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Research Subjects (respondents)

The respondents of this quantitative research study are the senior high school

students of the Ateneo de Davao University, specifically both the grade 11 and grade 12

learners of the senior high school department. The researchers are going to get 30

respondents or sample from the AdDU senior high school learners to make the study

both feasible and meaningful. The sample size calculation is essential in determining

the accuracy of the study as well as its feasibility. An insufficient sample size may not

get the actual or the desired result of the study, thus making the study unreliable and

meaningless. On the other hand, a very large sample might make the study complex

making it more difficult to achieve and time consuming (Mesa, Chica, Bastos,

Bonamigo, & Duquia, 2014). According to

This study will make use of a probability sampling method specifically stratified

quota sampling as basis for choosing the respondents. Probability sampling is a

sampling technique that uses any form of random selection process which gives

different units of the population an equal chance of being picked. In particular, a

stratified quota sampling will be used as a sampling method. A stratified quota sampling

is a type of probability sampling technique in which researchers divides tha poplulation

into smaller subgroups before choosing the participants to be used (Social Research

Methods, n.d.).

This type of sampling is most effective if the researchers wants to make sure to

get all the ideas within the population even those of minorities. With this, the

researchers are going to take 15 senior high school students from the grade 11; 5 from

STEM strand, 5 from ABM strand and 5 from the HUMMS strand. The other 15 senior
high school students are from grade 12 also having 5 participants each strands. All of

these participants are from the Ateneo de Davao University, Jacinto Campus.


Mesa, J. M., Chica, D. A., Bastos, J. L., Bonamigo, R. R., & Duquia, R. P. (2014).

Sample size: how many participants do I need in my research? Retrieved on November

30, 2017, from (n.d.). Probability Sampling. Retrieved from (n.d.). Stratified Random Sampling. Retrieved from

Social Research Methods. (n.d.). Probability Sampling. Retrieved from

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