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Towards a European Code

for Foundation Engineering


Introduction tional requirements which are generally practice for foundations or site investiga-
AS EARLY AS 1972 the Commission of applicable. The code stipulates calculation tions. However, in practice the procedures
the European Communities (EEC) decided methods and factors of safety which nor- and standards set out in the relevant
to make an effort to create a unified com- mally must be respected, but deviation British codes are adopted. The predominant
mon market in the construction sector. The from these is permitted if it can be shown soil type in Ireland is glacial till and there
effort was aimed at eliminating the tech- to be warranted. The scope of the code are also peat and soft alluvial deposits.
nical and legal differences affecting not includes foundations, retaining structures The glacial deposits are not very com-
only the products used in the construc- and earth works. There is a clear separa- pressible. Engineers generally design foun-
tion sector but also the regulations govern- tion of checks for ultimate and service- dations with a factor of safety of 3 against
ing the safety of structures. In 1975 an ability conditions. Usually design is gov- shear failure. The serviceability condition
action programme was approved by the erned by calculations for the ultimate limit is not usually considered unless the soil
Commission, in accordance with which a state and only a rough check on move- is very soft; then further settlement analy-
working party on the stability of structures ments is required. Partial coefficients are sis is carried out according to the design
was established. In this way the concept used for verification of safety and service- engineer's own preferred method.
of Eurocodes was introduced and in 1978 ability. Italy
work started on Eurocode 1 which con- Three "project levels" are recognized. In the spring of 1981 a new Italian
cerns the unified rules common to various Low level comprises small structures in ministerial decree came into affect which
types of construction and material, and very simple geotechnical conditions usually governs such topics as site investigations,
Eurocode 2 and 3 which relate to concrete demanding no calculations. Normal level foundations, earth retaining structures,
and steel buildings respectively. comprises bigger structures or more com- underground structures, artificial cuts, etc.
In 1980 an agreement was reached bet- standard The document is very condensed and of
ween the EEC and the International Society
plicated conditions requiring
tests and calculations. High level includes a general nature. Due to — among other
for Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engin- very large or complex structures or situa- things — the wide variety of soil conditions
eering (ISSMFE) under which the Society tions of high risks; no specific recommen- in Italy it advocates the observational
would undertake to survey existing codes dations are given in the Danish code for approach and it is rather flexible in that it
of practice for foundations within the mem- high level design. leaves a good deal of responsibility to the
ber countries and to draft a code which Greece design engineer. It gives specific values of
may be adopted as Eurocode 7 for founda- Greek codes are available for site in- the total safety factors to be used for the
tions. vestigations (generally following ASTM), design of various structures. According to
The Society established a special sub- foundation design (following German the document site investigations are not
committee for this task; the committee DINs) and seismic design. The codes are mandatory for small structures.
consists of one member from each of generally applied to both private and pub- The Netherlands
nine of the member countries of the EEC: lic sector works. No official code of practice for founda-
Belqium (E. Lousberg), Denmark (N. France tion engineering is established in the
Krebs Ovesen, Chairman), France (F. An extensive series of French standards, Netherlands, but the Delft Soil Mechanics
Baguelin), Federal Republic of Germany specifications, and guides are available Laboratory has recently produced a draft
(U. Smoltczyk). Greece (A. G. Anagnos- covering such structures as footings, re- code written for the use of structural en-
topoulos), Ireland (T. Orr), Italy (R. taining walls, anchors, reinforced earth, gineers and consultants. The draft is fairly
Japelli), Netherlands (W. L. Heijnen, Sec- etc. Quite a lot of French foundation descriptive, but it specifies partial safety
retary), and the UK (B. Simpson): Lux- design is based on pressuremeter test factors to be used for the design of various
emburg has no member at present. results and the design rules are conse- structures. The present draft might later
The first part of this Paper presents quently rather empirical. For example, be used as the basis for an official Dutch
information about the existing codes in estimated failure loads for piles are calcu- code. However, many Dutch foundation
the various member countries of the EEC; lated from pressuremeter results and the engineers would prefer to await a Eurocode
information is also given on the framework acceptable working load for the pile is on foundations. A standard for cone pene-
which has until now been established for found by dividing by a factor of safety. tration testing is being written. Some other
the Eurocode system. The various French codes are aimed at the Dutch standards mention geotechnics-
The second part of the Paper attempts public sector. However, they are very often e.g. the standards for high voltage elec-
to outline some of the problems which referred to in contracts in the private sec- tricity towers and the standards for road-
will be encountered in establishing a Euro- tor. works (unofficial but widely used). The
code for foundations. Some possible solu- Federal Republic of Germany Netherlands is unique in that there exists
tions are presented. Reference to the A large number of short standards a "building police" who must check every
system of partial coefficients of safety is (DINs) each dealing with a single, limited design. They write their own rules for
made and experience from its use in the topic exists. The DINs have a strong legal their own areas; they are not experts and
Danish code for foundations is presented. status and it is difficult for German engin- do not consult widely when writing rules.
