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Teaching Practice (Long Term)

Assignment Lesson Plan (Fall 2020)

Total Marks: 50
Weightage 25%

To assess the students’ understanding of concepts of teaching and enable them for implementing
lesson planning practically.


 Late assignments will not be accepted.

 If the file is corrupt or problematic, it will be marked zero.
 Plagiarism will never be tolerated. Plagiarism occurs when a student uses work
done by someone else as if it was his or her own; however, taking the ideas from
different sources and expressing them in your own words will be encouraged.
 No assignment will be accepted via e-mail.
 The solution file should be in Word document format; the font color should be
preferably black and font size should be 12 Times New Roman.

List of Activities
Lesson plans and teaching will be assessed in google classroom. A schedule is shared from your
supervisors or if not shared, it will be done by the end of this month.
You should prepare 12 lessons of subjects you have selected in your first assignment as the
number given below:

1. Students need to prepare four lesson plans for each subject in two weeks. Lesson
plan needs to be submitted on weekly basis. This assignment is for two weeks’
i.e. Subject 1 = 4 lesson plans
Subject 2 = 4 lesson plans
Subject 3 = 4 Lesson plans
Total lesson plans = 12

2. You will prepare 12 lesson plans on different topics in this assignment. Subjects
should be same as mentioned in Subject selection form.
3. The lesson plans should not be repeated with Lessons submitted in Assignment no. 2
of 12 lesson plans. If these lessons are same or copied from other student, your
assignment will be marked as zero.
4. You need to upload the 12 lesson plans in a single Word Doc. File on LMS within the
due date. However, you must start each lesson plan from a NEW PAGE of the
solution file. DO NOT start a new lesson plan from the middle or end of a page.
5. Carefully check all 12 lesson plans before uploading on LMS.

Note: You have to teach 2 lessons in online class from these lessons at your turn. Keep visiting
LMS for updates about your turn.
6. Also fill the following table:

Sr. Grade/Class Subject Topic


Activity 1: Format of Lesson Planning

Lesson plan should be activity based for students so that they can directly participate in the
process of learning and construct learning from their own experiences. Here are the brief
contents of the lesson plan; you may please prepare your lesson accordingly.

Here are the elements of a lesson plan; you may please prepare your lesson accordingly.

1. Subject
2. Grade level/ Class
3. Text Book
4. Topic & Sub Topic
5. Time duration
6. General Objectives
Example: After reading this topic _________, students will be able to

7. Specific/Instructional Objectives (Use Measureable verbs to state specific objectives e.g.

See Bloom’s Taxonomy)
Example: Students will be able to:
1. Define common and proper nouns.
2. Differentiate between common and proper nouns
3. Enlist few examples of both nouns on their notebook
8. Resources/Materials A.V aids (resources that will be used in the lesson)
9. Procedure
a. Introduction (something to get the students' attention)
b. Teaching Procedures (methods you will use in the classroom i.e. lecture method,
activity method, group work, pair work etc.)
c. Student Participation (how will you get the students’ participation)
d. Formative check (check students’ understanding during the lesson)
e. Closure/summarizing (how will you end the lesson)

10. Assignment or Homework (relevant to the specific objective of the lesson)

11. Assessment of Student Learning (Propose questions for this lesson e.g. objective &

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