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[EEG etal Roofing JOB SAFETY ANALYSIS: SITE 03.01 REET tet commence JOBMIASK: Roof Shooting on Residential SCommercial buildings DATE: 24/04/2018 SUPERCEDES: Re Dated: 51072073 [Analysis | Revised by: Jullan Roddy, Doug Boomer, Paul Arksey (CLIENT NAM [Permits | Competencies Required: National Construction Safety [Awareness Card, Vrification of Competency, Site Safety Manual EQUIPMENT/TOOLS REQUIRED: ‘Snips: Ladder Level First Aid Kit Electrical Cables and Tools Silicone Gun 06@000 Above PPE to be available ana worn ae per site requirement ‘Stop 3: Calculate the level cf risk. ‘CONSEQUENCE umeumo0d ona. ‘Westen Australian OHBS Act 1084 \Weste'n Australian OHSS Regulations 196 (Code of Practice for prevention of fals at workolace 2004 Tia a aR fae ee a fl ll = inca eae eed "eee cee See asf aera fa — =e === [elo — tee SITE 05.01 Roof Shouting a Residential Building Page 10f7 EEG] Metal Roofing JOB SAFETY ANALYSIS: SITE 03.01 SOBITASK STEP POTENTIAL HAZARDS ‘SAFE WORK / CONTROL MEASURES Tarveatsite 4 Parking on public roads | fara possible do not park on busy road, concaritate on ‘2. Breach of site safety requirement Sstely accessing ste when autof vice, ‘BPE tobe worn as per se signage o safety plan. Hard hats i be wom on constuction ses ‘3. Mobile plant, vehicle movement ‘Do not approach meble plant /vericle unless diver signals OK “4: Incomplete or faulty roof Tnepec fame fom ground lvelaesoo verandah car ott rof permanent oof supports be fly instal, Feat bracing to be nated ne overlapping alone 5 Site congestion nis with other ade '. Weather conditions lan tak, be aware of he forecast and check for approacting change in weather | 7, Young workers ‘Yung or experianced workers tobe supervised ata times: SITE 05.01 Roof Shestnga Residential Building Page 20f7 ESE] Metal Roofing ‘atten toacung ves JOB SAFETY ANALYSIS: SITE 03.01 FNAL] JOBITASK STEP POTENTIAL HAZARDS. ‘SAFE WORK | CONTROL MEASURES 2 Setting UP “1 Construction Site Hazards - “Inspec sie wo ently hazard and complete the Ste ‘Safety Report JS Varation Ferm to be completed it hazava not onal by tis Js Conduct prestat meeting on ste specie issues a Lacerations| 3. offaus ego bin or sackod away fom Objects falling from above ‘horovghates and Iadsers horoughiaas to ba la leer ® oeablh clear zones for womere Impalement Tips Sips Fences and Walle SITE 03.01 Roof Sheeting a Residential Building , check for spas, sakes pica ences “ident ip hazards and mark wth tap or cones «.#Yalzone rol clea? adilonalconce tobe cussed ad recorded on JSA Veraton Form [NOTE Tho risk tat each fence orwal poses ls unique Tha isk lee! wil depend on several factors ncluang, ‘Weather condions, ampnass or sppeiness of foting materiis eight and canerueson ef ence or wl design Ghroot- BO NOT PROCEED IF YOU ASSESS THAT FALL PROTECTION IS REQUIRED Page 30f7 EES Metal Rooting ‘eons _ 2) Setting Up (continued) | 2. Sprains and stains JOB SAFETY ANALYSIS: SITE 03.01 ‘Stretching warm up exercises are recommenda Use fing techniques donot stan te, use teem ing where required 3. Power line (Chock loarance ts power ines - mana 83 metre Clearance between foots materials ang pover ines | Biectrical Conduct prestar check of any power tools andnepecion tag 00 NOT use damaged orgs ae ot of das, [Atools and lads to be RCD protetod, unloads out of way fom pote! damage and out of water Use battery powered 108i posse 'S. Hazardous Substances SITE 03.01 Roof Sheeting a Residential Builing TTosing a Hazarous Substance” engure hee a curent MSDS in the Se Safety Manual. Gttain ram rata if substance not BGC supoled Page 4087 ESE] Meta Roofing JOB SAFETY ANALYSIS: SITE 03.01 JOBITASK STEP POTENTIAL HAZARDS NAL FRA Evel ‘SAFE WORK / CONTROL MEASURES 3 ]Loading root materials and | sheeting root Fels trom height 1 Consider he flowing conios, nly proceed ifthe rik Is acceptable ‘Ony us experienced personne! over hazard Frequently clean soies of fotze Remora al tip hazards azove Nazerd Do not werk above nazar ref damp or slgpery Scaffolding required or 2 storey bulcings or rker over moves ateve ground. Otter hazard nthe fal zones to be assessed by supervisor oral protectin requirments ise gutter guar to secure ladcer Ladders tobe on frm sable ground Be aware of weather forecast and montor conden often Refer Cov of Practes forthe Prevention of als the Worktace for adtional guidance required 2 cuts 2, Be aware of cut edges, do wot place ff cus Goss to thoroughares| 3. Power ines ~ electrocution SITE 05.01 Roof Sheting «Residential Building 3) Do rat sheste onto oat near power nes when aintan alent 3 tres caarance fom poner ine »)Irscaelaing preset, side sheets between rls ‘Prevent wing ing them up. nay Page Sof7 EECA] metal Roofing JOB SAFETY ANALYSIS: SITE 03.01 eases JOBITASK STEP POTENTIAL HAZARDS ‘SAFE WORK / CONTROL MEASURES 4 [elean up ator competion | 1. Falle /Slips and trips ‘Gheckf te conarions have been changed by ther ade before citing dawn nly remove gutter guard afr geting of ret fr last time 2. Spraine and strane 3 ute Use the proper mancal handling steps to prevent ijn, Hara of exis wth care, wear gloves as required and ‘ave material in bs or ot of way of oer workers 4, Environmental hazards '&. Harm to reputation oF other Ensure al rubbish is daposed int bn provided ‘Observe changes nthe weather trades Remove any sgnage and/or bareades Leave sto na safe condition 5 Skeext Mobile plant or vehicles Do not epprosch mobile plant /vehie unless aver signals OK 2. Public roads and atic ‘leading work vehicles on publ eads use afi cones andor spoters| SITE 0301 Roof Sheeting a Residential Building Page of? (EES53] metal Roofing JOB SAFETY ANALYSIS: case * ee a | a cas Yd tah owe_sfalit ‘ith Water, Divisional Manager aan Ro 98 Vane t SITE 03.01 oon SITE 03.01 Roof Sheting e Residential Building Page 7067

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