cap of 19.1692 mills to the maximum amount of 20 mills,
this would result in $1.77 Million in estimated revenue to be disbursed to the City.

Shall the City restore its property taxing capacity to 20 mills for the
next 5 years (from current year 2011 through 2015, inclusive), which
is .8308 mills in excess of the current limit, and within which the City
may raise the current levy of 15.44 mills by 4 mills to 19.44 mills for
the purpose of funding essential services, including police, fire, and
local road maintenance?



BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is hereby authorized to cause the
above proposal to be placed on the ballot at the election to be held on May 3, 2011.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the ballot wording is hereby certified to the City Clerk
and the Clerk of 'the Counties of Ingham and Eaton for submission to the City's electors
at election to be held on May 3, 2011.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is hereby directed to give notice of the
election and notice of registration therefore in the manner prescribed by law and to do
all things and to provide all supplies necessary to submit the ballot proposal to the vote
of the electors as required by law.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution be posted in' a conspicuous place in

each polling place in the City of Lansing.

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that the canvass and determination of the votes of said
question shall be made in accordance with the laws of the State of Michigan and the
Charter of the City of Lansing.
Chris Swope
Lansing City Clerk

February 18, 2011

President Robinson and Members of the Lansing City Council

10th Floor City Hall
Lansing, MI 48933

Dear President Robinson and Council Members:

The Minutes from the Meetings of the following Boards and Authorities of the City of
Lansing were placed on file in the City Clerk's Office and are attached for your information
and review.


Board of Fire Commissioners December 8, 2010

November 10, 2010
October 13, 2010
September 8, 2010
August 11, 2010
June 9, 2010
May 12, 2010
April 14, 2010
March 10, 2010
January 13, 2010
November 10, 2009
October 14, 2009
September 9, 2009
August 12, 2009
Deferred Compensation Committee February 16, 2011
October 14, 2010
Economic Development Corporation Board February 15, 2011
Employees' Retirement System Board of Trustees January 20, 2011
LEPFA Board of Commissioners December 14, 2010
Police and Fire Retirement System Board January 21, 2011

If I, or my staff, can provide further assistance or information relative to the filing of these
minutes, please contact us at 483-4131.

Lansing City Clerk's Office

Ninth Floor, City Hall, 124 W. Michigan Ave., Lansing, MI 48933-1695
517-483-4131 ❑ 517-377-0068 FAX ❑

`Chris Swope,C IC
Lansing City Clerk

Lansing City Clerk's Office

Ninth Floor, City Hall, 124 W. Michigan Ave., Lansing, MI 48933-1695
517-483-4131 ❑ 517-377-0068 FAX ❑
City of Lansing
Board of Fire Commissioners
120 E. Shiawassee Street
Lansing MI 48933
(517) 483-4200
H s Fax (517) 483-4488
Virg Bernero, Mayor
Tom Cochran, Fire Chief.


December 8, 2010

2010, at 5931
The Lansing Fire Board met in regular session on December .8th,
Joshua St, Lansing MI . Fire Commissioner Chairperson Helen Keeney called the
meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

Commissioners Present
Helen Keeney, Robert Brown Jr., Frank Ferro, Robert Hudson, Yvonne Young
McConnell, Alicia Perez Banuet, Jody Washington, Louis Vinson

Commissioners Excused

Others Present
Fire Chief Tom Cochran, Board Secretary Patti Starnes, Dave Keeney

Additions to the Agenda


Approval of Minutes
A motion was made by Commissioner Brown and supported by Commissioner Young-
McConnell to accept the November minutes as written. Motion carried with a
unanimous vote.

2011 Fire Board Schedule


Administrative Comments - Fire Chief Tom Cochran

•. The department is working on the year end numbers for the Annual Report.
• Critical needs requests have been submitted to hire Firefighters but the Chief
hasn't heard anything yet on the hiring.

• Interviews have taken place for the Secretary 26 position. Just waiting on a
decision from the City of Lansing Human Resource Department.
• TRIADS annual "no seniors without Christmas" basket filling event will take place
on December 15th starting at 8 a.m. at fire station #8 located at 815 Marshall St.
The baskets will be assembled by volunteers from local police and fire agencies
along with the Tri County Office on Aging and LFD. They will be delivered to
area residents by police and fire agencies. The event includes the tri county
• The Lansing Fire Department Administration office will remain open on
December 27, 28 and 29._
• We expect to take delivery of the new Urban Search and Rescue truck/trailer
next week. It should be in service by the end of January. The vehicle will display
the metro area logos. It will be a great piece of equipment for the region. There
is no CDL requirement for the firefighters to drive it. However they will go
through driver training.

Commissioner Vinson asked for an update on the budget. Chief Cochran reported that
he has not received any real numbers yet. But as the process begins he would like the
Fire Board involved in the budget work sessions. He is hoping to get more information
by January.

Committee Reports

Old Business

New Business
Box 23 Club is hosting a memorial this Saturday at 5:20 a.m. at the Kerns fire memorial
on the corner of Grand Ave. and Michigan Ave. There will be a moment of silence to
remember Box 23 members Frank Goodell and Denise Acker who passed away this

General Order:
The board discussed the Lansing Board of Fire Commissioners Annual Report to the

A motion was made by Commissioner Vinson and, supported by Commissioner Hudson
to adjourn the meeting. A unanimous vote was taken. The meeting adjourned at 6:30

Minutes Submitted by: on January 19, 2011.

Patti Starnes

APPROVED January 19, 2011

City of Lansing
Board of Fire Commissioners
120 E. Shiawassee Street
Lansing Ml; 48.933
Fax (517) 483-4488
Virg Bernero, Mayor
Tom Cochran, Fire Chief


November 10, 22. 010

The Lansing Fire Board met in regular session on November 10, 2010, at the
Lansing Fire Department Emergency Operations Center located at 815 Marshal St.
Fire Commissioner Chairperson Helen Keeney called the meeting to order at 6:00

Commissioners Present
Helen Keeney, Robert Brown Jr., Frank Ferro, Robert Hudson, Yvonne Young
McConnell, Alicia Perez Banuet (arrived at 6:35 p.m.)

Commissioners Excused
Jody Washington
Louis Vinson III

Others Present
Fire Chief Tom Cochran, Patti Starnes, Captain R. Faust, Engineer T. Garver, Engineer
D. Komm, Firefighter R. Colavincenzo, Engineer S. Mazurek, Acting Lieutenant M.

Introductions took place between the Station 8 crew and the Commissioners.

Additions to the Agenda


Approval of Minutes
A motion was made by Commissioner Ferro and supported by Commissioner Young-
McConnell to accept the October minutes as written. Motion carried with a unanimous

Chief Cochran reported that he received a thank you card from Frank Goodell's family.
The City Council did a tribute for him. Chief Cochran received a check for $200 from
Frank's family that will be donated to the Honor Guard. The Union has a union has a
line item account for the honor guard.


Administrative Comments - Fire Chief Tom Cochran

AOG 209.1 Receiving-Delivery of Subpoenas - will go into effect on December 15
The changes were made that the Fire Board suggested. Chief Cochran is tightening up
the subpoena process. Subpoenas will be faxed to LFD Administration and Dave Doerr
will be in charge of distribution. We will also have representation from the City
Attorneys office for subpoenas and depositions. Chief Szymanksi from LPD agreed that
it was a good plan. Chief Cochran answered questions regarding the AOG.

AOG regarding Social Media - The Fire Board and the City Attorneys have received a
draft copy for their review. Chief Cochran would like it out by the 1st of the year. The
City of Lansing may implement it city wide. Discussion followed. Chief Cochran asked
the board members to review the AOG and send in their input.

Silver Bells is coming up this Friday. There will, be a Disney magic show on the State
Capitol grounds. Last year and estimated 130,000 people attended. This year the
attendance could push 200,000 depending on the weather. Silver Bells has become
the premier event of mid Michigan.

Consolidation Update -Chief Cochran has a meeting this Friday regarding

consolidation. They are looking at the possibility of having a study done. We need to
look at this in a serious manner. If anything changes Chief Cochran will make the board
aware of it. Commissioner Hudson questioned the costs, time and money spent on
studies. Sometimes they are a waste of time. Are you spending a lot of money on the
study and is the group paying for it? Chief Cochran reported that they do not have a
cost yet but 5 departments may be participating in it. Discussion followed regarding the
consolidation history and progress. Chief Cochran reported they will look at the past
consolidation attempts for a base. Commissioner Hudson reported that it is sometimes
easier to get an agreement between 2 parties....then add others later. Chief Cochran is
looking at it and is in talks with a few departments. They are also discussing sharing
services and making purchases together. The next step would be operational. Chief
Cochran appreciates all the comments and input from the board.

TRIAD's "No Senior without Christmas", headed up by "Traci Ruiz from LPD will take
place in December. The group assembles and delivers Christmas baskets to seniors in
the Lansing area. Path Starnes will send out the information to the Board. They may
need help filling baskets.

Detox Recovery Center located at 810 W. Saginaw is up and running. There is some
concern from TCEMCA (Tri County Emergency Medical Control Authority) regarding the
liability of not transporting individuals to the local hospitals for evaluations. So for now
LFD will continue to transport individuals to the hospitals. The hospital staff will
evaluate them. If need be they will be transported by Yellow Cab to the center. The
repeat patients are a huge impact on the system and the idea is to get them help for
their addiction. Chief Cochran believes it will be a positive program as we go along.
Frank asked why the hospital has to evaluate and not LFD. They are in discussion with
the hospitals but there are some liability issues with it. Eventually it will save us money
and be a positive thing for the community.

Hiring - Chief Cochran has submitted a request to hire 10-12 Firefighters. We lost a
few more people to retirement than we anticipated. There are also about 15 people on
long term sick leave which includes duty/non-duty injury. Four out of the group are in
the process of applying for duty disability.

Bob Brown asked about the plans to hire an Assistant Chief. Discussion followed.

Chairperson Keeney offered the board's assistance in any way they can help out.
Chief Cochran appreciated the offer. He may ask them to sit on the hiring panel at
some point. He is hoping to hire some time this winter or early spring. Chief Cochran
commented that the Mayor has done a great job during these tough times keeping the
rainy day fund intact. Discussion followed regarding budget issues.

Chief Cochran reported that Michelle Greko transferred from the City Clerks office to
LFD's open 26 position. The position remained full time. Currently there is a part time
Teamster 26 and part time Teamster 27 position open. The interview process will begin

Commissioner Young-McConnell asked for a timeline on the AOG review. Chief

Cochran asked for response back on the AOG's before the December 8th meeting.

Helen asked when the budget process will start. Chief Cochran would like to start the
1st of the year. He is waiting for year end numbers from the Division Heads.

The LFD Annual Report is due out by February. Chief Cochran asked the board to put
a page in the annual report. Commissioner Brown reported that there is a requirement
for the board's year end report by the end of the year.

Committee Reports

Old Business
New Business

General Order:

A motion was made by Commissioner Brown and supported by Commissioner Ferro to
adjourn the meeting. A unanimous vote was taken. The meeting adjourned at 7:30

Minutes Submitted by: on December 8, 2010.

Patti Starnes

APPROVED December 8, 2010

City of Lansing
Board of Fire Commissioners
120 E. Shiawassee Street
Lansing MI 48933
(517) 483-4200
Fax (547) 483-4488
Virg Bernero, Mayor
Tom Cochran, Fire Chief


October 13, 2010
The Lansing Fire Board met in regular session on October 13, 2010, at the Fire
Training Tower located at 3015 Alpha St. Fire Commissioner Chairperson Helen
Keeney called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

Commissioners Present
Helen Keeney, Louis Vinson III, Robert Brown Jr., Frank Ferro, Robert Hudson, Jody
Washington (arrived at 6:10 p.m.), Yvonne Young McConnell
Commissioners Excused
Alicia Perez-Banuet

Others Present:
Fire Chief Tom Cochran, Patti Starnes, Training Chief Dan Oberst

Additions to the Agenda


Approval of Minutes:
A motion was made by Commissioner Brown and supported by Commissioner Vinson
to accept the September minutes as written. Motion carried with a unanimous vote.

• Thank you letter to LFD from Greg Martin for assisting with his wife, Holly
Martin's funeral arrangements.
• Thank you letter to the Fire Board from the Matthews family for the donation to
the Maxwell Matthew Foundation in memory of Holly Martin. Vice-Chair Vinson
thanked the commissioners for donating $150. He commented that the family
was very appreciative of the donation.
• Thank you letter to LFD from Lowes for LFD's participation in their annual Safety
Saturday event.
Chief Cochran presented the board members with pink LFD t-shirts. The department is
supporting wear pink for October cancer month. The entire Lansing Fire Department is
wearing pink LFD t-shirts for the month of October on Thursday's and Friday's. Helen
reported that she wears hers on Thursday's and Friday's wherever she goes and a lot of
people ask about it. Chief Cochran reported that this is a very positive event for
LFD... so far we have sold over 300 t-shirts, with the proceeds going to the Susan G.
Komen foundation.

Administrative Comments - Chief Tom Cochran:

• This year's Open House held on October 2 was very successful. Thanks to
everyone who attended and helped support the annual event. Approximately
300 people attended. Chief Cochran thanked Inspector Roberta Fockler and the
Fire Prevention division, along with everyone else who helped out.

• The Box 23 club annual fall dinner was held last Tuesday. Three members were
honored as lifetime members: Dean Brodberg, Al Chapman and Frank Goodell.

® Box 23 member Frank passed away last Saturday. He was a member of the Box
23 club for 56 years. Frank Goodell had requested that Chief Cochran officiate
the funeral and he was very honored to do so. It was a very nice celebration of
his life. Frank was an amazing person and no one knew more about Lansing
than Frank. He will be greatly missed by the Lansing Fire Department. Frank's
father was a founding member of the Box 23 club.

• Miss Capital City photo shoot was last Sunday. We have participated the last
few years. The contestants use a fire truck for a photo shoot.

• We will once again (3 rd year in a row) be participating in the MSU homecoming

parade. The MSU women's basketball team will be riding on the fire truck.

• Mobile Food pantry is this Saturday. At Temple Faith on Holmes.

• Chief Cochran reported that we are getting some new innovative equipment out
on the street to provide even better service to the citizens.

o Capnography - working through training with our new monitors to

measure CO levels in the blood of a patient., It let's the medics know if
they have correct placement for intubation. Will also be useful to
measure the CO levels in firefighters at a fire scene.

o Fast Access 10 Access (EZIO Access) which is an I.V. intervention

capability to be used in certain situations. It is actually a gun that shoots a
needle into a shin and allows the best IV access during trauma, heart
attacks, and for young children etc.

o Dan Oberst commented that there was a lack of supply due to the Afghan
war. But we received our 1st shipment last week and will pushing the
equipment out shortly.

o Cpaps - Which are used for sleep apnea will be used in the field for
congestive heart failure patients. Allows for a constant flow of oxygen.
We are hoping to get that equipment on the medic units as well.

o Commissioner Brown asked where the funds are coming from to purchase
the equipment. Chief Cochran reported that we have $37,000 in an EMS
donation account from an elderly woman who donated the funds upon her

Silver Bells is coming up on November 19th the Friday before Thanksgiving. We

are very involved the event. Chief Atkins from Emergency Management will have
the LFD command center set up. The department will be very involved in it.
Silver Bells is a great event for the city.

• Chief Cochran introduced Dan Oberst - LFD Chief of Training and asked Dan to
give an update on the Training Division:

Training Chief Dan Oberst welcomed the commissioners to the Training division and
gave an update of the division. It's been an interesting time in light of the financial
climate and the lack of staff in the Training division. But, this past spring we were able
fill 2 of the 3 Captain positions. One was lost as a concession during the last contract
negotiations. Monique Drury and Mike Mulder are Captains in the division. They have
a lot of experience and energy and are doing a great job. They are working on their
credentials. Denise Acker is greatly missed. They have a temporary person filling in.
The Training division is emerging with a great Training team. Dan gave an update on
the training facility changes through the years. We are getting ready to do the annual
confined space training. Will start training on it next week.

Chief Cochran also commented on the Training division. We are getting a new tech
rescue vehicle and we are getting people trained on tractor trailer driving. Chief
Cochran has known Dan since he was a young man. He is very passionate about what
he does and brings a great sensibility to the job. Chief Cochran believes Dan will bring
the Training division to a whole new level. Helen Keeney commented that if the
commissioners ever have a chance to watch the testing that firefighters go through
during hiring and then the training after they are hired. It is definitely worth it.

Helen Keeney asked when we will be hiring. Chief Cochran reported that he has met
with Jerry Ambrose and they hope to hire 12 people.

United Way Campaign kicked off - The union has taken a real lead in it this year. They
are tying in the presentations at our training classes. United Way is a good organization
because the donations stay local and there is low overhead. You can also donate to the
programs of your choice.

Chief Cochran talked about the great job Dan has done getting the Training center
cleaned up and organized. He is really tightening things up and taking care of business.

Chief Cochran reported that he is working on a new AOG (Administrative Operating

Guideline) for subpoenas. Patti will send the new AOG to the board members for your
review. LFD also operates with SOG's (Standard Operating Guidelines). He wants to
tighten up some of our procedures. He will also be working on the counseling and
discipline, subpoena and a sick leave affidavit AOG. Chief Cochran is working closely
with the union on the AOG's/SOG's. He really believes in working collaboratively with
the union. Please give Chief Cochran your thoughts and input on the Subpoena AOG.

Committee Reports:

Old Business

New Business
December meeting - Chairperson Keeney asked to move the December 8th meeting to
Chairperson Keeney's home at 5931 Joshua St. for dinner and a meeting. No
objections were noted. The December 8th meeting will be changed to 5931 Joshua St.
at 6:00 p.m. Meeting change notices will be posted.

General Order:
Commissioner Brown reported that he was glad that Chief Cochran convinced City
Administration on the Training positions.

Chief Cochran gave an update on the regionalization discussion. They may have
another study done.

A motion was made by Commissioner Brown and supported by Commissioner Vinson
to adjourn the meeting. A unanimous vote was taken. The meeting adjourned at 7:30

Minutes Submitted by:

srov _ on November 10th , 2010.
Patti Starnes

APPROVED November 10, 2010

City of Lansing
Board of Fire Commissioners
120 E. Shiawassee Street
Lansing MI 48933
(517) 483-4200
C E-i•ic - Fax(517) 483-4488
Virg Bernero, Mayor
Tom Cochran, Fire Chief



September 8t" , ', 2010.

The Lansing Fire Board met in regular session on September 8 th , 2010, at Lansing
Fire Department Maintenance and Alarm Division located at 3708 Pleasant Grove
Rd., Lansing, Ml. Fire Commissioner Young-McConnell called the meeting to
order at 6:00 p.m.

Commissioners Present:
Robert Brown Jr.
Alicia Perez Banuet c^

Robert Hudson
Jody Washington c
Yvonne Young McConnell
Louis Vinson III arrived at 6:09 p.m.

Commissioners Excused:
Frank Ferro
Helen Keeney

Others Present:
Fire Chief Tom Cochran
Board Secretary Patti Starnes
Chief of Maintenance Bill Oberst - Chief Cochran introduced Chief of Maintenance, Bill
Oberst to the Board. Chief Cochran noted that Bill Oberst does a phenomenal job.
Since Assistant Chief James retired he really depends on Bill. He is truly an asset the
Lansing Fire Department.

