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Kyle VanKoevering, Daniel Prevedello, Ricardo Carrau

The sinonasal cavity and anterior cranial a

fossa can be involved by a wide variety of
diverse, rare neoplasms. Surgical extirpa-
tion of these lesions is often the mainstay of
multimodal treatment for both benign and
malignant diseases. However, these tu-
mours pose a variety of challenges for
surgical management, including complex
anatomic considerations (Figures 1a-c).

Relevant Anatomy

Also refer to Chapter on FESS for surgical

Nasal Cavities and Sinuses

The nasal cavity can be imagined as a

quadrangular corridor that is narrower at the
top and divided into right and left compart-
ments by a midline septum. It communi-
cates with the exterior through anterior
openings, the nares (nostrils). Posteriorly, it
opens into the nasopharynx through the
posterior choanae. Its external shape re-
flects its skeletal support, which is com-
posed of the paired nasal bones and the
upper and lower lateral nasal cartilages as
they surround the pyriform aperture. The c
walls of each nasal fossa include the nasal
septum medially, the horizontal portion of
the maxillary bone and palatine bone
inferiorly, and the inferior turbinates and
ethmoid bones laterally.

Superiorly, the nasal fossae are confined by

the cribriform plate and the rostrum of the
sphenoid sinus as it slants posteroinferiorly
toward the nasopharynx. The inferior
turbinate is an independent bone, whereas
the middle and superior turbinates are part
of the ethmoid bone. Figures 1a-c: Preoperative images of a
large heterogeneously enhancing chondro-
sarcoma occupying the entire skull base
with significant intracranial extension
The ethmoid air-cell labyrinth consists of 3- may be found at the sphenoethmoidal recess
18 cells per side that are connected in the above and posterior to the middle turbinate.
midline by the cribriform plate (Figure 2).
Each side is divided into an anterior and
posterior group of cells based on the
attachment of the middle turbinate to the
lateral nasal wall i.e. basal lamella. An
Onodi cell represents a posterior ethmoid
cell which is located superior or lateral to
the sphenoid sinus and can occasionally
contain the optic nerve or portions of the
carotid artery. It may be bigger than the
sphenoid sinus.

The roof of the ethmoid labyrinth comprises

a portion of the anterior skull base. Late-
rally, the ethmoid air cells are bound by the
orbit (lamina papyracea), and along the roof
of the ethmoid sinuses, the anterior and
posterior ethmoid arteries can be found
exiting the orbit and traversing the skull
base toward the vertical lamella of the
cribriform plate.

The frontal sinuses are paired cavities

within the diploic frontal bone with frond-
like pneumatisation and asymmetric shapes
and sizes. The posterior wall is shared with
the anterior cranial fossa. Their floors corre-
spond to the roofs of the orbits and anterior
ethmoid cells. The maxillary antrum is the
largest of the paranasal sinuses and is
situated lateral to the nasal cavity and
inferior to the orbit. Its floor, which is
formed by the alveolar process of the
maxilla, lies 1-1.5 cm inferior to the nasal
floor. The posterior and posterolateral walls
of the maxillary sinus are contiguous with
the pterygopalatine and infratemporal fos-
sae, respectively. The medial wall of the
antrum corresponds to the lateral wall of the
nasal cavity and contains the drainage
ostium. The sphenoid sinus lies in the center
of the skull and is situated posterior to the
nasal cavity cephalad to the nasopharynx.
Its anterior wall bulges into the nasal cavity Figures 2a-c: Bony anatomy of anterior
and contains the drainage ostium, which skull base

There is a wide variety in the degree of the vertical wall of the cribriform plate, the
pneumatisation of the sphenoid sinuses weakest point of the anterior skull base.
between patients and even from one side to Anterior to the cribriform, a bony promi-
the other. Superiorly, the planum sphenoi- nence known as the crista galli is seen. The
dale constitutes the posterior portion of the planum sphenoidale denotes the area poste-
anterior skull base. The sella typically sits rior to the cribriform plate, and its posterior
within the superior sphenoid sinus. aspect marks the posterior boundary of the
anterior cranial fossa.

