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1. The library has a thousand books. How many books are there?
(A) 10
(B) 100
(C) 1,000
(D) 10,000
2. The weather man says it will freeze tonight. What does he mean?
(A) The humidity will be high.
(B) The wind will die down.
(C) The weather will become hot.
(D) The weather will become cold.
3. Jerry went to a technical school for six months. How long did he attend school?
(A) a full year
(B) half a year
(C) a quarter of a year
(D) fifteen weeks
4. He’s a new student. When did he arrive?
(A) suddenly
(B) carefully
(C) recently
(D) usually
5. The sergeant said, “Smoking is allowed in this room.” What did he say?
(A) You can speak in this room.
(B) You may smoke in this room.
(C) You can have your meals in this room.
(D) You can drink in this room.
6. The price tag on this shirt is correct.
(A) It is easy to read.
(B) The price is too high.
(C) The tag is of good material.
(D) The price is right.
7. The doctor told Kim to eat more vegetables.
(A) Kim should eat more beef.
(B) Kim should eat more cherries.
(C) Kim should eat more spinach.
(D) Kim should eat more pastry.
8. That person is an expert driver.
(A) He drives poorly.
(B) He never drives.
(C) He drives very well.
(D) He is learning to drive.
9. Sergeant Fischer’s condition is good.
(A) He is in good health.
(B) He is just the right size.
(C) He is in good company.
(D) He is just the right age.
10. Jack wants to send a money order to his parents.
(A) He will go to the library.
(B) He will go to the cafeteria.
(C) He will go to the post office.
(D) He will go to the service station.
11. Have a nice weekend.
(A) Have fun all week.
(B) Have a good time on Friday.
(C) Enjoy Saturday and Sunday.
(D) Have fun Monday through Friday.
12. He told me to maintain my speed. What should I do?
(A) keep a constant speed
(B) slow down occasionally
(C) speed up sometimes
(D) get there as soon as possible
13. The teacher made two points clear. What did the teacher make clear?
(A) two languages
(B) two desks
(C) two facts
(D) two rooms
14. Mr. Roberts is a strict person. What kind of person is he?
(A) He likes to meet people.
(B) He's interested in many things.
(C) He's funny to listen to.
(D) He believes in following rules.
15. What is the pipe made of?
(A) flowers
(B) gasoline
(C) metal
(D) money
— plastic metal
16. Can you tell me who that individual is?
(A) He is going to town
(B) He's the new Instructor.
(C) He gave me one.
(D) He's at the library.
17. This machine can finish the job in an instant. How soon can it do the job?
(A) within a week
(B) never
(C) almost at once
(D) within a day or so
— at once immediately very soon
18. John looked in a mirror. What did he see?
(A) a picture
(B) the sky
(C) himself
(D) trouble
19. I want a variety of colored pencils. What do I want?
(A) many pencils of one color
(B) many different colors of pencils
(C) all of the blue pencils
(D) all of the cheapest pencils
— various of many kind of different
20. What is the highest part of a room?
(A) the wall
(B) the door
(C) the ceiling
(D) the floor
— roof/ceiling wall/floor
21. The woman kept her diamonds in a safe. Why?
(A) so they would be worth more
(B) so they would be secure
(C) so they would shine
(D) so they would expand
— so they would be secure
22. The pilot took off in the new jet. What did he do?
(A) He arrived.
(B) He left.
(C) He returned.
(D) He landed.

23. Alberta was caught in the rain without her raincoat. She got wet all over. How wet did she get?
(A) a little wet
(B) not wet
(C) partly wet
(D) completely wet
— partly wet、completely wet
24. I’m using this pen.
(A) The pen is in my pocket.
(B) I am writing with the pen.
(C) I am going to write with this pen.
(D) I wrote with this pen.
25. The commander says he approves of the plan.
(A) He wants to move the plan.
(B) He doesn't agree with the plan.
(C) He accepts the plan.
(D) He wants to change it.
26. This book is a reprint of an old book.
(A) This is the original book.
(B) This book is completely new.
(C) This new book is the same as the old book.
(D) This book has been in my family several years.
27. Please answer the call for me.
(A) Take a message for me.
(B) Write a letter for me.
(C) Telephone me tomorrow.
(D) Take him back now.
— take a message
28. Jane ended up at the top of her class.
(A) She didn't finish the course.
(B) She wasn't successful in the class.
(C) She made the highest scores
(D) She was the tallest girl in class.
— she made the highest scores
29. In the United States, which of these meals is usually eaten in the evening?
(A) supper
(B) lunch
(C) breakfast
(D) brunch
— supper
30. I need someone to substitute for me. Who can I get?
(A) Janice will take your place.
(B) Mrs. Dennis will send for you.
(C) Dave will work next to you.
(D) Mrs. James will go with you.
31. The mechanic attached the part to the engine. What did he do with the part?
(A) He fastened it to the engine.
(B) He put it inside the engine.
(C) He fired it.
(D) He cleaned it.
32. She wrote very good stories about people. How well did she write?
(A) fine
(B) very poorly
(C) long stories
(D) about people
33. When the instructor talked about some real problems, what kind of problems did he have in mind?
(A) imagined
(B) untrue
(C) actual
(D) minor
34. The design is simple. What is simple?
(A) the story
(B) the language
(C) the rule
(D) the plan
35. What is the exact time of departure?
(A) about noon
(B) in the afternoon
(C) a few minutes after eight o'clock
(D) 7:47 a.m.
36. Dave told us to bring the sports equipment. What did Dave tell us to bring?
(A) the bats and the balls
(B) the tickets for the games
(C) the baseball team
(D) the sports instructor
37. The results showed a temperature differential. What did the results show?
(A) that the temperatures were too high
(B) that the temperatures weren't high enough
(C) that the temperatures were the same
(D) that the temperatures weren't the same
38. Everyone’s surprised about Nancy’s opinions. What surprises them?
(A) her clothes
(B) her beliefs
(C) her actions
(D) her friends
39. The student found out about the trip yesterday. What happened yesterday?
(A) The student learned about the trip.
(B) The student forgot about the trip
(C) The student was worried about the trip.
(D) The student didn't think about the trip.
40. Louise cut in on the conversation. What did she do?
(A) She began the conversation.
(B) She continued the conversation.
(C) She interrupted the conversation.
(D) She finished her conversation.
41. John speaks English as well as I do.
(A) I speak better English than John.
(B) John speaks better English than I.
(C) John and I speak English equally well.
(D) I cannot speak English at all.
42. It’s important to arrive early.
(A) It doesn't matter when we arrive.
(B) It isn't possible to arrive early.
(C) It's very easy to arrive early.
(D) It matters when we arrive.
43. This office door is marked “Private.”
(A) There is a sign on the door.
(B) There is a window in the door.
(C) There is a line on the door.
(D) There is a nail in the door.
44. There are no exceptions to the rule.
(A) No one may break the rule.
(B) No one has heard the rule.
(C) No one will enforce the rule.
(D) No one can follow the rule.
45. Tom always wakes up at 7:00 AM.
(A) He sleeps until 7 a.m.
(B) He always sleeps at 7 a.m.
(C) He eats breakfast at 7 a.m.
(D) He isn't awake at 7 a.m.
46. Is there any advantage in studying English?
(A) Yes, there is trouble.
(B) Yes, It is helpful.
(C) Yes, it is boring.
(D) Yes, there is a good way.
47. Yesterday the wind came from the south and it was warm. Today the wind is from the north and it
was cold. Why is it cold today?
(A) because the wind shifted
(B) because the weather is mild
(C) because the wind died down
(D) because a storm is coming
48. When he jumped from the fence, Peter tore his trousers.
(A) He ripped them.
(B) He dirtied them.
(C) He soiled them.
(D) He wrinkled them.
49. Here is a level place to have our picnic.
(A) The place is beautiful.
(B) The ground is even.
(C) The shade is good.
(D) The area is not crowed.
50. We captured three of the enemy’s fighter planes.
(A) We destroyed the plans.
(B) We damaged the planes.
(C) We took the planes.
(D) We spotted the planes.
51. The foreign student had to get used to the new customs.
(A) He had to find out about the customs.
(B) He had to organize the customs.
(C) He had to adjust to the customs.
(D) He had to disregard the customs
52. Bob gave the woman a fleeting look.
(A) He gazed at her.
(B) He glared at her.
(C) He gaped at her.
(D) He glanced at her.
53. This meat is rancid.
It is _____.
(A) spoiled
(B) rare
(C) fresh
(D) bloody
54. What are you going to use that trailer for?
(A) to haul freight
(B) to drain the field
(C) to pump water
(D) to spray paint
55. Mrs. Jackson remained inconsolable for a long time after the accident.
(A) She was very scared.
(B) She was very angry.
(C) No one tried to help her.
(D) No one could ease her sadness.
56. Miss Simpson is impartial.
She is ____.
(A) fair
(B) prejudiced
(C) hateful
(D) kind
57. W: Do you know Jim Blake?
M: Yes, he’s in my squadron.
What do you know about Jim Blake?
(A) He is a businessman
(B) He is a teacher
(C) He is a military man
(D) He is a farmer
58. M: That radio sure is loud.
W: OK, I’ll turn it down.
What is the man complaining about?
(A) the model
(B) the station
(C) the volume
(D) the amount
59. M: What do you know about American history?
W: Oh, just the basic facts.
What does the woman know?
(A) She knows nothing at all.
(B) She knows the most important things.
(C) She knows a great deal.
(D) She knows more than anyone else.
60. W: What’s been happening at work?
M: Our boss gave us a new mission.
What did the man say?
(A) His boss gave them a raise in pay.
(B) His boss gave them a new task to perform.
(C) His boss gave them some new equipment.
(D) His boss gave them new desks.
61. W: What do you need now?
M: Just hand me that wrench.
What does the man want?
(A) a part
(B) a tool
(C) a box
(D) a pulley
62. M: Why didn’t you keep the rug?
W: After I got it home, I realized it didn’t have the right dimensions.
Why didn’t the woman keep the rug?
(A) It was the wrong color.
(B) It was made the wrong way.
(C) It was made of the wrong material.
(D) It was the wrong size.
63. W: Can Sally come with us?
M: I imagine so.
What did the man say?
(A) He knows Sally can come.
(B) He thinks Sally can come.
(C) He hopes Sally can come.
(D) He doubts Sally can come.
64. M: I’m looking for an article on preventive medicine.
W: Here’s one in this magazine.
What was the man doing?
(A) waiting for an article
(B) planning to write an article
(C) searching for an article
(D) reading an article
65. M: What’s wrong with the brakes on your car?
W: The pedal sticks.
What part of the brakes on her car sticks?
(A) the hand lever
(B) the brake drums
(C) the hydraulic system
(D) the foot lever
66. M: Watch your step.
W: Yes, the path is uneven here.
What did the woman say about the path?
(A) It's rough.
(B) It's hard to follow.
(C) It's wide.
(D) It's very smooth
67. She hopes she better work next year.
(A) will do
(B) did
(C) has done
(D) must
68. Just as the teacher called his name, he walked the room.
(A) into
(B) with
(C) up
(D) on
69. I brush .
(A) with a toothbrush after every meal my teeth
(B) after every meal with a toothbrush my teeth
(C) with a toothbrush my teeth after every meal
(D) my teeth with a toothbrush after every meal
70. One of the prisoners escaped.
(A) was wounded
(B) got away
(C) was released
(D) wouldn’t work
71. The driver kept watching the instrument.
(A) speedometer
(B) road
(C) windshield
(D) map
72. John has fast reactions. He has .
(A) quick responses
(B) two movements
(C) a new disease
(D) many friends
73. It is popularly believed that the study of Latin and Greek is a prerequisite for the study of medicine.
This is not true. However, the composition of medical vocabulary makes it evident why this belief
persists. Approximately 75% of our medical terminology is derived from Latin or Greek.
According to this paragraph, .
(A) a doctor should be able to converse in Latin and in Greek
(B) many medical terms come from Latin or Greek words
(C) a medical student should not study Latin or Greek until after he becomes a doctor
(D) medical terms in this country are primarily of English origin
74. In the future, to improve your writing?
(A) will you trying
(B) have you trying
(C) will you try
(D) are you trying
75. She mailed the letter the post office.
(A) on
(B) of
(C) over
(D) at
76. The wind began .
(A) blow
(B) blows
(C) blown
(D) to blow
77. Frank needed some stamps, he went to the post office.
(A) for
(B) so
(C) as
(D) if
78. In English, a word may have several different meanings; for example, the word "precipitation". Any
form of water or ice which falls on the earth is precipitation. Rain is a common example of one form.
Snow, sleet, and hail are examples of the frozen forms of precipitation.
According to this paragraph, _____.
(A) rain and snow are the same form of precipitation
(B) precipitation may fall in different forms
(C) rain falls in many different places
(D) precipitation has only one form
79. The doctor the medicine for the patient.
(A) prescribed
(B) took
(C) wrote
(D) established
80. The students are polite.
(A) strange
(B) courteous
(C) patient
(D) eager
81. Dave took all the measurements with precision.
(A) experience
(B) practice
(C) exactness
(D) ease
82. These two metal pieces repel each other.
(A) They attract each other.
(B) They move away from each other.
(C) They move as one piece.
(D) One looks like the other.
83. This pill is coated with sugar.
(A) counted
(B) made
(C) covered
(D) taken
84. over the crest of the hill, he saw the ocean.
(A) Look
(B) Looking
(C) Looks
(D) Looked
85. to the radio is very good practice in language comprehension.
(A) Listened
(B) Listen
(C) Listening
(D) Listens
86. Joe was his watch.
(A) winding
(B) wound
(C) wind
(D) winds
87. Many people Americans speak English.
(A) between
(B) besides
(C) beyond
(D) through
88. There was an accumulation of dishes on the table. What was on the table?
(A) a few different dishes
(B) a couple of dishes
(C) several valuable dishes
(D) a pile of dishes 一堆, 大量, 許多
89. A person who has an ailment should .
(A) go back to work
(B) see a doctor
(C) see a lawyer
(D) be very happy
90. If your clothes become soaked with water, they will _____. /səuk/滲透;濕透
(A) stay dry
(B) become lighter
(C) become partly wet 部分地
(D) become completely wet 完全地
91.When you go to the gymnasium to work out, you need to take your own combination lock with you
along with your gym clothes and towel. The facilities are excellent and well designed. However, the
gym is a high-theft area and your things must be secured even when you are taking a shower.健身
房、/θeft/偷竊 According to the paragraph, you should _____.
(A) maintain your physical fitness 健康、適合/'fitnis/
(B) lock up your things at the gymnasium
(C) report thieves caught in the gym
(D) utilize the gym’s excellent facilities /'jutilaiz/利用、設施
92. Did they mind the delay? .
(A) want
(B) prefer
(C) cause
(D) object to
93. Watch out for speeding cars on the expressway. .
(A) Look at
(B) Be careful of
(C) Glance at
(D) Take care of
94. Mary should_____ more film for her camera when she was shopping. .
(A) had gotten
(B) get
(C) be getting
(D) have gotten
95. Henry has acquired three classic cars. He is going to keep_____ and give the other_____ to his sisters.
(A) both, ones
(B) one, ones
(C) another, one
(D) ones, one