Commissioner Young-McConnell asked for additions to the agenda. No additions were
given. A motion was made by Commissioner Brown and supported by Commissioner
Hudson to accept the agenda as written.

Commissioner Young-McConnell asked if there were any corrections to the August
Minutes. No corrections were noted. A motion was made by Commissioner Brown and
supported by Commissioner Washington to accept the August minutes as written. A
unanimous vote was taken to approve the August minutes as written

• Thank you from Morey Acker - Chief Cochran reported that he and his family
was very appreciative of the support from LFD during Denise's illness and
• Holly Martin memorial service announcement - Funeral services will be held on
Friday, September 1 0th at 10 a.m. at South Lansing Christian Church
• John Dyer memorial ride flyer - This years ride/fundraiser will be held on
Saturday, September 11 th . They hope to reach their goal for the endowment
fund in John Dyers name. John Dyer was a Battalion Chief with the Lansing Fire
• 911 Memorial announcement - The memorial will be held on Saturday
September 11 th at 9:00 a.m. at Wentworth park in Lansing. Lieutenant Mike
Hamel from the Lansing Fire Department organizes the parade every year and
does a great job. Chief Cochran reported that Parade magazine names
Lansing's memorial service as one of the top 10 in the country.
• LFD Open House announcement - The annual Fire Prevention Open House will
be held on Saturday, October 2"d from 10a.m - 2p.m.

Chief Cochran presented the 911 Cardiac Study to the Board and reported that the
Lansing Fire Department is ahead nationally with our outcomes.

Administrative Comments - Chief Cochran

• Budget - doing pretty well so far. We came in under budget by a small amount.
Our over time account came in under budget which is very pleasing.
• Promotions - All promotions have been approved.
• Still waiting for the approval to post Dave Doerr's previous position in the
Maintenance Alarm Division. He is very optimistic that the position will be
approved to be posted.
• Contract worker Natallie Simpson has been hired to fill Denise Ackers position
until the position is posted and filled. Chief Cochran will be submitting a request
to post and fill the position.
• We are approved to hire 2 part time secretaries to replace retired Rosa Rosas
and Ratana Hayes. Chief Cochran is working through the process. He hopes to
have the positions filled within 1 month.
• A brochure was distributed for the Red Cross NASCAR blood drive. It is the
largest single day donation they have historically. LFD is setting up a display at
the event at MIS.
• This Saturday is the Ingham Regional Medical Center Hero Gala featuring Lee
Greenwood at the Lansing Country Club. Chief Cochran sits on the committee

and they will be selecting 3 individuals from area Police, Fire and EMS. The
winning department will receive $2500 for equipment.
• Deluxe Inn - Demo and training will be tomorrow and Friday. We will be able to
utilize this structure for some really good training. Training will start at 8:30 am.
Media will be there on Thursday.
• Chief Cochran is attending capnography class tomorrow. It will be a very positive
training piece for our monitors.
• We recently donated 8 of our older PIC 50 cardiac monitors to Lansing Mason
Ambulance. They started a new paramedic program on Kerns Rd. It will be a
great facility for them. In return for the donations LFD will get .3 free tuitions for
three students to attend paramedic school. Thanks to Bill Oberst for putting it all
together. Chief Cochran also thanked the Mayor and the City Attorney. Bill
Oberst reported that Lansing Mason Ambulance has an excellent paramedic
training program.

Committee Reports: - none

Old Business:
History of the Fire Board - Commissioner Hudson volunteered to work on the project.

New Business:

General Order:
Commissioner Vinson reported that there was a fire in his neighborhood on Hillsdale.
Lansing Fire Department got their quickly and put the fire out. They did a great job.
The neighborhood was very appreciative of the response. Chief Cochran reported that
it was very windy and it was great that they got the fire out so fast. Detroit just had 84
fires yesterday due to the high winds.

Positive comments were made regarding the Labor Day Union article featuring Bryan

A motion was made by Commissioner Brown and supported by Commissioner Vinson
to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m.

Minutes Submitted by: ^". on October 13th , 2010.
Patti Starnes

APPROVED October 13, 2010

City of Lansing
Board of Fire Commissioners
120 E. Shiawassee Street
Lansing MI 48933
(517) 483-4200
Fax (517) 483-4488



August "11t",:2010

The Lansing Fire Board met in regular session on August 11 th , 2010, at Fire
Station #49 located at 520 Glendale St., Lansing, MI. Fire Commissioner
Chairperson Helen Keeney called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.

Commissioners Present:
Helen Keeney
Robert Hudson
Jody Washington
Yvonne Young McConnell
Louis Vinson III
Frank Ferro

Commissioners Excused:
Robert Brown Jr.
Alicia Perez-Banuet

Others Present:
Fire Chief Tom Cochran
Board Secretary Patti Starnes
Station 9 Crew

Chairperson Keeney asked for additions to the agenda. No additions were given.

Chairperson Keeney asked if there were any corrections to the June minutes.
Commissioner Ferro noted a correction to the minutes under Commissioners Present -
remove Frank Ferro's name. Commissioner McConnell moved to accept the minutes as
written with the correction to remove Frank Ferro from Commissioners Present. Motion
was seconded by Frank Ferro. A unanimous vote was taken to approve the motion to
accept the minutes with corrections. Motion passed.
• Nixie email message re: Deluxe Inn Training session. If you haven't had an
opportunity to see the building with the graffiti artwork, it is truly amazing. On the
19th and 20 th the demolition company will work with us during their demolition so
we can go in and simulate collapsed space with our Tech Rescue team and we
have invited our metro partners to participate in the training. The media has
been notified. The fire board members will be notified of the time... probably 9
a.m. Questions? Helen asked about parking. Chief said you may have to park
down the road and walk down. He is not sure how it will all lay out with the
demolition/construction company equipment in the parking lot. We have been
working with the Ingham County Land Bank and Eric Shirtzing has allowed us
utilize the houses that have been red tagged and set for demolition. We have
done a lot of training on them and it has been a great opportunity for us.

The LFD College Open House is taking place this week at Lansing Fire Station
#41. Amy Keel from the LCC University Center is heading it up along with
Monique Drury from LFD. She has done an excellent job putting the program
together. Chief Cochran has made the attendance to the open house
mandatory. He wants everyone to have an opportunity to talk about their
education plans.

• Approved to hire part time 2 Secretary 26 Teamster positions. They have been
posted. Discussed the furlough day make up of the Teamsters. The posting is
listed on the city website under the jobs listing. The have also been approved to
hire a contract worker for Denise Acker's position while she is on medical leave.
Chief Cochran commended Patti Starnes for doing a phenomenal job dealing
with the staffing issues. The postings run through August 24th . So far 48 people
have responded to the posting.

Discussed the Be Bold Feel Beautiful cancer patient campaign. Terri Shaver,
wife of Tom Shaver (retired LFD) is heading up the project along with other
agencies. Cancer patients can get a makeover and have photographs taken.
Terri Shaver is taking the photographs and LFD's Denise Acker was the 1 st to
participate and be showcased. Denise also had her picture in the paper.

Presentations: None

Administrative Comments - Chief Cochran

Admin comments department update
• Update on Denise Acker. Denise continues to battle cancer and she has asked
for visitors and phone calls. Denise is at home and Hospice is involved. Denise
has an amazing spirit and a great attitude. Please stop by to see her if you get
an opportunity.

• Mobile Food Pantry will be held on Saturday, August 21 St from 9-11 a.m. or until
the food is gone at the Tabernacle of David on W. Holmes Rd. If you are
interested in volunteering contact Dr. Joan Jackson set it up.

• Discussed the detox center at 810 W Saginaw. Chief Cochran is on the
committee along with Dr. Joan Jackson. The center will have 24 hour care for
alcoholics etc. who do not need hospital care but need to be off the street. There
is also a similar program in Mason. The facility will have 11 or 12 beds. It is a
voluntary detox center. We are hoping that it will help with our call volume to the
Volunteers of America. Commissioner McConnell asked if LFD would be
transporting people to the center. Chief Cochran reported that we may have
some involvement with transport but we are working with the VOA and a local
taxi company for transportation.

• Promotions have been approved. Working on a critical needs request for the
Maintenance position to replace promoted Dave Doerr and an Engineer position
to replace promoted Mike Mulder.

• Hiring update given - more people retired than anticipated. Fifteen people plus
are currently on long term sick leave. We really need to hire. Chief Cochran will
be talking to the Mayors Chief of Staff soon. Our Overtime is up due to
retirement and sick leave. So we really need to hire.

• Chief Cochran is pleased to report that the department came in under budget for
FY2010. '

Committee Reports: - none

Old Business:
• Chief Cochran discussed the History of the Fire Board that was requested at the
June meeting. Commissioner Hudson suggested speaking to Jim McLain for

New Business:
• 911 Memorial at Wentworth park will be held on Saturday, September 11 th at
9:00 a.m. Mike Hamel from LFD is heading up the event again this year.
Please attend if you are able to.

• Commissioner Keeney spoke about Dennis Kent the bagpiper who volunteered
for memorial service at Mt. Hope cemetery. He was honored to play for LFD and
said that anytime you need a piper please ask. Chief Cochran will send him a
thank you letter.

• Common Ground was a great success this year. Chief Cochran is grateful for
the leadership of Emergency Management Chief Trent Akins and all the people
involved in the event. Attendance numbers were down a little but that is true
across the country.

• Kiplinger magazine selected Lansing, MI as one of the top 10 places for young
people to live. That is something to very proud of. Commissioner Washington
reported that the young professionals in the area are amazing. They have so
many good things going on.

• Vote for Chair and Vice Chairperson
o Commissioner Keeney opened the floor for nominations. Commissioner
Young-McConnell made a motion for current Chairperson Keeney and
Vice-Chairperson Vinson to remain as Chair and Vice-Chairperson for
another term. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hudson.
Motion carried with a unanimous vote for Helen Keeney to remain as
Chairperson and Louis Vinson III to remain as Vice-Chairperson for
another term.

General Order:
® Chief Cochran reported on the National Night out last night. LFD crews had a
great showing at the various neighborhood events throughout the City of
Lansing. Thanks to Lansing Police Department and Police Chief Szymanski.
We had over 20 requests for participation. There was a tremendous response.

• Fire Prevention Open House is October 2 nd , 2010 from 10 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. at
fire station #8 located at 815 Marshal St. Commissioner Keeney asked the
board members to attend and reported that it is a great event for the Lansing Fire
Department. Please encourage your friends and neighbors to attend.

® Frank Ferro asked about the talking points for the neighborhood meetings. Chief
Cochran will email them to the board.

® A motion was made by Vice-Chairperson Vinson and supported by

Commissioner Hudson to adjourn the meeting. A unanimous vote was taken to
adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m.

Minutes Submitted by: on September 8th, 2010.
Patti Starnes


City of Lansing
Board of Fire Commissioners
120 E. Shiawassee Street
Lansing MI 48933
(517) 483-4200
-- T.IC.. Fax (517) 483-4488
Virg Bernero, Mayor
Tom Cochran, Fire Chief


June'9th, 201.0

The Lansing Fire Board met in regular session on June 9th, 2010, at Fire Station
#47 located at 629 N. Jenison, Lansing, ML Fire Commissioner Chairperson
Helen Keeney called the meeting to order at 6:11 p.m.

Commissioners Present:
Helen Keeney fl
Robert Hudson
Jody Washington
Yvonne Young McConnell
Alicia Perez-Banuet r-n `.''..)
Robert Brown Jr. F:.^

Commissioners Excused:
Louis Vinson III
Frank Ferro

Chairperson Keeney asked for additions to the agenda and Commissioner Hudson
responded and added Historical Center Project under General Order.

A motion was made by Commissioner Brown and supported by Commissioner

Washington to approve the May minutes as written. A unanimous vote was taken to
approve the motion to accept the minutes as written. Motion passed.

Communications: None

Presentations: None
Administrative Comments - Chief Cochran

Station 1 closed for a couple weeks while a new concrete parking apron was installed.
The new apron turned out extremely well. A lot of rebar was used and the concrete is 8
inches thick, which is thicker than before. The core samples exceeded the standards.
It looks great and Grand Ave. will really shine once the streetscape is done. It was a
great opportunity and good timing to replace it now with the construction in the area.
The entire area will look terrific. They will be putting a traditional sign up. They may
also put the metal work up above the bay that says "central fire station". He is just
keeping with the whole ideas of his predecessor Greg Martins vision. Chief Cochran
can't say enough about former Fire Chief, Greg Martins decision to stay in station 1 and
rehab it. This will be the crowning piece to the project.

Chief Cochran discussed the Lansing Fire Department Museum. Lansing Firefighter
Steve Babcock oversees the museum and does a great job.

Last week was very busy. This was the first year we were unable to participate in Be a
Tourist in Your Own Town (due to station 1 construction), but we did participate in the
Health Fair, Hawk Island Triathlon and the Lugnuts fireworks last weekend.

The Lansing Fire Department Budget was passed by City Council.

The IAFF Local 421 contract was ratified 125-5. Those numbers speak to all the
collaboration, work and meetings that went into the process. Chief Cochran attributes it
to Union President Bryan Epling and his Union leadership. Chief Cochran will have
Brian Epling summarize the contract for the Board.

The new engine is in service at station 9.

Still waiting on the new medic. It should be done soon.

The new round of Homeland Security grants are out. We will be applying for a million
dollars worth of grant funding. The next engine to be replaced is engine one. It has an
articulating arm. The cost is around $650,000 and that will be a big chunk of the grant
application. Commissioner Hudson asked if we stated that Lansing was the State
Capitol when applying for grants. Chief Cochran reported that they talk about the
economics and demographics of the area. There are a lot of details that are covered in
the application process. We are also looking at generators and cascade air filling
stations. We have been fortunate to have received several grants over the years.
Mike Hamel is putting them together and he does a great job on it.

The Bike Rodeo took place at Station 8 a couple weeks ago. Sinas Dramis gave away
about 600 bike helmets this year. .

The next big event is Battle for the Badges Red Cross Blood Drive which kicks off on
June 19th at 11 a.m. Summer is a critical time for blood and this is an annual event we
have been involved in for the past 9 years. So far we have won every year. Please
donate blood and vote for Fire...along with your friends and neighbors.

Retirements -
A total of 11 people from the fire department are retiring. Eight from Suppression and 3
from Administration. June 15 th is the last day to submit the request to retire. It is the
Chiefs intent to fill the positions. The budget was built around the intention to fill the
positions. Dave Doerr from Maintenance is moving into Chuck Fulgers position. Dave
has 45 days to decide if he wants to remain in the position. Then they will fill the
Maintenance position.

Chief Cochran is leaving the country next week for 10 day trip to Spain.

A July 1st ceremony is planned for the Station 3 closing. Chief Cochran is working with
Steve Babcock on it. Chairperson Keeney asked where they are moving the
firefighters and equipment too. Chief Cochran said they will be moving people and
equipment throughout the other stations. He believes the building will be put up for
sale. They are still considering building a new west side station in the future.

Commissioner Washington asked how the Memorial Service went. Chief Cochran and
Chairperson Keeney commented that it went well. About 50 people attended.
Commissioner Keeney spoke. Jerry Ambrose was there on behalf of the Mayor.
Commissioner Keeney also arranged for a Bagpiper. A Supervisor from East Lansing
Dispatch played taps.

Commissioner Perez Banuet spoke regarding the Board attending neighborhood

meetings. She put together talking points that can be used at the meetings. She also
created a feedback form to be used. A List of neighborhood meetings was distributed.
Just double check the schedule or call to check for meeting cancellations etc.
Chairperson Keeney suggested attending in 2's if possible. Chief Cochran
commented that this is great idea and goes along with the Strategic Plan.

Committee Reports - none

Old Business - none

New Business - none

General Order -
Historical Center Project -Commissioner Hudson discussed the Historical Society book
project. They are creating a book and Station 7 will be highlighted as a public building.
The book should be done by next year and will be available to purchase.

Commissioner Brown discussed attending neighborhood meetings.

The Board members requested a history of the Fire Board.

Commissioner Brown discussed the Fisher Body parking problem. Chief Cochran
wasn't aware of it.

A motion was made by Commissioner Brown and supported by Commissioner Hudson
to adjourn the meeting. A unanimous vote was taken to adjourn the meeting. Meeting
adjourned at 6:57 p.m.

Minutes Submitted by: on August 11 t" , 2010.

Patti Starnes

APPROVED August 11, 2010

City of Lansing
Board of Fire Commissioners
120 E. Shiawassee Street
Lansing MI 48933
(517) 483-4200
Fax (517) 483-4488

United States


May 1.2th, 2010

The Lansing Fire Board met in regular session on May 12 th , 2010, at Fire Station
#46 located at 5135 Pleasant Grove Rd., Lansing, MI. Fire Commissioner
Chairperson Helen Keeney called the meeting to order at 6:11 p.m.

Commissioners Present:
Helen Keeney
Frank Ferro
Robert Hudson
Jody Washington
Yvonne Young McConnell
Alicia Perez-Banuet
Commissioners Excused:
Robert Brown Jr.
Louis Vinson Ill

Chairperson Keeney asked for additions to the agenda and no additions were noted.

A motion was made by Commissioner Ferro and supported' by Commissioner Young-

McConnell to approve the April minutes as written. A unanimous vote was taken to
approve the motion to accept the minutes as written. Motion passed.

Thank you letter from Larry Elliott's family. Larry Elliott recently passed away. He
served in a number of positions with emergency services. He was a DeWitt Twp
Firefighter for a long time and an adjunct instruction for LCC for over 30 years. The
Honor Guard and LFD participated in the funeral it was a very nice celebration of his

Thank you letter from a citizen who had cardiac issues, for the care he was given from
the Lansing Firefighters.

Letter of budget approval from the Fire Board to the Mayor. Chief Cochran thanked the
Board for the letter and reported that he had to move quickly to get the budget

Firefighter Memorial Service will take place on Sat, May 29 th at 11:30 a.m. The LFD
service will be immediately following the Sons of the Union Veterans service which
starts at 11:00 a.m. Chief Cochran invited the Board to attend.

Chief Cochran just found out that the John Dyer Memorial Ride will be held again this
year. John Dyer was a BC here at Lansing Fire. He died of a stroke on Memorial
weekend a few years ago. The funds are going towards the John Dyer endowment
fund at LCC.

Commissioner Keeney thanked everyone for getting back to her regarding the signing of
the letter of budget approval a couple of weekends ago.

