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Solution of Question Paper of LDCE 2006


1. Write the full form of the following abbreviations.
a) GTKM b) ITKM c) GMT d) ETKM e) NTKM
GTKM - Gross Tonnes per KiloMeter.
ITKM - Integrated Track Kilometer.
G.M.T. - Greenwich Mean Time.
ETKM - Equated Track kilometers.
NTKM - Net Tonnes per Kilometer.

2. Write the full form of the following commonly used terms.

a) GPS b) GSM c) MMS d) SMS e) WLL
GPS – Global Positioning System.
GSM - Global system for mobile communications.
MMS - Multimedia messaging service.
SMS - Short messaging service.
WLL - Wireless Local Loop.

3. Write the full form of the following abbreviations.

A.S.E.A.N. - Association of South East Asian Nations.
SAARC - South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation
GATT - General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade.
W.T.O. - World Tourism Organization.
IMF - International monetary fund.

4. Name of the following :

a) Chief Minister of West Bengal.
b) General Manager, North Eastern Railway.
c) Vice President of India.
d) Finance Minister of India.
e) Member Engineering, Railway board.
a) Chief Minister of West Bengal. – Shri Buddhadeb Bhattacharya
b) General Manager, North Eastern Railway. - Shri J.P. Batra,
c) Vice President of India. - Shri Bhairo Singh Shekhawat.
d) Finance Minister of India. - Shri P. Chiddaram
e) Member Engineering, Railway board. - Shri R.R. Jaruhar

5. In which State are the following situated -

a) Ajanta. b) Hampi. c) Kaziranga. d) Nalanda e) Sanchi.
a) Ajanta - Maharastra.
b) Hampi. - Karnataka
c) Kaziranga. - Assam.
d) Nalanda - Bihar.
e) Sanchi - Madhya Pradesh.

6. a) Write all the salient features covered under Section 3(3) of Official Language Act.

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6. b) What do you understand by Mul Ptrachar.

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1. Briefly describe the various stages of water treatment in a rapid sand filtration plant, from the
stage of raw water to the final supply.
Purification of Water –
The water to be supplied for human consumption should be free from impurities. The raw water
from the source may need treatment to conform to standards.
The step wise procedure for water purification are as under -

Screening - For removing of large size of particles with the help of Screen. Screens are used
at surface water intakes to prevent the entrance of leaves, twigs etc. The opening of screens is
generally 6mm
Areation - For removing objectionable dissolved gases and oxidising other soluble
Sedimentation - The removal of suspended particles may be effected by sedimentation in a
basin. As the water enters this basin, the flow velocity gets reduced. Due to gravitational pull,
the suspended particles move towards bottom of this basin. The floor of the basin is given a
slope towards the far end. The basin is designed in such a manner that a particle entering at the
inlet and suspended particles settle by action of gravity & force vertically and gets trapped inside
before reaching the outlet zone.
There are two process with the sedimentation procedure -
Coagulation – The addition of coagulant before sedimentation. The process is called
Flocculation - A coagulant is a chemical compound which when added to water forms a
heavier flocculate precipitate, known as floc. The process is called Flocculation.
Filtration - Filtration consists of passing the water through a thick layer of sand which acts as a
strainer. The water coming after sedimentation is passed through filter media. There are two
common types of filtration beds, namely slow sand filter and rapid sand filter. For very small
works pressure filters may also be used. One more filter design of Sujala filter module by the
central Railway.
Rapid Sand Filter : Rapid sand filter consists of layers of sand. The sand used in this filter is
coarser, hence the flow rate of water is higher. Normally the filtration rate of water through
Rapid Sand Filter is 4.8 to 6 m3/m2/hr. The sand used in rapid sand filter should be free from
dirt, be hard and resistant to abrasion and preferably be quartz or quartzite. It should not lose
more than 5% by weight after 24 hours immersion in 40 percent hydrochloric acid. Sand with an
effective size* of 0.45 to 0.70 mm and a Uniformity Coefficient** from 1.3 to 1.7 is used in Rapid
sand filter. The depth of sand layer is 0.60-0.75m. This sand is supported on a gravel layer of
depth 0.45m. The effective size of gravel is 2 to 5mm at top and 50mm at bottom. Minimum of 2
units should be provided at any water works so that at least one unit will be available for
filtration when other unit is under repair or cleaning operation. The cleaning of rapid sand filter is
effected by reversal of flow. First air is passed at the rate of 600-900 lpm/m2 at the pressure of
0.35 kg/cm2 for 5 minutes in the reverse direction. After this water is passed which removes the
dirt by bubbling action. The dirty back wash water flows out by a system of drains. The quantity
of back wash water is about 2% of the total filtered quantity. The loss of head in a clean filter
should not exceed 0.15m. The purification achieved trough Rapid sand filter is 90%.
Disinfection of water : This is the process of destroying organic matter and bacteria from the
water before it is consumed. Among the most common agents of disinfection are chlorine,
ozone and ultraviolet. Chlorination is the generally adopted.
Chlorination –
The process of applying small quantities of chlorine to water is called chlorination.
Chlorine can be applied may be any one of the following –
1. Bleaching powder 2. Hypochlorities 3. Chloramines 4. Chlorine dioxide 5. Liquid
chlorine 6. Chlorine gas. 7. Sodium Hypochlorid.
Chlorination should be done generally using chlorine Gas or other similar methods by
Engineering department. At other places chlorination has to be done by mixing good quality
bleaching powder solution at a particular rate with raw water in the pumping main at the pump
house it self or at the high level storage Tanks by the IOW.
The amount of chlorine remaining at the end in treated water after chlorine used in killing
bacteria’s called as Residual chlorine. The dose should be such that a residual chlorine of about
0.2 PPM appears in water after a contact period of 20 minutes.