96. _____the major spoke to a student, he was unaware that a test was being snatched.
(A) Whenever
(B) As
(C) Whereas
(D) If
97. Mr. Wilson is a very dependable young man. When he tells you that he will do something for you,
you can always _____ him to do it.
(A) cross up
(B) count on
(C) depend in
(D) count to
98. Ms. Warren, the newly hired teacher, was asked to speak extemp concerning her teaching
experiences while in China.
(A) –oraneity(n)毫無準備、即席、倉促
(B) -orary (adj)無準備的,隨口說的
(C) -orize (vt)即興創作,即席演奏
(D)–oraneously (adv)毫無準備地、即席地、臨時地
99. Joe couldn’t see the car beside him because his vision was poor.
(A) latent 潛在的、潛伏的、隱藏的
(B) rearview 后視鏡、背視圖、后視的
(C) occluded vt. 使閉塞、封閉、擋住
(D) peripheral 周圍的、邊緣的、次要的、外圍的
100.Family-owned farms are few and far between these days.
(A) uncommon
(B) concentrated
(C) usual
(D) occupied

1. What is the weight of the truck?卡車的重量 b
2. The students were reading about electrons(電子). What were the students reading about?
(A) large bodies of water
(B) different types of rocks
(C) unusual kinds of animals
(D) small particles of matter 物質的小粒子
3. The teacher is eating an apple. What is the teacher eating?水果或其他 d
4. You should stand by for some instructions. What should you do?你應該要遵從一些指示 a

