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SUBJECT : General procedures for escalators & moving walkways

1. AIM
To establish a safe procedure for entering and carrying out work in the escalator/travolator machine room and pit
Applies to work carried out in new installation, modernization, repairs and maintenance.
4. GENERAL: nil
4.1. Perform JHA before each entry into the lift pit.
4.2. This procedure should be read and/or used in conjunction with latest WWJSSS Standards.
4.3. LOTO to be performed when working in the truss.
6.1. Before attempting to gain access to the escalator machine room or pit, it should be decided if the work to be
done will require the electrical power supply. If not, the main line switch must be tagged and locked in the
off position (or the fuses must be withdrawn and retained in a secure place) and an appropriate lockout/tag-
out device shall be attached to the main line switch.
6.2. If it is necessary for the electrical power supply to the escalator to be maintained for the work to be
performed, use the following procedures:
6.2.1. The escalator must always be run in the inspection mode. Any deviation from this procedure will
require written authorization from the Managing Director or Senior Management staff authorized by
the Managing Director
6.2.2. Safe procedures must be established for the access and egress of the escalator/travolator. These
procedures must include a safe method of switching -off the escalator/travolator, taking and verifying
control prior to getting into the escalator/travolator and maintaining control until safe egress has been
6.3. All escalator/travolator under an OTIS Elevator maintenance contract will be provided with an approved
type of E-Stop switch.
6.4. Escalator/Travolator Machine Room & Pit Access Procedure
6.4.1. Inform building Owner on the shutdown of the ESC/TRAV and place a barricade at the entry and exit
points (upper lower landings) to notify “Public”
6.4.2. Verify E-Stop switch at the Upper Operation Panel while ESC/TRAV is on “Normal” sequence of
6.4.3. Open the ESC/TRAV motor room floor plate and place it safely.
6.4.4. E-Stop switch in the ESC/TRAV machine room to be verified as follows:
6.4.5. Engage E-Stop switch (mushroom type)to “Stop” position
6.4.6. Insert the key to the key switch to “RUN” the ESC/TRAV to “UP” direction. If the ESC/TRAV does not
“RUN”,E-Stop switch is verified
6.4.7. Insert the key to the key switch to “RUN” the ESC/TRAV to “DOWN” direction. If the ESC/TRAV does
not “RUN”, E-Stop switch is verified.
6.4.8. Inspection switches in the machine room to be verified as follows:
6.4.9. Turn the main operation switch in the control panel from “Normal Mode” to “Inspection Mode” and
disengage the E-Stop switch to “RUN” position.
6.4.10. Insert the key to the key switch to “RUN” the ESC/TRAV to “UP” direction and “DOWN” direction
and release the key to “OFF” position. If the ESC/TRAV stops running, the “Inspection” switch is
6.4.11. E-Stop switch in the ESC/TRAV pit to be verified as follows:
6.4.12. Engage E-Stop switch (mushroom type)to “Stop” position
6.4.13. Insert the key to the key switch to “RUN” the ESC/TRAV to “UP” direction .If the ESC/TRAV does
not “RUN”,E-Stop switch is verified
6.4.14. Insert the key to the key switch to “RUN” the ESC/TRAV to “DOWN” direction .If the ESC/TRAV
does not “RUN”; E-Stop switch is verified.
6.5. The following procedures to be adhered when work is being performed in the machine room and
electrical power is not required.
6.5.1. Engage E-Stop switch (mushroom type)to “Stop” position
6.5.2. Verify the condition of multi-meter by measuring to a known electrical source.
6.5.3. Turn ESC/TRAV to “Inspection Mode” and turn “OFF” the controller circuit breaker,
6.5.4. Turn “OFF” the main circuit breaker
6.5.5. Verify “Zero Energy State” at the main circuit breaker (outgoing side) and the controller circuit
breaker(use insulated hand gloves if the electrical terminals are not equipped with HV protection)
6.5.6. Perform Lock-Out / Tag-Out procedure at main circuit breaker.
6.5.7. The step chain movement should be prevented by two independent means, if work is being performed
in the truss.(machine brake and chain blocking fork)
6.5.8. Start Work to be accomplished
6.5.9. After work is completed the mechanic should remove the Lock-Out / Tag-Out kits.
6.5.10. Turn on main circuit breaker
6.5.11. Turn on controller circuit breaker
6.5.12. Verify operation of ESC/TRAV on “Normal Mode” of operation , prior to the usage by “Public”

 The emergency STOP switch must be easily achievable from pit access and pit floor.
 Lighting must be mechanical protected, properly fused and grounded or double insulated.
 GFCI is required when using portable tools and lights
 Entry into wet pit is not allowed when electricity is present.
 Before working on the controller, remove it from the truss and position on the floor level.
 Where the controller cannot be removed, follow written safe procedures
 Place warning signs on machine/gearbox that can reach high temperatures
 Only remove barricades when all work has been completed and escalator is safe to use.

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