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Title Frog Frog

General classi cation Classi cation genus Rana, family Frogs are any
Ranidae member of an
amphibians groups.

Frogs are species of

genus Rana and
family o Ranidae
Origin Madagascar The oldest fossil
appeared in the early
Triassic of
Habitat Around areas with a Frogs need to be
water around areas with a
water source to

Description Skin Toxic skin -some frogs have a

toxic skin.

-some South
American frogs are
so toxic that one
drop of their skin
secretion can kill an
adult human.

-Poison frogs usually

have bright colors to
warn predators that
their skin is toxic.

Ability Can camou age -Camou age is

another survival
technique. -Many
frogs have mottled
green ord brown skin
to help them blend in
with their
Size The biggest frog -The largest frogs is
the Goliath frog,
which is 30
centimeters long and
weighs 3 kilograms.

-The devil frog of

Madagascar, now
extinct, once held the
title of largest frog. It
was 41 cm long and
weighed 4.5 kg.
Title Frog Frog
Source www.wikipedia.ord


Frogs are any member of an amphibians group. Frogs are species of genis Rana and from family
of Ranidae. The oldest fossil “proto-frog” appeared in the early Triassic of Madagascar, it can
explain where is frog come from. Frogs need to be around areas with water source to reproduc

Some frogs have toxic skin. Some South American frogs are so toxic that one drop of their skin
secretions can kill an adult human. Poison frogs usually have bright colors to warn predators that
their skin is toxic. Camou age is another survival technique. Many frogs have mottled green or
brown skin to help them blend in with their surroundings.

The largest frog is the Goliath frog, which is 30 centimeters long and weighs 3 kilograms. The devil
frog of Madagascar, now extinct, once held the title of largest frog. It was 41 cm long and weighed
4.5 kg.

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