eers to deviate from their recommenda- United Kinqdom
Part1: WHERE DO WE STAND? tions. The guidelines given in the various The main British geotechnical codes
DINs are extremely detailed. For example, are CP 2004, Foundations and CP 2, Earth
Existing European codes DIN 4017, part 2 concerns "Subsoil Retaining Structures (beinq redrafted).
Belqium analysis of bearinq capacity for shallow Both of these are lengthy documents, and
No national code is available. Generally their main emphasis is to help the designer
foundations with inclined and eccentric
German and American standards are used loadinn", while DIN 4019, part 2 deals avoid gross errors by making him/her
tooether with the ISSMFE standard for with "Subsoil analysis of settlements in aware of all the features that should be
cone penetration tests. A standard for piles the case of inclined and/or eccentric considered in the desinn. In calculations
is being drafted to cover both public and loadinq". DINs tend to use overall factors both of them use a combination of permis-
r rivate sector work.
of safety in preference to partial coeffic- sible stresses and overall factors of safety;
Denmark partial factors are not used, nor is the
ients. A collection of DINs of relevance to
The Danish Code of Practice for Foun- foundation engineering have been compiled language of the limit state method. In
dation Engineering (DS 415) is a rather in the "Grundbautaschenbuch" (1975). CP 2004 the desittn of reinforced concrote
condensed document which sets out func- There is only a draft DIN for design of elements in accordance with the permis-
retaining walls. sible stress code CP 114 is recommended.
*Pr~'" sor in So'I Mechanics, Danish Engineering Ireland The new Code on Earth Retaining Struc-
Academy. Civil Entiineering Department, Building
373, DK 2SOO Lyngby, Denmark At present there is no Irish code of tures will attempt to give compatibility
October, 1981 25
with the limit state concrete code CP 110 calculation models; model testing; proto- that the movements and deformations
by means of "code compatibility factors". type testing; general conditions for the use which will result from the loads and other
Concluding remarks of materials and components; and general influences are not such that the capacity
The author finds it safe to state that a rules concerning control. of the structure to fulfil its objectives is
wide variety of traditions and experiences The principle of limit state design will lost or essentially diminished either during
exists with foundation codes in the various be introduced in Eurocode 1, which also construction or throughout the assumed
member countries of the EEC. Readers will establish the general principles for lifetime of the structure. Normally this
interested in a more detailed comparison verification of safety and serviceability by requirement is satisfied by demonstrating
between the various European codes (and the method of partial coefficients. Euro- that the structure at all times has the
other codes) for foundations are referred code 1 will give no specific numerical necessary safety against ultimate failure,
to a detailed document produced by Mal- values for partial coefficients, etc.; these and that it is only subject to acceptable
charek & Smoltzcyk (1981). will be given in the other Eurocodes or movements and deformations.
