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Emergency Action Plan

Requirements Revision: 8-Jan-2018

Emergency Action Planning

1 Develop and implement an emergency action plan (EAP) that provides preparedness for all
probable types of events. At a minimum, include:
 Fire  Medical emergency
 Site evacuation  Natural disaster
 Spill response (including bulk gas  Workplace violence
storage and delivery systems)

EAP Elements
2 Ensure that the EAP includes
2.1 Personnel roles and lines of authority in the event of an emergency. Include the site’s fire
brigade, where applicable.
2.2 A listing of relevant emergency contacts with the means to notify them any time personnel
may be at the facility.
2.2.1 Implement procedures to ensure that this listing is readily accessible for making
contact in an emergency.
2.3 Communication and coordination of response activities with outside responders and
2.4 Procedures for the isolation of hazards, including electrical and release of hazardous
materials (e.g. natural gas, liquid petroleum gas, acids, water reactive materials).
2.5 Response actions for likely spills/releases of all types of hazardous chemicals
2.6 Maintenance and location of response equipment, including the spill response kit.
2.7 Salvage, restoration, decontamination and waste disposal actions and responsibilities.
2.8 Incident investigation and corrective action procedures.
2.9 Training requirements and responsibilities.
2.10 A process to report any event that meets the requirements of incident management and
crisis resolution (IMCR).
2.11 Review the EAP annually and update as needed.

Evacuation Plans/Drills
3 Develop evacuation plans that include the following:
 Posted emergency exit route diagrams
 Location of assembly points
 Verification procedure to ensure all personnel, contractors and visitors are accounted for
 Roles and responsibilities of personnel

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Property of The Coca-Cola Company
Emergency Action Plan

 Process for evaluating the safety of facility and allowing personnel back onto the site (“All
Clear” procedures)
 Post-event debriefing
4 Conduct annual drills of the evacuation plan, and ensure that all shifts participate.
4.1 Document time, date, performance and evaluation of drill.
5 Conduct annual spill-response drills when employee emergency response teams or spill
brigades are designated.
5.1 Include appropriate personnel and outside agencies.
5.2 Document the drill, including corrective action completion.
6 Conduct any other drills as indicated by risk assessment.

Emergency Exits
7 Ensure all emergency exits comply with local regulations, including accommodations for
8 Provide at least two exit routes/paths from each workplace location that lead outdoors. For
example, a small room would have one exit door but require two paths (after leaving the small
room) to the outdoors.
9 Employees must be able to open an exit route door from the inside at all times without keys,
tools or special knowledge, even in the event of a power outage.
10 Provide stairs for all elevated building exits. Ladders are not acceptable.
11 Provide clear, understandable and visible signs to identify the location of emergency exits,
routes, fire control equipment, and doors that do not lead to an exit.
12 Ensure emergency exit lighting for signs and routes are maintained and visible in the event of a
power outage.
13 Do not block exits, routes or fire control equipment.

Fire Safety
14 Ensure the fire control infrastructure, for life safety purposes, meet local regulations and
insurance requirements.
15 Provide fire control equipment (including extinguishers) as specified by local requirements and
the site’s fire risk assessment.
15.1 Ensure flammable liquid storage and handling areas are properly addressed.
16 Establish specific, clear rules controlling onsite smoking, and communicate to all personnel,
contractors and visitors.
17 Ensure dust generation is properly managed to prevent the accumulation of potentially
combustible dusts on horizontal surfaces.
17.1 Prevent airborne dust particles during cleaning.
18 Manage and control flammable and combustible materials to minimize fire risks.

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Property of The Coca-Cola Company
Emergency Action Plan

18.1 Store pallets and combustible materials with at least 1 meter (3 feet) clearance from the
building structures.
18.2 Do not store combustible materials under air intakes, eves or roof overhangs.
18.3 Maintain a fire hazard-free radius of 7.5 meters (25 feet) around storage areas for
combustible and flammable materials.
19 Implement a preventative maintenance program for fire protection systems and equipment that
meet local requirements and follow manufacturer instructions.