Presentations: None

Administrative Comments

Department Update - Chief Cochran:

Chief Cochran reported that these are difficult times but is pleased to see that we are
working through the issues. He is grateful for his relationship with the Union under
Bryan Epling's leadership. There were actually a lot of meetings with the Union to come
together on the tentative contract agreement which passed. It still needs to be
formalized by the City Council. Everything he has heard from the firefighters has been
positive. The decision made to close station 3 was not an easy decision. He never
wanted to close a station...but for budget reasons he had to do it. His decision was
partly based on the GIS study that was done by the National IAFF. The two biggest
impacts are closing Station 3 and reducing minimum staffing to 48. This should allow
an adequate number of people to work safely and provide emergency services to the
City of Lansing. Chairperson Keeney asked if this is done through retirements and no
layoffs. Chief Cochran said yes. They did not want to lay anyone off. Tough times
require tough decisions and Chief Cochran believes it is a good plan. Chief Cochran
will be happy to have Bryan Epling share the details of the contract with the Board once
it is passed. The Budget has to be approved or not by next Monday by City Council.
With early retirements at least 6 Firefighters will be retiring and possibly 2 Administrative
Assistants. The City provided an actuarial study to employees for $50. Commissioner
Hudson asked Chief Cochran whether he believes the Mayors budget or City Council
budget...will that change the LFD budget/contract? Chief Cochran doesn't believe it will.
Chief Cochran reported that our budget is tied to contract concessions that were made
etc. One predicament of the Union is the minimum staffing requirement that is in the
contract. It is considered permissive. We are the only dept in the state that has a
contractual minimum staffing requirement. Chief Cochran said if the committee wants
to meet for a workshop that is an option. City Council is set to vote on May 17th . Cities
are required to have a balanced budget by the start of the fiscal year. Commissioner
Keeney asked how many positions are affected. Chief Cochran said the budget is

based on the anticipated retirements and those will remain vacant but funded. Chief
Cochran explained the seniority and the 1.0 positions that will be lost through attrition.
Chief Cochran hopes to hire in the spring of 2011. If we hire in the spring then the new
crews can get in the stations by summer, thus reducing summer vacation overtime.
Chief Cochran discussed station 7 and the intent to build a new west side station at
some point. There will be difficulties closing that station because of love and history of
the building. It has been a big part of the Westside community for a long time.

The new engine is in service at station 9 on Glendale.

The new ambulance should arrive in a couple of weeks. The Garage will have it for a
couple weeks before it is put in service. It will probably be housed at station 5. They
also received a USAR grant for tools and equipment etc. The next rig to replace is at
station 1 and will cost about $650,000.

There is collapse training taking place in Holt this week. We consistently work with our
Metro departments on training opportunities.

The Mobile Food Pantry will be held on Saturday from 9 am to 12 pm at the Black Child
and Family Institute.

Bike Safety Rodeo will take place on Saturday from 10 am - 2 pm at fire station #8.
Please stop by it is a great event. Commissioner Keeney asked about media coverage
for the event. Chief Cochran reported that the media has been notified.

Commissioner Keeney asked about the GM property? Chief Cochran reported that GM
is interested in selling a piece of property now and that it is in the hands of City of
Lansing Administration.

Possible replacement of parking apron at station #1. Chief Cochran is crossing his
fingers on the possibility of getting the apron replaced while the construction/
streetscape is being done across from fire station #1 on Grand Ave. It will be about a
$50,000 project and we may have to close the station for a couple days to allow the
concrete to cure. Commissioner Perez-Banuet asked if the crews have had trouble
getting in and out of the station during the construction. Chief Cochran said there have
not been any problems and the Accident Fund has worked very closely with us
regarding access in and out of the station.

Chief Cochran reported that the Common Ground second stage will be at the old city
market property this year instead of on Shiawassee next to fire station #1.

Box 23 dinner was last night. Chief Cochran was unable to attend... however, this was
the first dinner he has missed. The Tuesday before was Todd Ness's retirement party.
The Fire Board is always welcome at the retirement dinners. Just RSVP. Chief
Cochran will make sure the Board is notified of retirements.

Commissioner Perez-Banuet asked about the venting system on the vehicles. Chief
Cochran explained how the Plymovent exhaust ventilation system operates.

Chief Cochran discussed Dr. Joan Jackson-Johnsons work on the sub acute detox
center. Dr. Johnson is his hero and an amazing person. Chief Cochran is involved in
the project. They are hoping to locate the center just south of the VOA. The center will
deal with drug and alcohol detox and will also offer support service to the individuals.
There are a handful of individuals in the area who really tax our health care system.
This will alleviate that and allow the individuals ongoing help. The center will have 11
beds and be staffed 24 hours a day, including a doctor and nurse on staff. Chief
Cochran is very excited about the project and optimistic that it will happen. A number of
community partners have come together to make it happen. Chief Cochran said these
centers have worked elsewhere in other parts of the country. Commissioner
Washington asked if the goal is to offer them follow up services. Chief Cochran said
absolutely...there will be support services there and after that program they can move
into a residential program.

Committee Reports - none

Old Business - none

New Business - none

General Order - none

A motion was made by Commissioner Young-McConnell and supported by

Commissioner Hudson to adjourn the meeting. A unanimous vote was taken to adjourn
the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 6:57 p.m.

Minutes Submitted by: on June 8th , 2010.

Patti Starnes

APPROVED June 8, 2010

City of Lansing
Board of Fire Commissioners
120 E. Shiawassee Street
Lansing MI 48933
(517) 483-4200
Fax (517) 483-4488

United States


April 14th, 2010

The Lansing Fire Board met in regular session on April 14th, 2010, at Fire Station
#45 located at .1821 Todd Ave., Lansing, MI. Fire Commissioner Vice-Chairperson
Louis Vinson III called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
Commissioners Present
Louis Vinson III, Robert Brown Jr., Frank Ferro, Robert Hudson, Alicia Perez-Banuet,
Jody Washington, Yvonne Young McConnell
Commissioners Excused
Helen Keeney `,
Others Present:
Fire Chief Tom Cochran, Patti Starnes, Station 5 Crew, Chris Lake, Brian Eplingh:: :P ^....

Chief Cochran introduced the Station #5 Captain, Dan Thomas and asked him 6 12
introduce his crew. Captain Thomas introduced Firefighter Demps, Engineer Huegli
and Firefighter Lack. Firefighter Wade was working out. Captain Thomas gave a brief
history of the station and noted that Station #5 is the extrication focus station for the
department. Along with firefighting they specialize in rollovers, pin-ins etc.
Additions to the Agenda
Approval of Minutes:
A motion was made by Commissioner Brown and supported by Commissioner Hudson
with the following corrections on page 4, 3rd paragraph, add: Commissioner Perez-
Banuet volunteered to draft talking points to bring back to the Commissioners for review
and approval. Motion carried with a unanimous vote.

Administrative Comments
Chief Cochran thanked IAFF local 421 President, Bryan Epling and Vice-President
Chris Lake for attending the meeting.

Training . Captain Posting. Update:

The department has posted for the 2nd Training Captain position. Four people have
signed the posting and the Promotional Committee is reviewing their qualifications. An
LFD employee can transfer into the position for 45 day trial period without losing their
Fire Suppression seniority. Monique Drury completed her 45 days in the Training
division and has decided to remain in the division as a Training Captain. She has a
year to complete her education and qualification requirements. She hit the ground
running and will do a great job and be a good asset to the Training division.

Mobile Food Pantry:

The Mobile Food Pantry is this weekend at 9:00 a.m. Chief Cochran will send out the
information. Our Firefighters are very involved and do a great job. The community
really appreciates their participation.

The Lansing Fire Department budget hearing with City Council will take place on April
23rd , beginning at 9 am in council chambers.

National Telecommunicators Week

This week is National Telecommunicators Week. Chief Cochran has written a letter and
forwarded it to the Dispatch division thanking them for the great work they do. Chief
Symanski and Chief Cochran took a cake to them today. Chief. Cochran and the BC's
will be taking a meal to them on Saturday as well. The news recently reported on a 911
Dispatcher who talked a mother through saving her baby's life by administering CPR.
The Dispatcher walked the mother through the CPR process. The baby is doing fine.
The Lansing Fire Department does medical dispatching but some dispatch centers do

Retired LFD Assistant Fire Chief Tim James is now the Fire Chief at Benton/Potterville
Fire Department. Chief Cochran is excited for him and knows he will do a great job.

Chief Cochran went on vacation recently and was very grateful to be able to take the
time off knowing that the department was in great hands while he was gone.

East Grand River - copper theft

Station 48 responded and the gas levels were extremely high. An explosion was
averted by the crews ventilating. Chief Cochran has had discussions with Chief
Szymanski regarding copper thefts.

Chief Cochran thanked Captain Miller and Training Chief Dan Oberst for working with
the land bank to use houses marked for demolition for training opportunities. We have a
process in place to be able to use the homes for training along with some commercial
structures. Captain Denny Miller was very hard on the project. We may be able to use
the Deluxe Inn too.

Chief Cochran. reported that the IAFF Local 421 Firefighter contract is due to expire on
June 1 St. A lot of time, effort and hard work has gone into the negotiation process. The
collaboration says a lot for the leadership of President Epling. These are not easy ,
times. Chief Cochran thanked Chris Lake and Bryan Epling for support and hard work.
It could not have happened with out the good working relationship they have and he is
very thankful for it. Chief Cochran believes it is a good solid agreement. We have a lot
to be proud of at Lansing Fire. A lot of great people work here.

Brian Epling, President of the Lansing Firefighter Union along with Chris Lake, Engineer
and Vice President of the Lansing Firefighter union spoke to the Commissioners
regarding the contract. President Epling said that it has been a long process and he is
happy to report that there is a tentative agreement with the City of Lansing. The current
contract expires June 30 th, 2010. In informational meeting was held today and there is
also one tomorrow. The ratification vote will take place next week on Monday and
Tuesday. Brian believes the agreement is definitely due to a lot of hard work. They
have worked to build good relationships with the Mayor, Administration and the Fire
Chief. This agreement speaks volumes to what we can accomplish. There will also be
disagreements, but disagreements bring good decisions. With Chief Cochran's
leadership we have been able to accomplish many things. Excellent people work for
the department and he appreciates the collaboration. We have been able to work
together due to these historic economic times. The City of Lansing is facing a $12
million deficit for this year and the next few years. Tough decisions need to be made.
We have made good, sound decisions. The biggest thing is the closure of Station 3. It
was closed a few years ago for structural and health and safety concerns. They looked
at the changing demographics, and overall response data and it made the most sense.
Chris Lake passed out a geographic analysis of the City of Lansing and discussed it.
The Downtown district has a lot of coverage. The response time goal is 4 minutes or
less in the city. We meet or exceed those standards. With removing Station 3 the
response time goal decreases by 1.1% to 93.04%. That number provides the comfort
level to continue to deliver a quality level of service. We are adequately meeting the
goal of the 4 minute response. No one wants to see a station closed, but this will help
resolve our economic crisis and there is only a slight change in the response time.
President Epling is absolutely pleased to reach a tentative agreement. No Firefighters
will be laid off. We understand what is going on State wide and are very involved in
issues at the State level as well. So we understand the changes that need to take place
in the City of Lansing and hope for a positive outcome next week.

Chief Cochran is glad that we can accomplish what we have and continue with our level
of service and the standards we meet.

Brian Epling discussed minimum staffing. The Deficit Elimination Plan for the current 6
months saved $600,000 by reducing minimum manning from 52 to 51. Now we are

reducing the minimum manning to 48 people. We will be losing some positions through
attrition. But, we are able to keep all 211 employees employed and on the job.

Brian Epling took questions from the Commissioners.

Commission Ferro asked if the 4 minutes was a national standard. Brian said yes it is.
Frank said what if was 4.5 minutes? Brian said to imagine holding your breath that
long. We need to meet or exceed the response time. That is very important for life
safety. Ferro inquired about the cities who can not meet that response time. Chief
Cochran said that the 4 minutes response time goal is a standard not a low. You won't
see a 4 minute or less response time in a lot of areas such as rural etc. Chief Cochran
is trying to get the link on the website which shows a living room fire and how how fast
the fire grows and changes. Chief Cochran went on to say that the Lansing Fire
Department has been very fortunate. We continue to provide good response and
equipment. Chief Cochran is working on getting some new and innovative equipment
for EMS.

Commissioner Perez-Banuet asked about the press releases and interviews. Chief
Cochran said the press releases happen because the word leaks out and they want to
give out good information. Chief Cochran discussed our "new kids" and the worry that
they had...they are so glad that no layoffs will take place. Brian Epling said they were
looking at 14 layoffs. The numbers now that we saved equal 21 positions. So hopefully
it will go the through. Union is available at the budget hearings etc. explain the mapping
etc. There was a lot of planning for this process. Commissioner Perez-Banuet said they
did great job on the planning.

Assistance to Firefighter Grant

We just found out that we did not get the grant. We will continue to pursue more grant
funding. It will be tough but we are continuing to move forward. Some positive things
going in Lansing are: Accident Fund, MSP Headquarters, Knapps Building etc.
Lansing is moving along well. We will survive, move forward and provide good safety to
the citizens and firefighters of Lansing.

Committee Reports

Old Business

New Business
Chief Cochran charged the Members with getting feedback and talking to your friends,
neighbors etc. It is hard to close a station and it hurts...but firefighters and jobs are
more important.

Commissioner Perez-Banuet conveyed appreciation on behalf of the Accident Fund.

The building was evacuation during the recent storm. They appreciated Trent Atkins
calling to give the "All Clear". The head of security for Accident Fund wanted to thank

Lansing Fire Department. Chief Cochran spoke about the Accident Fund construction
project. They have been working well with Lansing Fire Department and are
communicating well regarding the construction. Our crews are out in the city on every
morning doing "first due" to determine best access and routes around the construction

CSO Project - Chief Cochran said it is a huge undertaking. Chief Cochran reported that
Chad Gamble,. Public Service Director said it is amazing how much cleaner the river is

Chief Cochran asked the Commissioners if they would be interested in attending a

Lugnuts game and using the city suite at the Lugnuts stadium. The Commissioners
said yes, they would like to attend a game.

General Order
Commissioner Brown reported that was very impressed during the last budget
collaboration. He saw cuts agreed to that he never thought possible and he was so
impressed by the collaboration.

A motion was made by Commissioner Brown and supported to by Commissioner
Hudson to adjourn the meeting. The meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m.

Submitted by "'on May 12th, 2010

Patti Starnes

APPROVED May 12, 2010

Lansing Fire Department
120 E. Shiawassee Street
Lansing MI 48933
(517) 483-4200
Fax (517) 483-4488
United S'tres•
Virg Bernero, Mayor Cen su s
Tom Cochran, Fire Chief 2010.


March 10th, 2010

The Lansing Fire Board met in regular session on March 10 th , 2020 at Fire Station
#44 located at 1435 Miller Rd. Lansing, MI. fire Commissioner Chairperson Helen
Keeney called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

Commissioners Present

Helen Keeney, Louis Vinson III, Robert Hudson, Robert Brown Jr., Alicia Peres-Banuet,
and Jody Washington

Commissioners Absent/Excused

Yvonne Young-McConnell and Frank Ferro

Others Present

Fire Chief, Tom Cochran

A/Board Secretary, Denise Acker
Station #44 crew - Captain Pawluk Firefighter McKinley Firefighter Le Enginee'r.;_
McDonald Engineer Hagaman and Lieutenant Clayton

Captain Pawluk introduced himself and the station crew. The Fire Board Commissioners
then introduced themselves.

Addition to the Agenda

There were no additions to the agenda

Approval of Minutes

Approval of February minutes - motion by Robert Brown Jr., seconded by Robert

Hudson, Motion carried


Chief Cochran started a review of communications with a thank you letter from the
Meridian Township Fire Chief Fred Cowper. Meridian had a structure fire that some of
our people responded and help in extinguishing the fire. Chief Cowper wanted to say
thank you for our help.

Chief Cochran referred to the enclosed Lansing Fire Department News Letter, thanking .
Patti Starnes for all the work she puts into doing this. Chief Cochran went on to point out
about Assistant Chief James retiring and that Maggie Murphy ran a marathon in DC in
2009. Also that Paul Jahjah is becoming a world class competitor in weight lifting and
hopes to be part of the next Olympics.

On a side note Maggie Murphy is in Haiti with a group of medical personnel from her
church to help provide care and relief. Chairperson Keeney asked how the fire
personnel get time off to go to Haiti or compete in the Olympics. Chief Cochran
explained they use their personal time. Chairperson Keeney stated that this is
something that should be in the paper. Chief Cochran stated that the Public Information
Officers (PIO) are working on this type of information and getting it out to the public.

February meeting was canceled. Notice passed around for signatures.

Administrative Comments

An informational bulletin was sent out regarding our new Engine. It is currently at the
garage. This engine will replace the engine at station #49 on Glendale and will put the
older engine into reserve status. Then we will try to sell our oldest rig.

New ambulance delivery status looks to be April 2010 and in service in May.

The month of February is when we try to get all of our CPR re-certifications done. Chief
Dan Oberst was extremely happy that we were able to get almost all of the re-
certifications completed.

Required Infection Control classes have been taught with a 98% personnel completion

Currently the Metro Training Consortium for HazMat training is doing Operations Level.
And this is something that all fire personnel are required to have. Then we have a
number of people that train at the Technician level (which is a level higher than
Operations level).

Paramedic Jim Harrington signed the posting for Training. Jim Harrington was in his trial
period and on his 45th day declined to stay in training and went back to Suppression.
Paramedic Monique Drury signed the posting for Training and is currently in her 45 day
trial period.

We are struggling with EMS continuing education (due to staffing issues), but with the
Metro Training Consortium partners we are getting it done and it is working well.

We now have 2 bids for a new Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) truck/trailer that will
be at station #48. Grant money was approved by Region 1. Grant money in the amount
of $450,000 has been approved to purchase a new Tech Rescue Vehicle. The Metro
Team (Lansing, Delta, Meridian, and East Lansing) is going to be the Level 1 Tech
Rescue Team for Region I.

The USAR Team is an automatic response in the Metro area. If there is an incident with
in the Region it is a tiered process. The locals will determine if the USAR Team needs
to be called and a request submitted and a decision has to be made within a half hour to
have the Team on the road and enroute.

We also have a HazMat Rapid Response Team for Region 1, and Engineer Chris Waier
has accepted the position of the Region 1 Coordinator.

Engineer Lamarr Bowers has been approved for duty disability. As a result of Engineer
Bowers' retirement, Mike Tobin will become an Engineer, and Mike will be the HazMat
coordinator for the Lansing Fire Department.

Engineer Chris Waier is also our Decontamination Exposure Control Officer (DECO)
with our infection control plan. We have 3 personal on each shift; that are assistants to
Engineer Waier. Chief Cochran's intent is to relieve Engineer Waier of this duty as soon
as there are available personnel in Training to take on this responsibility.

Lieutenant Roberta Fockler has taken her Inspector class and has passed. She has
completed the practical portion with the State of Michigan and will be licensed as a Fire
Inspector with the State.

Engineer Gretchen Kohsmann has completed her 45 day period in Prevention and has
accepted the position. She is scheduled to start Inspector school in April or May.

We have entered into an agreement with a number other departments to work with
Lansing Community College (LCC) to see if there is anything they can do to assist us
with training. Examples: LCC was able to use grant money a couple of years ago to
purchase a Flashover Simulator (simulates being in a real fire). Physical ability testing
with a 1 year expiration; could be another plus in taking some of the pressure off from

Leadership program "Grow your Captains". This program is to help people coming up
through the ranks to become good officers/leaders/administrators.

Living Strong program: Part of the grant that was received was for equipment for Pier
Fitness Trainers (train/certify people to become fitness trainers). Chief Cochran would
like to have 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. as an exercise period where our people would be
able to get with trainers and workout.

