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Name: _______________________________________________ Date: ______________

Section: _____________________
EXERCISE 5 – Recognizing Arguments
Analyze the following and determine which of them is an argument and which is not. If it is an
argument indicate that it is so and identify the premise or premises and the conclusion using the
diagram method. If it is not an argument, indicate what kind of a nonargument it is.

_______________ 1. The price of oil is continually increasing because of the growing tension in the
Middle East.
_______________ 2. If private schools will continue asking for annual tuition fee increase, then it is
likely that students will continue their education in the public school system.
_______________ 3. It is strongly recommended that you have your roofs checked and repaired to
avoid any possible damage from the typhoon.
_______________4. Freedom of the press is the most important of our constitutionally guaranteed
freedoms. Without it, our other freedoms would be immediately threatened. Furthermore, it provides
the fulcrum for the advancement of new freedoms.
_______________ 5. Our thinking is tied up with the operations of our brain. This is shown when we
lose concentration when we have a headache or when we clearly think once we have enough sleep. It is
therefore rational to say that thinking, since it is tied up with the condition of the body, is ultimately a
material activity.
_______________ 6. If God does not exist, man would be absolute free. There would be no laws,
norms or morality absolutely capable of drawing man to a certain mode of behavior.
_______________ 7. The present governor of the province is definitely doing his job. People have re-
elected him to a second term, he has promoted tourism through an international water sports facility,
and he has earned so many national awards on leadership.
_______________ 8. Since he became the mayor of this old town, the fight against drugs has been
intensified, criminals have been arrested and convicted, and the local revenues were at an all-time high.
_______________ 9. A law is an ordinance of reason. But laws are man-made. Therefore, laws are
merely social constructs that are ultimately made by men themselves.
_______________ 10. I believe that the accused is innocent of the crime. He came from an affluent
family who values highly religion and morality. He cannot possibly rape the victim!
_______________ 11. The common good is that good which is common to all. Since it is common, it
is so obvious to all men that if you do not agree with our position, you will be considered irrational.
_______________ 12. All men are motivated by selfish interests. From the child to the old man, self-
preservation is the most common form of egoism.
_______________ 13. Death penalty is really a deterrent to crimes. When criminals are convicted by
lethal injection and executed, they will no longer be capable of committing crimes.
_______________ 14. The Bishops must be probably right. After all, they are God’s messengers of
love and justice.
_______________ 15. There is no such thing as a homosexual person. There might be homosexuality
and homosexual acts but a person can never be defined solely by his acts and preference.
_______________ 16. Women must be given equal chance in society because they perform the most
important functions in the society. They carry the children in their wombs for nine months, breastfeed
them for several months or years and accompany them as they grow up.

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