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Off,c1al Game AcceSSOfY



:\.11un , l(q(utt<
m fl,m OJ,garc h., ••
Current Ruler
Council of Clans
Alphaua \fJgcxmr Emptcss Enadna
Atru�ghin. \!onanh1 King Hutapan< •
Broken Lands, Tribal Kang Thu (Or,
Darokin Republic••• Mcrdun1 C -· 11
hhrng�r Kh�nJte �foi:1�, Khan
tnc )tfurc, 1/,n frder:1 ( un ,I f (Luu
Gian•n \fJ ,. ,., , \\ ard C unul
lfcldann tII. 01, .,,h, i-- nc urrcntl1
lcrcndi. Comr \fon:m h, Pa!Jru/.\lm.111nr
Karamcikos. GnnJ D111h> S1cphan K 111
Minrothad. Pluc0<t2Cf Ora11 Mcd1co1
O,dand. Monarchy llurd D..rk £>"
Rockhomc, Dwvvcn Monu,h, . King IH-ra t X\
Sind, Atchdcrrq Chandra lI Nm1
Sodcrfjord. Drmoct2cy lugtw thc Stout
Thv�ri, Mili, " Emr>iri, E =mr Thncnl
lEVlA.tlONc- S', CHA.NCjE FEES �:_• ___
Abbrev. Ftt Curttocy \hhrn. �cc
10"' Sind 11%
l,uru C.u
Rupn· Rp

r ...
KhunJJr ...•.......• ,.,. Kh
Shani • . . . . . • . , , , •. llh
··············"······ 10% P1as1er Pr

Scale: ONE l')EX EQUals 8 Miles

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1989 TSR, Inc All Rights Reserved
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Location Name Mo;t lliustnous Teachings
Aasla. Alpharia Eriadna High Magic of the Air, astronomv
Bianan, Thyaus Un1vermy ofBiazun Algebra, Hollow World Theories
Camp Sodhor, Broken Lands Thar's ugion Orcish warfare (humanoids only)
Corunglain, Darokin Umversiry of Corun Siege warfare, land-based exploration
Darokio City. Darokin DDC Compound Diplomacy, global trading
Dcnpr. Rockhome Skarrad High Seminary Architecture, engineering
Evcmur. Rockhome Syrlclm Con�rvacory Manang, metallurgy, geology
Glantri City, Gia.nm Grear School ofMagic Magic in all ics forms
lbrbonown, Minrochad School ofHarbonown Navigation, commercial shipbuilding
lcrendi City, lerendi Naval Academy Navigation, naval warfue
Retcbius. Toya.tis Recebius Air Academy A1r warfare, monster trainmg
Lccoz. Glanui Drachen Zcnua./ Monster lore and hunting
Newkirk. Isle of Dawn Newkirk High Sea ex.ploration, linguistics
Normk, Vcstland Uppsala College Magical runes. pocuy
Rymskigrad. Glantri lgorov lnsmuce Ancient history. necromancy
Sayr Ulan. Sind Ul-Nerv, Palace Philosophy, theology
Sclenica, Darokin Umvemiry ofAl-Auad Economy, commerce, administration
Shimon, Five Shires Shircron Tea Ho� Literature, poetry, agriculture
Spcculanun, Ka.rameikos Magicians' Guild Hall Basic magic & spell research
Stahl, Rockhome Lyceum ofDwarven Magic Owarven magic crafting
Sundsvall, Alphatia Sundsvall Univer<iry Universal Magic. Arcane Exploration
Thya tis City, Thyatis Imperial Academy I.and warfare, diplomacy
Thyatis City, Thyatis College ofLucinius• Magical warf.uc & engineering
Trollhattan, Alphatia Lar1e Grey Hou. � Spying, stealth. poisons
Vyonncs, Glantri Beaux Ans of Vyonnes An & entenainmenc
Ylaruam Town, Ylaruam Dream ofthe D�n Water management, theology
Garden University
• Also called Collcgium Arcanum


I Season
� Month II Month 12 Month 13
II NM 7:00PM•7:00AM 1:00AM•l2;00PM I :00PM-8:00PM
12 FQ 8:00PM•9:00AM •:00AM•l:00PM 3:00PM•ll:OOPM