The minimum recommended of free residual chlorine is 0.2 ppm at tail end.
Free or Residual chlorine available in the water can be very easily found out using chlorotex
apparatus ( chloroscopes ) such apparatus should be available with all engineering staff in
charge of chlorination at filtration Plants
The difference between the amount of chlorine added and the amount of chlorine remaining at
the end of a contact period of 10 to 20 minutes.

2. Write short notes on -

a) Most commonly adopted field test to measure the workability of concrete. Explain the
test procedure in detail. Also indicate the recommended values for RCC & Mass
concrete works in this connection.
Ans -
A ) Workability of Concrete :-
Despite all its importance workability is the most elusive property of concrete and is quite
difficult to define and measure. In its simplest form a concrete is said to be workable if it can be
easily mixed , handled, transported, placed in position and compacted.
Evidently the requirement of workability varies according to the nature of job, the obstruction to
the full flow of concrete caused by spacing and nature of reinforcement. The workability of
concrete can be measured by one of the following three tests.
1) Slump test.
2) Compaction factor test.
3) Vee-bee test.
Normally slump test is the most popular method.
Slump test :- Slump test is commonly adopted for ordinary concrete works. This test is
performed with the help of a vessel of the shape of the frustum of a cone and open at both
ends. The top and bottom diameters of the vessel should be 100 mm and 200 mm respectively
and it should be 300 mm in height.
The vessel is placed in a flat non-absorbent surface and then filled with specimen concrete mix
in four different layers of equal thickness. Each layer is tamped 25 times by the point of a 16
mm dia rod, 60 cm. In length. The strokes are applied uniformly over the entire area with a force
that the rod just penetrates the full depth of the layer being compacted . Immediately after the
vessel is completely filled, it is raised vertically, care being taken not to disturb the filling. The
concrete filling is allowed to subside or settle. The vertical settlement recorded for concrete is
known as slump.

Slumps commonly adopted for various concrete mixes

Type of work When vibrators are When vibrators are not
used used

1. Mass concrete in foundations, 1.0 to 2.5 cm. 5.0 to 7.5 cm.
footing retaining walls and pavements.
2. Thin sections of flooring of less than 2.5 to 4.0 cm. 7.5 to 10.0 cm.
75 mm thickness.
3. Reinforced cement concrete work in 1.0 to 2.5 cm. 8.0 cm.
foundation, footing and retaining walls.
4. RCC in Beams, slab and column. 2.5 to 4.0 cm. 10.0 to 12.5 cm.
5. Thin RCC section . 4.0 to 5.0 cm. 12.0 to 15 cm.
The slump test gives satisfactory results for concrete mix of medium to high workability. It
however, dose not give correct indication for concrete of low workability (suitable for compaction
by vibration) which may give zero slump. Compaction factor test is more dependable in such

2. Write short notes on -

b) Draw and explain the ‘Stress- Strain’ curve of mild steel. Also mark the corresponding
points in the graph to represent the yield stress & ultimate strength. Which stress is
taken in our design calculations and why?
Ans.- Stress- Strain’ curve of mild steel –
Common metals like steel, brass, aluminum behave in a predetermined fashion when subjected
to external force. When a metal rod is pulled gradually, its length increase the stress and strain
graph, when drawn will appear as shown below –

It can be seen that from A to B the graph is a straight line which means that the elongation to
force applied.
Beyond the point B the metal yield and elongation is much more than the force applied then at
Point c there is ultimate failure. The Point B denotes yield strength and point C denotes ultimate
Safe stress or Working stress or Ultimate stress is taken in our design calculations because
stress up to which a structure can work safely without permanent set well within elastic limit.

2. Write short notes on -

c) Afflux in a river.

Ans. - C ) Afflux in a river –
Afflux is the rise in the flood level of the river, up stream of a bridge, as a result of the
obstruction to natural flow caused by the construction of the bridge. Afflux is normally measured
as difference in water level between up stream and down stream of the bridge.
Afflux is calculated by following formula –
Molesworth’s formula – V2
ha = ------ + 0.015 [ ( A/a )2 - 1 ]
Where – ha = Afflux in meter. V = Velocity of approach in meter per second. A = Natural water
way area at the site. a = Contracted area in square meters.

2. Write short notes on -

d) Controlled concrete.
Ans. - D ) Controlled Concrete :-
Controlled Concrete may be specified for large works where facilities for its manufacture on
scientific basis and testing are available and where considerable economy in the cost of cement
can be achieved by adopting concrete of a specified strength, Controlled Concrete for use in
plain and reinforced structures are normally in grades M10, M15, M20, M25 and M30 in the
maximum total quantity of aggregate by weight per 50 kg. of cement should not exceed 450 kg.
except in special circumstances.
The following points need to be emphasised in designing for concrete mixes.
i. Agree gate Cement ratio determines cost of the mix.
ii. Water Cement ratio determines strength of concrete.
iii. Water Agree gate ratio determines the workability of concrete.

2. Write short notes on -

e) Safe Bearing capacity.
Ans.- e) Safe Bearing capacity-
The maximum pressure which the soil can carry safely without risk of shear failure is called the
safe bearing capacity.