5. The comics are very entertaining.漫畫非常有娛樂性 d

6. I need a metal spoon to stir(攪拌) the soup.我需要一支金屬制的湯匙來攪拌湯 a

7. He was the passenger on that bus.
(A) He cleaned it.
(B) He worked on it.
(C) He polished it.
(D) He rode on it.
8. When we went on the picnic, we participated(參加)in many games.
(A) We watched the games.
(B) We played the games.
(C) We got tired of them.(感到厭倦)
(D) We took pictures of them.
9. Betty wants some rice.飯(米)a
10. Colonel Manning can’t take the quiz.沒有辦法參加這個小考 d
11. What day is it?今天是星期幾?c
12. Joe asked Tom, “Where are you going this evening?” How should Tom answer?c
13. Mary is very pretty. How does she look?
(A) happy
(B) friendly
(C) attractive
(D) rich
14. John said, “The cigar store(雪茄店)is on the other side of the street.” Where is the cigar store?
對街 across a
15. The mechanic expects to finish his work on Friday.d
16. May I have that book when you've finished with it?d
17. Mary is walking beside me. Where is she walking? next to 旁邊 b
18. Did you make a suggestion? Advise d
19. Alan doesn’t know how to operate the vending machiney 自動販賣機. What should he do first
(A) pull the knobs 拉把手 push the bottom 按鍵
(B) insert the coins 投錢 slot 投幣口
(C) read the directions
(D) make the selections
20. Which of these might be made of plastic?塑膠製成的
(A) a salad
(B) a bar of soap 一塊香皂
(C) a candle
(D) a comb 梳子 hairbursh
21. How does the cook(chef 廚師)know if the food has enough salt?鹽夠不夠(鹹不鹹)
(A) He has to put more of it.
(B) He has to ask the customers to taste.
(C) He has to cook it longer.
(D) He has to taste.
22. The heart is an important organ. What does it do?
(A) It digests food.
(B) It pumps blood.
(C) It cools the body.
(D) It protects the spine.保護脊椎
23. Many people who live in this area are engaged in 從事 farming. What do they do?
(A) repair automobiles
(B) grow vegetables
(C) make movies
(D) sell tractors 賣拖拉機
24. Peter asked Carol about the stuff on the table. What did he ask about?
(A) the things
(B) the time
(C) the weather
(D) the news
25. Sally took her car to work today.開車去上班
(A) She went by bus.
(B) She went by train.
(C) She went by helicopter.
(D) She went by automobile.
26. The children will slide 滑倒 on the ice.
(A) They will sit.
(B) They will fight.打鬥
(C) They will talk.
(D) They will slip.
27. The tank leaks. 油箱漏油
(A) The tank is full.
(B) The tank needs to be moved.
(C) The tank smells bad.
(D) The tank has a hole in it.
28. Bert has never been absent from class.(work)
(A) He disrupted class.他輟學 drop out
(B) He always goes to school.
(C) He left school.
(D) He never listens in class.
29. Each man was asked to arrange the objects 整理(put things in order) on the table. What were they
asked to do? a
30. Sam liked the cake so much that he got a second piece. How many pieces of cake did Sam
have(eat)? two more piece 多吃了兩塊
(A) two
(B) three
(C) a large piece
(D) a small piece
31. Would you please indicate 指示 the location(locate(v)) of the hotel? point out d
32. Bill asked Jane to meet him for breakfast. Where will Bill and Jane meet? cafeteria、餐廳 c
33. When do people usually eat dessert?
(A) at breakfast
(B) before lunch
(C) before supper
(D) after supper 晚餐後
34. He is alone now. How many people are with him? nobody b
35. The postman has a registered letter 掛號信 for Bob. What must Bob do? record
money order 匯票、postcard 明信片 a
36. Mary and Joe decorated 裝飾 their tree. What did they do?b
37. The humidity is high today.
(A) It is hot.
(B) It is cloudy.
(C) It is damp.
(D) It is windy.
38. We had to skip chapter three because there wasn’t enough time.
(A) We read it thoroughly.
(B) We studied it carefully.
(C) We omitted it entirely.(omit、skip、leave out、neglect 忽略、跳過)
(D) We had sufficient time.(abundant、satisfactory、ample 足夠)
39. When the electrical system was checked, it was found to be working properly.適當的
(A) The electrical system needs to be checked.
(B) The electrical system wasn't checked.
(C) It worked normally after it was repaired.
(D) It was operating normally when it was checked.
40. Mrs. Homer served us dinner.端菜
(A) She ordered dinner for us.
(B) She took us out to dinner.
(C) She brought our dinner to the table.
(D) She bought the food for our dinner.
41. Jim encounters 遭遇 many people in his work.
(A) He feeds many people.
(B) He meets many people.
(C) He instructs many people.
(D) He hires many people.
42. They paid an average price for the house. (general、ordinary 普通的、一般的)c
43. You have to go over your lessons.
(A) He wanted to review the lessons.
(B) He asked the students to write the lessons.
(C) He thought the lessons were well explained.
(D) He thought he overlooked the lessons.忽略、跳過 lookover 檢查
44. The police are investigating the homicide case.調查殺人事件
45. The streets were teeming 充滿的 with people. (flow、fill up)

46. Why did the wallpaper 壁紙 come off 脫落 the wall?

47. How will a new job enable him to buy a car?

(A) He will need it to get to work.
(B) He will know how to drive then.
(C) He will earn enough money.
(D) He will have many new friends.
48. Arnold uses calipers 卡鉗 at his workshop. What does he measure with them? pliers 老虎鉗
(A) the atmospheric pressure
(B) the water temperature
(C) the thickness of metal 厚度
(D) the speed of sound 音速
49. The plane encountered a strong tail wind 順風. Which direction did the wind come from? back
50. Warm air is less dense than cold air.熱空氣密度較冷空氣輕
(A) It is heavier.
(B) It is clearer.
(C) It is darker.
(D) It is lighter.
51. Be careful, or you may trigger your rifle by accident.
(A) You may drop it.
(B) You may fire it.
(C) You may open it up.
(D) You may shove it around.
52. The workers were taking the ore 礦 from the ground.從地面把礦石挖出來
53. He keeps on bringing the wrong book.帶錯書
54. Everyone agrees that Bert is highly motivated(motivation(n))動機很強
55. Virgil has outgrown 穿不下 all his clothes. upgrow/outgrew/outgrown
56. Joe always has pastry 餡餅 for breakfast.d
57. W: How will you get home?
M: I’m going by ship.
How will the man travel?
(A) plane
(B) boat
(C) train
(D) foot
58. W: Do you like sports?
M: Yes, I enjoy nearly all sports, but golf is my favorite.
What does the man say about golf?
(A) Golf is the most difficult sport for him.
(B) Golf is the sport he likes the most.
(C) Golf is the sport he is least interested in.
(D) Golf is the sport he practices the most.
59. M: John is going to run to the machine.
W: Has he read the instructions?
What does the woman want to know?
(A) why John is running a machine instead of reading
(B) why John is talking to the teacher
(C) if John is strong enough to run the machine
(D) if John knows how to run the machine
60. W: The fire alarm will sound at ten o’clock.火警警報器
M: OK, then everyone in this room should go out the side door.側門出去
61. M: What is that noise?
W: It must be the person next door.
What is making the noise?
(A) a car
(B) a dog
(C) a man
(D) the door
62. M: How did you do on those ten questions?
W: I got two of them correct.做對了兩題
What did the woman say?
(A) She answered two questions.
(B) She gave the right answer to two questions.
(C) She gave the wrong answer to two questions.做錯了兩題
(D) She left out two questions.兩題沒做
63. M: What’s the matter?
W: That man tried to grab my purse.搶我的皮包
What has happened?
(A) Someone tried to rob the woman.搶劫
(B) Someone wanted to borrow money.
(C) Someone insulted 辱罵 the woman. blame 譴責
(D) Someone left the woman.
64: W: How is Bob doing?
M: He’s OK now. He just needed some first aid treatment.
What did Bob need?
65. M: What did the weather man say?
W: He said we’ll have intermittent 間歇性 rain for the next two days.
(A) constant
(B) on and off
(C) heavy
(D) threatening
66. W: How did the storm affect the factory?
M: We had to close down 關閉 for a week. bankrupt 破產

1. Mary’s going to make some candy. What will she need?
candy、sweets /sugar 糖/ nickel 鎳; 五分鎳幣 dime quarter half dollar a dollar two dollars (coins)
2. Be sure to use the proper forms. Which forms should be used?
Proper=correct=suitable revised 經過修訂=modified
a. the long ones
b. the correct ones
c. the usual ones
d. the revised ones
3. Have you decided what kind of car you want?
Car>> sedan 轎車, coupe 雙門小轎車, hatback, convertible 有活動摺篷的汽車, SUV (sport utility
vehicle) minivan 小卡車 “what kind” connotes 意味著;暗示 chances for choosing (choices)
which= make a choice
4. He’s going to the grocery store. What will he buy? posts(桿子) hardware furniture
a. posts and wires
b. milk and bread
c. chairs and tables
d.nails and lumber
5. They’re supposed to 應該 do the job quickly. How are they supposed to do the job?
6. Mr. Brown is a respectable person. How would you describe him?
good reputation 名譽 /morally correct
a. He has a lot of money.
b. He is poor.
c. He has a good reputation.
d. He is healthy.
7. Which of these produces the energy to light a lamp? Battery/ kerosene 煤油/ gas?
a. darkness
b. time
c. batteries
d. vitamins
8. Mr. Smith finished the job on time. On schedule、punctually 準時 ahead of time 提前
a. It was done by someone else.
b. He was supposed to leave early.
c. It was completed on schedule.
d. He did not know how to do it.
9. Mary cut the cake in half. In the middle、devide into
10. Larry drives to work. By car
11. How much does this shirt cost?
12. My friend asked me what this machine is used for. What did he want to know?
13. The trip was very long. What was long? Journey
a. the movie
b. the journey 旅行

c. the lesson
d. the boat
14. Why did Jim buy that ball? To use it. . .
a. in the store on the corner
b. the day before yesterday
c. to use in the game today
d. for $8.00 plus tax
15. The bellboy took my suitcase. What did he take? porter 服務生(搬行李) page 男侍
a. my purse
b. my bag
c. my coat
d. my key
16. Charles was very unhappy. How did he feel? sad;litter 廢棄物
17. Did the commandant have a fever yesterday? ill 發燒
18. Sam arrived at the theater at one, but the movie didn’t begin until three. How long did he have to
wait? 2 hours
a. 3 o'clock
b. for no one
c. two hours
d. because it was late.
19. Clara consulted a mechanic before buying the car. Why did she consult a mechanic? 諮詢 Check
the car
20. Did he have an explanation for what happened? Give the reason(s)
21. Be careful to remove the flammables from the box. What should you remove from the box? Flame /
easy to catch fire/ easy to burn
22. He’s studying science in school. What subject is he taking? Chemistry (geography 地理學)
23. Edward said “I’m looking forward to seeing my family.” What did he mean?
Expect to see…
24. My roommate’s watch keeps good time. Runs correct(is running correctly) need winding(上發條)
25. Margaret looks like her father. resemble
26. You should keep these letters. save
27. Our guests stayed overnight.
a. They stayed all night.
b. They never left their home.
c. They stayed until midnight.
d. They went home late.