elsewhere. These two so-called functional require-
The Eurocode system A lot of problems remain with regard ments mean that two separate calculations
In view of the differences found in the to how the Eurocodes will be introduced in must be performed for each individual
national codes within the EEC it was not the various member countries. Methods of
harmonising the Eurocodes with existing
structure— an analysis against an ultimate
realistic to think that a unified common state of failure and a deformation analysis
market in the construction sector could codes are still under debate, but member of the state of normal use. In practice,
be attained without taking action in asgard countries will be required to allow their however, experience will often show which
to the regulations. The best way of unifying use within their territories. Their appli- one of these analyses should be used to
the technical codes might have been to cation will be directed at public works determine structural design, and the other
use the standards prepared by the interna- contracts for which national authorities analysis may either be omitted completely
tional standardisation bodies. However, are responsible. but this does not exclude or limited to a rough control check.
only one standard existed in 1975, i.e. ISO voluntary application of the Eurocodes for Now, consider as an example the foun-
2394 on the "General principles for veri- private contracts. In the beginning, the dation of a 'building as illustrated in Fig. 1.
fying the safety of building works", and Eurocodes will co-exist side-by-side with In order to design the footings of such a
this was found by several member coun- the national codes, and will be regarded as building against an ultimate state of fail-
tries to be incomplete and inadequate. equivalent to them. National codes will ure, the soil engineer will establish the
The Commission therefore decided to then be brought into line progressively following four factors in accordance with
devise the so-called Eurocodes and to with the Eurocodes and the end goal is that the principles set out in the relevant code
base these on the corresponding prepara- the national codes will be in accordance of practice:
tory work of international technical asso- with the principles laid down in the Euro- 1. Actions (loads)
ciations, such as the CEB (Euro-interna- codes. 2. Soil parameters
tional Committee for Concrete), the CECM 3. Safety factors
(European Convention for Structural Steel- Part 2: WHEREDO WE GO? 4. Calculation methods.
work), and the CIB (International Council The actions on the structure consist of
for Building Research Studies and Docu- The code writer's problem the weight of the structure and live loads
mentation). In the previous part of this Paper the due to fittings and furnishings, persons,
In 1978 the Commission established a framework into which a European code for snow, wind, etc. Let us consider the live
programme which provides for the prepara- foundation engineering will fit has been load on the floors in office buildings. Inves-
tion of seven Eurocodes. presented. The following part concerns the tigations indicate that this live load in
problems which face the code writers. The most office buildings will actually be in
Eurocode 1 author wants to stress that opinions and the range of 0.2-0.5kN/m'. However, a

— —
Concerning the unified rules common to comments expressed in this part do not
the various types of construction and considerably higher value the so-called
necessarily reflect the views of the sub- characteristic value will normally be used
material. committee of the ISSMFE. as the basis for design. In statistical terms
Eurocode 2 A code of practice for foundation engin- the characteristic value of the live load in
Concerning concrete buildings. eering will normally specify that a structure question might be defined as a load
Eurocode 3 should be so designed and constructed which, with a probability of 98%, will not
Concerning steel buildings.
Eurocode 4
Concerning mixed steel and concrete
Eurocode 5
Concerning wooden buildings.
Eurocode 6
Concerning brick buildings.
Eurocode 7 Loads
Concerning foundations.
b ='/~ p BNt + qN CN
The seven Eurocodes will be supple-
mented by unified rules concerning speci- Parameters
fic actions (e.g. wind, snow) and the safety
of buildings in seismic zones.
The stats of affairs of the Eurocodes,
as at August 1981, is as follows: Eurocode
1 exists in a third draft; Eurocodes 2 and
3 have been prepared in first draft, and LJ Calculation model

work is about to begin on Eurocodes 4 to 6

(and 7) .
Eurocode 1 will specify the definitions
valid for all Eurocodes and it will estab-
lish the unified common basis of the rules
specific to each construction mode (Euro-
codes 2-7).