The orbit shares three of its walls with the Preoperative Workup
paranasal sinuses. Its medial wall corre-
sponds to the lateral wall of the ethmoid Workup of patients with any new sinonasal
sinus. It bears, from anterior to posterior, or anterior skull base mass should include a
the nasolacrimal sac lying on the lacrimal detailed examination, including cranial ner-
bone (lacrimal fossa), the anterior and ve examination, and nasal endoscopic eva-
posterior ethmoidal arteries, the trochlea, luation. Biopsy of the mass should be per-
and the optic nerve with its foramen at the formed either in the clinic (if bleeding risk
apex of the orbital cavity. Its inferior wall appears low and patient is amenable) or in
corresponds to the roof of the maxillary the operating room. Definitive surgical
sinus. The orbital cavity contains the infra- plans should not be executed without final
orbital fissure and infraorbital neurovas- (permanent) pathologic diagnosis whenever
cular bundle. The infraorbital fissure is con- possible.
tinuous with the pterygomaxillary fissure.
The superior wall is contiguous with the The extent of disease and hence the required
ethmoid or frontal sinuses and with the extent of the resection is established endo-
anterior cranial fossa. As previously stated, scopically and by imaging. Cross-sectional
the superior orbital fissure serves as a imaging is imperative to ascertain the extent
passage for CN V1, III, IV, and VI and of the disease, potential cranial nerve and
represents a potential pathway to the middle internal carotid artery involvement, and
cranial fossa. The lateral wall is contiguous resectability and potential for cure. Typi-
with the temporal fossa anteriorly to cally, a CT scan is best to evaluate the bony
laterally. anatomy (bony destruction or remodeling,
intracranial extension) and is usually paired
Anterior Cranial Fossa (Figure 2) with MRI (with and without contrast) to
evaluate the soft tissue extent of disease,
The floor of the anterior cranial fossa com- including orbital, dural, vascular, brain or
prises the frontal, ethmoid, and sphenoid cranial nerve invasion (Figure 1). A proper
bones. Laterally, the floor of the anterior staging workup for metastatic disease (PET
cranial cavity corresponds to the roof of the scan, or CT of neck and chest or ultrasound
orbits, while, centrally, it corresponds to the neck and chest x-ray) is critical in treatment
vault of the nasal cavity and the roof of the planning. In the case of parameningeal
ethmoid sinuses. At the central anterior sarcomas, MRI of the spine is indicated to
skull base, the most prominent structure is ascertain the presence of “drop metastases”.
the cribriform plate, which contains multi-
ple foramina, through which the olfactory
filaments pass into the nasal cavity. Bran-
ches of the anterior ethmoid artery penetrate

Surgical Planning Open Craniofacial Approach: Surgical
Surgical planning must consider two key
components: The open craniofacial approach is described
• The surgical approach must facilitate a in the following steps:
complete, oncologic resection of the • Access to the mid- and upper face and
tumour, preserving normal tissue and cranium
protecting neurovascular structures • Sinonasal approaches
• The operative plan must include a ro- a. Lateral rhinotomy
bust reconstructive algorithm to restore b. Midfacial degloving
the separation of the cranial cavity and c. Expanded endonasal
upper aerodigestive tract with adequate • Reconstruction
cosmetic and functional outcomes • Closure

Two distinct surgical techniques should be Access to mid- and upper face and
considered when planning surgery cranium