28. Rufus told Jim to meet him right here. At this exact location
29. The baby sleeps best when it is cool. When does the baby sleep best? When the temperature is
quite comfortable
30. The animals are being kept in a pen. Why were they put there? Confined 受限制的 can’t escape
31. Are those two keys identical? fit
32. The band leader has been asked to compose 作曲 a song. What has he been asked to do? Make
up a song/ write a song
33. Bob slept in the open. Where did he sleep? Outside
a. upstairs
b. downstairs
c. outside
d. inside

34. The watchman looked downward. Where did he look? To the bottom
35. Was the light blinking? flashing
36. Carl’s getting up from the table. What is he doing? leaving
37. Why did Jerry try on the coat? fit
38. Mr. Walton plans to attend the concert. Intends to go
a. He intends to go to the concert.
b. He does not expect to go to the concert.
c. He does not like concerts.
d. He expects to plan a concert

39. The top of the table was rough.

a. The top was dirty.
b. The top was shiny.
c. The top was not smooth.
d. The top wasn’t hard.

40. Jim got very tired by the end of the day. Became (fact) Could be(possibility guest)
41. Chew your food well. Well=thoroughly
a. Chew your food occasionally.
b. Chew your food in half.
c. Chew your food thoroughly.
d. Chew your food in small pieces.

42. The road was curved. bend

43. Mrs. Sanders couldn’t bear the pain of her broken leg. Stand/too much
a. It was too much pain.
b. It wasn’t enough pain.
c. The leg was too long.
d. The break was soft.

44. He needed the data. Date? Information (datum)

a. He needed something to eat.
b. He needed the rest.
c. He needed a date.
d. He needed the information.

45. This engine is old, but it still works with precision 精確. Perfectly/ smoothly/ clockwise
46. Why does he have difficulty reading small print? Poor visibility/ sight is poor/
47. My father works for a lumber company. Where does he work?
a. in a library
b. in a forest
c. in a laboratory
d. in a cemetery

48. Bob jumped into the water head first. What did he do? dived
49. Joe heard a rumor that the air base was going to close. What did he hear? Unconfirmed statement
a. a statement of fact
b. an official statement
c. a statement of authority
d. an unconfirmed statement

50. Rush this order through. Get it out immediately in a hurry

a. Examine it carefully.
b. Mail it on a routine basis.
c. Get it out in a hurry.
d. Check to see if it is all there.

51. I’ve got to find my friend. Have to=must

52. That table is not level. One is Lower than
a. One end is lower than the other.
b. It isn’t large enough.
c. It isn’t suitable.
d. One side is longer than the other.

53. He broke away from the crowd. Went away from (freed)
54. My neighbor’s child is terribly spoiled 被寵壞的. overindulged 溺愛
55. Why did the police set up a barricade 在...設置路障? Bar/ block
a. to let the people through
b. to speed up traffic
c. to block traffic
d. to clear the road

56. Sue’s eyes are puffy 自傲的. swollen 激動興奮的

57. M: What are you going to do this afternoon?
W: I’m going to a movie. Motion picture
What is the woman going to do?
a. get something to eat
b. see a motion picture
c. go shopping
d. visit some friends

58. W: What are you doing to my car?

M: I’m trying to adjust it.
What is the man trying to do to the car? regulate
59. W: Did you begin in November?
M: Yes, I finished in one month.
When did the man finish?
a. January
b. June
c. October
d. December

60. W: Why do you keep doing that?

M: I’m trying to develop my muscles.
What does man want to do? Become stronger
61. M: How’s your brother doing in his new job?
W: I hear he’s been very effective.
What did the woman mean? Good at his kob 非洲水羚
a. Her brother is a strange man.
b. Her brother is good at his job.
c. Her brother has left his job.
d. Her brother has been made ill by his job.

62. W: Is this alright?

M: I don’t know. We need to measure it first.
What does the man want to do first? Find out the dimensions
a. keep it safe
b. open it up
c. find out what it is
d. find out how big it is

63. M: Who should I send to do the job?

W: It doesn’t matter. Send anyone you want?
What did the woman say? She doesn’t care
64. M: Why don’t you buy this one?
W: I don’t like that brand 商標.
Why won’t the woman buy the item?kind
65. W: Why are you whispering 低語? Soft sound
M: My throat is very sore 疼痛發炎的 today.
What is the man doing?
a. He is speaking softly
b. He is screaming.
c. He is yelling.
d. He is speaking loudly.

66. M: What’s the matter Jane?

W: I have a cut on my heel 腳後跟. Foot Achilles’ heel
Have a good week!

1. Mr. Davis is building a house. What is he building? 戴維斯正建造一所房子。
a. a place to put his car
b. a place to live
c. a place to work
d. a place to keep his supplies
2. What must a passenger have to use this airline? 航空公司、航線的
3. I asked eight people to come to the meeting, but Helen couldn’t come. How many people came to
the meeting?
a. I was there, too.
b. Seven were there.
c. It was on Saturday
d. The meeting wasn't held.
4. The woman made toast for breakfast. What did she use? 婦女為早餐做烤麵包。
a. oranges
b. bread
c. eggs
d. milk
5. Jackson cooks all our meals for us. What does he do? 傑克遜為我們煮飯。
a. He buys the food.
b. He eats the food.
c. He sells the food.
d. He prepares the food.
6. The students enjoy ice cream. 那些學生喜愛冰淇淋
7. Frank went to the station to catch the 8:30 express to Trenton.快車、快遞
8. The instructor will bring up a new subject in class today.提出
9. School starts at 0900, and Marie is always on time. 上課在 0900 開始,瑪麗總是準時
a. She always gets there on time.
b. She always goes there by bus.
c. She always takes her time.
d. She always has her watch.
10. There’s a discount on this TV.折扣 The TV is _____.
a. on sale
b. expensive
c. broken
d. old-fashioned 古典、老式樣
11. Bob needs to do his laundry. 鮑伯需要做他的洗熨衣物/ˋlɔndrɪ/洗衣店、待洗衣物
12. John had a big dinner a few minutes ago. Is he hungry now?
13. Is this seat taken? 這位子有人坐嗎
a. Has this seat been removed?
b. Is this seat moveable?
c. Is this seat being used?
d. Is this seat being carried away?
14. What courses are you taking this year? 今年你在選什麼課程
15. a. I am going to the university.
16. b. This is my third year.
17. c. I am studying at night.
18. d. I am studying mathematics and English.
19. Why do people talk? 人們為什麼交談
20. Bill cannot run as fast as Bob. Why doesn’t Bill run as fast as Bob?

21. Is that Mary’s voice? 那是瑪莉的聲音嗎
22. Jerry asked, “Whose pen is this?” What did he want to know?
23. Mr. Leslie’s job is to regulate the machines. What does Mr. Leslie do? 調整機器
a. He makes the machines.
b. He controls the machines.
c. He oils the machines.
d. He sells the machines.
24. The student went to the beach and got a severe burn. What caused the burn? 晒傷
a. exposure to the sand /sænd/沙子 /bɝn/燙傷, 曬傷
b. exposure to the sea /ɪkˋspoʒɚ/暴露
c. exposure to the surf /sɝf/(沖擊岩石、海岸的)碎浪,海浪;浪花
d. exposure to the sun
25. Jill bought a new battery for her car. What was the battery for?
26. If the man says that perhaps he will come, what does he mean? / pəˈhps/ 也許、猜想
a. He may or may not come.
b. He can't come.
c. He doesn't want to come.
d. He definitely will come.
27. Why couldn’t the pilot see the runway? 飛行員為什麼不能看見跑道 poor eyesight
a. Visibility was very poor.
b. It was a nice day.
c. The pilot needed goggles.
d. The pilot was in good shape.
28. John works at a cleaners. What does he do there? 洗衣店 clean 清潔工、吸塵器
29. Ernie arrived just in time for the meeting. When did he arrive? 厄尼到達剛剛趕上會議。
a. long before the meeting started
b. right when the meeting started
c. a little after the meeting started
d. long after the meeting started
30. He often studies his lesson. 他經常研究他的課
31. Tom never seems to have enough money. On the other hand, William always has enough.
32. I go to school because it is compulsory.義務的←→optional /'ɔpʃənəl/
a. It is required.
b. It is interesting.
c. Boys and girls go together.
d. It is free for me.
33. How can I get to the hospital? 我怎樣能到達醫院
34. The barber said to Henry “You’re next.” What did he mean? following、subsequent /ˈsʌbsɪkwənt/
35. Jane lives in Evanston, which is a suburb of Chicago. Where does Jane live? /ˈsʌbɜb/市郊
a. close to Evanston /ˋsʌbəb/郊區
b. close to Chicago
c. in the center of Chicago
d. in neither Evanston nor Chicago
36. Which is a fluid? 哪個是一種流體 liquid:water、milk
a. fire
b. water
c. a car
d. a water pipe 輸水管
37. There are many defects in this mechanism. What is the condition of this mechanism? 缺點

