Akai GX 260 D Brochure

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STEREO TAPE DECK UNAPPROACHABLE! ‘The GX-260D is the result of an extensive study to produce the best all-round tape deck possible within a reasonable price range. A complete success, the GX-260D features Akai’s world prized GX Heads for reverse recording and play- back, and a unique center capstan drive system for friction-free tape travel and reduced wow and flutter. Put the GX-260D to any test you like. You'll find that it is completely unapproachable by any other make or model. 4 SYMMETRICALLY POSITIONED GX HEA and a 3-motor center capstan drive system add up to ideal recording | This new tape deck features four of Akai’s incom- parable GX (glass & single crystal ferrite) heads with the function of six. A combination GX record- ing/erase, and a playback head each for both for- ward and reverse recording and playback adds up to a new era of high fidelity sound. ‘The core of these GX heads is comprised of a single crystallized element ‘single crystal ferrite” which under exhaustive and gruelling tests proved far superior to poly-ferrite in that there are no composite particles to eventually separate and cause head gap damage. When Akai engineers discovered the unique quality of this material, they then, through a spacial process, reduced the noise peculiar to ferrite to an inaudible level, and the perfect head core was born! This cote, with jowel-like precision, is mounted and set in pure glass of the same hardness characteristics so that dust does not adhere to the head surface and wear-free new hhead performance is maintained. Normally, such @ feat would be sufficient reason to boast complete satisfaction, but ‘Akai engineers are hard to please, They still wanted to produce a head which would provide @ wider than ordinary dynamic range and better high range frequency charac ‘teristics, and, due to the superior characteristics of the head materials, they were able to obtain an ideal surface shape for perfect head-to-tape contact as well as to obtain 2 shallow gap depth for focusing the magnetic field Into a sharp oblong redius. This focused-field system minimizes high frequency loss, eliminates undue equalization, and achieves @ wider dynamic range. This amazing feature together with high quality general engineering and the use of low noise tape enables the GX-260D to exhibit an unbeliev- able distortionless high frequency range to 26,000Hz and a signal-to-noise ratio of 57 aB. AUTOMATIC OR MANUAL REVERSE RECORDING & PLAYBACK SYSTEM “The GX-260D features raverso recording and playbeek for the complete elimination of in ering reels by hon ‘or playback the forward racks of the magnetic tobe end then reverse the machine to continue re carding oF playing back the remining wo “Throwgh the simple appliation of sensing foil to tho magnetic tape and adjustment of the ‘Automatic Reverse Mode Selector Switch, co: ‘invous reverse between two points or a single roversing ‘cyst canbe secomplichod. Alter {ansing tape hae boon applied to the magnetic ‘ape, simply set thi switen to CONT REV (continuous ceversel, REV (one reverse eyes) {lorward only). This system the trouble of removing the fepending upon desired operation. sensing 3 MOTOR DRIVE MECHANISM FOR STABLE TAPE TRAVEL. ‘This model employs Akai’ unique and ext sagant sll-luricating type capstan drive motor Used only im highest quality machines. Two Cellulose fiber oil retainorsslgo servo os ier, Providing uninterrupted. oil ereulation and Ensuring smooth shaft rotation: i.e, Unlike ‘other sei-lubricating systems, the relative flow ‘of oll depends upon motor revolutions and temperature, Fluctuation of motor revolutions ‘used by friction is alto eliminated for Further frengthening the longlasting characteristics of the oustanding GX head, Further, two