3. a) How do you estimate the design discharge for bridges. What are factors considered for
assessment of discharge. What do you understand by catchment area.
The estimation of design discharge for waterway shall be based on actual hydro-
meteorological observations of the same or similar catchments the computed flood with
probable recurrence intervals of 50 years. The recurrence interval can be modified at the
discretion of Chief Bridge Engineer based on the importance of the line.
To provide for an adequate margin of safety against any abnormal flood exceeding the
design discharge (Q), the foundations, protection works and training works shall be
designed for a higher flood discharge. This discharge shall be computed by increasing the
design discharge (Q) estimated, by the percentage indicated below:
i) Catchment up to 500 30%
ii) Catchment more than 500 sq. km. 30% to 20%
and up to 5000 sq. km. (decreasing with increase in area)
iii) Catchment more than 5000 20% to 10% (decreasing with increase in area)
and up to 25,000

iv) Catchment more than Less than 10%
25,000 (at the discretion of the Chief Bridge Engineer).
Catchment area or drainage area:- The area of land that drains rainfall into a river or lake called
Catchment area or drainage area.
3. b) What do you under stand by ‘Self Cleaning Velocity’ in a sewer design. Explain how ‘Egg
shaped’ sewer lines are superior in comparison with ‘ Circular’ sewer lines.
Ans.- Self Cleaning velocity Is the velocity which causes all salvage both floating and heavy
transported easily with flow .
It is essential that all sullage drains have Self Cleaning velocity as for as possible so that there
are no accumulations in the sewers and the sewage does not become septic.
Self-cleaning velocity is determined by considering the particle size and specific weight of the
suspended solids in sewage. A minimum velocity of 0.8 mps at design peak flow in the sewers
is recommended subject to a minimum velocity of 0.6 mps for present peak flow.
‘Egg shaped’ sewer lines are superior in comparison with ‘ Circular’ sewer lines because the
egg shaped sewer which for low discharges, maintains the hydraulic depth nearly uniform and
gives 25 to 30 per cent higher velocities, when running less than half full is more suitable.

3. c) Explain the functioning of a ‘Septic tank’ in a sewerage disposal system with a sketch.
Ans.- A septic tank is a masonry or concrete tank usually built under ground in which bacteria
are specially cultured to hasten the put refection of the organic matter in sewage under
controlled conditions. The bacteria are of the anaerobic type ie those which flounce in the
absence of air. The action of a septic tank is not to purify the solid organic matter in human
excreta as is popularly and erroneously often believed but to liquefy it and incidentally to reduce
its bulk. This it does by setting purification in it.
Septic tank system is on a site disposal method which uses standard flushing. The septic tank
acts as sedimentation cum digestion tank, Anaerobic digestion of the settled sludge occurs in its
bottom zone and the supernatant liquid has to under go treatment in a soak pit / filter bed. Use
of septic tank with out follow up treatment is not permitted, as the effluent from the septic tank is
hazardous from the point of view of health and pollution, since it is usually not possible to
provide sock pit / filter bed in built up urban areas, Septic tank system would not be appropriate
in such areas.
Septic tank shall be air tight, the light and oxygen should be totally excluded. In order to create
favorable atmosphere for anaerobic bacteria to develop the lighter part of the suspended matter
in sewage floats on water colleted scum, the scum should not be disturbed for this purpose t out
let and in let are provided. Scum board also may be provided at times to prevent scum being
disturbed. Velocity of the sewage is reduced by allowing water to pass through opening at the
bottom. The detention period of sewage is 10 to 12 hours.

4. Write short notes on any four of the following :
a) Abrasion Test.
Ans.- Abrasion Test -
The abrasion test for ballast shall be carried out using Los-Angeles machine.The abrasive
charge shall consist of 12 nos. cast iron or steel spheres approx. 48mm dia and each weighing
between 390 and 445 gm ensuring total weight of charge as 5,000 ± 25 gm.
The test sample of 10000gm shall consist of clean ballast conforming to the following grading :-
Passing 50mm and retained on 40 mm square mesh sieve 5,000 gm and Passing 40 mm and
retained on 25mm square mesh sieve 5,000 gm tolerance of ± 2% permitted.
The sample shall be dried in oven at 100 - 110 °C to a constant weight and weighed (Weight 'A')
The test sample and the abrasive charge shall be placed in the Los-Angeles abrasion testing
machine and the machine rotated at a speed of 20 - 33 revolutions/minute for 1000 revolutions.
At the completion of test, the material shall be discharged and sieved through 1.70mm IS sieve.
The material coarser than 1.70 mm IS sieve shall be washed, dried in oven at 100-110°C to a
constant weight and weighed (weight B).
The proportion of loss between Weight "A" and Weight "B" of the test sample shall be
expressed as a percentage of the original weight of the test sample. This value shall be reported
as: Aggregate Abrasion Value =((A-B)/A)X100.

4. Write short notes on any four of the following :

b) Impact Test.
Ans.- Impact Test -

Impact test for ballast shall be carried out using Impact testing machine.
The test sample shall be prepared out of ballast so as to conform to following grading:
Passing 12.5mm IS sieve 100% and Retention 10mm IS sieve 100%.
The sample shall be oven dried for 4 Hours at a temperature of 100 - 110°C and cooled.
The measure shall be filled about one-third full with the prepared aggregate and tamped with 25
strokes of the tamping rod. A further similar quantity of aggregate shall be added and a further
tamping of 25 strokes given. The measure shall finally be filled to overflowing, tamped 25 times
and the surplus aggregate struck off, using and tamping rod as a straight edge. The net weight
of the aggregate in the measure shall be determined to the nearest gin. (weight 'A')
The cup of impact testing machine shall be fixed firmly in the position on the base of the
machine and the whole of the test sample placed in it and compacted by 25 strokes of the
tamping rod.
The hammer shall be raised 380mm above the upper surface of the aggregate in the cup and
allowed to fall freely on to the aggregate. The test sample shall be subjected to a total of 15
such blows, each being delivered at an interval of not less than one second.
The sample shall be removed and sieved through 2.36mm IS sieve. The fraction passing
through shall be weighed. (Weight "B") The fraction retained on the sieve shall also be weighed
(Weight C) and if the total weight (B+C) is less than the initial weight (Weight "A") by more than
one gm, the result shall be discarded and a fresh test made.
The ratio of the weight of the fines formed to the total sample weight shall be expressed as a
percentage. Aggregate Impact Value = B/A X 100
Two such tests shall be carried out and the mean of the results shall be reported to the nearest
whole number as the Aggregate Impact Value of the tested material.