We have received 5 new Tough Book computers. We have Image Trend (electronic
medical reporting system) that we have been using for roughly 4 to 5 years. Image
Trend is now the gold standard for the State.
Chief Cochran stated his goal is to have 2 Tough Book computers on each of the
ambulances. This would enable the medics to get their reports posted to the server in a
timely manner. Right now 1 person does their report while the other person waits for
them to finish before they can do their report. Image Trend has a 4.0 version and we are
currently training on this.

Our new 12 Lead Monitors are in and on the rigs. We have completed training on those.
We also have our new Phillips AEDs on the rigs. Now have capabilities technologically
more advanced than the hospitals. Once the hospitals are up-and running we will be
able to transmit a 12 lead EEG via Bluetooth over the Internet to the hospital to the
cardiologist who can read your EEG while on the golf course (i.e. using a Blackberry)
and have a cath-lab set up and be ready for when you (the patient) arrive. American
Heart is calling this door to the room. Trying to get you out of your house and to the
cath-lab in 90 minutes or less to get you the care you need. And right now we are
meeting and exceeding this standard.

Budget: Need to cut 11% (3.45 million). Chief Cochran has submitted some ideas but
still about 1 million dollars short with out laying anybody off. With the contract expiring in
June and the Mayor running for governor, we are just trying to work through the
upcoming budget.

There was a warehouse fire on Elm on March 6th . The firefighters did a great job on the

Robert Hudson asked if the retirement of Chief Mark Alley would have any impact on
operations; or would it be a smooth transition? Chief Cochran replied that Captain
Teresa Szymanski will do a good job as the Interim Chief for LPD.

Committee Reports


Old Business

An internet link to the Lansing neighborhoods Calendar of Events was listed on the
agenda and a copy of the calendar for March was attached to the packet. It was
previously discussed regarding the Fire Board members attending the neighborhood
meetings and getting the word on Lansing Fire out to the people. Chief Cochran
suggested that the Board could use the Annual Report for information they could speak
about as a start. 4/14/10 Correction, add: Alicia Perez-Banuet volunteered to draft
the talking points and bring back to the Board for review and approval.

Robert Hudson asked if the City still did City Hall on the Road. Chief Cochran
responded no unfortunately.

New Business

Eastside Organization is having fundraiser on Saturday March 13, 2010 at Pattengill

Middle School

General Order


Louis Vinson III moved to adjourn, Robert Hudson seconded, motion carried, and
meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m.


PAGE 4 UNDER OLD BUSINESS ADD: Alicia Perez-Banuet volunteered to draft the
talking points and bring back to the Board for review and approval.

Respectfully Submitted by:

Denise Acker - Training Secretary Date

City of Lansing
Board of Fire Commissioners
120 E. Shiawassee Street
Lansing MI 48933
(517) 483-4200
Fax (517) 483-4488

United States


January ;13th , 2010

The Lansing Fire Board met in regular session on January 13th , 2010, at Fire
Station #42 located at 2114 N. Grand River Ave. Lansing, MI. Fire Commissioner
Chairperson Helen Keeney called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

Commissioners Present

Jody Washington, Robert Brown Jr., Frank Ferro, Robert Hudson, Helen Keeney, Alicia
Perez Banuet, Yvonne Young-McConnell,

Commissioners Absent

Louis Vinson III

Others Present:

Fire Chief, Tom Cochran

Assistant Fire Chief, Tim James
Board Secretary, Patti Starnes
Station #42 Crew -

Captain Alvarado welcomed the commissioners and introduced his crew: Acting
Engineer Ortiz and Firefighter Villegas. Chief Cochran reported that Ray Alvarado is the
red shift station captain here at Station #42.

Commissioner Brown thanked the crew for their hospitality and reported on how well
citizens are treated in the 4th ward. Helen Keeney commented on how absolutely
gorgeous their table is. The firefighters refinished the table that was once used by the
fire board many years ago.
Additions to the Aqenda

Assistant Chief James added December cancellation notice to the agenda. The board
members signed the cancellation notice to be added to the fire board official records.

Approval of Minutes:

A Motion was made by Commissioner Young McConnell a supported by Commissioner

Brown to approve the November 2009 minutes as written. Motion carried with a
unanimous vote.


The Chief presented the board members with the 2009 LFD Annual Report. Chief
Cochran noted that Patti Starnes, Denise Acker and Chuck Fulger worked on the report
along with other staff members. Commissioner McConnell commented that she did look
at the report and stated that it was very well done. Commissioner Brown agreed.

Administrative Comments

Budget Reduction Plan - Chief Cochran discussed the current budget reduction plan
for the fire department. He was thoroughly impressed working with Assistant Chief
James, the local 421 Union, the Mediation board and others to come up with a great
plan. A few highlights of the plan are:
• Reduced Minimum staffing from 52 to 51
• Took the Hazmat rig out of front line service. It will only be used for Hazmat now.
• Reduced the number of people allowed of on vacation to reduce over time costs.

The plan was presented to the local IAFF union members for a vote. The vote was 153-
1 in favor of the plan.

AC James offered his comments on how quickly the budget reduction plan was created.
In a matter of 5 days (over the Thanksgiving holiday and the weekend) they were able
to come up with a plan. That is unprecedented in the Lansing Fire Department. The
plan was made by possible by collaboration of Administration, Union and the Mediation
board. Commissioner Washington noted that she was astounded at how quickly it
passed. It says a lot for the department and the relationships and camaraderie within
the department. Commissioner Chairperson Keeney agreed. Chief Cochran reported
that 7 people in the fire department will be taking furlough days....5 Teamsters and
Assistant Chief James and himself. The Teamster Union officials would not agree to
the plan. Commissioner Brown said that it was great that people were able to think
outside the box to come up with a plan. These will be long term and long standing
changes. He was astounded as well.

2011 Budget - Chief Cochran discussed the 2011 budget and beyond. There is a
projected shortfall of $25 million over the next 3 years. It is estimated that it will be 2015
before we see any revenue increases. The projected budget deficit for the 2011 budget
is $10-12 million dollars. The budget is due in July which means we need to develop
the budget in 60 days. Chief Cochran said that he is still optimistic and believes things
will get better. Commissioner Young-McConnell asked for a copy of the budget. Chief
Cochran welcomes all ideas on the budget.

5thAmbulance - Chief Cochran reported on the good news that we were able to put a
5th medic unit in service on Jan 1 st. The City Garage under the direction of Greg Klco is
doing„a great job keeping our vehicles on the road. The new medic should arrive the 1st
of May. The City Garage received the new fire engine last week but there were some
issues with the compartment doors. The new doors should arrive soon. Truck 48 had a
bad accident with no injuries and will be out of service for 3-6 months.

Grant Update - The department finalized all the grant work for the turnout gear, air
packs, and wellness program. We now have a personal trainer fitness program. Six
LFD personnel were chosen in the department to be personal trainers. The training is
grant funded and is an excellent training program. That is a real positive thing.

Back Injury Prevention - Chief Cochran reported that we are continuing to work with
the Safety committee on a back injury prevention program.

US&R Vehicle - AC James reported on the Urban Search and Rescue truck/trailer that
is being purchased through the regional Homeland Security grant. Our current truck is
a salvaged vehicle. that was refurbished 12 years ago. Our skills and abilities have out
grown it. The regional US&R workgroup asked the regional board for grant funding to
purchase a vehicle to be used region wide. The cost is approximately $450,000 for the
new truck and trailer. It will be used region wide throughout the 9 counties.
Commissioner McConnell asked if they can use the equipment from the old truck. AC
James reported that yes they can. He also explained the equipment and requirements.
AC James reported on the regional type II team and its capabilities. Commissioner
Keeney asked how often do we use search and rescue? AC James gave an estimated
figure of probably 15 times in the last 10 years.

New Monitors/AED's - AC James reported that we have taken delivery of our new 12
lead cardiac monitors and AED's. In-house training starts tomorrow. That is a
$260,000 project we were able to get funded out of the general fund. Commissioner
McConnell asked how long is the training. AC James reported that it is 5 hours total for
monitor and AED's. Chief Cochran reported on the equipment capabilities. The
hospital will have vital patient information prior to the patient arriving at the hospital.
AC James said with new technology patients will have a cardiologist reading their EKG
before arrival to the hospital.

Toughbooks - Chief Cochran reported that we have also purchased new Toughbook
computers. We will equip the medics with 2 per vehicle and have few left over for
backup. This should keep the reports up to date and save a lot of time. There are still
some real positive things happening within the department.

Chairperson Keeney asked if the information was going to be on the website? Chief
Cochran will certainly look into that and reported that he is looking at ways to get
information out to the public via Facebook, Twitter or something like that.

Mayors Inaugural Day of Caring - Chief Cochran discussed the Mayors Inaugural Day
of Caring. Our crews assisted with the event. It was a great event. Joan Jackson .
Johnson had a big part in it. There were people from all walks of life...from the very
wealthy all the way to homeless people. Everyone was included. It was really well
done and very impressive.

Commissioner Brown stressed the need to get the word out to the public regarding the
new monitors and equipment. Commissioner Keeney said that as a board they need to
get the word out to the community through the commissioners. Chief Cochran will work
on it and come up with some ideas and will give an update next month. Commissioner
Young-MCconnell said that the board can help with that effort. Commissioner Brown
said that we have come a long way as a department with getting the word out to the
citizens of Lansing. Please forward your ideas to Chief Cochran or Patti Starnes.

No Senior Without Christmas - Chief Cochran reported on the No Senior without

Christmas program that was put on by TRIAD and headed up by Tracy Ruiz from LPD.
She is very involved with the program. This year the baskets were filled at Station #48
on December 15th . Over 200 baskets were filled and delivered to the seniors in the
Lansing area. It is a great program that Lansing Fire will continue to be involved in.

Sobriety Center - Chief Cochran is also involved in bringing a sobriety center to

downtown Lansing. It will be located on Larch and Shiawassee...just south of the VOA.
Dr. Joan Jackson is getting people and businesses to donate time and money. She is
trying to raise $125,000 for the project. Last year the department responded to about
420 calls to the VOA. The majority of the calls are for intoxicated individuals. At the
sobriety center people will be qualified to take care of them and evaluate them. It will be
a huge cost savings and time savings for the department. She is also trying to get the
local hospitals to donate as well. The center will have 11 beds and will also offer other
services to help those in need.

Commissioner Keeney talked about retired Tim Moede's book and encouraged
everyone to read it.

Committee Reports

Commissioner Brown reported that he met with Chief Cochran on behalf of the
Personnel Committee and they are putting a new commissioner orientation plan

General Order

Chief Cochran presented the commissioners with polo shirts and thanked them for their
service and dedication to the Lansing Fire dept and the citizens of Lansing.

Assistant Chief James announced his retirement effective Feb 1st of 2010. He said that
it was not an easy decision. This department has truly been a way life for him for the
last 25 years. It has truly been a blessing for him and his family to serve the citizens of
Lansing. It will be tough not to come here everyday. He has no regrets. He is
appreciative to the City of Lansing for what the City has provided to him and to the
citizens of Lansing. He was truly honored to be chosen to be the Assistant Chief by
Chief Cochran. AC James thanked the board for their dedication and said that they are
the true voice of the city. We need your input... not only the Chief but the elected
officials of the City of Lansing. Thank you all for your time on the Board.

The Board thanked Assistant Chief James for serving the fire department and the
citizens of Lansing. It has been a pleasure working with him. Chief Cochran said that
he has a lot to offer with his knowledge and expertise. Truly it has been a team effort
with Tim running the fire dept. He has been able to trust him and thanked him for work
he has done for the dept and the citizens of Lansing. He has certainly earned his

Commissioner Perez-Banuet reported that she and Commissioner Washington still

need their ID badges. Patti Starnes with follow up with Bill Oberst regarding the status
of their badges. .

A motion was made by Commissioner Perez Banuet and supported to by Commissioner
McConnell to adjourn the meeting. The meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m.

Submitted by on March 10 th ,2010


City of Lansing
Board of Fire Commissioners
120 E. Shiawassee Street
Lansing MI 48933
(517) 483-4200
Fax (517) 483-4488


November 10, 2009

The Lansing Fire Board met in regular session on November 10, 2009, at the Lansing
Fire Station #48 Emergency Services room located at 815 Marshall Street, Lansing, MI.
Fire Commissioner Chairperson Helen Keeney called the meeting to order at 6:10 p.m.

Helen Keeney - Chair
Frank Ferro
Alicia Perez-Banuet
Jody Washington
Robert Hudson

Louis Vinson III - Vice Chair
Yvonne Young McConnell
Robert Brown Jr.

Fire Chief Tom Cochran
Assistant Fire Chief Tim James
Administrative Assistant, Rosamaria Rosas
Emergency Management Chief Trent Atkins
Rachel Marshall, Americorps VISTA/MSU graduate



A motion was made by Commissioner Ferro and supported by Commissioner Hudson to
accept the October minutes as written. Motion carried with a unanimous vote.



Fire Board Minutes of November 10, 2009 Page 1 of 12



Department Update:

We are facing some serious budget issues. I have not gotten a hard number yet from
the Finance department I am estimating a shortage of 400 - 600 thousand dollars on
this year's budget. It was reported in the News for next year's budget but it is actually
for 2009-2010 years. This is a result of the cuts in revenue sharing which is roughly 1.8
million. Again, numbers are not hard numbers and anticipating 1 million dollars in loss
due to taxes and short fall at the first of the year. I think everyone knows what is going
in the State of Michigan. We are starting to see this impact coming into the City of
Lansing. We have done a really good job at being able to control our costs. Overtime
costs are below what they were last year and that is thanks to all the divisions and the
work that they have done. But it is starting to catch up to us and I anticipate even more
of impact in the 2010/2011 budget year and I don't know what those numbers will be.
Again most of you are all very involved people and have been staying up with the news
so it not a surprise to any of us. Just today they announced in Grand Rapids that they
are facing major cuts to public safety upwards 24-26 firefighters and 41 police officers.
We all know what is going on with State Police this is now coming down to the City of
Lansing. I don't have any answers for you as far as what that impact will be. I don't
have a hard number. Chief James and I have been having a lot of discussion on trying
to address this issue. But be assured whatever we do, we will capture and maintain our
core services of what the fire department is all about.

1know that the Mayors administration met with the City Unions today and had some
discussion with them. I don't know what those discussions were. There has been some
discussion the City had asked for any voluntary furlough days that any employees were
willing to give. I know a few people expressed some interest. I think a great deal of
why it has not gone anywhere as much it could have is that there was great concern
anticipated by the employees in general that these would become mandatory at some
point. Similar as to what the State has been doing. I wish I had more information for
you, but I don't. Be assured as I do get more information I will share that with the Fire

Commissioner Ferro: Chief do you have to come up with a plan at some point. Did
they tell you any dates you have come up with?

Chief Cochran: All I know is that it will come out of this year's budget. Again my
number is just some discussion Chief James and I have had. We don't have a hard
number, I have not received those numbers. I have not been given a deadline as to
when I have to have that done. We've got some ideas as to some things we are hoping
to do. That is a huge number, which will have a large impact to our department and
throughout the City of Lansing.

Commissioner Hudson: Did you see today's article?

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Chief Cochran: I was going to get to that, I saw you pull the newspaper out. Are you
referring to Derrick Melow?

Commissioner Hudson: I believe so where it compared us to Ann Arbor.

Chief Cochran: The article that Hudson is referring to is Derrick Melow is the Assistant
Editor to Editorial Page. Comments that were made, I am not sure from were they
came from to be honest with you. I serve on the Elder Death Review panel; I think I
have shared with some of you before. I was talking to Dr. Dean Sienko, County Medical
Examiner as best we can as marketing this. There is a group of people from the
Attorney's General office, AME office, Police and law enforcement from different
agencies. We do a review of suspicious deaths of the elderly. Sgt. Tracy Ruiz, Lansing
Police Department is a real driving force with this project. I was at that meeting and
Chief Taliffaro from East Lansing was there, we didn't actually discuss it there but we
met a little later we were contact with each. He didn't know anything about this letter
either. The letter states, I paraphrase it from Ted Staten, East Lansing City Manager,
talking about the need to combine stations and services with East Lansing Fire and the
sticking point is that he made a statement that it is the Lansing Firefighters Union. I
don't know where this is all coming from again that was not the case. Some other
discussion we had awhile ago, in trying to get some things done. I am not going to point
the fingers or blame, so I guess I'm not going to make a statement to that affect. But
Hudson also was talking about they were compared us to Ann Arbor Fire. The fact that
Ann Arbor Fire while the City of Lansing just a little large then Ann Arbor Fire square
miles and population. Our department is twice as big as their fire department, but they
don't talk about services for one thing. Ann Arbor doesn't do EMS transport, so it was
not really a fair article. Without a doubt I have really pushed for it with the Metro Chiefs.
I can't take any credit for this, a lot of this was done long before I came into this position.
Former Chief Martin, Chief Taliffaro, Meridian Fire and Delta Fire were involved. They
actually did a Regional study talking about doing some services. It was a great plan
Chief James as well as Chief Atkins were also involved along with some other people
from the fire departments. The thing that bothers me a great deal is that the Metro
Departments are and have done a lot of regional efforts. We do a lot with a special TR
use and trench collapse with our Haz Mat team. We have had this discussion before
we have talked about theses teams that we have here in Lansing. Again thanks to
Chief James and Chief Atkins for all the work they have done with this and making
things happen. We don't sell that well enough, I don't think. The favorite Fire Rig in the
City of Lansing for Mayor Virg Bernero is at Station #6 what we call the Squad the Haz
Mat vehicle which has Metro Fire Department on it. Mayor Bernero loves that vehicle,
he sees that and he reminds me of that all the time. One of the other things that we
have done which is huge is that we have combined our training calendars. I have
mentioned this before there is a web site for the Metro fire departments that you can go
to and access the Annual Training Calendar. It also includes Delhi Fire Department, so
we have extended that to a fifth department. There is a lot that we have been doing
with EMS credits it just makes it a lot easier to offer those credits. My point is there are
a number of calls that we have made as a Metro Team. The most recent was the
tornados in Williamston. We do a lot, there is more that we could do. Obviously with
these budget times, there is more that we are going to have to do. But we will preserve
those core services with the Fire Department which are Fire and EMS response and
Rescue and Haz-Mat. Chief James and I have had some discussion; we have some
ideas as to how we are going to get there. But I need to get that hard number so I know
Fire Board Minutes of November 10, 2009 Page 3 of 12
what to work towards. With that being said as always, I've tried to be positive and up
beat we have great people here. We are going to do all that we can to preserve
firefighter's positions and support the divisions that are there to work with the fire
department. As I get more information, I promise you I will e-mail that information to

Commissioner Keeney: How many anticipated retirements do you have between now
and the next budget year? °.

Chief Cochran: Well it depends on how you look at it Helen. I think we have seven
positions currently right now that are open and funded. There are four of us that are
eligible being: Chief James and I, and two of our current Battalion Chiefs Todd Ness
and Dave Ford they have stated that they will be leaving in the spring. Chief James and
I have not made any statement to that affect. So that would be eleven is the way I look
at it. Four that can and seven positions that I believe that are open. There is always
the discussion between Human Resource and the Fire Department if those numbers are
correct. We actually have two people that on long term injury leave. They have tried to
get duty disability and that's two of those positions and then we have a few others that
have retired, three other that have retired.

Chief Cochran: Chief James do you have anything?