• Traditional open approaches involve a • Intraoperative navigation, though gen-

transcranial subfrontal approach (most erally not critical, can be registered to
frequently via coronal incisions) com- the preoperative imaging to assist with
bined with a transfacial approach (late- intraoperative confirmation of surgical
ral rhinotomy, midface degloving, landmarks
Weber-Ferguson incisions) to facilitate • Make a straight scalp incision in a
en bloc resection of the median anterior coronal plane of the skull from one
cranial base (cribriform plate, roof of preauricular crease to the contralateral
ethmoids), superior nasal septum, eth- preauricular crease
moid sinuses and lateral wall(s) of the • Carry the incision down to the calva-
nasal cavity (medial maxilla and lamina rium from temporal line to temporal
papyracea). When needed, it may be line
combined with orbital exenteration or a • At the temporal line, the dissection
subtemporal approach to access the late- plane is transitioned to just above the
ral skull base, orbit and infratemporal deep layer of the temporalis fascia
fossa • Elevate the scalp in a subpericranial
plane, transecting the attachments of
• Endonasal endoscopic approaches the pericranium at its junction with the
have evolved over the last 30 years and deep temporal fascia, around the supe-
permit comprehensive sinonasal resec- rior border of the temporalis muscle
tion and anterior skull base extirpation • It is imperative to preserve the
in lieu of a traditional transfacial ap- pericranium, as this is typically
proach. The endoscopic approach is utilised as the reconstructive layer that
equivalent, both oncologically and will separate the intracranial space
functionally to a traditional craniofacial from the sinonasal cavity (Figure 3)
resection. Furthermore, the endoscopic • As the scalp is elevated anteriorly, the
approach may be combined with a orbital rims and glabella are exposed
subfrontal approach to avoid facial
incisions. Each of these approaches is
detailed below.

Figure 3: Elevating the scalp flap in a Figure 4: Pericranium is then incised and
subgaleal plane. The rake is used to lift the mobilized off the skull, following the
scalp while the loose areolar tissues and temporal lines laterally and the coronal
pericranium are sharply dissected off the incision for the posterior cut. If needed, the
galea. Alternatively, the scalp and peri- posterior cut can be extended several centi-
cranium can be elevated as one flap meters further posteriorly, if additional
initially, and the pericranium back-elevated length will be required for the recon-
off the scalp later in the dissection if needed struction

• A 1cm incision over the periosteum of

the zygomaticofrontal area serves as an
internal relaxing incision, allowing
mobilisation of the scalp flap with
minimal retraction
• Alternatively, the scalp flap and the
pericranium can be elevated separate-
ly. To perform this manoeuvre, the
standard coronal incision is performed
but the scalp flap is elevated in a
subgaleal plane, leaving the loose
areolar tissue and pericranium attached Figure 5: The pericranium is fully mobili-
to the skull (Figure 4). Laterally the sed for the reconstruction, either by back-
deep temporalis fascia is left intact as elevating off the scalp flap or elevating
the scalp is mobilised like the separately
conventional flap elevation noted
above. The dissection continues until a • The frontal branch of the facial nerve
point 2cm above the supraorbital rims. lies just deep to the superficial tempo-
At this point, the pericranium is ralis fascia (temporoparietal fascia)
mobilised separately off the skull by inferior to an imaginary line extending
incising along the temporal lines and from the root of the zygoma to the
across the coronal line posteriorly superior orbital rim. It only comes into
(Figure 5). play if the resection needs to be
extended laterally to expose the middle
cranial or infratemporal fossa. In such
cases the frontal branch needs to be
preserved either by identifying and
dissecting the nerve or dissecting in a
plane that does not place the branch at
risk. The deep temporalis fascia divides
into a superficial and deep layer, con-
taining between them a temporal fat
pad. The superficial layer is incised
superior to that imaginary line exten-
ding from the root of the zygoma to the
superior orbital rim i.e. prior to encoun-
tering the frontal branch, and the scalp
flap is elevated in an interfascial plane
between the superficial and deep layers Figure 6: The left supraorbital neuro-
of the deep temporalis fasciae. This vascular bundle supplies sensation to the
plane can be followed to the orbital rim left frontal region and serves as one of the
and down to the zygoma, depending on key vascular pedicles to the pericranial
the extent of exposure needed at the flap. Here the bundle is mobilised from the
nasion, and will protect the frontal supraorbital notch (or foramen as needed)
branch to maintain its integrity as it exits the
• As the scalp flap is turned anteriorly periorbita and enters the pericranium and
and inferiorly, the supraorbital rims are scalp. This allows bony osteotomies to be
exposed, and the supraorbital neuro- made without compromising the peri-
vascular bundles are dissected from cranium or sensation in the frontal region
the supraorbital notches, as depicted in
Figure 6. When a true supraorbital
foramen is present, it may be opened
inferiorly using a 3 - 6mm osteotome
and mallet. This manoeuvre allows
inferior mobilisation of the supraorbital
neurovascular bundle and dissection of
the periorbita from the superior and
medial orbital walls. Notably, as the
periorbita are dissected from the orbital
rim, the orbital roof takes a superior
trajectory around the orbital rim with an
acute angle that must be anticipated or
the periorbita will be violated. Al-
though not critical, maintaining the
integrity of the periorbita lessens trau-
ma to the orbits and limits fat herniation
into the surgical field. Any remaining
periosteum is elevated to expose the
Figure 7: Fully mobilising the superior
nasal root and nasal bones (Figure 7).
periorbita allows the scalp flap to be
further retracted as the entire nasal root
and superior nasal bones are exposed. The
purple line highlights the planned division
between the frontal craniotomy and the
orbital bar