Eurocode 1 thus deals with a common Safety factors
basis for preparing codes. It is, however,
not intended for direct use in the design Fig. 1. ln foundation Coos OS
of particular structures; Eurocodes 2 to 7 engineering a good ~ROC
will fulfil that function. design necessitates o y s "'d~///////////~
Ylllllli /llrYg ave
The content of Eurocode 1 will include stnking the right iee'lao
general rules concerning safety and ser- balance between
b.':os a.
viceability; general rules concerning actions loads, parameters, B = 1.2m
and their combinations; representative safety factors, and
properties of materials; geometrical data; calculati on model DECISION
26 Ground Engineering
be exceeded in a period of time of one cording to the code, are going to enter into and after these analyses have been per-
year. In accordance with this (arbitrary) the design process. formed. It will sometimes be as late as
definition a given code might specify that A code of practice is empirical by its during the construction control check, be-
a characteristic value of 2.5kN/m'hould nature. It is not "theoretical" and it does fore it is found necessary to treat a
be used in design of buildings for offices, not represent the "truth" about the matter project at a higher level than hitherto. In
schools, restaurants, etc. However, in in question. It represents a tool by means such cases the additional geotechnical
assessing this characteristic value it is im- of which decisions can be made regarding investigations and/or calculations corres-
portant to understand that there is not one the design of structures. ponding to this level must be performed.
specific answer to the question: which The saying — "the proof of the pudding The low project level includes only small
live load on floors is the correct one to use —
is in the eating" is certainly true when it and relatively simple structures founded
in the design of office buildings? The comes to judging a code of practice. It on firm glacial deposits or older strata
answer depends on the whole of the design is a good code if it works in practice, by and with no excavation below the ground
in which that live load is going to be which we mean if it is possible for the water table. For such structures the func-
used. foundation engineer to make the right de- tional requirements can usually be satisfied
The shear strength parameters of the cisions by means of the code. Right deci- by the use of empirical principles with no
soil in question might be determined either sions again mean designing structures that actual geotechnical data.
from field tests (for example, vane tests are sufficiently safe on the one hand and The normal project level includes struc-
in the case of the undrained shear strength are economical on the other hand. In a tures for which actual geotechnical data
of clay), from element tests in the labora- somewhat over-simplified manner it could are necessary to ensure that the functional
tory (for example, triaxial tests to deter- be stated that a good code leads to a requirements are satisfied but for which
mine the angle of internal friction for situation where only very few structures ordinary practical experience may still be
sand), or from empirical relationships bet- fail from time to time. used.
ween the shear strength parameters and The code writer's task is to strike the High project level includes extremely
the standard classification parameters. Let right balance between the specifications large and unusual structures, structures
us consider as an example the use of concerning actions (loads), material para- involving risks and unusual or exception-
triaxial tests to determine the angle of meters, safety factors, and calculation ally difficult soil conditions (for example
internal friction for sand. A number of methods; the code writer knows he has fat clay of tertiary origin and chalk with
questions now arise. Which diameter and obtained this balance if the cods leads to cavities) necessitating specialised, ex-
which height/diameter ratio should be structures which are sufficiently safe and tremely extensive or detailed analyses and
used for the samples? Should rough or economical. calculations to ensure that the functional
smooth surfaces of the top and bottom requirements are satisfied. The code speci-
platens be used? Which cell pressure One possible element of a solution fications for normal level projects form
should be applied? Should the angle of A special problem which faces both the the lower limits for the quality and extent
internal friction be interpreted as the code writer and ussr is, on the one hand, of these investigations and calculations but
inverse sine or inverse tangent of the slope that of the very simple structure and, on apart from this, no detailed cods require-
of the Mohr-Coulomb envelope? Etc., etc. the other, that of the very complex struc- ments have been formulated for the hiqh
All these questions have to be answered ture. project level and no attempt has been
in order to determine an angle of internal In the case of small structures in very made to establish a fixed boundary between
friction to be used in the design of the simple geotechnical conditions there is the normal project level and the high
footing in question. no need for intensive geotechnical investi- project level.