Chief James: I guess when we start the discussion certainly the Union will be at the
table with us. I know that we will have some good discussion and good input from
them. I know that they have some good collaborated ideas not only the Firefighters
Union but, also the other Unions that are represented within the fire department to come
to the table and talk about their ideas. I know that they have shared them in the past
also with Jerry Ambrose. We will look at every option with the primary goal to preserve
and save the core mission of the fire department. We all know that is going to be tuff,
there is no doubt about it. The Mayor is committed that those core services of Fire and
EMS services will be there, with the Unions being on board with that.

Chief Cochran: Chief James and I both are very committed to a collaborative effort
and trying to be open and transparent. I will admit I am a big believer in transparency
and I don't have all the answers. But I have a lot of bright people working here. We
hopefully will get ideas from them. They are a little reluctant at times because they all
belong to the Union. In the Union there is a contract that is in place and I certainly
understand and honor that but these are very extenuating circumstances and we don't
know where this is going to end.

Commissioner Hudson: I don't know if you know the answer but, with a lot of these
training classes for the different areas of service that we provide are those all duplicated
within each fire department in our region?

Chief Cochran: We have our in house training at the stations, which the Captain or
Lieutenant might perform that day as part of our daily training.

We have the Lansing Fire Training that's offered. The next two weeks we are doing
firefighter right to know and infectious control that are required...that we have to do.
There are other things that go on. Recently they just held the heavy duty extraction
Fire Board Minutes of November 10, 2009 Page 4 of 12
school. A lot of those are pushed out to the Metro partners. What they are trying to do
at the Metro is have an Annual calendar which they are still working on. Then there are
those things that we have to train together for teams such as: Trench Collapse,
Confined Space, Haz Mat and that will be offered at the Metro level. Then some of
these other classes like the heavy extraction class that will be offered to them if they
want to send their personnel. There is a multi tier approach to this. It starts in the
stations then goes on up.

EMS is overseen by Officer Greg Haman from Meridian Fire. The EMS continuing
education credits have to be submitted and requested to the State. That schedule is put
on the Annual calendar, which is rotated from the various departments with the class
locations. For example like the Infectious Control and Firefighter right to Know is a
requirement. We submitted and have been approved to have EMS credits for those
classes. As I have mentioned before that a paramedic has to have 45 continuing
credits in a three year period and an EMT has to have 30 credits. On top of the 45
credit the Medics need, every two years they have to be ACLS (Advanced Cardiac Life
Support Certified) of which they get the condensed class. I believe they get 8 to 10
credits. They also have to be certified within the Tri-County by Dr. Orr the Medical
Director for the Tri-County Emergency Medical Control Authority. Dr. Orr authorizes
each of the Responders to the License Level.

Commissioner Hudson: I was just thinking about how the surrounding elementary
schools have tried to combine the schools. Instead of having one here and one there
they have picked the third one and combined them. We don't have a whole lot of room
because we have done most of that for like Haz Mat training. Delhi is not going to have
their own training program and Lansing has it's own training program. It is a regional
thing where we are already trying to consolidate all the classes into an area and that
type of thing. So there is no big cost savings there.

Chief Cochran: I don't believe there is a lot of cost savings. The real bonus is that we
are a Metro Team working together. I have to give credit to a number of other people
for all their work.

Commissioner Hudson: Someone had mentioned to me that there would be like

about a 3 % million dollar savings if we become Regional overnight. I know we have
talked about it before, but it seems a little excessive.

Chief James: It was in the Lansing Township proposal.

Chief Cochran: We had developed what I believe was real solid fair plan. The plan
still exists which is very viable. I attended the Lansing Township Board, and talked to
two couples. We were going to offer their firefighters our pay scale and retirement. It
would have been more efficient, due to the fact that they have to go through Lansing to
get to some of their areas which is not safe. Since some of Lansing Fire stations are
closer to those locations then Lansing Township

Commissioner Washington: We have to regionalize not only fire but Police along with
attitudes have to change from all the surrounding areas. Especially in these economic
times today.

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Chief Cochran: We actually went to Lansing Community College and met with City
Managers, Mayor's, Politicians and Chiefs. I stated that they are the ones that need to
make this happen. I as the Fire Chief can not make this happen. I went to the Lansing
Township and made that proposal, that's where that came from.

I think we are looking at any where from 8 to 12 million dollars for next year. I attended
a meeting today the Governor was there, we were talking about funding for school aid.
It is unfortunate that politicians don't make the decisions that need to be made.

Commissioner Ferro: Chief until we get a regional solution can we have revenue
generated with the training. Can we charge the other fire departments that train with

Chief Cochran: I don't think that is a good idea. I believe we have built real solid
relationships and to do something like would tear all that down. It would make that gap
even greater.

Chief Atkins: I think what you would see is that they would all work together and just
leave us out.

Chief James: It's utilizing everybody's resources to make this training happen. It's not
like Lansing has all the resources. We have to call on their personnel to help teach the
classes, utilize some of their equipment and their space. My feeling is that they would
completely pull away from us and leave us on our own.

Chief Cochran: It took us about 12-13 years to building our trust and relationship, and
to go backwards it would not be worth the revenue.

Commissioner Perez-Banuet: What is the annual budget?

Chief Cochran: Our total budget is 29 million dollars, 80 -85 % of that is personnel cost.
We generate about 3 million dollars in EMS revenue, which certainly doesn't pay for the
service but it helps to offset it.

Chief James: I believe the gross revenue it generates for the EMS service is about 6.3
million. But we only see about 3.1 million of that.

Chief Cochran: If you have any ideas contact Tim or myself. I will keep you updated,
as I get any more information.

Commissioner Hudson: Is the computer system able to generate an average cost for
the different types of situations? It doesn't have to be a firm number. I know the Postal
Services compares prices for services compared to other department.

Chief James: The State of Michigan is currently collecting data to compare to the
National Association. There only 41 communities participating in this program. We
should be able to provide that information in about 2 years.

Questions from the Commissioners:

Fire Board Minutes of November 10, 2009 Page 6 of 12
Commissioner Perez Banuet: Is there a different standard being the Capitol City?
Are we required to have more because we have government buildings?

Chief Cochran: We are not required to have more, but we do have more
government buildings to protect than Ann Arbor. That is where revenue sharing
came from and that is what it's supposed to pay. They have never given us 50%
which was promised to the Cities, Townships and Counties. Now they have
eliminated that revenue which was to be given to us.

Commissioner K enney: Is this cut in stone, because if you listen to Governor

Granholm she said don't worry about that because I'll find the money some place.

Chief Cochran: I would say it is not cut in stone there is definitely a lot of politics
that are taking place. Everyone has got their own agenda, we can sit here all night
and discuss the issue but this is a global economic issue.

Chief Cochran: My fear is for the younger generation, because they have put the
effort into their education. Their scholarship has been taken from them after it was
promised to them. I like to thank Michigan State University because they have
picked up the $500 that was allotted for this year. But the student will be responsible
for that portion next year.

Emergency Management Update by Trent Atkins:

Interns and volunteers: Rachel Marshall has started with us a couple a months ago.
She is the Community Planner with our office through the Americorps. She is
committed to our department for about a year, but potentially for two years. Rachel
position is looking at special needs for the community and how to better communicate
with them and met their needs as it relates to disaster. We have one other Community
Planner in office now again through Americorps. She is working specifically with program. The idea is if you do one thing a month for twelve months you
would be prepared for a disaster. The program actually started here in this office with
Ronda Oberlin and Ken Jones who was the Emergency Manager prior to me. It since
has become its own private non-profit organization it is funded by several grants. It is
mostly here in Michigan, but you see dolthing groups popping all over the county. If
everything works out right we will bring on a Homeland Security Planner on January 1,
2010, with Homeland Security Funding. A third Americorps Planner will work with
Neighborhood Groups and Small Businesses. We are trying to take advantage of some
of the stimulus money that is out there. There is absolutely no cost to the City for those
two years after that there is no commitment to keep those positions.

Americorps Intern Rachel Marshall: Gave a brief introduction of her duties, during
her assignment with Emergency Management. Ms. Marshal is also looking at the social
media aspect of warning messages for the community.

The ID Program - Emergency Management Chief Trent Atkins reported that the really .
great thing about this program is that if right now we were to have a flood or tornado in
Lansing we would be able to identify special population. Currently we have no idea
where our special population is. This program we would be able to identify in a
Fire Board Minutes of November 10, 2009 Page 7 of 12
neighborhood or specifically to a group where we would need to put our resources when
it comes to evacuation. Who is going to need the assistance because they are shut in
due to their physical impairment? We are also looking at the translation of documents,
with the different languages within our city.

We started working with Michigan State University Criminal Justice Program since last
fall we have been getting at least 1 intern every term. People have been asking why
are we getting criminal justice students? More then 50 % of our job down here is
working with homeland security, we deal a lot with critical infrastructural and grants. We
provide them with a lot of opportunities to not only to work here on projects but the
interns also work with event planning. Most recent was our Silver Bells event regarding
security, intelligence gathering and response.

The interns also get an opportunity to go out to the Michigan Intelligence Operation
Center. They spent a day with different departments such as; Bomb Squad, Forensic
Lab, Lansing Police Department. Also Ms. Marshal has been working with Brad Drury
from our Fire Marshal Division with our recent Homicide investigations. This past
summer we had two interns. Actually in the spring our department will be getting two
more interns. We are trying to be creative; it is tough times and we are not going to get
more resources at this point. But the community still has to be served. We have to try
to reduce that risk within the community the best we can, so if the Feds and the
Colleges want to offer us assistance we are going to take it.

Chief Cochran:
Included in your packet is a recent draft recruitment brochure. Patti and I worked on
this project with Denise assisting. We took an old one and updated it with recent
pictures. We are actually going to change some of these pictures on it so this isn't most
current draft.

Thursday from 6-8 pm at the North Precinct is Public Safety Career Day that I will be

Commissioner Josephine Washington: Can I ask you why? When we can't pay the
people that we have it makes no sense?

Chief Cochran: I am going to be positive and more forward. There will be opportunities
at some point. The idea being is that the impact we need to make is not just in the high
schools but also in the middle school in trying to getting young people to focus on these
careers. It used to be, that you could just walk into these jobs without to much
experience and that has changed a great deal. You just can't walk into a firefighter
position any longer off the street. The idea being we are trying to get these people here
locally and we have some good resources to do that. We ask that they get experience
from different departments and services as far as fire and EMS so when they come here
they will have little seasoning. Because this job is unlike any other job that they will
ever have they need to have a good idea what this job is all about.

Commissioner Josephine Washington: So this is not recruiting? I mean it's okay if it

is, but I was just wondering.

Fire Board Minutes of November 10, 2009 Page 8 of 12

Chief Cochran: It is not recruiting specific to yes, we are going to hire in the spring. I
had every intension of looking to hire in the spring. Obviously that is probably going to
change because of what is going on. But at some point will have to hire again so we
can't just sit back and not do anything we need to move forward. That is my attitude, I
could retire and walk away from this or I could sit in my office and say okay we are
going to cut positions. But we are trying to find a way. One, work with it and deal with it
and try to keep those core services as Chief James and I said. And two, to me when
there are negatives and bad things that happen. There are always opportunities and
hopefully we can find some opportunities to move forward. We will move forward as I
said we have a great department and our resources are most important. Resources are
people and we have a lot of really good people here. So we will continue to providing
what we do and we will still make those calls.

You also have your calendar for 2010. I know that we changed them a little bit with
regards to any Holiday's; I know Patti looked at that. But if there are any issues, let us
know please.

Chief James: If not at this meeting but next meeting they do need to be approved so
she can them post with the City Clerk.

Chair Helen Keeney: Do we want to take the time to look at our calendar that you
were given tonight. If there are not any problems we can get it approved tonight.

Chief Cochran: I think you can go ahead and approve them.

Department Update:

Chief Cochran: I talked about career day on Thursday. Business offices are closed
tomorrow for the holiday.

The purchase order has been cut for our 12-Lead Cardiac Monitors, we have selected
Philips. They were actually the number one choice in the process. There were three
monitors that were field tested. The group of personnel selected the Philips Monitor and
that happened to be the lowest bid. So there are 9 of those monitors. They have state
of the art technology they have Bluetooth capabilities. The reading can be sent directly
to the Hospitals and to their hand held devices. We will also be purchasing 14
automatic externals defibrillators.

Alicia Perez-Banuet: Did you say 9 or 12 monitors?

Chief Cochran: 9 of the 12 lead monitors also 14 automatic externals defibrillators.

Chair Helen Keeney: That's has been approved?

Chief Cochran: The purchase order has been cut for monitors, which came out of
Capital improvement funds. We are also moving forward on I haven't got a Purchase
Order yet on new Tough Books, our EMS reporting computers. The Panasonic
Toughbooks that the EMT's and Medics use in the field are close to 5 years old so we
needed to replace those and we had money in our computer technology budget. We
are working towards getting that done, I have not seen a purchase order yet.
Fire Board Minutes of November 10, 2009 Page 9 of 12
Chief James: The new fire truck is making progress. You can go to Crimson Fire
Apparatus online if you would like to see some pictures. They had some updated
pictures on their website a couple of weeks ago. They do not have a final completion
date for us, but I would expect some time in March we will see that arrive here for us
finish and train personnel on. The ambulances are in the process of being built at this
time. We are looking on a delivery date some time in January. There are five being
built, once again in the collaboration with Meridian, Delta, East Lansing and Grand
Ledge. All five of the Chief's are having one ambulance built.

Commissioner Ferro: The Doi thing, is that a 501C3 a non-profit organization that is
based here in Lansing?

Chief Trent Atkins: The RSVP is a retired group of individual's; the project was funded
by grant money. The program started here in Lansing.

Commissioner Ferro: That brings up the idea of a 501 C3 to generate funds for the
Fire Department. Maybe there are some other ways to generate funding so we are not
dependent on the City.



Chief Cochran: I will be meeting with Bob Brown, to organize a guide for new
members. I do plan on meeting with you Commissioner Jody Washington. I'm sorry
that I have had to cancel.

Commissioner Jody Washington: Status on Security Badges?

Chief Cochran, I will follow up with Bill Oberst.

Commissioner Helen Keeney-Chair. Follow-up of photographs of Fire Board

Members for the fire stations?

Chief Cochran: I will check with Bill Oberst and Patti.


Chief Cochran: If I might suggest we should move to approve 2010 Calendar for Fire
Board Member meeting.

Approval of Fire Board Calendar for 2010, motion by Commissioner Ferro and
supported by Commissioner Hudson. A unanimous vote was taken for approval of the
2010 calendar.

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Emergency Management Update by Chief Trent Atkins:

Flood Plain Homes - We got our first appraisal on our home that we are buying with
the PDM for the flood plain. We are going to be buying 72 homes that are in the flood
plain. We are hoping that this next year we are going to get a little more grant funding.

We are working on a project with the Coast Guard. We are looking at upgrading
early warning for flooding, which are over 100 years old. We hope to secure some
funding through their grant process to update all those river gauges and to create an
early warning system.

We recently received our Storm Ready status. Lansing has been identified through
NOA and has been given Storm Ready Community Status. The idea is that we prepare
the community. We have taken a number steps to mitigate flooding in the community.
In return they have given us a couple of big signs, which will be placed at Station #1 and
Station #8. What this means to the community is that it reduces that cost of flood
insurance for those in the flood zone.

Health Department update on the flu clinics - There have been about 12,000 people
in the City of Lansing vaccinated.

Community notification - We have been working with the community ever since the
tornado a couple years ago. We have had the outdoor warning sirens. What we found
is that there is really a gap in notify the community of special information. The pens that
you have, it has on them. Nixie is a mass notification tool for the community.
We have our outdoor warning sirens that tell people to go inside and turn their TV and
radios on. Then we have Nixie which is a program that people opt in they sign up for.
They can receive text, cell phone, email messages which fills the gap for the reverse
911. We are looking to do a live Reverse 911 on December 1 St . However we are
having some serious technical difficulties. It is housed in East Lansing and their server
went down today. They are looking at least a week to repair, we obviously have some

Nixie - The one thing I would like for you all to take out of this regarding Nixle is that the
pens the magnets and everything that you see here is paid for by grant funds. This is
not coming out of the City budget. You really need to encourage the community to sign
up for Nixie. There are a lot of communities on Nixie including: Shiawassee County,
Livingston County, Meridian Township, East Lansing, Delta Township. The idea with
Nixie is that where ever you are traveling you'll get information, such as road closures
and events notification.

Polly Conn PVX System - is a video conferencing system. There are about 6 units in
the city now between the Lansing Police and Fire Department. We purchased 20 units
and 20 software licenses to put a USB camera on key personnel laptops. We also have
the funding to put these on the computers at the fire stations. They can log in from
anywhere into our system and have video conference capabilities.

Codespear - We are in the process of buying Code Spear licenses for every employee
in the City of Lansing. It is a paging system that contacts your cell or home phone that
will send a message that there is overtime. We can call the Dive Team, Start Team,
Fire Board Minutes of November 10, 2009 Page 11 of 12
Haz-Mat Team with a message through this paging system and this system will
eventually replace the system that we currently have in place.

Hascollect - We are doing training next week for our new program called HAS Collect.
Which is going to replace our Emergency Alerting System, you are familiar now with
what you hear on the radio "Had this been actual emergency". This system is strictly
web based and runs through the National Weather Service. This system is available
through the television, all FM and weather stations so we will be able to get that
message out.

Hotline - We have in place a 483 info hot line. Which is a phone tree, you can call in
wanting to know what to do with debris in your yard, or want to report debris.

City TV is working through the firewalls that we will be able to hit government TV with
information during an emergency.

AM radio station - We recently specked out an AM Radio Station within the City of
Lansing. Which will include three tower's within the City located in the north, south and
in the middle of the city. The AM Radio Station can not only transmit 24 hours
information about happening within the city. But we can also put out emergency
messages. So the idea is that we will be able to direct people to traffic issues.


A motion was made by Commissioner Keeney to adjourn the meeting. A unanimous
vote was taken to adjourn the meeting at 7:22 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted by: Rosamaria Rosas Date: November 10th ,2009

Approved bythe Lansing Board ofFire Commissionerson TuesdayJanuary 13th 2010

Fire Board Minutes of November 10, 2009 Page 12 of 12

City of Lansing
Board of Fire Commissioners
120 E. Shiawassee Street
Lansing MI 48933
(517) 483-4200
Fax (517) 483-4488
Virg Bernero, Mayor
Tom Cochran, Fire Chief


October 14, 2Q09

The Lansing Fire Board met in regular session on October 14, 2009, at the Lansing Fire
Station #41 community room located at 120 E. Shiawassee St. Lansing, MI. Fire
Commissioner Chairperson Helen Keeney called the meeting to order at 6:10 p.m.

Helen Keeney - Chair
Louis Vinson III - Vice Chair
Robert Brown Jr.
Frank Ferro
Alicia Perez-Banuet
Yvonne Young McConnell

Jody Washington
Robert Hudson
Fire Chief Tom Cochran
Administrative Assistant, Patti Starnes
Battalion Chief William Christiansen C`
T ,.r.

A motion was made by Commissioner Brown and supported by Commissioner Young-
McConnell to accept the September minutes as written. Motion carried with a
unanimous vote.