• This coronal approach exposes the while minimizing the retraction of the
superior cranium, frontal area, glabel- frontal lobes. It comprises removal of
la, nasal bones, temporalis muscles the bone forming the superior orbital
and temporal fossae, and the superior rims bilaterally, glabella and nasion,
two thirds of the orbits down into the nasal bones (Figures 9,
• A bifrontal craniotomy is next per- 10). The lateral bone cuts are placed at
formed to expose the frontal lobes. It is the lateral orbital rims and a posterior
typically performed in conjunction with cut joins these incisions by traversing
the neurosurgical team (Figure 8). The the anterior orbital roofs (retracting the
craniotomy typically encompasses the periorbita to protect the orbital con-
frontal bone bilaterally from the key- tents) and across the frontoethmoidal
hole pterional burr holes and down to junction just posterior to the frontal
approximately 2cm from the orbital outflow tracts. A transverse incision
rims (Figure 8). Typically, small burr across the nasion, or further inferiorly
holes are placed on each side of the through the nasal bones, is then
sagittal sinus; thus, facilitating its performed, often requiring a curved
dissection and avoiding laceration. The osteotome to free the anterior superior
frontal sinus is often transgressed with attachment of the nasal septum to the
these cuts, and the posterior table is orbital bar to fully mobilise the graft
usually removed from the frontal bone • Direct exposure of the anterior skull
graft, with the remainder of the sinus base has now been achieved
completely stripped of mucosa to • The subfrontal exposure limits the
cranialise the sinus. These craniotomy need for frontal lobe retraction
cuts also can be extended laterally for • The dura is elevated from the floor of
tumours that extend into the orbit or the anterior skull base and is sharply
infratemporal fossa. divided from the crista galli, which is

Figure 8: A bifrontal craniotomy, widely

exposing the frontal lobes to limit brain Figure 9: Removal of the orbital bar after
retraction the bifrontal craniotomy viewed from the
patient’s left. It demonstrates the osteo-
• Following the craniotomy, the sub- tomies required to mobilise the orbital bar,
frontal approach is facilitated by including the lateral osteotomy through the
removing the orbital bar (Figure 9). orbital rim, which is then carried down
The subfrontal approach maximises along the roof of the orbit and into the root
exposure of the anterior skull base of the nasal bones

Figure 10: This demonstrates en bloc Figure 11: Final exposure of the anterior
removal of the orbital bar, exposing the skull base after removal of the tumour
frontoethmoid region and superior orbits demonstrates how the left orbit is fully
skeletonised (note the orbital fat) and the
• Careful elevation of the frontal lobe entire nasal cavity has been removed. The
dura from the roof of the orbits and frontal lobes have been decompressed after
crista galli exposes the cribriform plate creating a CSF leak allowing wide expo-
• The dural sleeves along the olfactory sure without significant brain retraction
nerves are individually divided and
ligated; however, multiple lacerations • In most instances the medial orbital
of the dura often result around the walls are included in the resection to
perforations of the olfactory nerves provide adequate margins and facilitate
through the cribriform plate the control of the ethmoidal arteries
• Intracranial tumour extension with • The intracranial exposure allows the
dural involvement requires one to leave complete and often en bloc removal of
a patch of involved dura attached to the the anterior cranial base with visuali-
specimen and even to resect a portion sation and protection of the optic nerves
of one or both frontal lobes to secure and the lateral walls of the sphenoid
adequate tumour margins sinus including the internal carotid
• Gently elevate the anterior fossa dura arteries
in a posterior direction to identify the • At this point of the resection, the
planum sphenoidale, the anterior cli- superior margins and exposure have
noid processes and optic canals (Figure been achieved, and the tumour has
2c) been safely separated and removed
• Drilling with a high-speed drill through from the cranial contents
the planum sphenoidale exposes the
sphenoid sinus allowing its inspection
• A high-speed drill or reciprocating saw Sinonasal Approaches
is then used to cut around the cribri-
form plate and through the floor of the A separate inferior (sinonasal) exposure is
anterior cranial fossa often required to obtain adequate inferior
• The anterior skull base can be fully and lateral margins, as the tumour typically
mobilised with a high-speed drill limits visibility into the nasal cavity via a
utilising this approach, from the frontal subfrontal approach. This can be performed
sinus to the planum (Figure 11) through a variety of approaches, including
lateral rhinotomy with medial maxillec-