4. Write short notes on any four of the following :

c ) Flakiness Index.
Flakiness Index –
This test required for determination of the Flakiness Index of a sample of aggregate other than
cover aggregate for bituminous surfacing work.
The Flakiness Index is defined as the percentage by weight of those particles whose least
dimension is less than three fifths of the mean dimension.

4. Write short notes on any four of the following :

d ) Specific Gravity and Water Absorption Tests.
Specific Gravity and Water Absorption Tests -
This method is used to determine the bulk specific gravity and water absorption of aggregate
retained on the 180 μm (No. 80) sieve. The bulk specific gravity may be used in calculating the
maximum theoretical specific gravity, Gt, or the voids in the mineral aggregate (VMA) of a
bituminous mixture. Water absorption may be used to determine the amount of free moisture in
the aggregate. 'Aggregate Specific Gravity' and 'Bulk Specific Gravity' demonstrate the theory of
the bulk specific gravity determination.
Aggregate Specific Gravity -
Dry Weight
Gt = ---------------- , Bulk Volume = Solid Volume + Water permeable pore volume.
Bulk Volume
Bulk volume of an aggregate includes both the volume of the impermeable portion of the
aggregate particles and the volume of the permeable voids in the particles. The bulk volume of
the aggregate is equal to the volume of water displaced by the aggregate in a saturated,
surface-dry condition.
Bulk specific gravity is the ratio of the oven-dry weight of the aggregate to the bulk volume of the
aggregate particles.

Water absorption of the aggregate calculate by the Formula -
100 x ( X – X1 )
A = -----------------
A = Percent water absorption (24 hours) of aggregate based on the oven-dry weight of sample
X = Weight (grams) of saturated, surface-dry sample
X1 = Weight (grams) of oven-dry aggregate.

4. Write short notes on any four of the following :

e ) California Bearing Ratio.
California bearing ratio (CBR) –
California bearing ratio (CBR) is a penetration test for evaluation of the mechanical strength of
road sub grades. It was developed by the California Department of Transportation.
The test is performed by measuring the pressure required to penetrate a soil sample with a
plunger of standard area. The measured pressure is then divided by the pressure required to
achieve an equal penetration on a standard crushed rock material. The test can be performed
on laboratory-prepared samples or in the field. The CBR rating was developed for measuring
the load-bearing capacity of soils used for building roads. The CBR can also be used for
measuring the load-bearing capacity of unimproved airstrips or for soils under paved airstrips.
The harder the surface, the higher the CBR rating. A CBR of 3 equates to tilled farmland, a CBR
of 4.75 equates to turf or moist clay, while moist sand may have a CBR of 10. High quality
crushed rock has a CBR of 100.

4. Write short notes on any four of the following :

f ) Optimum Moisture content.
Optimum moisture content –
The maximum moisture content in the soil after which the addition of water creates hindrance in
bringing the particles closer, is called Optimum moisture content ( OMC ).
It may be clearly noted if the moisture content of the soil is more than the Optimum moisture
content no compaction of the soil is possible because of too wetness.

5. a) What is Plane Table Surveying, its advantage and disadvantage. How do you control
errors in Plane Tabling.
Ans.- Plane Table Surveying -
Plane Table Surveying is a graphical method of survey in which the field observations and
plotting of the map proceed simultaneously. It is mainly used for small scale and medium scale
mapping in open country where great accuracy is not required. It is also used for plotting the
topographical maps in the field.
The following instruments are used in Plane Table Survey.
1) A Plane table Size 0.75 x 0.60 m fixed on tripod 1.20 m. height.
2) Alidade for sighting.
3) Plumbing fork and plumb bob.
4) Sprit level.
5) Compass.
Advantage of Plane Table Surveying –
1) As the plan is drawn by the out door surveyor himself while the ground features are before
his eyes, there is no possibility of omitting the important measurements.
2) The surveyor can well compare plotted work with the actual features of the area.
3) Since the area is in view contour and irregular objects be represented with fair accuracy.