outstanding eday-surrent outer rotor reel drive motors ers employed to elimi hte tape eteteh, asuring smooth tape tawe ‘with optimum tape tension and ial staring w s CENTER CAPSTAN DRIVE SYSTEM GUARANTEES IDENTICAL PER FORMANCE IN BOTH DIRECTIONS. (One of the principal features of this mod ie the uniquely designed center capstan system. The srrangement of the head block iE ecomplotely symmetrical in relation 0 the ‘concer capstan, Tape guides, tape lifters, nd ‘oven tha beade arb in identical relative post tions, This motor center capstan drive ys tem, plus combined recordinglerae heads for 2 Short tape path within the head block, assures {mnooth, friction fee tape travel and drastically faduces’ wow and flutter t0. 0.06%. Furthor. ‘the equicistant short tape oath between the had andthe tskesup or supply reel on both tides and eaUal tape tension quarantoes perfect. Iy.identical performance in both directions. ‘Ati ae the heads oe stationary, head align- ADJUSTMENT ACC AMPLIFIER INPUT, ‘This mode! is equipped with 9 convenient line output lve! control, This feature fanitstae ‘emy connection with say external ampliir Simply adjust output level according to ampli fier input, Variable from OV to 1.23V, ORDING TC ECHO EFFECT ADDS TO RECORD: ING PLEASURE. For versatile performance, depress the S.0S. button during oeording to add 2 reverberation ‘effect to the recording, When the rape is payed back, an echo effect is emitted from the sptakers, Interesting and entertaining! ‘ADS FUNCTION AS 6 g & playback characteristics. SOUND-ON-SOUND RECORDING PER MITS ACCUMULATION OF AS MANY INDIVIDUAL RECORDINGS ON A SINGLE TRACK AS IS DESIRED. For instanes, record on track 1 and rewind tape, While “monitoring the first recording through heodphones, record on tack 3. Both recordings will merge on ‘rack 3. This procest fan be repeated as many times a is desired by simply switching the recording safety but ‘ons, Convenient for fun or profesional use LINE AND MICRO- RECORDED SIMUL: ALS FROM CAN BE TANEOUSLY. Another important feature of thit model is ‘he Builtin microphone-line eeut, independ. ‘ent line and microphone. recording level SSavols and input jocks enable signals from ‘microphone and signals trom other sources to bbe blended and recorded simultaneously on the tape, lust imagine recording your own swice accompanied by your favorite orchest TAPE SELECTOR SWITCH FOR EN. HANCING PERFORMANCE OF LOW NOISE TAPE. ‘A tape selector switch facilitates the use of ‘Akai's SALT tape or other make low noise tape, Setting this siteh t0 ON position brings ‘out the maximum response of low noise tpe. The SAT circuit works 10 change the ro cording. ‘equalization according to. the 12 Eventhough the GX-260D displays 3. super high frequancy response with ofcinary” may netic tape, thie is extended to cover an arcing 26,000H2 (a SOUND.WITH-SOUND RECORDING FOR EASIER LANGUAGE TRAINING Soundavithsound is a convenient feature for language taining, "Record your instructor's soiee on track “tend ravind. t3pe, While ‘monitoring the frst recording, ecard on track 3. Thon playback the cape and compare, Erase your voice and record again until pe fection vs ettoined, DUAL MONITORING PERMITS COM PARISON OF SOURCE AND RECORDED SIGNAL Iavidual soutee anc tape monitor switches tenable instant comparison of signal input an the actual recording being made. Thi ability to determine recording quality es the reco ing is boing mado results in truly profesional operation. MOVEMENT STOPS AUTOMA ‘AT END OF TAPE, “This unit employs a convenient automatic Hop mechaniem which stops reel movement tthe end of the tape. Complete peace of mind Shouts he uit temporarily be let unattended STEP-TYPE INPUT LEVEL CONTROLS New steptype input vel controle onable feasor and more precise input level adjustment No mare sudden bursts of input volume to