tomy, midface degloving, or endoscopic and the sac is divided and marsupia-
endonasal assistance. lised
• The anterior and posterior ethmoid
a. Lateral Rhinotomy Approach (See vessels are identified at the frontoeth-
Medial maxillectomy chapter) moidal suture and controlled with
bipolar electrocautery
• A vertical skin incision is made along • Lateral elevation of the cheek flap
the lateral nose, from the medial exposes the medial maxilla and infra-
canthus to the nasal ala, then joining a orbital nerve, which is preserved
curvilinear incision along the alar- • The anterior wall of the maxillary
facial groove on the tumour side antrum is opened
(Figure 12). The incision is carried • Osteotomies are performed through the
through the muscular layer to the nasal process of the maxilla, through
pyriform aperture. To prevent subse- the lacrimal fossa and the anterior
quent alar retraction the incision around aspect of the lamina papyracea, con-
the ala is carried vertically toward the necting to the previous osteotomies
maxilla and not under the ala; further- • The medial wall of the maxilla is cut
more, the medial aspect of the nasal ala with an osteotome or drill along the
is not transected nasal floor
• The remaining posterior aspect of the
lateral nasal wall is cut in a posterior
and cephalad direction using curved
Mayo scissors from the nasal floor to
the sphenoid rostrum
• A septal incision is created along nasal
floor and carried cephalad with curved
Mayo scissors. A strut of nasal septum
is preserved, if able, to support the
external nasal framework
• Transection of the attachment of the
nasal septum to the rostrum of the
sphenoid sinus allows the mobilization
of the specimen
• The defect is inspected, and additional
Figure 12: Lateral rhinotomy incision bone or soft tissue margins are obtained
under direct visualization. Exposure of
• The nasal mucosa is incised along the the contralateral sinonasal cavity is
piriform aperture through the lateral somewhat limited with this approach
nasal vestibule avoiding the tip of the
inferior turbinate b. Midface Degloving Approach
• Detachment of the medial canthal
ligament facilitates elevation of the To avoid facial incisions, the sinonasal
periosteum of the medial wall of the tumour component may be resected and
orbit, keeping the orbital contents mobilised via a sublabial approach. It
within its periosteal sac provides wide exposure to the midface,
• The nasolacrimal duct is transected at allowing for mobilisation of the periorbita,
its junction with the nasolacrimal sac dividing the ascending process of the
maxilla, septal incisions and medial maxil-