LFD Newsletter - Chief Cochran discussed the LFD Fall newsletter with the Board. He
thanked Patti Starnes for her work on the newsletter. Chief Cochran discussed the
articles in the newsletter under Administrative Comments.

November meeting change notice - The November meeting has been changed to
Tuesday, November 10 th at 6 p.m. at fire station #48 (EOC) located at 815 Marshall St.
Fire Board Minutes of October 14 th, 2009 Page 1 of 5
Updated Commissioner Committee Assignment and phone list was distributed.



Department Update:
• Fire Prevention open house was held on Saturday October 3rd. Chief Cochran
thanked the Commissioners for attending the event. He thanked inspector
Bobbie Fockler for the great job she did on the open house along with the
secretaries in the Lansing Fire Department.
o All promotions have been filled.
• Borderline Fun Fest - The fundraiser began 27 years ago after the fire at the
Silver Dollar Saloon in Lansing. Lansing Fire and Police and East Lansing Fire
and Police worked the fire incident together. The owners showed their
appreciation by hosting a barbeque for both departments. The tradition was
started and today the event is an annual fundraiser for the 100 Club and the Old
News Boys.
• Commissioner Jody Washington was featured in the LFD Newsletter.
• Interns - There are currently 2 interns working in the EOC (Rachel Marshall,
Americorps VISTA/MSU graduate and Brittany Crawford, MSU Criminal Justice
student). We are hoping to add more interns in the future.
• Big rig extrication class took place last month. Coincidentally the next day there
was an incident at the Meijer parking lot in which a driver of a mini van drove his
vehicle into a semi.
• Chief Cochran gave an update on the Public Information Officer program which is
headed up by Emergency Management Chief Trent Atkins. The department
PTO's are Margaret Murphy, Eric Weber, Steve Mazurek, Monique Drury and
Steve Babcock.
• Chief Cochran discussed the newsletter article by Firefighter Steve Babcock
regarding the headstone dedication that took place at Mt. Hope Cemetery on
September 19t h by the Sons of the Union Veterans of the Civil War. Harmon
Paddleford was a founding member of the Lansing Fire Department and in 1861
was elected foreman of Torrent Engine Company #1. He died of Typhoid while
serving in the Company A of the 20 th Michigan Infantry during the Civil War. The
Lansing Fire department Honor Guard, Station 6, Battalion 41 and 49 attended
the ceremony. Firefighter Steve Babcock is a member the LFD museum
committee and is continually researching the history of the Lansing Fire
• HI NI city procedure update - The Emergency Management division under the
direction of Trent Atkins along with others from the City of Lansing have done a
great job coordinating the city wide procedures. Meetings have been taking
place regularly with the City of Lansing departments to formulate a plan.
Laminated posters have been sent out with procedures listed. The City of
Lansing is doing a bulk purchase of sanitizing supplies. The LFD EMS rescue
personnel are a little further down the line on the list of priority. Discussion
followed regarding the HI NI vaccine. BC Christiansen commented that the EMS
Fire Board Minutes of October 14th, 2009 Page 2 of 5
personnel to have protective gear that use to protect themselves while waiting for
the vaccine to become available. Commissioner Chairperson Keeney discussed
some of the conflicting information that has been reported on the news.
• Chief Cochran reported that the postings are now closed for the Fire Prevention
division. They are working through some issues with the postings. Chief
Cochran discussed the 45 day trial period that IAAF members are entitled too.
They can go back to their position within 45 days and not lose seniority. Chief
Cochran also discussed rotating career track in which Battalion Chief's would
rotate through the divisions fo gain an understanding of the various divisions
within the Lansing Fire Department. But that is a contractual item that would
need to be worked through.
• Chief Cochran reported that some grievances have been resolved.
• Chief Cochran reported the he and Patti Starnes are working on a draft
Recruitment Brochure that will be geared to the Lansing Fire Department. Chief
Cochran is excited about it and should have the brochures printed soon to be
used at job fairs etc. There is a jobs fair coming up on November 14 tH
• Chief Cochran reported that this Friday one of our platforms will be in the MSU
Homecoming parade. The MSU women's basketball team will be riding on the
• Food Pantry will be held this Saturday at the Bread Harvest church on S.
• The Jr. Achievement 5k will take place at Hawk Island this Sunday. The Lansing
Fire Department will be providing EMS coverage for the event.
• City Hall OnThe Road will take place on Thursday, October 22 nd at 6:00 pm at
the South Precinct.

Questions from the Commissioners:

Commissioner Perez Banuet asked how the John Dyer ride went. Commissioner Chair
Keeney and BC Christiansen reported that the Union gave her $10,000. Commissioner
Chair Keeney reported that the cooking was fantastic. Matt Holzhei roasted a pig. The
event had a good turnout.

Commissioner Vice-Chair Vinson asked about the Firefighter who passed out at the 911
memorial. Chief Cochran reported that he was fine. He was just dehydrated.

Commissioner Chair Keeney commented that the paper reported the Everttdale fire as a
homicide. Chief Cochran cannot comment because the case is still open.

Chief Cochran reported that he serves on the Elder Death Review panel with Dr. Sienko
and it is very interesting. They have extended the invitation and are trying to expand to
other agencies as well.

Chief Cochran reported that Sgt. Tracy Ruiz from the Lansing Police department is
involved with the elderly consortium TRIAD. They work with the area elderly. population.
They will be providing Christmas baskets again this year. The baskets will be filled on
December 15 th starting at 9:00 a.m. at fire station #48. The Board is invited assist with
filling the baskets.

Commissioner Perez-Banuet asked who Chief Cochran is looking for as far as

prospective new hires. Chief Cochran responded that he would like to hire homegrown
Fire Board Minutes of October 14 th, 2009 Page 3 of 5
talent from the area. He wants to get the Firefighter job requirements out to students.
He is trying to expand LFD's recruitment. Chief Cochran reported that he has been to
every high school and some of the middle schools for career day. He is working
towards getting a recruitment video up and running featuring some younger people in
the department. He wants a video that will relate the fire service to students.

Commissioner Vice-Chair Vinson asked if the information will be on the website. Chief
Cochran responded that yes it will be on the website. He intends to put as much
information electronically on the website as possible. Chief Cochran also said he
would like the website updated and more fluid. Commissioner Vinson suggested using
interns to update the website and possibly create a Facebook page. Discussion
followed regarding web communication on sites such as Linkedn.

Chief Cochran and Commissioner Brown Jr. will be meeting to create a new
commissioner orientation.



BC Christiansen explained the RIT (Rapid Intervention Team). Which is rescue your
own. The training will take place next week out at the Training Tower. It runs Tuesday-
Friday at 8:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. BC Christiansen invited the Board to come out and
watch the training.

Chief Cochran reported that he is working with PND Director Bob Johnson to get access
to the Deluxe Inn to use for training. They would be able to practice an in depth rapid
intervention, tech rescue, confined space etc. The training would be very realistic.
They can not practice with live burns in the City of Lansing but they do have a smoke
room that they use for training at the Training tower. BC Christiansen reported that
some out counties do practice with live burns but there are a lot of regulations involved.

Chief Cochran reported that he does not have any new information on revenue sharing.
It is still up in the air.

Chief Cochran will be starting to work on the budget. He would like some ideas by the
end of the year and would like to have the Board involved.

Commissioner Brown discussed LFD's public image and public relations. He reported
that it is a big boost to get reports on everything LFD has been involved around our.
community and believes it is paying off. Chief Cochran thanked Commissioner Brown
for his positive comments and noted that he is big believer in community service. Chief
Cochran said it has a lot to do with the Firefighters who are out in the community every

Commissioner Brown asked if all stations had auto door closers. Chief Cochran
reported that a lot of them have been taken out. Stations 41,47, 46 and 44 still have

Fire Board Minutes of October 14 th, 2009 Page 4 of 5

auto door openers. They have had problems too. Sometimes they stick and have
mechanical errors.


A motion was made by Commissioner Brown and'supported by Vice-Chair Vinson to
adjourn the meeting. A unanimous vote was taken to adjourn the meeting at 7:00 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted by: ` Date: November 10th , 2009

Approved November 10 th , 2009

Fire Board Minutes of October 14 th, 2009 Page 5 of 5

City of Lansing
Board of Fire Commissioners
120 E. Shiawassee Street
Lansing MI 48933
(517) 483-4200
Fax (517) 483-4488


September 9, 2009

The Lansing Fire Board met in regular session on September 9 th , 2009, at the Lansing
Fire Department Maintenance Division located at 3708 Pleasant Grove Rd., Lansing,
MI. Fire Commissioner Chairperson Helen Keeney called the meeting to order at 6:00

Helen Keeney - Chair
Louis Vinson Ill - Vice Chair
Robert Brown Jr.
Frank Ferro
Alicia Perez-Banuet
Jody Washington

Yvonne Young McConnell

Fire Chief Tom Cochran
Administrative Assistant, Patti Starnes
Maintenance Chief Bill Oberst
Battalion Chief Paul Smith
Dave Keeney



A motion was made by Commissioner Ferro and supported by Commissioner Brown to
accept the August minutes as written. Motion carried with a unanimous vote.


Fire Board Minutes of September 9 th, 2009 Page 1 of 3

Recently retired Battalion Chief Tim Moede asked Chief Cochran to give the
Commissioners copies of his book "Answering the Call". Chief Cochran presented the
board members with signed copies of his book.


Department Update:

Muscular Dystrophy fundraiser "Fill the Boot" - The Lansing Fire Department raised just
under $17,000 for the campaign. Chief Cochran thanked Engineer Jirn Garlitz for
organizing the fundraiser. He did a great job.

Promotions: Recently the Lansing Fire Department has had a number of retirements
which in turn left positions open for promotions. The promotions were approved by City
of Lansing Administration within 2 weeks. Chief Cochran offered those being promoted
the opportunity to invite their family to their promotion. Dan Oberst was promoted to the
Chief of Training and his mother and wife attended and pinned his badges on.

Captain Ron Finley is the most recent retirement which is effective September 3rd . The
"critical need" paperwork to fill his open position has been forwarded to the Mayors
office for approval. Chief Cochran expects a quick turn around time.

Training Captain Brad Clemens has chosen to return to the Suppression division. This
leaves the Training division with Dan Oberst, Chief of Training and Denise Acker
Secretarial Specialist. Training Chief Oberst and Assistant Chief James worked
together on the position justification. We received the approval to post and there are
currently 2 Training Captain positions are posted through September 13

Chairperson Helen Keeney asked when the department will be hiring firefighters. Chief
Cochran hopes to hire in the spring of 2010.

All in all Chief Cochran is pleased with the promotions being approved so quickly.
Mayor. Bernero has been very supportive of the Lansing Fire Department. We continue
to hire and make promotions. Things are going well.

Update on Everettdale and Barnes Ave. fires - The Fire Marshal division is close to
wrapping up the investigations on both fires. Information has not been released yet.
The information will be made public as soon as they can.
Fires have been pretty quiet recently. There was a small fire on Gardenia. Battalion
Chief Smith commented on the small cooking fire that took place oh Holmes Rd. last

Chief Cochran introduced Bill Oberst, Chief of Maintenance and Battalion Chief Paul

Chief Cochran discussed the new Fire Commissioner orientation process. It is listed
under the duties of the Personnel committee. Commissioner Brown said they should

Fire Board Minutes of September 9 th, 2009 Page 2 of 3

come up with something as a committee. Commissioner Brown and Chief Cochran will
work on it.

Chairperson Keeney appointed Commissioner Jody Washington to the Buildings and

Equipment Committee.


Bill Oberst asked the Commissioners to check their ID badges and make sure they are
working properly.

9/11 Memorial will be held on Friday, September 11 th , at Wentworth Park. The march
begins at the Lansing Center at 9:30 a.m. Chief Cochran invited the Board to attend.
Parking will be limited due to construction. In honor of the 9/11 a local company is
delivering breakfast to Stations #44, #46 and #49.

Fire Prevention Week Open House will be held on Saturday October 3rd from 10 a.m. -
2:00 p.m. at fire station #48 located at 815 Marshal St. Chief Cochran invited the
Commissioners to attend. Some of the events will be: extrications, high angle, kids
hose events, food, trucks etc.

John Dyer Memorial ride will take place on September 12th , 2009. They are trying to
raise enough money for the endowment fund in memory of Battalion Chief John Dyer.

Chief Cochran gave a Fire Act grant update. Bill Oberst and Mike Hamel worked on the
grant application along with Weiland Davco. The grant is 15 million maximum and 5
million per project. We have submitted requests for rehabbing Station #42, #48 and #49
and are hoping for a "green" building project. We should know by the end of
September. Commissioner Keeney asked for an update on the GM property. Chief
Cochran reported that GM has made an offer to the City of Lansing for the City of
Lansing to purchase GM property. Bill Oberst discussed the plans for the 3 stations if
the grant is received.

Commissioner Washington asked to be excused for the October meeting.

Vice-Chairperson Vinson asked to be excused for the November and December


A motion was made by Commissioner Brown and supported by Commissioner Ferro to
adjourn the meeting. A unanimous vote was taken to adjourn the meeting at 7:04 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted by: tt Date: October 14th , 2009

Fire Board Minutes of September 9 th, 2009 Page 3 of 3

City of Lansing
Board of Fire Commissioners
120 E. Shiawassee Street
Lansing MI 48933
(517) 483-4200
Fax (517) 483-4488


August12, 200.9

The Lansing Fire Board met in regular session on August 12th, 2009, at Fire Station
#49 located at 520 Glendale St., Lansing, MI. Fire Commissioner Chairperson Helen
Keeney called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

Helen Keeney - Chair
Louis Vinson III - Vice Chair
Jody Washington
Frank Ferro
Yvonne Young McConnell
Alicia Perez-Banuet

Robert Brown Jr.
Robert Hudson

Fire Chief Tom Cochran
Assistant Fire Chief Tim James
Secretary, Patti Starnes



A motion was made by Frank Ferro and supported by Yvonne McConnell to accept the
July minutes as written. Motion carried with a unanimous vote.

Communications - FEMA Financial First Aid Kit was given to the board.

Fill The Boot Totals - The MDA fundraiser went very well. Jim Garlitz and Eric Weber
have taken on this campaign and have done a phenomenal job coordinating it. So far
the LFD campaign has raised $13527 for Jerry's Kids. Other area departments are
also running their own campaigns. LFD will be doing a few more fundraisers including
Fire Board Minutes of August 12th, 2009 Page 1 of 4
one outside the Lugnut stadium. The donation numbers continue to grow under the
direction of Firefighter Garlitz and Engineer Weber.

Chief Cochran welcomed new commissioner Josephine "Jody" Washington to the Fire
Board. Chief Cochran would like to meet with her for an orientation and tour of the
department. Jody reported that she is excited to be on the board and hopes to be a
good addition. Helen Keeney welcomed Jody to the board and commented that the
firefighters are the best group of people to be around and are eager to get to know the
board members.


Year to Date 6 month comparison -
AC James reported that our numbers are very close to last year. In the past we have
seen a 4% increase per year. It seems to be stabilizing and that is good for the
department right now. Discussed the various types of calls and how the officers list the
calls in the report. Chief Cochran asked the board to look over the numbers and come
back with any questions at next months meeting.

National Night Out -

AC James reported that the event kickoff was on Monday at Francis Park. All the local
fire and law enforcement were there. The event was sponsored by Target. It was a
great evening and very well attended by the citizens of Lansing. That event rolled us
into National Night Out on Tuesday evening. . There were about 35 neighborhood
events. However they had a few emergency calls to respond to. The crews were able
to attend all but about 3 neighborhood parties. Neighborhoods had everything from a
couple of picnic tables to bands at their events. It was pleasure for himself and the
crews to get out and spend time with the citizens. Chief Cochran reported that this is
the first time we have been so involved with the event and it went very well. He thanked
Assistant Chief James for attending the event.

General Discussion
Update on Everettdale fire and the Barnes Ave. fire- The investigations are ongoing
and the investigator should be coming out with reports soon.

Buyrite Furniture fire - There is no new update. It is still under investigation.

Retirements - Chief Cochran reported that a lot of people are retiring right now and he
is pleased to say that the Human Resources department and the Mayors office have
made sure that the promotions are taking place very quickly. That is really important for
the morale of the department. The crews anticipate their promotions and are very
pleased to move up. Chief Cochran allows them to invite their families to the promotion
ceremonies. It was very important to him when his mom and wife pinned his bars on
and he extends that option to the crews if they choose.

Captain Curtis Stewart stopped in and was invited to say a few words to the board. He
is retiring and his last day is Saturday. Captain Curtis Stewart stated that loves what he
does, it doesn't even seem like a job. LFD is the best department around and this is the

Fire Board Minutes of August if, 2009 Page 2 of 4

best job in the world. Helen Keeney said that she will never understand why you do
what you do...but thank you. He also volunteers at the railroad history museum. Trains
are a hobby of his. Chief Cochran said that Captain Curtis will be greatly missed. He
has a great passion for his job. The board wished him well on his retirement.

Committees - Chief Cochran suggested looking at the committee assignments and
coming back next month with any changes. Patti Starnes will email the committee list
and it will be discussed and decided on next month.

Apparatus Update -
We are purchasing an engine and an ambulance - The engine should arrive after the 1st
of the year and the new medic unit should arrive in the next few months.

We currently have no reserves. Two ladder trucks are down for repairs. The garage is
working to get them repaired as soon as possible. We will respond two all calls with 2
ladder companies. Engine 48 and 44 are the only ladder trucks in service and they will
be responding to calls. Our metro partners have been contacted just in case we have to
call on them for mutual aid.

Yvonne Young McConnell asked where the new engine and ambulance will be
stationed. It was reported that the engine will be at station #9 but they are not sure yet
on the medic unit. They would like to put a 5th ambulance in service.

Helen Keeney asked what is going to be done about not having a reserve in service.
Chief Cochran reported that Greg KIco at the Garage is working very hard to get the
repairs done. They called a mechanic back in after hours to work on #41.

AC James said the new ambulance was purchased a little different than usual. It was
purchased under "bid bridge" online in conjunction with 5 area departments who were
also purchasing the same ambulance. The online bid process was very interesting to
watch. The process only took about a % hour. AC James explained the bid process.
After the bidding took place the specifications were matched up and the orders were
placed. This is the first time in LFD history that we worked with our Metro partners to
purchase apparatus.


Chief Cochran commented on the Michigan Municipal League and the article in the
Outlook. Chief Cochran thanked the Mayor for his push for regional cooperation.

Regionalization efforts were discussed. The Lansing Township proposal was done a
few years ago. At this point we are not in regionalization discussions. However; we
participate in a lot of regional training and are working with our Metro Partners. With the
economy and the state revenue sharing difficulties, departments may be more willing to
talk about regionalization.

Fire Board Minutes of August 12 th, 2009 Page 3 of 4

AC James reported that an Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) vehicle is being
purchased for the Metro team through the Homeland Security grant. We are working
with the Metro Fire Chiefs and Garage Supervisor, Greg Klco to finish the bid
specifications. The project should be ready to go out to bid in a couple of months.

