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Organizational Theory

Submitted by:Ailen S. De Luna

Submitted to: Prof. Rosalita T. Nuñez,MNSA,Phd.

Know your purpose in life….

A tale partly about life, partly about revolution and about hope is something kind a general and
shallowly standard story to think of it in first. The author almost perfectly recreated corporate
life in the metaphor of a caterpillar’s life . But as the story figuratively moves and builds
up, the idea gradually wipe outs. In the story, a caterpillar named Striped was born, his
aim was only to grow bigger, but as soon as he wonders that there must be more  to life,
then he seeks for more satisfactions and purpose in life, being in a caterpillar form
where he had really no idea of becoming a beautiful butterfly someday. Just like in our childhood,
we are very innocent what life can offer to us. What the world had already showered upon us,
thinking only about happiness and all the good forms in life we can do.We grow older
and older and we have a particular goal in life: to gain success, to reach the top. We dream to be
someone someday. Just like Stripe, looking around, getting his curiosity work, he found the pile of
caterpillars. Even though nobody knows what exactly is up there, it must be faith that made him
join to that challenging and unsure undertaking. Learning to compete with others as Stripe
climbs up the top is also truly the nature of humans to satisfy ourselves. We ought to do it and
sometimes in bad ways. But consequences are there, we learn from it. And eventually, we could not
notice but there was always something on us that has changed.

Life is full of uncertainty. It’s hard to know if the choices we make are the right thing to do. We also
meet different kinds of people as we go through our journey life. These people could either bring the
best out of your or even bring you down. In the story, destiny has brought Yellow and Stripe together.
Yellow has a different outlook in life as opposed to Stripe’s point of view. Stripe has a goal of reaching
the top of the pillar without even knowing what’s really up there. In the human world, it is mediocre to
keep on striving for something we don’t even know. Our decisions in life are sometimes influenced by
other people. But what we should bear in mind is that we are the master of our fate and the captains
of our soul.
For me, the story depicts that the purpose in life was not to be expected. The decisions had
to be taken as well as the results it bears. The struggles are main parts of the journey, and
finding and believing comfort on others are very helpful to reach the end. Each of us is
unaware of the life more than what we expect and imagine for today. We are usually afraid to
step back as well as to step forward in our decisions. We evaluate our past and think of the regretful
doings we considered in the first place. And each of us is afraid of leaving the present life
and state because of some indeterminate things. But because of these, the cycle goes on.We do not
rule or dictate the upcoming story, but we make the story to go on.

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