4) Direct measurements may be mostly dispensed with as the linear and angular dimensions
are both to be obtained by graphical means.
5) It is generally useful in magnetic areas where compass may not be used it is best suited
for small scale maps.
6) It is simple and not much skill is required to produce a map.
Disadvantage of Plane Table Surveying –
1) The plane tabling is generally suited for rough work and not intended for very accurate
2) It is essentially a tropical instrument.
3) It is inconvenient to transport because of its heavy weight.
4) It is quite inconvenient to work in rainy season and in wet climate.
5) Since there are so many accessories, there is every likelihood of these being lost.
6) As notes of measurements are not recorded, there are problems if the map is required to
be reproduced to some different scale.
Control errors in Plane Tabling -
The following types of errors generally occur in plane tabling-
1) Instrumental errors – These errors occur due to imperfect adjustments of plane table,
alidade, vanes etc – This type error due to bad quality of the instrument. Instrumental error
are practically nil .
2) Errors due to manipulation & sighting – These errors take place due to –
a) The board not being horizontal – This can be checked by sprit level.
b) Defective sighting – The accuracy of plane table mapping depends upon largely the
precision with which points are sighted. The resulting errors due to this cause tends to
compensate and can be omitted.
c) Defective orientation – To avoid any error arising out of this the orientation should be
checked at as many stations as possible.
d) Inaccurate centering – This type error may be solved by considering whether the actual
horizontal distance, as shown by the plumbing fork, between the point on the plan and
the station point is a quiet appreciable amount when drawn to the scale of the plan.
e) Movement of the board between sights due to carelessness of the observer – This can
be checked by checking the orientation at the conclusion of the observation. Any how
before taking a reading, one must see whether the clamp is properly applied.
3) Errors due to defective plotting – Can only be minimized by constant care and by using the
right types of scales and paper.

5. b) A Flag Post marks an angle of 30 degree in vertical plain at point ‘A’. Person walks
towards the Flag Post by distance of 100/3 m to a point ‘B’. The elevation of the Flag
Post is now 60 degree. Find out the height of the Flag Post? ( tan 300 = 1/3 ).

Let Height of Flag post CD = x m.
In ACD – Tan 30 = X / ( 100 / √3 + Y ) ,  x = ( 100 / √3 + Y ) tan 30 ,
In BCD – Tan 60 = x / Y ,  x = y Tan 60
( 100 / √3 + Y ) tan 30 = y Tan 60 , ( 100 / √3 + Y ) 1/ √3 = y √3 , 100 / 3 + 1/ √3 y = y √3 ,
√3y - y / √3 = 100 / 3 , ( 3 y – y ) / √3 = 100 / 3 , 2y = 100 / √3 , y = 100 / 2 √3 = 50 / √3,
x = y Tan 60 = ( 50 / √3 ) √3 = 50 m.
Height of Flag post = 50 m. Ans.

6. What do you understand by the following -

a. Base failure of foundations.
b. Slip circle in embankment failure.
c. Slenderness ratio in design of steel structure.
d. Balanced cantilever beams in RCC bridges.
e. Influence Line Diagram.
f. Pre-camber and Loss of camber.

Ans.- a) Base failure of foundations –

If the sheer failure caused below the ground level. It is known as base failure and it is generally
associated with unheaval of nature of ground beyond the toe of bank. Such failure normally
occurs either during the construction period or even after a short period after the full dead or live
load is induced over the ground. This may also occure sometime at a later stage if soil is
removed due to excavation closes to the toe of bank.

b) Slip circle in embankment failure –

If the failure takes place within the body of the embankment, due to inadequate section of the
bank profile, it is known as slope failure or Slip circle in embankment failure.

c) Slenderness ratio in design of steel structure.
The most important factor in the behavior of the columns is the slenderness ratio. The
slenderness ratio may be defined as the ratio of the effective length of column to its radius of
The general equation the crippling load P = 2 E I / L2
We known that the buckling of a column under the crippling load will take place about the axis of
least resistance. Now substituting I = A K2 ,
Where A is the area, K is the least radius of gyration of the section.
P = 2 E A K2 / L2 = 2 E A / ( L2 / K2 ) , Where L / K is known as slenderness ratio.

d) Balanced cantilever beams in RCC bridges.

e) Influence line diagram –

An Influence line is a graphical representation showing the variation such as shear force,
bending moment, deflection and stress etc. at a given point due to single moving load as it
crosses the structure from one end to the other. Influence line drawn for a unit load is called unit
influence line.
The Influence line are quite useful for determining the maximum and minimum structural effects
of loads and forces applied to the structure. Which in turn may from basis for the analysis and
Influence lines are used for generally two important purposes –
i. To determine what position of live loads will have for a maximum value of particular
function for which an influence line has been constructed.
ii. To compute the value of that function of that function with the load so placed or in fact
for any load condition.

f) Pre-camber and Loss of camber.

Plate girders of spans above 35 metres and open web girders are provided with camber during
fabrication or erection. Called Pre Camber. Camber is provided in the girder to compensate for
deflection under load. Camber should be retained during the service life of the girder if there is
no distress. It is checked by using dumpy level or precision level on all intermediate panel
points. Original camber of a girder is indicated in the stress sheet. Camber observations are
required to be taken at the same ambient temperature as adopted for the original camber
mentioned in the stress sheet. The camber as observed during annual inspection is compared
with the designed camber. If one observes a loss of camber, then the bridge girder should be
thoroughly inspected to identify the cause. This may be on account of:
1. Heavy overstressing of girder members
2. Overstressing of joint rivets at a splice in a plate girder or at the gusset in case of open web
3. Play between rivet holes and rivet shanks.
The camber of prestressed concrete girders should be recorded and compared with the
previous values. Temperature has great influence on the deflection. Therefore, temperature of
girder should be recorded and the deflection should be measured around the same temperature
at which it was originally done. Permanent marks on the surface of the girder must be fixed
where camber should be measured every time. Loss of camber may be caused by:
1. Settlement
2. Overloading
3. Deterioration of concrete
4. Stress corrosion of reinforcement

5. Loss of prestress
Progressive loss of camber is an important indication of deterioration in the condition of bridge
and, therefore, should be thoroughly investigated.
Steel triangulated (open web) girders are provided with camber to compensate for deflection
under load. Out of the total design camber, the part corresponding to deflection under dead load
is called dead load camber. The balance called live load camber should be available as visible
and measurable camber in the girder when not carrying load. Loss of camber can be attributed
1. Heavy overstressing of members beyond elastic limit
2. Overstressing of joint rivets
3. Play between rivet holes and rivet shanks because of faulty riveting.
Out of the above, item (1) can be ruled out unless heavier loads than those designed for are
being carried over the bridge. If this is found to be the case, action should be taken for
immediate replacement of the girder. Item (2) can be checked from design. The action required
to be taken is to lift the panel points on trestles and jacks up to full design camber (including
dead load camber) or till the bearings start floating. The existing rivets should be removed and
replaced with bigger diameter rivets or with bigger gussets and more number of rivets. As
regards item (3), if the number of rivets and diameter are sufficient, then the existing rivets can
be replaced by sound rivets.