annoy the listener. Adjustment te gradual ana OTHER FEATURES include exta_un switched A.C. outlet for connection ofan ‘external unit, index counter for easy program indexing, builtin ree OIL CIRCULATING SELF-LUBRICATING MOTOR +. complements GX Head performance. Epoch-making longevity!! For watches and car engines, ol eleulating seittubrieating motors are more practical. ard for audio motors a8 well To date, on constantly used machines, cling was necessary every six months. Homever, Akai's new sel-lubrieating motor completely boanishes this bother. A motor eapable of 10,000 hours of operation without oiling has become 2 reclty! Further, the oll does not be- ‘ome dirty ond there is no oil efflux. Devied for smooth non-varying evolutions ‘ond tested for actual proot of phenomena! longevity this extreordinary motor also enhances the permanent characterises fof the GX Head, and fresh now sound is now your to enjoy hance forth ‘Two separately installed oil circulating mechanisms. ‘The secret of thi Akai developed long-sting elt-ubricating motor is the installation of two oll circulating mechanisms with cellulose fibers within the motors interior. While the oll Is ieulatng, shat revolutions are elways smooth and. stable, il circulating sped is returally adjusted according to motor revolutions and temperature ‘and because the systom is relther electrically or mechanically ope ‘rouble resulting trom oil circulating susponsion oes not occur, il purified in cleaning process. Unique eaiulose fibers Fter out the dire wile the ol i ctculeting razulting in spotless il for improved and lasting pectormance ‘So important is the motor, that it ie somotimos referred €0 a8 the rear" of @ tape recorder. The superior capabilites of this moter ‘re ot just fist stage eapobilties, but are completely maintained. ‘Thus, genuine appeal of new machine storae sound Is Yours (0 enjoy permanentiy STANDARD ACCESSORIES. GeV Reel 2 op os cnsstaareaininsirs save 4 Connection Cord (B.core areas: 1 DIN; others: 2 PIN) Dust Cover Grodke reams 1 Sensing Foil. - 1 LSpatelF Uoak so ae oes ceed aed eae Stee, Ua Operator's Manual sees oie rorealacas| TECHNICAL DATA Track System Foe! Capacity Tape Specs Wow & Fluter Equalization Frequaney Response Distortion Signal: To.Noise Ratio CrossTalk Bias Frequency Hoods Motors Fast Forward & Rewind Time Recorsing Capscity ‘Output Jacks Input Jacke Din sack ‘Sem Conductors Power Requirements Power Consumption Dimensions went - 4track 2-channel stereo/monautal systom Up to 7'rel TH12 ane ips (21%) Less than OO8WRMS at 7-1/2ips Les thon 0.13WRMS ot 3-3/4ips Correct equalization for ploybsck of tapes recorded to the NAB curve Using tow noise tape OMe 0 26,000t7 (#348) at 7-1/2ips ‘He to 20,000H2 (4338) at 33/895 Using requir tape 0H2 10 23,000H2 (#348) ot 7-1/2ips DOH to 18,0004» (2358) = 3.3/8 Les then 1 2% (1,000H2 zor0 VU) Better than 57A8 (Tape Selector Circuit activated) Better than S406 (Tape Selector Circuit inactivated) «Batter than 60d8 (monaural) Berer than 4508 (stereo) 1O0kH2 (@) Two GX recordinglerate combination heads, two. GX playback heads (2) One 4/6-pole seltlubrieating hysteresis synchronous capstan drive motor, wo eddy Current outersotor reel drive motors Within 75 seconds using 9 1.200% tape “Two hours stereo recording using 8 1,200 tape at 3:3/4ips tine (21 :1.23V (zero vuy/1000. Fequited toed impedance: more thon 20K12 Phone (1): SOmv/8at Microphone (2): 0.3mV/4.7KR. Line (2): SOV osv/25my Transistors: 30 Diodes: 22 10OV to 240, A.c., 50/6OHz 110W ma 4a6tWN A7SIH) x 2261DImm, (17.5 « we6x89"1 20 8k [458 Ios) + For improvement purposss,specificstions and design are subject to change without notice. c273ape /DIF1873 MANUFACTURED & DISTAIBUTOED BY AKAI ELECTRIC CO.,LTD. AKAIL TRADING CO.,LTD. Printed in Japan

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