The calculation method to be used for gations, calculations, and construction It is the author's opinion that this con-
the design of footings against an ultimate control checks. In order to ensure a reason- cept of three project levels could form a
state of failure is usually based on plasti- able economy for such structures it is suitable basis for a Eurocode for founda-
city theory. The ultimate bearing capacity therefore reasonable to introduce some tions.
for the footing can for example be deter- special facilities in the code.
mined from the Terzaghi bearing-capacity When it comes to structures that are The use of partial coefficients in the
formula. Even though this formula is gen- very large or complex or involve compli- ultimate limit state design
erally accepted a few questions arise con- cated geotechnical conditions or situations Until around 1950 two different ways of
cerning, for example, the N-, value, the of high risk it is virtually impossible for catering for safety needs were used in
shape, depth, and inclination factors, etc., the cods writer to foresee all the possible Denmark.
etc. complications. It seems therefore reason- In accordance with the principle of
The safety factors to be applied to the able to specify only certain minimum re- allowable stresses, the stresses produced
ultimate bearing capacity problem will nor- quirements for the extent and quality of by the specified loads should not exceed
mally be specified in the relevant code of the geotechnical investigations and calcu- the allowable stresses of the materials
practice. Factors of safety between 2 and lations in the code. It should then be left which were found by dividing their ultimate
3 will usually be considered adequate. to the foundation engineer to exercise his strength by safety factors. This was the
However, this also gives rise to a number professional judgement. most commonly used system for structural
of problems. Should the safety factor be It appears that some of the existing as well as foundation engineering. How-
applied on load or on material strength? national codes for foundations in Europe ever, for materials such as reinforced or
Should the same safety factor be used in already contain elements of this philos- prestressed concrete another system was
an effective stress and in a total stress ophy. The Danish cods has introduced a used to some extent, namely the principle
analysis? Etc., etc. solution which is considered helpful by of load factors. According to this system
From the above discussion it will be the sub-committee of the ISSMFE; this is the specified loads were multiplied by
seen that quite a number of questions the concept of project levels. load factors and the ensuing stresses
have to be answered in order to design In this concept a distinction is made should not exceed the ultimate strength of
a footinq against an ultimate state of between three levels of projects for the the materials.
failure. Each code of practice will answer purpose of establishing minimum require- It will be seen that the first system has
the various questions in different ways. ments for the extent and quality of the the advantage of allowing different safety
One code, for example, will specify that geotechnical investigations, calculations factors to be used for different materials
office floors should be designed with a live and construction control checks. The whereas the second implies different safety
load of 2kN/m-'hile another code will following factors are taken into considera- factors for different loads.
specify a value of 3kN/m'. However, it tion when determining the project level: In 1953 J. Brinch Hansen proposed re-
might well be that this apparent difference (a) Nature and size of the structure, taining the advantages of both systems by
is counteracted by differences in the safety (b) Special conditions with regard to introducing the principle of partial coeffic-
factors specified in the two codes. It is neighbourinq structures (pipelines, ients of safety for the design of founda-
thus important to understand that a code buildings, etc.), tions and earth-retaining structures. Ac-
of practice represents, at its best, a very (c) Soil conditions, and cording to this principle the specified
fine balance between the four factors men- (d ) Ground water problems. loads are multiplied by their respective
tioned above. For example, a given code The structure concerned and any neigh- partial coefficients in order to obtain the
of practice cannot be judged on the basis bouring one (a and b above) can often be so-called design loads, and the ultimate
of an isolated evaluation of the calculation classified prior to the geotechnical analy- strength parameters of the materials are
methods it recommends. These calculation sis; the ultimate project level determined divided by their respective partial coeffic-
methods can only be judged taking into by the soil conditions and the ground water ients to arrive at the so-called design
account the safety factors, the loads, and conditions (c and d above), however, can strength parameters. The design criterion
the shear strength parameters which, ac- normally not be established until during is then simply that the design stress must
October, 1981 27
not exceed the design strength; in other the specified load. For ordinary live loads Future use of partial coefficients
words, equilibrium shall exist in the design in buildings, on bridges, quays, etc., The system of partial coefficients will
limit state of failure. Brinch Hansen advocated that an appro- form the basis for safety requirements in
Brinch Hansen (1953) introduced the priate value was f„=
1.5. the Eurocodes. However, the increasing use
principle of partial coefficients of safety In special cases such as the loads on of statistical methods and reliability theory
in his book on "Earth pressure calcula- railways of locomotives, and of grain in in structural and foundation design will
tion", and in addition he proposed numeri- silos, the risk of exceeding the specified probably exercise an influence on the
cal values for the various partial coeffic- load is small. Consequently, Brinch Hansen system.