Date : 08.01.2006 ( Maximum Marks 150 ) Time : 3 hours
Note : 1) Candidate should clearly write their roll number in words also.
2) Be brief and to the point in your answers.
3) Score out blank space in answer sheet.
Note : Attempt any Five questions in Part I ; All questions carry equal marks.
1. Write in brief the various causes of Rail Fracture, Weld Fracture and Fractures in fishplated
zones. Also describe various maintenance precautions to control the fractures. 20 Marks.
2. Write short notes on any four of the following : 4 x 5 = 20 marks.
i. Under Water inspection of Bridges.
ii. Joint inspection of Points & crossings.
iii. SKV process of thermit welding.
iv. Pre-tamping and Post-tamping operations.
v. Destressing of LWR.
Under Water inspection of Bridges-
The underwater inspection of bridges is becoming key activity to be undertaken for maintaining
bridge substructure and foundation. Underwater inspection has four primary purposes –
ensuring public safety, protecting public assets, preventing or reducing facility downtime and
initiating proactive maintenance.
There are three general methods of performing underwater inspection of bridge elements.
i. Wading inspection
ii. Scuba diving
iii. Surface supplied air diving
Wading inspection is the basic method of underwater inspection used on structures over wad
able streams. A wading inspection can often be performed by regular bridge inspection teams.

A probing rod, sounding rod or line, waders, and possibly a boat can be used for evaluation of a
substructure unit.
The acronym “Scuba” stands for self contained underwater breathing apparatus. In scuba
diving, the diver is provided with portable air supply through an oxygen tank, which is strapped
to the diver’s back. Air is inhaled from the supply tank and the exhaust is vented directly to the
surrounding water. The diver is connected through an umbilical cable with the surface and has
sufficient freedom of movement.
Surface supplied air diving uses a body suit, a hard helmet covering the head, and a surface
supplied air system. Air is supplied to the diver through umbilical hoses connected to the
surface air compressor tank. It requires more equipment than the Scuba diving. In addition to
the air hose, a communication cable, a lifeline, and a pneumatic Fathometer are usually
attached to the diver.
Under-water bridge inspection, especially the initial inspection, requires careful planning to
ensure that work is performed effectively and economically. Prior site reconnaissance can
reduce the cost by leading to selection of methods and equipment best suited.
SKV process of thermit welding –
This term is used for welding by Alumino thermic process with short preheat time. The time
required for preheat with petrol and air is only 10 minutes. The principal merit of SKV process is
that, time required for preheat is reduced from 30-45 minutes for ordinary thermit welding to only
10 minutes, there by reducing the block time requirements and ensuring a better quality of
preheat. The process will employ prefabricated moulds, there by ensuring a better quality of
weld collar.

Pre-tamping and Post-tamping operations-

Pre Tamping Operations-
i) Layout including spacing of sleepers as per relevant drawings shall be ensured.
ii) The nose of the crossing may get battered or worn or the sleepers below it may get warped or
bent. In such cases, the crossing should be reconditioned or replaced and sleepers below the
crossing should be attended.
iii) High points on the turn out and approaches should be determined and general lift should be
decided. General lift of minimum 10 mm must be given.
Post Tamping Operations-
The Section Engineer (P. Way) shall pay attention to the following items:-
i) Checking and Tightening of loose fittings.
ii) Replacement of broken fittings.
iii) The ballast shall be dressed neatly. Proper consolidation of ballast between the sleeper shall
be done.
iv) Final track parameters should be recorded with the help of recorders provided in the tamping
(v) While working in LWR territory, the provision of Manual of Instructions on Long Welded Rail -
1996 should be followed.
(vi) The fixtures like check rails removed during pre-tamping operation should be restored.

Distressing in LWR –
Distressing is the operation under taken with or with out rail tensors to secure stress free
condition in the LWR at a desired rail temperature.
Distressing is done at the temperature Td or near to td if td temperature does not exist. Before
actual start of Distressing alternate filling are removed with speed restriction of 30 KmPH.

3. a) Draw a neat sketch of 1 in 8½ diamond crossing with slips on concrete sleeper layout.