38. Tom picked out a hat. What did he do? 湯姆挑選一頂帽子。Select
a. He cleaned it.
b. He carried it.
c. He collected them.
d. He selected one.
39. My trousers are completely worn out. What should I do with them? /ˈtrauzəz/褲子
40. The student speaks English fluently.?學生流利地講英語
41. Miss Howell sets a good example.樹立一個好的例子
42. I watched the men build a race car. 建造一輛賽車。
a. They constructed the car.
b. They put gas in the car.
c. They rode in the car.
d. They drove it to town.
43. He distributed the newspapers to the students. 他將報紙分發給那些學生。Give
a. He gave a newspaper to each student.
b. He gave all the newspapers to one student.
c. He showed the newspapers to the students.
d. He read the newspapers to the students.
44. She slipped on the sidewalk. 她在行人穿越道上滑倒/slɪp/
a. The walk was clean.
b. The walk was level.
c. The walk was icy.行走的路程
d. The walk was paved. /peɪv/舖設、安排
45. Peter folded the paper carefully. 彼得仔細摺疊紙。/fold/←→spread /spred (out)
a. He put it away.
b. He doubled it over. /ˋdʌb!/把...對摺(+back/over)
c. He cleaned it up.
d. He read it again.
46. There was an explosion at the refinery. 在精煉廠有一次爆炸/ɪkˋsploʒən/ /ri'fainəri/
explosions of laughter 哄堂大笑 the explosion sparked /spɑrk/ a fire.
a. Some workers were promoted.
b. Some workers were hired.
c. Some workers were injured.
d. Some workers were retired.
47. I asked the captain for some time off, but I was turned down.休假,拒絕
a. I was whirled around.
b. My request was rejected.
c. I put the time down.
d. The captain asked for some time off.
48. The man was working under the car. Where was he? 那個人正在汽車下工作。
49. Mr. Thomas is in the hospital. He’s pretty bad off.病重
50. Do you care about your job?你關心你的工作嗎?
a. Yes, I am careless.
b. Yes, I am conceited.
c. Yes, I am callous.
d. Yes, I am concerned.
51. Mr. Kurt has a great deal of influenceat this school. What can Mr. Kurt do?影響/ˈɪnfluəns/
52. Mr. Smith said that this is the longest heat wave he can remember. What did he mean by heat wave ?
53. Mr. Samuels asked what stage our project was in. What did he want to know? state、period
a. why we were doing the project
b. when the project would take place
c. who would participate in the project
d. how far the project had progressed /ˋprɑgrɛs/進展
54. David forgot his lunch, so I gave him half of mine.
a. He has all of it now.
b. He has more than I have now.
c. He has as much as I have now.
d. He has less than I have now.
55. The weather is fair. /fɛr/晴朗的 clean up.
56. The driver stepped on the gas. 加速
a. He checked the amount of gas.
b. He put his foot on the gas tank.
c. He made the car go slower.
d. He made the car go faster.
57. The student said, “Do you have any black-ties for sale?” The clerk said, “I’m sorry, we just sold our
last one.” 要求賓客穿半正式禮服的
58. The euphoria created by the political convention didn’t last long. 被政治習俗建立的舒適沒持續長
時間/juˋfɔrɪə/心情愉快的 /pəˋlɪtɪkl/政治的/kənˋvɛnʃən/習慣、慣例
59. Robert concealed the package./kənˋsil/ conceal your intentions 隱藏好你的意圖
60. Dr. Frank is a physicist from Germany.法蘭克是德國一名物理學家/ˈfɪzɪsɪst/
61. M: How’s Paul?
W: They’re taking his temperature now.
What do they want to find out?
M : 保羅怎樣?
W : 他們現下正測量他的體溫。
62. W: Let’s buy a camera for Bill.
M: Good idea. He likes to take pictures.
What else will Bill need?
W : 讓我們為比爾買一架照像機。
M : 好想法。他喜歡拍照。
63. M: Can your son drive the car?
W: No. The law forbids him to do so before he is 16.
What keeps the woman’s son from driving the car?
M : 你的兒子能駕駛汽車嗎?
W : 不。在他 16 歲之前,法律禁止他如此做。
64. W: Where are we going on our vacation?
M: I don’t know. It’s up to you.
What did he tell her?
W : 我們在那裡繼續我們的假期?
M : 我不知道。由你決定。
a. She must make the decision.
b. She must go on a vacation.
c. She must go by herself.
d. She must stop bothering him.
65. W: What did you do yesterday?
M: I listened to the game.
What did the man do?
W : 昨天你做什麼?
M : 我聽比賽。
66. M: Did you study your lessons last night?
W: Yes, I studied them thoroughly. /ˈθʌrəlɪ/徹底地
What did the woman say?
M : 昨晚你研究你的課了嗎?
W : 是的,我完全研究他們。
67. W: How do you like office work?
M: I hate it. I’d rather be outside.
Where would the man like to work?
W : 你覺得辦公室工作怎么樣?
M : 我憎惡它。我寧願在外面。
68. M: Miss Jenkins, will you be able to take on a new job this week?
W: Yes, sir.
M: Good. I’d like you to collaborate with Mr. Cross on the Orwell contract. 契約書
M : 詹金斯小姐,這星期你將能承擔一個新工作嗎?
W : 是的,先生。
69. W: Bob, do you know Suzy very well?
M: Yeah, why do you ask?
W: I’m looking for a new roommate. Do you think she and I could get along?
M: I don’t know. Suzy really has a short fuse.
M : 是的,你為什麼問?
W : 我正尋找一個新室友。你認為她和我能相處嗎?
M : 我不知道。Suzy 實際上是一個易怒的脾氣;。
70. W: Did you hear that?
M: Yeah, it sounded like a tire.
W: You’d better pull over.靠向路邊

1. Ken likes to participate in sports. What does he like to do? 肯喜歡參加運動。
a. watch games
b. see films on sports
c. read about sports
d. take part in sports
2. Private Morris performs his duties well. What sort of man is he? Private 莫利斯履行他的職責
a. lazy
b. efficient
c. musical
d. friendly
3. This type of animal averages 20 pounds. What do we know about this type of animal?
這類動物平均 20 磅因。我們了解這類動物什麼?
4. He read about another country in the newspaper. What kind of news did he read? 他在報紙裡獲悉
5. My chair is made of aluminum. What is it made of? 我的椅子由鋁做成。它由什麼做成?
a. strong plastic
b. strong cloth
c. light metal
d. light wood
6. Tom went to the doctor to have his hearing checked. What did the doctor check?
a. Tom’s eyes
b. Tom’s ears
c. Tom’s lungs
d. Tom’s feet
7. Please don’t take these seats. 請不要帶這些位子。
a. Don’t take these seeds.
b. Don’t take these sheets.
c. Don’t take these chairs.
d. Don’t take these sweets
8. The children are at school. 那些孩子在學校。
9. The children tried to cross the street. 那些孩子嘗試過馬路。
10. What’s your name? 你的名字是什麼?
11. The soldiers had to go through jungle by foot. 那些士兵必須透過腳穿過叢林。
12. In what season does snow usually fall? 雪在什麼季節通常下降?
a. white
b. summer
c. winter
d. gently
13. Martin left a note for his friend. What did he leave?馬丁為他的朋友留下筆記。他留下什麼?
14. What happened to that piece of glass? 玻璃的那片怎么回事?
15. James is not healthy. What’s wrong with him? 詹姆士不健康。 他怎么了?
16. Speak distinctly when giving instructions. How should you speak when giving instructions? 清楚地
講話 清楚地給指示。當給指示時,你應該怎樣講話?
17. Mary has a good career. What does she have? 瑪莉有一項好職業。她有什麼?
18. Tom said, “These apples are spoiled.” What did he say about the apples? 湯姆說蘋果壞了。
a. The apples are not good.
b. The apples are good.
c. The apples are pretty.
d. The apples are small.
19. Mrs. Barnes has a lot of containers in her kitchen. What does she have? 很多容器在廚房。
20. Chuck has repaired the circuits. What has he repaired?chuck 已經修理電路。他修理什麼?
21. Carl’s studying Chemistry at school. What’s he studying? 凱爾在學校學習化學。
a. foreign languages
b. political systems
c. important dates
d. basic substances
22. The two prisoners wanted to escape, but they needed a boat. Where were they?
23. Jane was look over a new car. What was she doing? 檢查車
24. There are many facilities for recreation on this base. 基地有很多娛樂設施。
a. Many forms of entertainment and sports are available.
b. Not many movies are shown here.
c. Many training facilities are provided.
d. Many chapels have been built on this base.
25. Blackbirds are very common to this area. 山鳥在這個地區很常見
a. Blackbirds usually appear here.
b. Blackbirds please people.
c. Blackbirds are easy to identify.
d. Blackbirds rarely come here.
26. Al’s project incorporated 合併的 the new projects.
27. The post office is next to the bank. 郵局在銀行旁
28. The TV program comes on at nine. 電視節目 9 點登場
29. Did you know that today is his birthday? 你知道今天是他的生日嗎?
30. Mr. Brown can’t go. He doesn’t have time right now. Why can’t he go?
→ really pressed for time.
31. I need to have an hour to study. How much time do I need?
32. For this job, John needs a pair of scissors. What does he have to do? 剪刀
33. I have the advantage over him. What do I have? 我超過他有優勢
34. Did she get her mail today? 今天她收到她的郵件了嗎?
a. Yes, she sent it.
b. Yes, she wrote it.
c. Yes, she has it now.
d. Yes, she didn't remember.
35. Would you like to have a bath before dinner? 你願意在晚餐之前洗澡嗎?
36. Helen needed something to pour the milk into. What did she need?
37. How long is a decade? 十年多久?
38. All the students left except (除)Jeff. He was told to sit tight(stay). What was Jeff told to do?
39. How many pounds have you put on since you arrived at the language school? 胖了多少
40. We told the sergeant that we had already made up our beds. What had we done? 整理
a. washed the sheets and blankets
b. put the sheets and blankets on the bed
c. built out own beds
d. piled the sheets and blankets on the bed
41. I want to visit you next year. 我想要明年訪問你。
42. The envelope was sealed. 這個信封被密封

