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Silleza, Angelica Jayne V.

BSN 1-1

Fundamentals of Nursing (RLE)


1. Briefly explain the types of bath


 Complete bed bath: Bath administered to totally dependent patient in bed.

 Partial bed bath: Bed bath consists of bathing only body parts that would cause
discomfort if left un-bathed, such as the hands, face, axillae, and perineal area.
Partial bath also includes washing back and providing a back rub. Dependent
patients in need of partial hygiene or self-sufficient bedridden patients who are
unable to reach all body parts receive a partial bath

 Bag bath: contains a no-rinse surfactant, a humectants to trap moisture and an

2. State guidelines that the nurse needs to follow regardless of the types of baths.

 Provide privacy
 Maintain safety
 Maintain warmth
 Promote independence
 Anticipate needs
3. identify the benefits of a back rub.
Answer: A back rub promotes relaxation, relieves muscular tension, and decreases
perception of pain.

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