ients. The system was rapidly accepted in advocated that a value as small as fp = For instance, it has already been men-
foundation engineering practice in Den- 1.3 was justified. tioned that in accordance with Danish
mark, and from around 1955 virtually all The coefficient f„ is not meant to cover tradition the live loads are prescribed in a
foundation and retaining structures in impact effects. If such effects occur, load code as "estimates of the maximum
Denmark were designed in accordance with they must be included in the load p. future load". In future codes such loads
the new principle. In engineering schools, Strength will probably be prescribed on the basis
the system was taught in all courses in of statistically based definitions in, for
foundation engineering from 1955.
Design values of strength parameters
are found by dividing the corresponding example, the following way —
the load
The principle of partial safety coeffic- characteristic values by the respective which, with a probability of 98'/e, will not
ients was proposed by the Danish structural partial coefficients: be exceeded in a period of one year.
engineer, A. J. Moe, as early as 1927. It Concerning shear strength parameters
was published internationally by him in tan for soils, difficulties exist due to the fact
1936, and was partly introduced in the tan (hd
= Ca
that soil is not a man-made product. The
Danish Code of Practice for Concrete Danish code specifies that shear strength
'n f, parameters shall be determined by "a care-
Design in 1949. The system is now gener-
ally accepted for structural and foundation ful estimate based on the relevant measure-
According to the Danish code, fg —1.2 ment resufts". Future experience will show
engineering design in Denmark.
The numerical values of the coefficients is used for bearing capacity, stability, or how well it is possible to make use of
earth pressure problems. It should be modern statistical principles to define more
proposed by Brinch Hansen have under-
noted that for the bearing capacity of a precisely the characteristic values of the
gone minor changes during the past 30
footing this partial coefficient corresponds shear strength parameters of soils.
years. These changes reflect experience
gained through use of the system. The
to a total factor of safety equal to about 2. It is important to acknowledge that the
A value fc = 1.5 is used in the case of partial coefficients
following is a description of the system principle of applying
stability or earth pressure problems, while and the numerical values of the coefficients
as it is used today in the Danish Code of
Practice for Foundation Engineering. f, = 1.75 is used for the bearing capacity can only be evaluated on the basis of prac-
problem of a footing. tical experience. The system can only be
For the bearing capacity of piles f„ accepted if it can be proved to work in
Design values (indices d) of loads are
found by multiplying the corresponding
2.0 is used to obtain the design value of practice; it must lead to economical struc-
the bearing capacity in the case where no tures when compared with existing prac-
characteristic values (indices k) by the
load tests have been performed, i.e. where tice, and it must lead to reasonably safe
respective partial coefficients f:
the bearing capacity has been found by a structures.
geostatic calculation or from a pile driving
ga=gl .fg Pd=Pk fp formula. In the case where load tests have
where g refers to dead loads, and
been performed a value f„=1.6 is used. Concluding remarks
At this stage the reader will probably
The partial coefficients given above are
p to live load. used only for a normal combination of ask how much time it will take before a
(For the Eurocodes it has been decided loads. Such a normal combination is de- Eurocode on foundations can become
to use the greek letter 7 as the symbol fined as either the combination (dead load operational. It may be disappointing or
for partial coefficients. For obvious reasons + live load + snow) or the combination reassuring, depending on one's outlook, to
this is not very convenient for foundation (dead load+wind). learn that in the opinion of the author a
engineers; the letter f has therefore been The Danish Code of Practice specifies Eurocode 7 for foundations will probably
used as the symbol for partial coefficients that lower numerical values of the partial not be available for the practising engineer
in this Paper). coefficients can be used in the case of an before 1986, or perhaps 1990.
