Surface Free Energy and Surface Area - Meeting 4-1

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free energy and

surface area
Meeting 4
Learning outcomes
• Understand the surface energy and its difference to surface tension
• Understand method to calculate surface energy
• Understand the relationship between contact angle and surface free
• Understand the application of surface free energy in powder and
• Understand the surface area and able to differentiate between SFE and
surface area
• Understand method to calculate surface area
• Understand the application of surface area in powder and pharmaceutics
l Higher the surface energy lower will be contact angle
l High surface energy overcomes surface tension and liquid droplet
spreads over surface
l Higher the surface energy higher the adhesion
l Surface is always at higher energy as compared to bulk
Factor affecting SFE
l Surface energy depends on chemical composition at surface
l Polar groups causes high surface energy
q Clean metalic surfaces have high surface energy
• Bonding between hydrocarbon molecules is less
q Polyethynes have less surface energy and higher contact angle
Measurement of SFE
• Indirect method
qUtilization of contact angle

• Direct method
qAFM (Atomic Force Microscopy)
qIGC (Inverse Gas Chromatography)
Models for calculating the surface free energy

Model according to author(s) Interaction components of the SFT

Fowkes Disperse part and non-disperse part
Owens-Wendt-Rabel & Kaelble Disperse and polar part
Wu Disperse and polar part
Disperse and polar part, measurement in bulk liquid
Oss, Good (acid-base) Lewis acid part and Lewis base part
Extended Fowkes Disperse and polar part and hydrogen bond part
No division into components; determination of
critical surface tension
Neumann Equation of State No division into components
Fowkes Model
Owen – Wendt Method
Wu method – harmonic
Van Oss method
Application of SFE in powder / pharmacy


In general, the surface area is the sum of all the areas of all the shapes
that cover the surface of the object.
Factors affecting surface area
Surface area measurement
Applicability of BET theory
Applicability of BET theory
Limitation of BET theory
qBET theory ignore in-homogeneities of the surface and lateral
adsorbate-adsorbate interaction
qBET theory is applicable for surface area analysis of non-porous

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