lectomy incisions to obtain clear tumour • Dissection of the paranasal sinuses fol-
margins lows a technique similar to that used for
the treatment of inflammatory disease
• Make a wide sublabial incision (1st • Whenever necessary, debulk the
molar to 1st molar) onto the bone of the tumour to provide an adequate working
maxilla space and visualisation, identifying and
• Dissect in a subperiosteal plane along maintaining the origin of the tumour
the anterior maxilla up to the orbital rim and assessing its boundaries. The extent
and infraorbital nerve of the tumour determines the need for
• Expose the nasal cavity by incising the unilateral versus bilateral exposure
mucoperiosteum around the piriform • Following an uncinectomy, create a
aperture and elevating the now mobile wide medial maxillary antrostomy
nose (lower lateral cartilage and nasal giving access to the posterior maxillary
skin) and soft tissue envelope off the wall and providing orientation with
remaining nasal framework respect to the medial and inferior
• Incise the nasal mucosa along the floor orbital walls
of the pyriform aperture • Complete anterior and posterior eth-
• Gently elevate the medial crura of the moidectomies, middle turbinectomies,
lower lateral cartilages off the septum and exposure of the nasofrontal
with a full transfixion incision and con- recess t o define and expose the para-
nected to an intercartilaginous incision median anterior skull base, including
along the pyriform aperture the roof of the ethmoid sinuses, the
• The soft tissue envelope is then eleva- vertical and horizontal lamellae of the
ted with the lip and lower lateral cribriform plate, and the anterior and
cartilages posterior ethmoidal artery canals
• Wide bilateral exposure of the sphe-
c. Expanded Endonasal Approach noid sinuses with complete removal of
the rostrum provides unencumbered
Endoscopic endonasal approaches (EEA), access to the planum sphenoidale and
can be used to supplement traditional sub- defines the posterior tumour limit
frontal approaches to avoid facial incisions • Similarly, a Draf III frontal sinuso-
(combined open-endoscopic resections) or tomy (modified endoscopic Lothrop
as an oncologically equivalent approach for procedure) provides access to the crib-
the resection of the anterior cranial base. riform plate and posterior table of the
EEA evolved following advances in rod- frontal sinus and defines the anterior
lens endoscopy, improved digital camera limit
and video monitor definition, customisation • At this point the reconstructive plan
of surgical instruments, and refinements in should be considered. If a nasoseptal
electrophysiological monitoring, jointly flap is available (it is often not due to
with image-guided surgery equipment. oncologic involvement), it should be
harvested at this point. Using mono-
• Examine the nasal cavities with a zero- polar cautery, the superior incision is
degree rigid endoscope placed along the superior septum
• Depending on the bulk and origin of the beginning at the sphenoid ostium, to be
tumour, dissection may commence carried anterior and cephalad towards
either with tumour debulking or with the olfactory groove. Anterior to the
traditional endoscopic sinus surgery anterior head of the middle turbinate
the incision is carried along the

superior-most septum to reach the • These osteotomies are then connected
mucocutaneous junction. The inferior bilaterally with osteotomies along the
incision is typically performed across lateral aspect of the roof of the ethmoid
the inferior choana and along the infe- sinuses (junction of the ethmoid sinus
rior margin of the septum, at the roof and orbital roof
junction with the nasal floor, and • These rectangular osteotomies incur-
carried anteriorly to meet the anterior porate the cribriform plates, septum,
incision. The flap is elevated in a sub- and portions of the planum sphenoidale
mucoperichondrial plane, left pedicled and roof of the ethmoid sinuses and
to the posterior septal branch of the surround the tumour
sphenopalatine artery. The flap is then • Any remaining bone is thinned and
tucked in the nasopharynx to complete elevated to expose the dura of the
the resection ventral skull base and the crista galli,
• A wide posterior septectomy is then which is resected
performed, ensuring adequate preserva- • Olfactory filaments are cauterised
tion of the anterior septal strut to main- and the bone of the anterior skull base
tain nasal support. The contralateral is resected
septal mucosa can be utilised as a • Dura can be opened or resected along
reverse septal flap provided that there is the with olfactory bulbs (Figures
no tumour invasion 14,15) as needed for tumour clearance
• The sphenoidotomies are connected • Margins are sampled circumferen-
and widened tially to ensure an adequate oncologic
• This completes a wide exposure of the resection
median anterior skull base, from orbit
to orbit and from the sella turcica to the
frontal sinus (Figure 13)
• The lamina papyracea may be eggshell
fractured and carefully removed as a
lateral margin, if necessary, or to better
identify and control the ethmoidal
arteries. The integrity of the underlying
periorbita should be preserved unless
tumour invasion mandates its removal
• Bone over the anterior and posterior
ethmoidal canals may be removed by
gentle curettage or drilling, exposing
the ethmoidal arteries that then may be
cauterised (bipolar electrocautery is Figure 13: Expanded endonasal ap-
strongly recommended) proach for exposure of the anterior skull
• Using a high-speed drill with a 3 mm base. After total extirpation of the sinu-
extended-tip coarse diamond or hybrid ses, nasoseptal flap harvest (if indicated)
burr, a horizontal osteotomy is made and a posterior septectomy, the sphenoid
through the planum sphenoidale several ostia are enlarged into a common sphe-
millimeters anterior to the optic canals noid cavity, widely exposing the skull
• Using the Draf III frontal sinusotomy, base from orbit to orbit. A Draf III frontal
another horizontal osteotomy is made sinusotomy is helpful in joining and
posterior to the frontal outflow to ex- defining the frontal exposure
pose the crista galli


