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SANDIGANBAYANG.R. Nos. 118896-97. Februr! "#$ 1996

Facts:Petitioner who is the incumbent governor of Palawan, was first elected governor of the said
province in 1968 and was again reelected in both the 1971 and 1980 elections, until he wasreplaced b
private complainant !ictoriano "odrigue# as $fficer%&n%'harge (overnor after the)*+ "evolution in
Februar 1986- +ubse.uentl, both petitioner and "odrigue# ran for governor in the 1988 elections
where the latter emerged victorious- &n the 199/ snchroni#ednational and local elections, the two
again contested the gubernatorial post and this time, it was petitioner who won-t the time
"odrigue# was still the $&' (overnor of the province, the Provincial (overnment of Palawan, as
represented b "odrigue# and the Provincial oard 2embers of Palawan, filed before the $ffice of the
3anodbaan two 4/5 complaints- 3he first complaint charged petitioner with violation of +ection 4b5
of "epublic ct o- 019, otherwise nown as the nti%(raft and'orrupt Practices ct, and the
second charged petitioner, together with several other provincialofficers, with violation of +ection 4a

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