43. The driver can avoid accidents if he is careful. 如果他小心,司機能避免事故
44. Mr. Jones has good eyesight. 瓊斯有好視力。
45. Marie has a constant headache. 瑪麗有常頭痛
a. It comes and goes.來來往往
b. She has it some of the time.
c. It fluctuates back and forth.
d. She has it all the time.一直、始終
46. William ignited 點燃 the wood. What did he do? 威廉點燃木材
a. He set it on fire.
b. He carried it.
c. He cut it into pieces.
d. He polished it.
47. Alan bought some nuts and bolts. What will he do with them? 螺絲和螺帽
48. Sue bought some tableware for the occasion. What did she buy? 蘇買一些餐具
a. fruit and vegetables occasion /əˋkeʒən/ 場合,時刻;重大活動,盛典
b. spoons, knives, and forks
c. chairs and tables
d. pots and pans
49. What caused the car wheel to wobble? 引起這個汽車車輪搖擺什麼?
a. It was balanced. /hwil/輪子,車輪
b. It was new.
c. It was unbalanced.
d. It was stable. /ˋsteb!/穩定的,牢固的;平穩的
50. Sarah told me that I was stupid and lazy. Why was I angry at Sarah? remark
a. because of her remark
b. because of her appearance
c. because of her memory
d. because of her influence
51. The sailor can steer that small boat. 船員能駕駛船。
a. He can get in it.
b. He can put water in it.
c. He can take pictures of it.
d. He can guide it.
52. Mr. King’s a flexible man. 靈活
a. He isn’t rigid.
b. He isn’t friendly.
c. He isn’t efficient.
d. He isn’t healthy.
53. We succeeded because we had determination. 堅定
a. We were not interested.
b. We made excuses.
c. We didn’t give up.
d. We needed motivation.
54. Why does Jane have goose bumps? cold
a. because she is angry
b. because she is cold
c. because she is tired
d. because she is warm
55. David’s car is ready to fall apart. 大衛的汽車準備拆解 break down His car is .
a. a rental car
b. in good condition
c. brand new
d. in poor condition
56. Aunt Nelly walked over to the couch 長沙發. another sideAunt Nelly wants to .
a. start dinner
b. sit down
c. wash clothes
d. stand up
57. W: How much did you pay for your new suit? how much the clothes
M: I don’t remember now.
What does she want to know?
58. W: What have you been doing this summer?
M: I’ve been traveling.
What has he been doing?
59. M: What did you think of John?
W: He gave the best performance in the play?扮演
What did John do?
60. M: This heat is terrible. /hit/熱
W: Yes, it really makes me tired, and I’m thirsty too. /'θəsti/口渴的
M: Why don’t we get a cold drink?
W: That’s a good idea.
61. W: What are you looking at?
M: The compass.
What does he want to know? direction
62. M: Are you going to buy some sugar?
W: Yes, but I can’t decide on the amount.
What can’t the woman decide?
63. W: Didn’t you finish the book?
M: No, there were too many distractions.分散注意的事物
Why didn’t he finish reading?
a. He was too tired to continue.
b. He did not have enough time.
c. He did not want to read.
d. Other things caught his attention.
64. M: We have to get this work done.
W: Yes, but it has to be done according to the proper procedures.
65. W: Did you do the math problem right?
M: No, I made a mistake.
66. M: Hi, honey. Sorry I’m late. Am I in the doghouse? 不會生我氣吧
W: Not this time. Mr Brown was in the doghouse again. 布朗先生又該倒霉了。

1 Billy’s favorite program was on TV. Which program was on TV?
(A) The one he hates the most.
(B) The one he likes the most.
(C) The one he watches everyday.
(D) The one he doesn’t want to share with other people.
2 Why was the school closed today?
(A) Because the principal was happy today.
(B) Because the students were happy today.
(C) Because tomorrow is a holiday.
(D) Because today was a holiday.
3 Bob wants to take a shower. What does he want to do?
(A) He wants to observe the shower.
(B) He wants to bring his umbrella.
(C) He wants to clean himself.
(D) He wants to wash something.
4 I want to buy a car. Which part of the newspaper should I look in?
(A) Editorial.
(B) Ads section.
(C) Comics strips.
(D) Obituary.
5 The Sgt. told them to hurry up. What did he want them to do?
(A) He wants them to go faster.
(B) He wants them to come to him later.
(C) He wants them to stay.
(D) He wants them to be heard.
6 Not all roses are red. Some are yellow or pink.
(A) All of them are not yellow.
(B) Some of them are not red.
(C) None of them is red.
(D) None of them is pink.
7 Mary is the cashier in our office.
(A) She takes care of the office.
(B) She takes care of the money.
(C) She takes care of other employees.
(D) She is the boss.
8 If it clears up, we can have our picnic.
(A) We’ll go if it becomes rainy.
(B) We won’t go if it becomes sunny.
(C) We’ll go if it becomes a picnic.
(D) We won’t go unless it becomes clear.
9 Main Street is a one way street.
(A) It has two entrances
(B) You can go in with the southern entrance only.
(C) No one can go in there.
(D) The street is over that way.
10 Delores is going to buy a piano.
(A) She wishes to be an artist.
(B) She is going to sell it immediately.
(C) She wishes to become musician.
(D) She hasn’t got enough money.
11 Tom has a child.
(A) Tom is his father.
(B) Tom is his brother.
(C) Tom has a father.
(D) Tom has a brother.
12 Why did he call you?
(A) He needs a new telephone.
(B) He needs my help.
(C) He needs a call.
(D) He needs the call to be made by me.
13 That village is located in the danger zone. Where is the village located?
(A) In the mountains.
(B) Between two hostile countries.
(C) Under water.
(D) On the Main street.
14 What was it that exploded?
(A) Inflammable substances.
(B) Plastic material.
(C) Fuel-like storage.
(D) Rocky material.
15 How does the cook know if the food has enough salt?
(A) He has to put more of it.
(B) He has to ask the customers to taste.
(C) He has to cook it longer.
(D) He has to taste.
16 The two prisoners wanted to escape, but they need a boat. Where were they?
(A) They were in a place surrounded by water.
(B) They were in a boat.
(C) They were in an escape.
(D) They were in the center of a desert.
17 Some accidents occur in heavy traffic. Where do some accidents occur?
(A) In the center of a city.
(B) Amongst many cars.
(C) At night.
(D) Under the traffic light.
18 Spencer has the best assignment in the project.
(A) He gets the best position.
(B) He gets the worst job.
(C) He gets the best mission.
(D) He gets the best project.
19 One of the employees was missing.
(A) No one can find him.
(B) He came to work.
(C) He was dismissed.
(D) He missed the work.
20 The boy covered his head because it was so cold.
(A) He wore a helmet.
(B) He wore a wool hat.
(C) He wore a coat.
(D) He wore a pair of sun glasses.
21 You should keep these letters.
(A) You should stay away form them.
(B) You should keep them from you.
(C) You should store them.
(D) You should mail them.
22 Mary sat between the two soldiers.
(A) She was on the left.
(B) She was in the back.
(C) She was in the front.
(D) She was in the middle.
23 The paper cup with coffee in it had a leak.
(A) Coffee came out of the cup.
(B) Something was going into the cup.
(C) The cup was full with coffee.
(D) The cup had a break down.
24 This material is very tough.
(A) It is easy to shape.
(B) It is not a material.
(C) Its shape is hard to change.
(D) The surface of the material is not smooth.
25 Lt. Charles accomplished the task.
(A) He started it.
(B) He waited for it.
(C) He finished it.
(D) He needed help.
26 Our guests stayed over night.
(A) They can sleep in hotel.
(B) They can sleep in our guest room.
(C) They have to stay out side.
(D) They want to leave for tonight.
27 Jane ended up at the top of her class.
(A) She had to climb onto the roof of the classroom.
(B) She had to stop the class.
(C) She was the teacher of the class.
(D) She graduated with best scores in the class.
28 I must get my weight down.
(A) I have to decrease my weight.
(B) I have to go down stairs.
(C) I have to weight myself.
(D) I have to wait until it comes down.
29 Bill suddenly became aware that he was speeding. What did Bill suddenly realize?意識到超速
(A) His car had a problem
(B) He drove too slowly.
(C) He didn’t notice the sign of speed limit.
(D) He didn’t slow down.
30 What is blinking light?
(A) The light from flashlight.
(B) The motion that eyes can do.
(C) The light for signal.
(D) The fast motion that you can’t easy notice.
31 George argued with Tom. What did George do?
(A) George nodded the head.
(B) George tried to convince Tom.
(C) Both of them kept silent.
(D) Both of them agreed with each other.
32 What is another way of saying: “We can arrange to be at her house by 9 o’clock?
(A) We have to arrange her house before 9 o’clock.
(B) She has to arrange for us by 9 o’clock.
(C) We can arrive at her place at about 9.
(D) We have to say something to her at 9.
33 She chose the early flight. What did she do?
(A) She decided to take the flight leaves at 5AM.
(B) She called the airlines early in the morning.
(C) She missed the plane.
(D) She had to stayed at the airport in the morning.
34 The chemist performed an analysis of this liquid. Why did he do so?
(A) He wanted to show everyone the liquid.
(B) The liquid was lost.
(C) He wanted to know what the liquid was consisted of.
(D) The liquid has to be performed.
35 Mr. Smith is a brave man. What kind of man is he?
(A) He has no fear.
(B) He does whatever he says.
(C) He has knowledge for everything.
(D) He likes to show his muscle.
36 My trousers are completely worn out. What should I do with them?
(A) Keep them for another year.
(B) Throw them away.
(C) Ask a tailor to help you.
(D) Wear them at home.
37 Something went wrong with the engine, and we had to make an emergency landing.
(A) We had to find someone to fix the engine when we landed.
(B) We had to stop the engine.
(C) We had to land before the engine went wrong.
(D) We had to do something to save our lives.
38 The work was done efficiently.
(A) It took long time to be finished.
(B) It didn’t need any time.
(C) It was done before we started.
(D) It was finished in a short time.
39 Mr. Smith will train Lois for that job.
(A) Mr. Smith needs the job.
(B) Lois needs Mr. Smith’s instruction.
(C) Mr. Smith need Lois’s training.
(D) Both of them are new in the factory.
40 Mr. Rice has good eyesight.
(A) He doesn’t need assistance to see far.
(B) He needs telescope all the time to see clearly.
(C) His side has good eyes.
(D) His eyes have good site.
41 Mr. Taylor is completely deaf.
(A) He can not see.
(B) He can not speak
(C) He can not hear.
(D) He can not think.
42 The climate here is comparable to that in your country.
(A) It doesn’t exist in our country.
(B) It doesn’t exist in your country.
(C) Comparable climate is difficult to find.
(D) It is similar to yours.
43 The pieces of wire were spliced together. 斷股的電線已扭接妥
(A) They were separated.
(B) They touched each other now.
(C) They will be together later.
(D) The splice is in pieces.
44 My friend Mr. Jones is a miner in Colorado. 礦工
(A) He is a person who likes to use his mind.
(B) He works as if he is in Colorado.
(C) He takes out ore from the ground.
(D) He is mine.
45 After the Doctor put some drops in David’s eyes, David’s vision became blurred.
(A) David couldn’t see clearly before he went to the doctor.
(B) David couldn’t see clearly after he visited the doctor.
(C) David was blind after he visited the doctor.
(D) The doctor told David to become blurred in the sight.
46 Bob went along with the suggestion, what did he do?
(A) He went by himself.
(B) He agreed.
(C) He disagreed.
(D) He kept silent.
47 My friend already knows some English.
(A) He bought some of them.
(B) He read some of them.
(C) He spoke some of them.
(D) He met some of them.
48 He wasted his time as a student.
(A) He could have learned more.
(B) He liked to be a student.
(C) He wasted that student’s time.
(D) He wasted time talking to the student.
49 The mechanic detected a small crack in the blade.
(A) He investigated the mechanic.
(B) He found something wrong.
(C) He took another blade.
(D) He cracked the blade.
50 Here is a level place to have our picnic.
(A) We can’t sit here.
(B) We need a lever to lift our picnic.
(C) We can sit here comfortably.
(D) Our picnic is level.
51 The sailor can steer that small boat.
(A) The boat was controlled by him.
(B) The sailor lost the control of the steel boat.
(C) The sailor was steered by it.
(D) The boat was controlled by itself.
52 Don’t give up now.
(A) You don’t have the chance.
(B) You are not far from the goal.
(C) You should give it to the man.
(D) You can give it away.
53 The magician hypnotized his audience. 魔術師催眠他的觀眾
(A) They mesmerized him.
(B) He mesmerized them.
(C) They mesmerized them.
(D) He mesmerized him.
54 The police put the man under surveillance.監視
(A) The man watched the police.
(B) The surveillance watched the man.
(C) The police watched the man.
(D) The man watched the surveillance.
55 Betty is working on a manuscript. 手稿
(A) She is working in a manual machine.
(B) She is working on a book.
(C) She is working for a man.
(D) Script is working for her.
56 Did Linda’s zipper break? 拉鍊
(A) Yes, she did.
(B) No she didn’t.
(C) Yes, how embarrassed!
(D) No, she is still there.
57 It’s dark in here.(F)
* Yes, I’m looking for the switch.(M)
* What is the man going to do?
(A) Turn off the light.
(B) Find the way out.
(C) Turn on the light.
(D) Find a night vision goggle.
58 Where have you been the past few weeks?(F)
* I was in Senegal.(M)
(A) He was in a country in Central America.
(B) He was in a country in Asia.
(C) He was in a country in Europe.
(D) He was in a country in Africa.
59 Doctor, won’t you help us?(F)
* I can’t. I don’t have my instruments.(M)
* What does the Doctor need?
(A) An organ.
(B) A special tool.
(C) A nurse.
(D) A hospital.
60 I heard you got a good deal on a house yesterday.(M)
* Yes, now I have my own place.(F)
* What are they talking about?
(A) Purchasing a house.
(B) Measuring the place.
(C) Dealing with the house.
(D) How to own a deal.
61 What did Oscar say?(F)
* He wants you to call him back.(M)
* What does Oscar want her to do?
(A) Oscar has to call her.
(B) She has to know what Oscar said.
(C) She has to make a phone conversation with Oscar.
(D) The man has to help Oscar to call her.
62 How much time will you need to show Mr. Bernard the city?(M)
* I found that I’ll only need one day after all.(F)
* What did the woman say?
(A) One day is not enough for her.
(B) One day is what she needs.
(C) She has to show herself to Mr. Bernard for one day.
(D) Mr. Bernard needs one day for seeing her.
63 Where are you going?(F)
* I’m taking Manuel to the hospital.(M)
* What happened?(F)
* When he sat down his chair collapsed.(M)
(A) Manuel is in the hospital now.
(B) The woman is in the hospital now.
(C) Someone hurt himself.
(D) The chair in the hospital collapsed.
64 Would you like to go see Billy Jo Barnes in concert Friday night?(M)
* I’m not sure, the people who attended his concert in Houston got pretty violent.(F)
(A) The experience in Houston has frightened her from going to the concert.
(B) She thinks the concert could be dangerous but she will still attend.
(C) She likes the concert very much so that she wants to go to Houston again.
(D) Billy Jo Barnes concert will be held on Friday in Houston.
65 There is a car with its lights on in the parking lot. It is a blue Mercury Cougar with Georgia license
(A) The car is with a cougar in the parking lot.
(B) The blue car is from Georgia.
(C) All the blue Mercury Cougar are with the light on.
(D) All the cars from Georgia are with the light on.
66 Janet has been down in the dumps for days.(M)
* I know, I’ve noticed a change in her too.(F)
(A) Janet has been working as dump cleaner for days.
(B) Janet is stupid.
(C) Janet change herself into a dumb person.
(D) Janet got a bad mood.