In most foundation engineering problems extraordinary combination of loads (dead The author believes it to be extremely
the dead loads are known with consider- loads+ live load+ snow+wind) or in an important that solutions to the problems
able accuracy. Small variations may occur extreme combination of loads (dead load+ concerning Eurocode 7 are very widely
in unit weights and dimensions and for live load+loads due to falling structures). discussed within the European foundation
this reason it might be considered appro- Problems of buoyancy engineering community. It is also vital
priate to use a partial coefficient of, for As described above a partial coefficient that these discussions take place at an
instance, 1.05. However, not ail dead of 1 may normally be assumed for dead early stage of the work. The sub-commit-
loads will have unfavourabfe effects, and load and water pressure. However, where tee of the ISSMFE will welcome every
for those that are favourable it would be these forces are the dominant influences opportunity to discuss matters related to
unsafe to multiply by 1.05; on the con- special safety considerations will be called Eurocode 7 with foundation engineers in
trary, these loads should be divided by for. This is partly due to the fact that the various European countries. The
1.05. In this way matters can become deformations, fissuring, and varying soil author feels confident that the on-going
rather complicated and it is usually not conditions, with the attendant possibility discussion in this journal will be an
worthwhile to accept such complications of erosion, may cause changes in the level important contribution.
for the sake of a margin as small as 5'/e, of the water table and permeabifity which
taking into consideration all the uncertain- are vitally important to safety. References
ties involved in soil strength, etc. Conse- Where the problem is one of buoyancy British Standard Institution (1972): Code of Prac-
quently, in the Danish Code of Practice alone the Danish code proposes a total tice for Foundations, Cp 2004, 1972.
all dead loads of structures and of soils safety factor of 1.05 to be used, assuming Dansk Ingeniorforening (1978): Code of Practice
are given the partial coefficient f, = 1.0,
for Foundation Engineering, DS 415, translation
the most adverse possible water table, edition, 1978.
Hydrostatic water pressures are known carefully assessed dead loads, and no Grundbau-Taschenbuch, Band II, Normen und
with the same accuracy as dead loads adhesive or frictional forces on vertical Richtlinien, Verlag von Wilhelm Ernst Ik Sohn,
Berlin, 1975.
when the water level is given and for this structural surfaces. However, no definitive Hansen, J. Brinch (1953): Earth Pressure Calcula-
reason it will be logical to use fa, = 1.0 rules can be given for problems where tion, the Danish Technical Press, Copenhagen
for water pressures. Moreover, any other water pressures and dead loads are dom- 1953.
value would lead to similar complications inant forces as the level of safety is Institution of Structural Engineers (1951): The
Civil Engineering Code of Practice No 2 (Earth
as for dead loads because the up-lift force often already determined by the basic Retaining Structures), CP 2, 1951, (now being
on a soil mass or a structural element is assumptions established. The use of redrafted) .
part of its effective weight. structural means (for example, overflow Malcharek, K 8 Smoltczyk, U. (1981): Vergleich
Nationaler Richtlinien fgr die Berechnung von
The live loads specified in the Danish arrangements) to provide well-based as- Fundamenten (with an English summary), Bau-
Code for Loads have until recently been sumptions with a relatively low degree of grund Institut Stuttgart, Mitteilung 16, 1981.
considered as estimates of the maximum formal design safety must therefore often Moe, A. J. (1927): Sikkerhedsgrad, Ingenioren,
future loads. The numerical value of f 1927.
be preferred to a greater formal safety
therefore depends upon the uncertainty of and less well established assumptions.
Moe, A. J. (1936): Uber die Sicherheiten der
Eisenbetonbauten, IABSE, 1936.
28 Ground Engineering

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