BC Moede stopped by to say goodbye to the board. He is retiring on Friday. Chief

Cochran commented that BC Tim Moede is a published author. He wrote a book
entitled "Answering the Call". The book reflects on his experiences with the Lansing
Fire Department. Chief Cochran went on to say that it has been great working with him
throughout his career. BC Moede also has a military background. Chief Cochran
congratulated him on his 25 years of service to the Lansing Fire Department and the
citizens of Lansing. BC Moede explained the background of the book and said it was
therapeutic for him. He has seen some bad stuff and had trouble sleeping etc. His
pastor told him to journal his thoughts. He had so many stories that he decided to write
a book. BC Moede said the he loves job and the Lansing Fire Department. It is the
best "job" he has ever had. The board wished him well on his retirement.

Helen Keeney thanked Chief Cochran for his involvement in the Senior Fair tomorrow.

Yvonne Young McConnell will be sending Chief Cochran a letter regarding the African
American parade that is coming up.


The department would like to display portraits of the Fire Board in the Station #1
Administration lobby. Please submit a photo to Patti Starnes if you have one.


Chairperson Helen Keeney adjourned the meeting at 7:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by on September 9 th , 2009

Approved September 9 th , 2009

Fire Board Minutes of August 12 th, 2009 Page 4 of4

Committee Meeting February 16, 2011
8th Floor Conference Room Wednesday, 9:00 a.m.
City Hall
Lansing, MI 48933

The official meeting of the City of Lansing Deferred

Compensation Committee was called to order at 9:12 a.m.

Present: Klein, Kraus, McClean, Rose, Singleton - 5.

Absent: Ambrose
Others: Karen Williams, Finance; Allen VanGorder, ING; Attorney
Don Kulhanek, Law.

It was moved by Mr. Rose and Ms. Klein to approve the Official
Minutes of the Deferred Compensation Committee Meeting of `w'
October 14, 2011 with corrections.

Adopted by the following vote: 5 -

c a.n .
There were no hardships reported since the last official

It was moved by Ms. Singleton and supported by Mr. McClain to

excuse members, Mr. Ambrose from the Deferred Compensation
Committee Meeting.

Adopted by the following vote: 5 - O.

Ms. Kraus requested assistance in preparing a draft Investment

Policy. Ms Singleton offered to help prepare the draft policy.

Mr. Rose inquired the regulations regarding deferred

compensation for employees who are laid off. Mr. Allen Van
Gorder informed the committee that employees who are laid off
are eligible to receive distributions from their deferred
compensation accounts. The lay offs are termed as a separation
from employment.

It was moved by Mr. Rose and supported by Mr. Klein to adjourn

the meeting.

Adopted by the following vote: 5 - O.

The meeting adjourned at 9:18 a.m.


Committee Meeting October 14, 2010

8th Floor Conference Room Thursday, 9:00 a.m.
City Hall
Lansing, MI 48933

The official meeting of the City of Lansing Deferred

Compensation Committee was called to order at 9:13 a.m.

Present: Ambrose, Klein, McClean, Rose- 4. -k;

Absent: Kraus, Singleton
Others: Karen Williams, Finance; Allen VanGorder, ING; Attorney Lt
Don Kulhanek, Law. 4
Ms. Klein presided and moved to items on the agenda that
required a vote.

It was moved by Mr. Ambrose and Mr. Rose to approve the Official
Minutes of the Regular Deferred Compensation Committee Meeting
of July 8, 2010.

Adopted by the following vote: 4 -0.

It was moved by Mr. Ambrose and supported by Mr. Rose to excuse

members, Ms. Kraus and Ms. Singleton from the Regular Deferred
Compensation Committee Meeting.

Adopted by the following vote: 4 - O.

Ms. Klein moved the Investment Policy to pending business.

Attorney Don Kulhanek updated the Committee regarding contract

employees who return to work for City of Lansing after
retirement and their ability to withdraw from the Deferred
Compensation Plan.

Attorney Kulhanek informed the Committee that the City Council

had amended the Deferred Compensation Plan in accordance with
updated IRS guidelines. He read from Resolution #2010-301
regarding Separation from Service: The severance of the
Participant's employment with the Employer whereby the
Participant thereafter is not providing services to the
Employer: provided, however, in the event a Participant
terminates employment with the Employer and then resumes
employment with the Employer within six (6) months of said
termination date, there shall be a rebuttable presumption that
the prior termination was not a Separation from Service and
Committee Meeting October 14, 2'010
8th Floor Conference Room Thursday, 9:0:0 a.m.
City Hall
Lansing, MI 48933 Page 2

therefore, not an event that, in itself allows the Participant

to commence (or continue to receive) benefit payments under the

Mr. VanGorder further clarified that •a participant can receive a

withdrawal upon separation of employment. However, when the
participant resumes contract employment within 6 months, the
participant cannot make further withdrawals until separation
from employment.

Attorney Kulhanek reviewed the proposed resolution that allows

the Employer to make a contribution to the City of Lansing 457
Deferred Compensation Plan in the amount of $250 on behalf of
each of UAW participants who make certain criteria.

It was moved by Mr. Ambrose and supported by Mr. Rose to approve

the following resolution:


RESOLVED: That for the Plan Year ending December 31, 2010, the Employer shall make a contribution to the City
of Lansing 457 Deferred Compensation Plan in the amount of $250 on behalf of each Plan participant who satisfies
all the following criteria for said Plan Year:

a. The Participant is classified as a member of the UAW Local 2256, Lansing City Unit.

b. The Participant is an employee of, the City of Lansing on or after September 1, 2010.

c. The Participant has made Employee elective deferral contributions under the 457 Deferred
Compensation Plan of at least $250.00 between January 1, 2010 and the final regular pay period
ending in calendar 2010.

d. The Employer verifies the required contribution has been timely made by the Employee
Participant and that the Participant's total annual contribution (including the Employer's match)
does not exceed the limitations of IRC Sections 414(v), 415, or 457(e).

e. The Employer match of $250 will continue on the same terms in each Plan year after 2010 in
which the employee group Participant meets the criteria set forth in this resolution as to dates,
contributions and notices that are applicable to said Plan year, subject to the benefit remaining
payable pursuant to the UAW Local 2256 bargaining unit agreement.

Adopted by the following vote: 4 - O.

Committee Meeting October 14, 2010
8th Floor Conference Room Thursday, 9:00 a.m.
City Hall
Lansing, MI 48933 Page 3

Karen Williams distributed the 2011 Schedule of Meeting dates

for Committee approval: January 13, April 14, July 14, October

It was moved by Mr. Ambrose and supported by Mr. Rose to adopt

the 2011 Schedule of Meeting Dates for the Deferred Compensation

Adopted by the following vote: 4 -

There were no public comments.

There were no hardship requests reported since the last official


Mr. Allen Van Gorder, Jr. provided an Investment overview of the

City of Lansing Deferred Compensation ING Plan. Mr. VanGorder
discussed the types of meetings and services provided by his
office for year, which included helping to process EDROs,
meeting with participants for ING and answering questions for
T.Rowe price participants.

Mr. Van Gorder reviewed the ING participant activity report and
discussed the demographics of the plan and the assets. Mr. Van
Gorder also reviewed the investment options with ING under the
City of Lansing Plan.

Mr. Van Gorder discussed the ING Fund Evaluation Scorecard of

the investments with the Deferred Compensation Plan and the
system using to evaluate funds.

It was moved by Mr. Ambrose and supported by Mr. McClean to

adjourn the meeting.

Adopted by the following vote: 4 - O.

The meeting adjourned at 10:02 a.m.

Lansing Economic Development Corporation
Special Board of Director's Meeting Minutes
Lansing Economic Development Corporation Conference Room
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
7:30 a.m.

Members Present: James Butler, Kim Coleman, Calvin Jones, Kelly Rossman-
McKinney, Greg Ward
Members Absent: Mayor Bernero, Bo Garcia
Staff Present: Andrea Ragan, Marchelle Smith, Bob Trezise
Guests: None
Public Present: None

Call to Order
Chair Greg Ward called the meeting to order at 7:55 a.m.

Resolution to Approve LEDC Budget Amendment for Fiscal Year 2010/2011

Bob Trezise reported the LEDC budgeted for six full-time salary positions in its-7,7
2010/2011 budget. One position has remained vacant since Brian Anderson's -
--departu.Wcomendigthabu mendyaloctig:-$45j®O0
from the salary expenditure account to the miscellaneous expenditure account:W

Motion: Kelly Rossman McKinney moved the Board to approve the resolution
amending the budget by allocating $45,000 from the salary expenditure
account to the miscellaneous expenditure. account and place it on file.
Motion seconded by James Butler.

Yeas: Unanimous. Motion carried.

The Board recommended a separate resolution be presented to the Board at the next
meeting approving recruitment costs of up to $25,000 out of the $45,000.

Motion: Kim Coleman moved the Board to have a separate resolution presented at
the next meeting approving recruitment costs of up to $25,000 and to
include language regarding the EB-5 program. Motion seconded by Kelly

Yeas: Unanimous. Motion carried.

Chair Greg Ward declared the meeting adjournec^_at,„j8:15 a.m.

Minutes by M. Smith
Regular Meeting January 20, 2011
Council Conference Room Thursday, 8:30 a.m.
10th Floor, City Hall
Lansing, MI

The Board met in regular session and was called to order at 8:35 a.m.

Present: Trustees Dedic, McCaffery, Munroe (9:20 am.), Parker, Robinson, Singleton
5. ^,.

Absent: Trustee Bernero, Kraus, Rose

_Others: Karen_E.Williams,_Finance Department; Attorney Jack Roberts, Attorney

Kenneth. Lane, Clark Hill Law Office (representing the Law Department); Brad
Armstrong, Gabriel, Roeder, Smith and Company; Carol Wood, City Council.

Ms. Williams distributed a posting from the Secretary of the Board to. confirm the
election of Carol Munroe as the new Parks Department Trustee. Ms. Williams reported
that there was one valid nominating petition submitted to the Retirement Office.

It was moved by Trustee McCaffery and supported by Trustee Singleton to certify the
election of Carol Munroe as the new Parks Department Trustee.

Adopted by the following vote: 5 - 0.

Trustee Munroe was excused to get sworn in by the City Clerk.

It was moved by Trustee McCaffery supported by Trustee Singleton to approve the

Official Minutes of the Employees Retirement System Regular Meeting of December 16,

Adopted by the following vote: 5 - O.

It was moved by Trustee Robinson and supported by Trustee Parker to approve the
Regular Age & Service Retirement:

Lois J. Hill (Police/Civilian - Teamster 580), 14 years, 4 months, age 58, effective
January 1, 2011 (From Deferred)

Approved by the following vote: 5 - 0.

Regular Meeting January 20, 2011
Council Conference Room Thursday, 8:30 a.m.
10th Floor, City Hall
Lansing, MI Page 2

It was moved by Trustee Parker and supported by Trustee Singleton to approve the
following request for Refund of Accumulated Contributions:

Francesca Hernandez, UAW, Public Service $3,677.92

Adopted by the following vote: 5 - 0

Ms. Williams reported to the Board that Trustee Rose requested an excuse from the
Employees Retirement System meeting.

It was moved by Trustee Parker and supported by Trustee Singleton to excuse Trustee
Parker from the Employees Retirement System Board meeting of January 20, 201 1.

Adopted by the following vote: 5 - 0.

Trustee Dedic requested permission to attend the Annual International Foundation of

Employees Benefit Conference in November.

It was moved by Trustee Singleton and supported by Trustee Robinson to allow the
Chairperson to attend the Annual International Foundation Employees Benefit
Conference in November.

Adopted by the following vote: 5 - 0

It was moved by Trustee Robinson and supported by Trustee Singleton to grant

permission for Trustees who would like to attend the Annual International Foundation
Employees Benefit Conference in November.

Adopted by the following vote: 5 - 0.

Ms. Williams updated the Board on Case #2010E-1021. The non-duty disability
applicant was seen and evaluated by the Board's Medical Director. The Medical
Director requested clarification of the Employees Retirement System Ordinance's .
section regarding granting non-duty disability. The Retirement Office sent the Medical
Director's request to the disability subcommittee for direction. Trustee Kraus requested
that legal counsel review the Medical Director's inquiry and the Medical Director hold his
report until the legal interpretation was given to the Board.

Attorney Kenneth Lane opined that under the Employees Retirement System the
Ordinance, you must be totally incapacitated in the employment of the City. The
Ordinance is broadly written.
Regular Meeting January 20, 2011
Council Conference Room Thursday, 8:30 a.m.
10th Floor, City Hall
Lansing, MI Page 3

Attorney Jack Roberts asked and was granted permission to address the Board
regarding Case #2010E-1021. Attorney Roberts reported to the Board that he reviewed
the Medical Director's request and spoke with Attorney Ken Lane and Human
Resources. Attorney Roberts stated the Human Resources stated the all the collective
bargaining Contracts have a Humanitarian Clause for employees that become disabled,
generally the "reasonable accommodations" provision. Attorney Roberts stated that the
Board may need to interface with Human Resources to determine if there is another job
available for a disability applicant within the City.

Trustee Singleton stated that a disability applicant who wanted reasonable

accommodations could request this from the City. Trustee Singleton reported that by
law, the City has an administrative internal process to meet the request. However, the
request could not come from the Medical Director.

Attorney Lane stated that the issue as defined by the Attorney Roberts, is that the
Medical Director has the Ordinance's broad definition to evaluated disability status. As
an example, the Medical Director may state that an applicant may not be able to do a
labor position, but the applicant could perform another duty within the City and therefore
is not considered disabled by the Retirement Ordinance. The disability applicant cannot
be forced to take a reasonable accommodation and the Board would have to concur
with the Medical Director and deny the request to grant a disability retirement.

Attorney Roberts suggested that the Board should determine how it would like the
Medical Director to interface with Human Resources for disability evaluations.

Trustee Singleton stated that an applicant could go to the treating physician and his
diagnosis could conflict with the evaluating Medical Director. Trustee Singleton stated
that an applicant if he chooses should go through the internal process first before the
Medical Director can make an evaluation.

Trustee Dedic inquired if an applicant can be evaluated for disability based on the
specific position that have at the. City. This, if a mechanic cannot perform his duties an
as mechanic, is the applicant qualified for disability. Trustee Dedic inquired if the
Ordinance can be amended on this section through collective bargaining or through City

Attorney Roberts reported to the Trustees that the Board cannot require an applicant to
request reasonable accommodations.

Trustee Dedic requested what actions can be taken.

Regular Meeting January 20, 2011
Council Conference Room Thursday, 8:30 a.m.
10th Floor, City Hall
Lansing, MI Page 4

Attorney Roberts requested if the Board would allow the Medical Director could talk with
Human Resources regarding the issue.

Trustee Munroe returned to the meeting and inquired if an applicant who would like to
work could be placed in another bargaining unit, if a suitable position can be found.

Trustee Dedic requested that the matter be placed on pending and that the Medical
Director should contact the Human Resources Director regarding the applicant.

Attorney Jack Roberts also reported to the Board that he is preparing a response to Mr.
John Salmons, who requested an Ordinance amendment that would allow a retiree to
change his beneficiary post retirement.

There were no public comments for items on the Agenda.

Secretary's Report. 0 new member(s), 0 reinstatement(s), 0 refund(s), 0

transfers, 0 retired. Total active membership: 509. Total deferred: 50. Refunds
made since the last regular meeting amounted to $0.00. Retirement allowances
paid for the month of December, 2010 amounted to $1,656,996.98. Total
retirement checks printed for the ERS System: 843. 1 death(s) Sandra T. Unrue,
died 12/29/2010, (T580 CTP - retired 1/30/1991, age 76, beneficiary to receive
100%. Eligible domestic relations orders received: 0. Domestic relations orders
pending: 0. Eligible domestic relations orders certified: 0.

There were no Requests for Duty Disability Retirement.

There were no public comments for items not on the Agenda.

Mr. Brad Armstrong, Gabriel, Roeder, Smith and Company presented City of Lansing
Employees' Retirement System Actuarial Valuation Report, December. 31, 2009. Mr.
Brad Armstrong provided an overview of the Ordinance and the purpose of the actuary
report for new trustees.

Mr. Armstrong discussed the valuation results, the summary of benefits provisions and
valuation, financial principles, and disclosures required by the Governmental Accounting
Standards Board. Mr. Armstrong reviewed the computed City contributions to the
Employees Retirement System and percentages of payroll. He also reviewed the
Schedule of Employer Contributions and projects of future contributions.

Ms. Carol Wood inquired about the Board's five-year smoothing schedule. Mr.
Armstrong discussed the five year smoothing schedule for financial reporting.
Regular Meeting ° January 20; 2011
Council Conference Room Thursday, 8:30 a.m.
10th Floor, City Hall
Lansing, MI Page 5

It was moved by Trustee Robinson and supported by Trustee Parker to receive the
Employees Retirement System Actuarial Report, December 31, 2009

Adopted by the following vote: 5 -0.

Mr. Armstrong also the discussed with the Board the preparation of an updated
Actuarial Experience Study for the Employees Retirement System Board.

Mr. Armstrong also informed the Board that Gabriel, Roeder, Smith and Company does
provide and host pension software.

Trustee Parker inquired regarding the factors used to calculate purchase of time. Mr.
Armstrong provided an explanation of some of the factors used when calculating
credited service time purchases.

Ms. Williams updated the Board that the Investment Subcommittee met regarding the
Small/SMid Cap Manager Search. The subcommittee decided to meet jointly Tuesday,
February 8, 2011 to interview managers. Ms. Williams will distribute an agenda when
she receives the manager list and interview times from Asset Consulting Group.

Ms. Williams updated the Board regarding Pension Software. The Project manager
prepared a Request for Information that was mailed to companies to get basic
information on services and fees. The Project Manager will provide and analysis of the
RFI that are due February 2, 2011 and would give a range of fees to the Board. The
Project manager will also begin to prepare a Request for Proposal.

The Joint Committee on Special Projects, Actuary Bid Process is pending.

Attorney Kenneth Lane reported that Employees Retirement System Ordinance

has been sent to the City Council for review.

Ms Williams reviewed the Investment and Securities Lending Monthly report for

The meeting adjourned at 10:39 a.m.

Minutes approved on

Jerry Ambrose, Secretary

Employees Retirement System

Scott Dedic, Chairperson

Employees Retirement System
DECEMBER 14, 2010

At 8:10 a.m. Chairwoman Ellen Jeffries called the meeting to order in the Governor's Room of the
Lansing Center, 333 E. Michigan Avenue, Lansing, Michigan 48933.

COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Cindy Bowen, James W. Butler III, John Decker, Charles Janssen,
Ellen Jeffries, Charlotte Sinadinos and Bob Johnson (Ex-Officio).

COMMISSIONERSEXCUSED: Charles Mickens, Kris Nicholoff and Gerald Ambrose (Ex-


OTHERS PRESENT: Scott Keith, Greg Soleau, Bill Grove, Tristyn Wright, Amanda Snook, Joe
Lesausky, Kent Lenzen and Shelly Busse - Lansing Entertainment & Public Facilities Authority. Nan
Jasinowski - President of the Lansing City Market Vendors Association and Dirk Spillemaeckers,
III. ESTABLISHMENT OF THE AGENDA: There were no changes to the agenda. c

IV. PUBLIC COMMENT: There was no public comment. 1.

r r
V. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES FOR NOVEMBER 23, 2010: A motion was made !a-oz.:
accept the minutes as published. MOTION: Commissioner Janssen. SECOND: Commissioner
Sinadinos. Motion carried. ' t


A. CHAIRMWOMAN'SREPORT: Chairwoman Ellen Jeffries reported the following:

1. Financial Statements: Chairwoman Jeffries stated that financial information was not
ready to review for November; there will be no financial report this month; however,
there will be two reports next month.
2. LEPFA Board Reception: Chairwoman Jeffries reminded Commissioners of the
LEPFA Holiday Reception that will be held at the Lansing Center on December
16, 2010.