b) Calculate the speed permitted on a curve of radius 600 m on BG fully transitioned. Also
calculate the minimum length of transition required.
GV2 1750 x 802
Equilibrium cant = -------- = --------------- = 146.98 mm.
127 R 127 x 600
1750 x 1102
Cant for maximum sectional speed = ----------------- = 277.88 mm.
127 x 600
Cant deficiency for maximum sectional speed = 277.88 - 146.98 = 130.90 mm.
which is more than the permitted cant deficiency of 100 mm. With 100 mm. Cd,
actual cant = 277.88 - 100 = 177.88 mm. But actual cant is to be limited to 165 mm.
Cant excess: Cant for a speed of 50 kmph. which is the booked speed of a goods train
1750 x 502
--------------- = 57.41 mm.
127 x 600
Cant excess = 165 - 57.41 = 107.59 mm. which is in excess of 75 mm. permitted value.
Provide actual cant = 57.41+ 75 =132.41, say 130 mm.
Maximum permissible speed Vm = 0.27  R(Ca+Cd)
= 0.27  600(130+100)
= 100.3 or 100 kmph
Length of transition -
(a) L = 0.008 x Ca x Vm = 0.008 x 130 x 100 = 104 M.
(b) L = 0.008 x Cd x Vm = 0.008 x 100 X 100 = 80 M
(c) L = 0.72 Ca = 0.72 x 130 = 93.6 M.
The maximum value obtained is 104 M.
Ans. – ( I ) Equilibrium cant = 146.98 mm.
( ii ) Actual cant that can be provided on this curve = 177.88 mm. But actual cant is to be
limited to 165 mm.
( iii ) Maximum permissible speed on this curve = 100 kmph.
( iv ) Length of the transition curve = 104 m.

4. Prescribed standard dimensions ( BG ) in the following cases -

a) Maximum clearance between toe of open switch.
b) Maximum degree of curvature.
c) The minimum clearance between toe of open switch and stock rail.
d) The maximum and minimum height above rail level of platform roof cover.
e) Minimum distance of the column of a platform roof from the center of nearest track.
f) Minimum clearance of a check rail for a curve.
g) Minimum clearance of toe of switch.
h) Minimum clearance for check rail for level crossing.
Maximum clearance between toe of open switch. 48 mm.
Maximum degree of curvature. 100
The minimum clearance between toe of open switch and stock rail. 115 mm.
The maximum and minimum height above rail level of platform roof cover. 4875mm.
Minimum distance of the column of a platform roof from the center of nearest track. 4720 mm

Minimum clearance of a check rail for a curve. 44 mm.
Minimum clearance of toe of switch. 95 mm.
Minimum clearance for check rail for level crossing. 51 mm.

5. Describe briefly the various types of heavy track machines being used on BG concrete
sleeper track. Also describe the output of each machine, the factors affecting the output and
the quality of work. Also mention the daily maintenance schedule and the main reasons for
failure during block.
Ans.- Various types of heavy track machines –
Following major on-track machines, which are in use on Indian Railways at present are as under
Tamping Machines -
(i) Plain Track Tamping Machines
( a ) 06-16 Universal Tamping machine (UT). ( b ) 08-16 Unomatic. ( c ) 08-32 Duomatic.
( d ) 09-32 Continuous Action Tamping Machine (CSM). ( e ) 09-3x Tamping Express
(ii) Points and Crossing Tamping Machines – ( a ) 08-275 Unimat. ( b ) 08-275-3S Unimat
(iii) Multi-purpose Tamper (MPT) - Dynamic Track Stabilizer (DTS)
Ballast Handling Machines - (i) Ballast Cleaning Machines – ( a ) RM-80 for plain track.
( b ) RM-76 for points and crossing.
(ii) Shoulder Ballast Cleaning Machines – ( a ) FRM-80 Plasser Make.
( b ) KSC-600 Kershaw Make
(iii) Ballast Regulators.
Track Laying Machines – ( a ) Plasser Quick Relating System (PQRS).
( b ) Track Relaying Train (TRT).
Points & Crossing Changing Machine –
Turn out Renewal MC T-28 (AMECA-Make) , DST.
Sleeper Exchanger and Crane
Special Purpose Machines –
( a ) Mobile Flash Butt Welding Plant K-355 APT (Plasser and Theurer make).
( b ) Rail Grinding Machine (Loram).
( c ) Rail vac jumbo VM – 170 – Vacuum cleaning Machine.

Output of machines –
Name of machine Output Name of machine Output
Duomatic 1600 Sl / hr. Tamping Express 2700 Sl / hr.
Universal Tamping 450 Sl / hr. Continuous Action 2000 – 2400 Sl /
machine (UT Tamping Machine (CSM) Hr.
Unomatic 700 Sl / hr. Unimat 1 T / out per 90
Ballast Cleaning 550 cum / hr. Shoulder Ballast Cleaning 550 cum / hr.
Machines – RM 80 & RM Machines – FRM-80&KSC-
76 600

Maintenance Schedules -
Maintenance and repairs of machines shall be carried as per different schedules I to VII.
Schedule Periodicity Duration Location
Schedule - I Daily One hour In the field (Camp Coach)
Schedule - II 50 Engine hourly Two hours - do -
Schedule - III 100 Engine hourly One day - do-
Schedule - IV 200 Engine hourly Two days Mobile van
Schedule - V 1000 Engine hourly Seven days Workshop(IOH/POH)

Schedule - VI 2000 Engine hourly Forty five days Workshop (IOH)
Schedule - VII 6000 Engine hourly Ninety days Workshop (POH)

Factors affecting the output and the quality of work.& main reasons for failure during
Performance:- The output of the machine vis-a-vis monthly, targets, and output/block hour
mentioned as brought out in the reports will be the major indices for machines performance.
Failures:- Downtime of the machines is a vital factor to be kept under control. The failures shall
be monitored through the daily/monthly reports and analysed at SEN's level for necessary
corrective actions.
Consumption of Oils and Consumables - The consumption of oils by each machine shall be
monitored for being kept at specified level. Consumption of diesel oil, lub oil, Hydraulic oil and
gear oil are very essential to be kept under control.
Consumption of Spares - While the consumption of mandatory spares requiring replacement at
specified intervals will have to be on a set pattern, any excess drawl shall be critically reviewed.
Cost of machine working and Financial Control - The working cost of various machines is
ultimately accountable to track maintenance cost under revenue as well as track renewal costs
against Estimates.
Tamping Cycle - The tamping cycle currently in existence is as follows which may have to be
reviewed from time to time:
(a) On PSC sleepers, the frequency of tamping will be once in two years or passage of 100
GMT of traffic whichever is earlier.
(b) On other than PSC sleepers, frequency of tamping will be once in one year.