Alarms and Detection Systems

20 Provide fire detection and alarm systems to alert of the need to evacuate and/or respond.
20.1 Ensure that alarms are visible in high-noise areas and audible throughout the facility.
20.2 Ensure smoke and/or heat detection systems are operational and installed in a manner
that they do not trigger due to normal equipment operations.
20.3 Ensure that sprinkler systems can adequately detect smoke or heat.
20.4 Install pull stations or similar alarms that will transmit an audible and visible alarm or
notification to security, at exterior exits and near significant hazards.

Spill Response
21 Identify possible leak/release points in hazardous material storage or distribution systems, and
implement control measures to prevent ignition risks.
22 Develop procedure(s) to address likely and worst-case spill/release scenarios involving
hazardous materials.
22.1 Develop personnel roles, lines of authority and communication.
22.2 Coordinate response activities with outside responders and agencies as needed.
22.3 Provide spill control equipment based on the nature of potential spills.
22.4 Provide the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) is available for each type of
potential spill.
22.5 Report and notify local authorities and the company as required.
22.6 Decontaminate and/or dispose of wastes generated by a spill.
22.7 Investigate and develop corrective actions.

Medical Emergency
23 Maintain and restock first aid supplies and all related equipment to ensure availability and
23.1 Check and maintain specialty first aid equipment, such as automated external
defibrillators, per the manufacturer’s recommendations.
24 As needed, train individuals to provide medical treatment in the event of an emergency.
Training should also cover the following:

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Property of The Coca-Cola Company
Emergency Action Plan

 Hazards of the specific working environment
 Specialty first aid equipment (e.g., automated external defibrillators)
 Bloodborne pathogen protection
25 Only provide drugs and medications (including over the counter) in the following situations:
 Prescribed and administered by a licensed healthcare professional under local regulations
 Required by local regulations
 Purchased in individual doses for personal use from a dispensing machine maintained by
contracted services or vendors

Bloodborne Pathogens
26 Identify and list jobs that may expose employees to blood and body fluids.
27 Where positions exist for blood or body fluid exposure:
27.1 Develop and implement a bloodborne pathogens program (exposure control program) to
prevent or minimize personnel exposure to potentially infectious materials and disease-
causing microorganisms that may be present in blood and body fluids.
27.2 Manage all human blood and body fluids according to universal precautions, which
requires that all body fluids be treated as potentially infectious material.

28 Ensure all employees and contractors are adequately trained annually to perform their roles
and responsibilities with regard to the emergency action plan.
29 Ensure visitor awareness training of the emergency action plan during the visit.
30 Provide employees who are expected to use fire extinguishers with the following training.
Ensure all areas and shifts of facility are represented:
 General principles of fire extinguisher use
 Hazards involved with incipient stage firefighting
 “Hands-on” training using the extinguisher on a real fire or simulation
31 Ensure all employees and supervisors handling hazardous materials are trained in basic spill
response (including use of proper PPE).
32 Ensure employees who provide spill response services are properly trained in
 Detailed knowledge of site-wide hazardous material inventories and response plans.
 Basic knowledge of chemical and toxicology terms/effects.
 The ability to select/use proper PPE.
33 Evaluate the need for an onsite fire brigade, and ensure the fire brigade equipment and training
meet all local regulatory requirements.

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Property of The Coca-Cola Company
Emergency Action Plan

Revision History
Revision Date Summary of Change
08-Jan-2018 Published as a result of the 2017 Technical Governance review
and optimization of the Coca-Cola operational requirements.
Evaluated and reformatted the content against the lean governance
model, focusing on risk-based and fit-for-purpose requirements.
Ensured language is more concise, and eliminated redundancies
against global consensus standards.

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Property of The Coca-Cola Company

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