1. It costs a lot to educate children. price、charge、amount、rate 教育孩子花費很多
2. He read about another country in the newspaper. What kind of news did he read?
他在報紙裡獲悉另一個國家。 哪種消息
3. Peter is concentrating on the problem. What’s Peter doing? pay attention
彼得正專心於問題。 彼得在做什麼?
4. Mr. Brown is a respectable person. How would you describe him?
a. He has a lot of money.
b. He is poor.
c. He has a good reputation.
d. He is healthy.
5. What did the dinner consist of?
a. five dollars
b. meat and vegetables
c. officers and men
d. one hour
6. Sally wanted to know what the box contained. What did she want to know?
薩莉想要知道箱子包含什麼。 她想要知道什麼?
→ hold、include、involve、consist of
7. The weather report is received daily. When do we get the report?
天氣報告每天被收到。 我們什麼時候得到報告?
a. every week
b. every hour
c. every month
d. every day
8. Joe is in the Navy.
9. The little girl had a problem when she tried to tie her shoes.
a. It was easy for her to tie her shoes.
b. It was difficult for her to tie her shoes.
c. She liked to tie her shoes.
d. She disliked tying her shoes.
10. The student was ready to depart. 學生準備出發。
→leave、exit、withdraw、go away
11. When we went on the picnic, we participated in many games.
a. We watched the games.
b. We played the games.
c. We got tired of them.
d. We took pictures of them.
12. The woman controlled her dog with a whistle 哨音. What did she do?
13. Abner needs something to wear. What does he need?
阿布納需要東西穿。 他需要什麼?
14. The machine needs an operator. What does it need?
機器需要一位操作者。 它需要什麼?

15. The mechanic will inspect your car tomorrow. What will he do?
a. He’ll fix the car.
b. He’ll repair the car.
c. He’ll examine the car.
d. He’ll buy the car.
16. Why did you grab the hand brake?抓住手煞車
a. to start the car
b. to stop the car
c. to make the car go faster
d. to lessen the load on the car
17. The dentist said that Mr. Brown has a large cavity. What does Mr. Brown need? filling
18. Ernie arrived just in time for the meeting. When did he arrive?
a. long before the meeting started
b. right when the meeting started
c. a little after the meeting started
d. long after the meeting started
19. Jenny filled out the application. What did she do?
a. She completed it.
b. She destroyed it.
c. She lost it.
d. She mailed it.
20. There are many facilities for recreation on this base.
a. Many forms of entertainment and sports are available.
b. Not many movies are shown here.
c. Many training facilities are provided.
d. Many chapels have been built on this base. /ˋtʃæpl/教堂
21. I have to talk to Captain Smith.
a. I won’t talk to him.
b. I can talk to him now.
c. I must talk to him.
d. I ought to talk to him.
22. Margaret looks like her father. similar
23. The sheet of paper was blank. 張紙是空白的。
24. The pavement emitted a lot of heat. 行人穿越道 鋪過的地面 發出許多熱。
25. It’s freezing outside. 在外面正結冰。
26. Joe and his friend went out to eat.
a. They ate the food at home.
b. They ate too much food.
c. They ate at a restaurant.
d. They ate the wrong food.
27. This land is for commercial use only.
a. You can build a department store on it.
b. You can build a house on it.
c. You can build a public school on it.
d. You can build a church on it.