B. SECRETARY/TREASURER'SREPORT: Finance Committee Chair Charlotte

Sinadinos stated that a draft of the financials will not be distributed; due to the Board
meeting being held a week earlier, there isn't enough information to complete the
financial statements. It was noted that the Finance Committee did review the
information that was available and everything seems to be in order.

C. PRESIDENT & CEO'S REPORT: Scott Keith reported the following:

1. Introduction: Scott introduced Joe Lesausky, City Market Manager to the

Commissioners. Joe reported on his work history and stated that he is very
LEPFA Board of Commissioners Meeting
Page 2
December 14, 2010

excited to be a part of the Lansing City Market and thanked everyone for
the opportunity.

2. Sales & Marketing Report: Scott stated that Amanda Snook, Marketing manager
and Kent Lenzen, Director of Sales are both present today, (per the Board's request)
to provide updates on both departments.

3. Common Ground: Scott reported that Common Cards went on sale last week; the
cost for the card is $69.00. Scott stated that he will bring new information
regarding next year's Common, Ground to the January Board meeting.

*Greg Soleau entered the meeting at 8:15 a.m.

D. LONG RANGE PLANNING COMMITTEE: No report. Scott stated there will be a

meeting in the new year.


A. Greg Soleau: Greg apologized for his lateness; road conditions were
unfavorable. Greg stated that all is well in the Finance world; next month there will be
two months of financial statements to review. Greg wished everyone Happy Holidays.
B. Commissioner Sinadinos: No comment.
C. Commissioner Janssen: Commissioner Janssen wished everyone Happy Holidays and
welcomed Joe to the City Market.
D. Commissioner Bowen: Commissioner Bowen wished everyone Happy Holidays and
welcomed Joe to the City Market.
E. Amanda Snook: Amanda gave a marketing update and reported on the following:
1. There will be a heavy focus in the state of Michigan, outer Ohio and Northern
Indiana, January through June 2011; with focus on meeting planners, SMERF
and Associations.
2. Advertising focus will be with MSAE (in a guidebook), with Mid-West Meetings
(to include digital advertising), MIPA (focusing on Michigan and Ohio), Associa-
tion News (online and print);.with tweaks that will feature items relevant to the
Lansing Center.
3. Negotiations are ongoing with the Ohio Society of Association Executives (to bring
Ohio associations to Michigan). and
agreements have been renewed and Amanda is also negotiating with the Lansing
State Journalto be featured in their wedding guide.
4. "Ye Olde Fashioned Christmas" event held at the City Market went extremely well;
the vendors reported an increase in business. The vendors have stated that they
would like this to be an annual event at the Market.
LEPFA Board of Commissioners Meeting
Page 3
December 14, 2010

Amanda stated that she attributes the success of the event to pnmetnne adver-

Chairwoman Jeffries asked Scott if the Inauguration will be held at the Lansing
Center. Scott stated that there will be a family friendly event at Impression 5
Science Center and an Inaugural Ball at the Wharton Center.

Commissioner Bowen asked Amanda if she is focusing on SEO (Search Engine

Organization). Amanda stated that she is; however, due to the depth of our
web-site, there is a need to work around certain system operational issues.

Commissioner Bowen asked Amanda why she is focusing efforts in the Ohio
area. Amanda stated that due to drive time from Ohio, a lot of associations,
tradeshows and vendors consider Michigan since they could save by driving
as opposed to flying.
F. Tristyn Wright: Tristyn thanked Don Fisher, Laurel Winkel, Tim Bugenske and
Amanda Snook for their efforts leading up to "Ye Olde Fashioned Christmas"; it
was a great event. Tristyn wished everyone Happy Holidays.
G. Kent Lenzen: Kent reported the following sales information:
1. There is an online form on our website that is garnering a lot of information
and is receiving more responses than the meeting broker we were using previously.
2. The Sales Department is working to secure large business to bring into the City.
3. Patti Beardsley, Sales Manager, has been attending several religious conferences
and has been able to secure future business with many of these organizations; to
target religious groups for summer conferences.
4. Kent is working with TWTSTAR (a large gymnastics group); they are close to
signing a contract; there are some Food & Beverage details to work out.
5. The summer month weekends are filling up quickly with weddings.
6. Kent stated that we are close to budget and may surpass it by June.
H. Bob Johnson: Bob reported that his department is entering the budget season and he
thanked Tristyn and Scott for being a part of the parking solutions. Bob stated that
his department is working on a lighting solution for under the Lansing Center.
I. Joe Lesausky: Joe stated that he is excited to be a part of the City Market and looks
forward to moving the Market forward; and wished everyone Happy Holidays.
J. Commissioner Decker: Commissioner Decker reported that "Ye Olde Fashioned
Christmas" was a smashing success and stated that the vendors were very pleased with.
the outcome of the event. Commissioner Decker wished everyone Happy Holidays.
K. Bill Grove: Bill wished everyone Happy Holidays and stated that the Food & Beverage
Department is busy with many Holiday parties scheduled.
L. Heidi Brown: Heidi reported that LEPFA U (an annual in-service day for staff) was
held yesterday and it was a success. Heidi stated that the Social Media Policy has been
distributed to staff and it will be effective starting January 1, 2011.
M. Scott Keith: Scott reviewed the Lansing Center Sales Executive Summary report
LEPFA Board of Commissioners Meeting
Page 4
December 14, 2010

as distributed to everyone. Scott reported that LEPFA is leading the region in the
number of Certified Training Ambassadors; with Julie Baldino already recertified for
next year. Scott stated that there will be an executive CTA session soon and suggested
that members from the fire department and police department attend as well. Scott
stated that there will be an anniversary celebration for the City Market in January and
a survey about the City Market is almost complete and will be distributed soon.

`Commissioner. Janssen exited the meeting at 8:50 a.m.

A discussion regarding the loss of 2011 Chamber events (being held at the Kellogg
Center) and a general discussion regarding the Kellogg Center and Wharton Center was
N. Chairwoman Jeffries: Chairwoman Jeffries welcomed Joe to the City Market and
offered congratulations to Julie on her recertification. Chairwoman Jeffries wished
everyone Happy Holidays and that she would see everyone at the reception on


IX. NEW BUSINESS: Scott reported that the City will not renew their parking lot lease with
the Gillespie Group. Scott stated that he and Tristyn have been working with Pat Gillespie
to take over parking at the old City Market lot. Scott stated that a verbal agreement has
been reached for a six month lease that will start on January 1, 2011 and end on June 30,
2011; after June 30th , it will be on a month-to-month basis. Scott stated that he has a contract
that is ready for review.

Scott reported that the Lansing Center will sell parking permits for the parking lot and maintain
control of the parking lot. This will allow the City Market vendors and guests to continue to
park there for free. Scott stated that this will bring in additional revenues of $2,000 to $4,000
per month.

X. ADJOURNMENT: At 9:08 a.m. the meeting was adjourned. MOTION: Commissioner

Bowen. SECOND: Commissioner Sinadinos. Motion carried.


Respectfully submitted,

Shelly Busse, Recording Secretary

Regular Meeting January 21, 2011
Council Conference Room Friday, 9:00 a.m.
10th Floor, City Hall
Lansing, MI

The Board met in special session and was called to order at 9:01 a.m.

Present: Trustees Benson, Fabus (9:10 am.), Hecksel, Kraus, Oleson, St. Aubin,
Wood - 7.
Absent: Trustee Bernero,

Others: Karen E. Williams, Finance Department; Attorney Ken Lane, Clark Hill
Law Office (representing the Law Department).

It was moved by Trustee Wood and supported by Trustee Oleson to approve the
Official Minutes of the Police and Fire Retirement System Board Meeting of
December 14, 2010. -

Adopted by the following vote: 5 - O. 4°r

Secretary's Report.

0 new fire member(s), 0 new police members, 0 reinstatement(s), 0 refund(s), 0

transfers, 0 retired. Total: Active membership: 443. 0 death(s). Refunds
made since the last regular meeting amounted to $ 0.00. Retirement allowances
paid for the month of December, 2010 amounted to $1,967,469.87. Total
retirement checks printed for the P&F System: 660. Total retirement checks
printed for both systems: 1506. Domestic relations order received: O. Domestic
relations orders pending: O. Eligible domestic relations orders certified: 1.

There were no applications for Regular Age & Service Retirement for January.

Karen Williams updated the Board regarding the requests for duty disability. Ms.
Williams informed the Board that the Case #2010-F0422 applicant has been seen
by evaluated Dr.. Margolis, who will send his completed report to the Board.
Regular Meeting January 21, 2011
Council Conference Room Friday, 9:00 a.m.
10th Floor, City Hall
Lansing, MI Page Two

It was moved Trustee . Kraus and supported by Trustee Oleson to approve

applicant #2010-F1019, Ryan Power, effective January 22, 2011.

Adopted by the following vote: 6 - 0

Case #2010-F1019 applicant has been contacted by the Retirement Office. The
applicant has supplied his documentation to the Board to be referred to the
Medical Director.

The Retirement Office is waiting for the Medical Director's report for Case #2010-

There were no requests for Non Duty Disability Retirement.

It was moved by Trustee Wood and supported by Trustee Hecksel to approve the
following Request for Refund of Accumulated Contributions.

Adopted by the following vote: 7 - 0.

The Board heard the Annual Police and Fire Retirement System Actuary Report
Presentation from Gabriel, Roeder, Smith and Company, Tuesday, January 18,

It was moved by Trustee Wood and supported by Trustee Hecksel to accept the
Actuary Report and the recommendation of City contribution to the Police and Fire
Retirement System.

Trustee Wood discussed the experience study and look at amending the
smoothing schedule for financial reporting.

Adopted by the following vote: 7 - O.

Attorney Kenneth Lane reported to the Board regarding Mr. Jerome Tolbert
request for service credits. Attorney Lane submitted an opinion and has opined
that the Board does not have the authority to award Mr. Tolbert service credits for
time he did not work.
Regular Meeting January 21, 2011
Council Conference Room Friday, 9:00 am.
10th Floor, City Hall
Lansing, MI Page Three

It was moved by Trustee Hecksel and supported by Trustee Wood to send Mr.
Tolbert. a letter with an explanation of the Board's decision.

Adopted by the following vote: 7 - O.

The Policy/Ordinance update was moved to pending for next month meeting.

Trustee Kraus requested help for the Joint Committee on Special Projects for
Actuarial Services. Trustee Wood offered to assist Trustee Kraus to finalize the
proposal and interview process.

Ms. Williams updated the Board regarding Pension Software. The Project
manager prepared a Request for Information that was mailed to companies to get
basic information on services and fees. The Project Manager will provide and
analysis of the RFI that are due February 2, 2011 and would give a range of fees
to the Board. The Project manager will also begin to prepare a Request for

Trustee Kraus explained to the Board that the RFI is to get an initial preview of
pricing, so the Board can determine what the Software would cost.

Trustee Kraus reported to the Board that she has been working with Spartan
Internet to develop an informational retirement website. Trustee Kraus will supply
the link to the Retirement Office to distribute to trustees to review.

Ms. Williams distributed the Investment and Securities Lending Report for
December 2010.

It was moved by Trustee Oleson and supported by Trustee Kraus to adjourn the
Police and Fire Retirement Meeting of January 21, 2011.

Adopted by the following vote: 7 - 0.

The meeting adjourned at 9:16 am.

Minutes approved on

Jerry Ambrose, Secretary

Police & Fire Retirement System

Brad St. Aubin, Chairperson

Police & Fire Retirement System
9th Floor, City Hall
124 W. Michigan Avenue
Lansing, Michigan 48933-1694
(517) 483-4141 (voice)
(517) 483-4479 (TDD)
(517) 483-6066 (Fax)

Virg Bernero, Mayor

TO: City Council President A'Lynne Robinson and Council Members

FROM: Mayor Virg Bernero

DATE: February 17, 2011

RE: Resolution-Budget Amendment- FY 2010/2011- PEG Funds for Office of

Community Media

The attached correspondence is forwarded for your review and appropriate action.


"Equal Opportunity Employer"

City of Lansing


Virg Bernero, Mayor

To: Virg Bernero, Mayor

From: Angie Bennett

Subject: Resolution-Budget Amendment- FY 2010/2011- PEG Funds for Office of

Community Media

Date: February 17, 2011

Please forward this resolution to City Council for placement on the Agenda.

If you have any questions, or need additional information, please give me a call.


"Equal Opportunity Employer"


WHEREAS, the City has received $55,418 in Public Education and Government (PEG)
fees from AT&T since the inception of our franchise agreement; and

WHEREAS, on an annual basis the City projects the receipt of $48,000 from AT&T
PEG fees; and

WHEREAS, the City has determined that PEG fees from AT&T are not restricted to
capital costs and can be used for operational costs of the Office of Community Media;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the following FY 2010/2011 budget

amendment be approved:

Capital Improvement Fund Revenues:

AT&T PEG Revenues 48,000

Capital Improvement Fund Expenditures

Transfer to the General Fund 48,000

General Fund Revenues

Transfer from the Capital Improvement Fund 48,000

General Fund Expenditures

Office of Community Media Operating 48,000


February 7, 2011

Mr. Mayo, LLC

c/o Maynard Arafat
5040 White Tail Court
Commerce Township, MI 48382

Request ID #534164

Dear Applicant/Licensee:

We are canceling your request to transfer ownership of 2010 SDD & SDM licensed
business with Sunday Sales from GKRA, Inc., located at 4013 Aurelius, Lansing, MI
48910, Ingham County.

R436.1103, Rule 3(2) of the Michigan Liquor Control Code, Rules, and Related Laws
states "An applicant for a license shall provide to the Commission, or representative of
the Commission, all information necessary for investigation and processing of the

Our records are being marked accordingly and all concerned parties notified. If you
have any questions, please contact the Licensing Division, Off Premises Section, at
(517) 322-1400.

Very truly yours,



cc: Lansing District Office

Lansing Police Department
Lansing City Clerk
GKRA, Inc.

7150 HARRIS DRIVE • P.O. BOX 30005 • LANSING, MICHIGAN 48909-7505 • (517) 322-14000 FAX (517) 322-6137
Clark Hill PLC
200 Ottawa Avenue NW
Suite 500
Grand Rapids, Michigan 49503
Kenneth P. Lane T 616.608.1100
T 616.608.1134 F 616.608.1199
F 616.608.1180

January 27, 2011

Lansing Employees' Retirement System
Board of Trustees
124 West Michigan Avenue
8th Floor, City Hall
Lansing, MI 48933
Re: Retiree John Salmons
Dear Board of Trustees:
This office is in receipt of a copy of a November 13, 2010, letter from John Salrnons;a City
retiree, to the Lansing City Council. The Council referred the letter to the Lansing -Em oyees.
Retirement System Board of Trustees for your review and response. This opinion letter is pro!ided to
assist you in framing the request and analyzing the issue it presents. ;.
In substance, Mr. Salmons asks that the City Council amend the Employees' Retirement System
(ERS) ordinance in such a way as to provide retroactively for a retiree to change his or her selection of the
retiree's joint and survivor pension beneficiary. He requests that the ability to change beneficiary be
extended to include a retiree who is already receiving a City pension, commonly known as being in "pay
status." Mr. Salmons' request can further be limited to the case where the original joint and survivor
pension beneficiary named at retirement is now a former spouse and the retiree has remarried. Mr.
Salmons' request is intended to provide him the ability to cancel the survivor allowance of his former
wife and give it to his new wife. Because of the context of this request, for the remainder of this opinion,
we will. refer to the City retiree as "he" or "him" and the joint survivor beneficiary as "his spouse" or
"she" or "her."
For both legal and practical reasons, the ERS ordinance cannot be amended to provide Mr.
Salmons with the result he seeks. Under the ordinance, as written, the ability of the retiree to elect either
a straight life (single life) or a joint and survivor (two life) retirement allowance is permitted but becomes
fixed at the time of retirement. ' Not only is the type of retirement allowance established, but the identity
of the beneficiary chosen is also fixed when the retiree goes into pay status.2
In the case of a joint life pension, the amount of the pension retirement allowance is calculated
based on actuarial tables of the life expectancy, at retirement, of both the retiree and the beneficiary. The
actuarial tables are used so that when the straight life pension is converted to a joint life one, the result
remains cost neutral to the ERS plan. Once the pension payments start, the retirement allowances do not
change even if the beneficiary would predecease the retiree. Also, once the election of the beneficiary
becomes final, the ERS member's selection right ends.

Section 292.27, Lansing Code of Ordinances.

2 Section 292.27 and 292.29, Lansing Code of Ordinances.
Lansing Employees' Retirement System
Board of Trustees
January 27, 2011
.Page 2

The impossibility of Mr. Salmons' requested amendment is that once his election of joint and
survivor pension beneficiary becomes fixed, the retiree no longer retains the right to the survivorship
portion of the retirement. Instead, he has granted the survivorship right to his named beneficiary and once
he has passed this right on, neither he, nor the ERS, can take it back. The survivorship right established at
retirement under the existing ordinance shifts the ERS plan promise to pay the survivorship allowance
from the retiree to the beneficiary. An amendment to the ordinance cannot be made retroactive because to
do so would take away the beneficiary's pension right and this the law will not allow.. Stated another
way, because the amendment could only have prospective affect, it can never be enacted in such a manner
as to have the result Mr. Salmons envisions, i.e., it can never permit the change of a joint and survivor
beneficiary selection of a retiree in pay status made before the amendment is enacted.
Michigan divorce law also recognizes the principle that once the pension is in pay status, the
rights created by the pension ordinance cannot be taken away, even by a court of competent jurisdiction.
Michigan provides for the division of pension rights under the Michigan Eligible Domestic Relations
Order Act.,1991 PA 46, as amended, MCL 38.1701 et seq. (the Act). The Act states that the Court may
divide pension rights to a party to a divorce and enter an Eligible Domestic Relations Order only in those
instances when the pension is not yet in pay status. 3 This is only fair because the retirement system has
the right to certainty in the administration of the pension assets it manages, and cannot be expected to
make payments inconsistent with the established pension plan. Thus, a court, in making an equitable
division of assets in a divorce, is to take a pension in pay status "as is" and adjust division of other marital
assets based on its determination of fairness, while taking into consideration the relative fault of each
party. It is, therefore, consistent with the Act that the ERS retirement allowance benefits in pay status are
no longer subject to change.
Finally, from a policy point of view, the ERS ordinance is crafted in a way as to respect and
support the institution of marriage. This policy would be undermined if a retiree retained the ability to
disenfranchise a former spouse that he had chosen to support after his death when he started his
For the reason stated in this letter, Mr. Salmons' requested ordinance change is not legally
feasible to address his individual circumstance..
We trust this letter provides sufficient clarification of this matter. Please contact us with any
questions or concerns.

cc: Brig Smith, City Attorney

3 MCL 38.1702(e)(viii) and 38.1704.

.. .1,.
68 8443 5.1 26005/118235

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