6. Write short notes on any four of the following : 4 x 5 = 20 marks.

a) Minimum eligibility criteria in tenders.
b) Measurement and training out of ballast.
c) Railway Affecting works ( RAW ).
d) Measurement Book & Site order book.
e) Schedule of Rates and Non schedule items.


1. a) Describe the procedure to rescind a Works contract. 7 Marks.
b) Describe in brief the various types of Engineering Estimates. 8 Marks.
c) What are Major and Minor penalties. Describe procedure to impose Major penalty.(10)
B ) Various Types of Engineering Estimates-
i. Approximate estimate.
ii. Abstract estimate.
iii. Detailed estimate.
iv. Supplementary estimate.
v. Revised estimate.
vi. Project Abstract estimate.
vii. Construction estimate.
viii. Completion estimate.
Approximate estimate.
Approximate estimate are required for preliminary consideration of proposals. These should be
submitted by Engineers when any proposal is received for remarks. These estimates are based
on area of land / Plinth area of buildings / cubic contents of items / length of track / number of
points & crossings.

Abstract estimate –
Abstract estimate are required to enable the competent authority to give administrative approval
to the expenditure. These estimates give reasonably accurate data of the probable expenditure.
These should contain a brief report and justification for the work, specification and funds
required. It is prepared on form No E 702.
Detailed estimate –
Detailed estimates are required for works, in which each sub-work is shown separately. Cost of
material, labour, stores and transport etc. are taken into account along with allocation of
expenditure. Credits for released materials are also taken into account 5% of the total cost is
added to the estimate as contingencies. A report on justification of work also accompanies the
detailed estimate. It is prepared on form No E 704, E 705 & E706.
Supplementary estimates –
If it is necessary to do any additional work, after an estimate is sanctioned or if any substantial
changes are required to be made Supplementary estimates are made in a similar manner as the
detailed estimate. The details of items should include only the extra amount of work needed to
be executed.
Revised estimates –
Revision of estimates is some times necessary if there is rise in rates of materials, cost of
labour, alteration in design etc. If the rise in the cost of work is likely to be more than 10% or Rs.
10,000/- a revised estimates is required to be made. Revised estimates should be prepared in
the same degree of detail as the original estimates. The reasons for exceed should clearly
Project Abstract estimates –
The Project Abstract estimate of a construction project should be submitted for the approval of
the Railway Board. This should also contain –
An abstract estimate of junction arrangements. A narrative report explaining the salient features
and major items of expenditure. And Detailed estimates under several heads. It is prepared on
form No E 553 & 554.
Construction estimates –
Detailed estimates of all works included in a project as a whole are collectively called ‘’
Construction estimates’’. It is prepared on form E553 & 554 is secure technical sanction after
final location survey for a line for all works included in Project abstract estimate.
Completion estimates –
A Completion estimate is prepared in super session of construction estimate. Following
particulars are included in the Completion estimates.
i. Amount of sanctioned estimate.
ii. Actual expenditure on all works up to the date of construction estimate.
iii. Commitments on that date.
iv. Anticipated further outlay.
v. Total estimated cost and
vi. Difference between the sanctioned estimate and the estimated cost.
It is prepared on form No E 713.

2. a) What is Staff Benefit fund ? What are its sources of Revenues and what are its
objectives? 7 Marks.
b) What do you mean by de-categorization of a railway staff? 6 Marks.
c) What is the distinction between non-selection and selection posts? 6 Marks.
d) What is break down allowances and night duty allowance? 6 Marks.
3. Write short notes on any five of the following : 5 x 5 = 25 marks.
i. Deposit Works.

ii. The conditions under which railway accommodation can be allotted to – ( a )
Railway Consumer co-op society. ( b ) Handicraft and Vocational Training Center.
( c ) Refreshment Room run by contractor. ( d ) Civil Contractor at the Work site.
iii. Procedure to terminate a Works Contract.
iv. Material at Site account.
v. Assessed rent and Penal Rent.
vi. Urgency Certificate.
Procedure to terminate a Works Contract-
i. Issue letters to expediate / follow instructions
ii. Issue 7 Day’s Notice
iii. Issue 48 Hour’s Notice - Within 48 hours : No need for revival. Notice may be withdrawn
if contractor is able to demonstrate his “earnest intention” to restart the work. After expiry
of 48 Hours : Revival can be done only as a Single Tender.
iv. Issue Termination Notice
v. Recording of final measurements
vi. Preparation of final bill and intimation

M.A.S. Accounts –
This stands for material at site account. This is a suspense head of account that is maintained
to watch actual consumption of materials obtained for specific work such materials stores are
requisitioned separately by the executive officer and consigned to the site of work. The monitory
value of materials consumed is debited to the work concerned through works Register. The
balance under this suspense represents materials on hand yet to be consumed.
Urgency Certificate -
Normally no works should be commenced unless they are sanctioned by the competent
authority, how ever in this case of urgency works can be takes in hand in anticipation of
sanction such works can be classified in to two types.
Category No 1 – Works required to safe guard life and property and to restore through
communication in case of accidents firm etc.
Category No 2 – Works not falling in category No 1 but considered by the GM so urgent that
these should be taken in hand in anticipation of sanction to meet the requirement of traffic.


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