28. Why do some women wear perfume? It good.
a. looks
b. tastes
c. smells
d. sounds
29. Mr. Jones owed a lot of money, but he paid the entire amount. How much of it did he pay?
先生 瓊斯欠許多錢,但是他支付整個款項。 他支付了多少?
30. The men had to be tough in battle. What did they have to be?
那些人必須在戰鬥過程中是激烈的。 他們必須是什麼?
31. They had many strange ideas. What kind of ideas did they have?
他們有很多奇怪的想法。 他們有哪種想法? →curious、unusual
32. This example is comparable to the first one. What kind of examples are they? examined them
together 這個例子可與第一個相比較。 他們是哪種例子?
33. The wind died down. What happened to the wind?風平息。 風怎么回事?
34. Edward has not made a reservation yet. 愛德華還沒預約。
35. Mr. Walton plans to attend the concert.
a. He intends to go to the concert.
b. He does not expect to go to the concert.
c. He does not like concerts.
d. He expects to plan a concert
36. I sat next to Mary.
a. in front of me
b. behind me
c. beside me
d. across from me
37. He distributed the newspapers to his students.
a. He gave a newspaper to each student.
b. He gave all the newspapers to one student.
c. He showed the newspapers to the students.
d. He read the newspapers to the students.
38. The vote on the bill was negative.
a. There were many people who voted.
b. Most people voted against it.
c. Many people did not vote.
d. Most people voted for it.
39. Bill refused to do his work. 比爾拒絕做他的工作。
40. He’s living under adverse conditions. 他在不利條件下生活。
41. Robert has an accumulation of books. 羅伯 存了不少書
42. Okay, you’ve convinced me.
a. You've persuaded me. /pɚˋswed/說服、勸告
b. You've made me dislike you.
c. You've made me forget things.
d. You've deceived me. /dɪˋsivt/欺騙、背叛
43. You have to go over your lessons.
a. You must find you new lessons.
b. You must study some more.
c. You may stop studying.
d. The class is over.

44. Hundreds of people work for the company.
a. The company has a few people working for it.
b. The company has a large number of employees.
c. The company couldn’t employ many people.
d. The company employs exactly one hundred people.
45. There’s a spot on the ceiling. 有一個點 污點 在天花板上
46. The plane encountered a strong tailwind. Which direction did the wind come from?
a. the rear /rɪə/
b. the left side
c. the front
d. the top
47. Does that store sell any sort of candy?商店出售分類 各色各樣糖果嗎?
48. The student said: “Do you have any black ties for sale?” The clerk said: “I’m sorry, we just sold our
last one.”學生說︰你出售有宴會禮服的 o 嗎? 辦事員說︰ '抱歉的米,我們剛剛出售我們的上
49. Herbert’s income is very low.
a. He doesn't make much money.
b. He doesn't have much time.
c. He doesn't make much progress.
d. He doesn't have much education.
50. Jack said the little animal was slippery.
a. It was hard to see.
b. It was hard to hold.
c. It was black.
d. It was asleep.
51. Helen Jordan is an asset to the organization. 海倫‧喬丹是個傑出的人才
52. In this coded message, each number represents a letter of the alphabet.
a. None of the numbers is a letter.
b. Each number looks like a letter.
c. The code is in alphabetical order.
d. Every number stands for a letter.支持、象徵
53. For many years, the distribution of land in that country was inequitable.
54. Andy was determined to go to the football game, but then, he did a complete about face.
55. Why was the student a detriment to the class?為什麼學生受傷
56. Ryan buys a lottery ticket every day. 瑞安每天買一張彩票。
57. I’m tired of waiting for a bus. How often do the buses run?
The schedule says every half hour.
How often do the buses run?
我厭倦等一輛公共汽車。 多久來一次?
58. Did you enjoy your dinner at the new restaurant?
Uh-huh, everything except the vegetables.
你在新餐廳喜愛你的晚餐了嗎? 哼哼,除菜蔬之外。
59. Could you let me have five dollars?
Sure, your credit is good until payday.
What does the man want to do?
你借我 5 美元?
60. What did you do about your garage?
I’ve expanded it
What did the man do about his garage?
a. The man cleaned his garage out.
b. The man made his garage bigger.
c. The man repaired his garage.
d. The man painted his garage.
61. Is there something I can help you with?
Sure, would you please help me open this can of soup?
我可以幫你忙嗎? 當然,幫我打開這湯罐頭好嗎?
62. Why aren’t you going?
The visibility is poor
Why isn’t the man going?
你為什麼不走? 能見度是不足,人為什麼不走?
63. Oh dear, all the lights in the house went off.
It looks like the whole neighborhood is in darkness
What is the problem?
64. What kind of person is your supervisor?
She is very capable.
65. What is your boss like?
Oh, she’s very sweet. In fact, she’s too sweet sometimes. You’re not sure you can trust her.
噢,她非常漂亮。 實際上,她有時太漂亮。 你不能確信你能相信她。
66. Did you see all the monkeys in that cage?
Yes, the certainly were chattering.→talk

1. Mr. Bush completed the job. What did he do? /kəmˋplitɪt/完成 finish、end up
2. Do you have any extra? /ˋɛkstrə/額外 supplementary、surplus
3. Which one of these is not a liquid? /lɪkwɪd/、fluid→ice
4. The student is eating an apple. What is the student eating? Fruit (D)
5. The teacher’s custom is to come early?
6. The comics are very entertaining.有趣的(D)
7. That man is a government agent. That man represents the government.
8. John attends the university.上大學
9. Susan has parents.有雙親 father and mother
10. The boy is going to buy a piano. She wishes to become musician
11. I only have three cents. few
12. This device controls the flow of oil . What does it control?油量 pedal 油門
13. This medicine is for internal used only. How should it be used? Interior─external
14. As the officer left the room, he said “continue your work. “ What is another way expressing what he
said? go on
15. He is catching on fast. What is he doing? respond quickly;He's learning quickly.
16. What can I reach you tonight? in touch with、communicate with
17. Miss Crud said “I believe so.” What does she mean? identical
18. My eyes are weak. pool vision、blurry;I can’t see very well.
19. He came to the US three weeks ago.已經到
20. Spencer has the best assignment in this project. He has the best job.
21. He is making progress in his studies.
22. Lucy was lucky to able to get the tickets. can、fortunate
23. John’s shirt was similar to mine.
24. Since several of men live in the same neighborhood, they often share ride to work.→car pool 共乘
25. This person want to associate with four people.
26. When I called him, he was too occupied to talk. He was busy.
27. The commander gave him an order.
28. Our guests stayed over night. They stayed all night.
29. The instructor was describing the parts of skeleton. Which part was he talking about? bone、frame
30. Rebecca slammed the door, what did Rebecca do? /slæm/碰一聲關門 she put on her door suddenly.
31. This summer the city cut down the water supply, what did they do to the supply?減少 reduce the
32. Did you stick to your job? keep trying
33. I want to visit you next year. call on、run across
34. It’s important to arrive early. It matters when we arrive
35. Mrs. Homer served us dinner. She brought our dinner to the table.
36. I have sufficient time to study. enough
37. We had to skip chapter three because there wasn’t enough time. We omitted it entirely.
38. John said he was starving. ['staviŋ]飢餓的、hungry
39. Miss Gordon authorized the plans. /ˈɔːθərʌɪzd/授權的、give power to、permit
40. The president established the rules. set up、
41. Bob showed the tickets stub to the usher.票根
42. It is against the regulations to cook in your room. disobey
43. Unfortunately, the navigator had a mental lapse. Memory lapse
→a lapse in judgment;a serious lapse in security;have a brief lapse of attention/concentiation
44. The instructor told the student to get in touch with him the next day.
communicate with、contact his instructor
45. Hale made up his mind to go to the party. He decided to attend the party
46. Everyone has to relax once in a while. occasional、most of the time
47. Herbal’s income is very low. not very money
48. The regular signals from sinking ship suddenly ceased. /sist/中止 stop、halt、end
49. Some people plan to sabotage the factory. /ˋsæbəˏtɑʒ/破壞
50. The two parties of this negotiator, they’ve differences.歧見
51. The student asked the teacher for a hint. tip、clue 提示
52. He has a lead role in the new TV drama.主角 actor、actress
53. Beatrice found many unusual shells. on the beach
54. Joe always has pastry for breakfast. (D)
55. The huge old tree was cut down yesterday.砍倒
56. The new movie has angered a lot of people. It is _____. controversial /kɑntrəˋvəʃəl/有爭議的
57. M: How did the party turn out? W: Nobody came. How many people were at the party? none
58. What do you want to do after the dinner? Why don’t we go to Mary’s house?
59. W: How will you get your dog to take that medicine? M: I’m going to inject it.
What’s the man going to do with the medicine? He's going to give the dog a shot.
60. Have you seen any keys? Here is the key to my trunk, but I can’t find the ignition key, oh dear. Where
did you use it last? why did the woman need a ignition key? ignite
61. Now it’s the good time to produce buy and sell. It certainly is, prices are constantly climbing.
62. Mrs. Sanders made delicious cake for the party. I wonder what ingredient is used. What does the
woman want to know?
63. I don’t understand the terms of this agreement 協議的術語. Let me explain it again. terminology
64. This item is great. I think I’ll get some more.
65. Did you ever watch that old show beyond the limits on TV? Of course, my sister and I never missed
it. And it has some pretty good stories on there, didn’t they? Yeah, especially, we like to cut standard
hair like them. What kind of show are the man and woman talking about?
66. Did you find any place for us to eat? We can use that table over there, but it doesn’t have any benches.


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