The primary goal of reconstruction is to

achieve a watertight dural closure to mini-
mise the risk of a postoperative CSF leak
and meningitis.
• Small dural lacerations are closed
• Large defects require the use of a free
tissue graft. Cadaveric dura, pericarp-
dium, acellular dermis, and fascia lata
can be used
• Reconstruction of the skull base infra-
Figure 14: The cribriform plate is drilled structure is best achieved with a
and the anterior skull base can be resec- vascularised flap to ensure a durable
ted to include the underlying dura watertight seal. This is typically com-
pleted with a pericranial or galeo-
pericranial flap (open approach) or
nasoseptal flap (endoscopic approach)
(Figure 16)

Figure 15: As the cribriform and olfac-

tory bulbs are being gently mobilised
from the skull base in an anterior to
posterior direction, the olfactory nerves Figure 16: After the resection is complete,
can be identified, transected and sampled an inlay reconstruction is typically per-
for a margin as indicated formed of the skull base (fat, fascia lata, or
a collagen matrix). The nasoseptal flap is
• Alternatively, the endoscopic drill is then rotated into place, widely covering the
used to connect the endoscopic resec- defect with bony contact 360 degrees
tion to the previously performed os- around the skull base defect
teotomies done via the subfrontal ap-
proach, when being used in combina- Pericranial flap
tion with open approaches. This al-
lows complete mobilisation and en The pericranial flap is pedicled on the
bloc removal of the tumour supraorbital neurovascular bundles (and
sometimes supratrochlear neurovascular
bundles and anterior branches of the
superficial temporal artery) (Figures 4, 5,

6). A unilateral blood supply is sufficient • The nasoseptal flap is then rotated
for the survival of the flap. extracranially into position to cover the
defect (Figure 15). The flap should
• The pericranium is elevated off the have adequate overlap circumferential-
previously elevated scalp flap or is ly to the remaining bony surface
elevated independently if a subgaleal • The flap is generally bolstered with
scalp flap is performed (Figures 4, 5) sponge-type packing to secure the graft
• The flap is elevated in a subgaleal plane tightly against the skull base
but remains attached to the scalp flap 1-
2 cm above the orbital rims to prevent Closure
injury to the supraorbital pedicles
• The flap is then gently tucked in the • The supraorbital and craniotomy bone
epidural space and below the orbital bar grafts are replaced into their anatomic
and craniotomy bone grafts (Figure 17) position with adaptation miniplates
(wires or even sutures may yield an
adequate result)
• The pericranial flap is typically placed
between the supraorbital graft and the
nasal bones
• The scalp is then rotated back into
position and the facial and scalp
incisions are closed in standard fashion

Postoperative Care, Identification and

Management of Complications

• The patient is typically extubated

immediately postoperatively
• It is imperative to communicate with
Figure 17: The pericranium is tucked into
the anaesthesia team, as with an open
the epidural plane between the remnant
skull base defect, the patient cannot be
cribriform/orbital roof and the dura. This
supported with positive pressure mask
is typically done prior to replacing the
ventilation, or significant pneumo-
frontal bar or bifrontal bone flaps to create
cephalus could result
a watertight closure
• The patient is transferred to a moni-
tored intensive care setting for close
Endoscopic reconstruction
neurologic monitoring, and a postope-
rative CT scan is routinely performed to
• This is best completed with a naso-
rule out intracranial haemorrhage, brain
septal flap, although lateral wall flaps
contusion or significant pneumocepha-
are a viable alternative
• Having elevated the flap earlier with
• A lumbar spinal drain is not routinely
the endoscopic approach, the open skull
required but may be considered in
base defect is cleared and exposed
patients with a tenuous reconstruction.
• Fat, fascia lata, Duragen or other free
Alternatively, acetazolamide may be
grafts can be used as inlay grafts for a
administered to decrease the production
multilayered reconstruction
of CSF, in turn decreasing the pressure

and diminishing the potential for a Useful References
postoperative CSF leak
• The patient is checked daily for a CSF • Patel SG, Singh B, Polluri A, et al:
leak by sitting the patient upright and Craniofacial surgery for malignant skull
flexing the neck, monitoring for a base tumors: Report of an international
steady drip of clear fluid from the nose collaborative study. Cancer 98:1179-
(“tilt test”) 1187, 2003
• IV antibiotics are continued for 48 • Bhatki AM, Carrau RL, Snyderman
hours and advanced to oral antibiotics CH, Prevedello DM, Gardner PA,
with the patient’s diet. Antibiotics are Kassam AB. Endonasal Surgery of the
continued until the nasal packing is Ventral Skull Base- Endoscopic Trans-
removed, approximately 1 week post- cranial Surgery. Oral Maxillofac Surg
operatively Clin North Am. 2010 Feb; 22(1): 157-68
• The patient usually remains in the • Kassam A, Thomas A, Carrau R, Sny-
hospital for 3-5 days derman C, Vescan A, Prevedello D,
• The patient is typically seen in the Mintz A, Gardner P. Endoscopic recon-
clinic 1-2 weeks postoperatively. The struction of the cranial base using a
nasal cavity is gently debrided and pedicled nasoseptal flap. Neurosurg,
packing removed 2008 Jul;63(1) Suppl:44-52
• Saline irrigations are then initiated to • Blacklock JB, Weber RS, Lee YY,
hydrate the raw mucosal surfaces and Goepfert H. Transcranial resection of
gently hydrodebride residual packing tumors of the paranasal sinuses and
and crusting nasal cavity. J Neurosurg. Jul 1989;71
• Multiple postoperative debridement (1):10-5
visits are typically required while the • Cheesman AD, Lund VJ, Howard DJ.
nose is healing Craniofacial resection for tumors of the
• The two most common major nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses.
complications of anterior skull base Head Neck Surg. Jul-Aug 1986;8(6):
resection are CSF leak and tension 429-35
pneumocephalus. Others include brain
contusion, oedema, stroke, meningitis, Authors
intracranial abscess, and osteomyelitis
• Following a viable reconstruction, a Kyle K Van Koevering MD
CSF leak may be managed conserva- Assistant Professor
tively with lumbar spinal drainage, but Department of Otolaryngology – Head and
a low threshold for surgical re- Neck Surgery
exploration should be maintained University of Michigan Medical Center
• Tension pneumocephalus is treated Ann Arbor, MI, USA
with percutaneous aspiration through a
gap between the cranium and the cra-
niotomy bone graft. Recurrent tension Daniel M Prevedello MD
pneumocephalus may require diversion Professor, Department of Neurological
of the nasal airway including endo- Surgery
tracheal intubation, a nasal airway Co-Director of Comprehensive Skull Base
(nasal trumpet), or a tracheotomy Surgery Program
The Ohio State University Medical Center
Columbus, Ohio, USA

Ricardo L Carrau MD, F.A.C.S., MBA
Professor and Lynne Shepard Jones Chair
in Head and Neck Oncology
Department of Otolaryngology-Head
& Neck Surgery
Co-Director of the Comprehensive Skull
Base Surgery Program
The Ohio State University Medical Center
Columbus, Ohio, USA


Johan Fagan MBChB, FCS (ORL), MMed

Professor and Chairman
Division of Otolaryngology
University of Cape Town
Cape Town, South Africa

Acknowledgment: Subcranial
photographs from Erin L. McKean, MD.



The Open Access Atlas of Otolaryngology, Head &

Neck Operative Surgery by Johan Fagan (Editor) is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution - Non-Commercial
3.0 Unported License


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