13 FM 9:00PM· 10:00AM 7:00AM•3:00PM ):00PM-2:00AM
LQ I l:OOPM-l l:00AM 10:()()AM•):OOPM 6:00PM•):OOAM

fut each 10 degrees of/arirude North of Thyaus, moon rises 20 minutes lacer (earlier ifSouth)
and scrs 20 minures carJjer (lacer ifJOing South of Thyaus)

:t i···· ·································································..... ······················...-.·.·.·· ······..·.· ....·.··············· ·················· ·······················

Nauon & Regime Current ltuler ·\ttllu., PuhUc."l UW) 'lulu"'pby
Al!hc1m E/,�n 0/1i,rchy •• Coun<il of Cl n Peaceful Daroku ,\II) Moderate Lawful
Alpha1ia. .\fagoaacJ Emprn., I1iad11a Wart,� lmpeual"t Flcx,blc Chaouc
\rru•.�hin ,\fonarrh, I-mg I lur;ipanca Vane, Neutral Weak Neutral
Brukrn L.nJ,, ltihJ/ King Thar (Ore) Warlike lm•.>erialr>t None Chaouc
Datokm. Hcpuhl,, • • • Merchant Council Peaceful Mercantile Moderate uwful
Ethcngar Khma1c Mogl.u Klun Vuies l':cuual Weak Chaotic
Five Shire. /Im Fcderacion Council of Clan, Pea,eful DarokinAlh Moderate Lawful
Glanui \fag°'racy .... Wizaids Council Vuics Darokin All) Strong Chaouc
Hcldann F H Oligarchy ISone current!) \X,'arltke Osirao,t \Xeak :-.eu1ral
/crend1. Consr. Monarrhy Palfrn/Marianne Peaceful Ne utral Weak Neutral
Karameikos, Grand Duchy Stephan K, 111 Peaceful ThyamAlly Moderate Neutral
M,nrothad, Plur0<r.,cy Oran Medi1or Peaceful Mercantile Strong Neutral
O,tLlnd. Monarchr Hord Dark- Eye Warlike Thya11s Ally Moderate Chaouc
Rockbome. D•uncn Mon:u.-h,r King facrast XV Peaceful Th1a11s Ally Strong l.;iwful
Sind. :\rchclrricy Chandr:i UI Ncrv, Puceful Neutral Strong Llwful
Sodcrfjord, Democracy Ragnai the Stout Varies Vestland Ally Wcalc Ch2otic
Thyau, Mil,my Empiic Emperor Thincol Warlike Imperialist Strong uwful
Vcnland, Monarchy King Gudm undson Poccful Neutral Moderate Lawful
Wcndar Efren Mon:ll'Ch,1 King Gylharen I Pc2ccful Thy atis Ally Moderate Lawful
Yl�ruam, Mon=hy Mohammed Al Kahm Varies Xenophob1< Strong Lawful
• law,. md10Jce1 how rnmplcx law, arc, and how h2CSh rhcir cnforccmcnr ,s
•• Mam representative 1s King Doriaih Erendyl Elven Council I} ,n power
••• Main reprc.cnrac,ve is Chancellor Conr,yn Monrca AlrhouRh rc,;hn1c11.lly a Rcpub/,c, power rcm1uns among rhc ,.-calthJ; m:ikin� ,hi• a Plut<>c,.,J
•••• Mam rcprc,enram·e 1> Prm<e Vulo�pm Aendyr, Chanullor uf the Princes


Total Tot1ll Common People Kingdom Pcaccwnc
Kingdoms Sq Mile2gc Popubtion Revenues Treasury• Miliwy•
Alfhcim, dvc5 17,9S0 180.SOO IOsp/momh 18,000 5.2 00 1'111
Alpharill metro 2,100,000 S,800.000( 2 ) 9sp/month SH,000(1,8) 2,s.000 70%(9)
Atn12ghin 46,380 231,400 5sp/month 1 l,S70 2,SOO S'Kt
Broken lands, ora 11,600 3).000(2) raiding unkno.,..n 20,000 9%
DaJolun 81,900 1,228,500 16,p/month 226,S 00 29,000 80%
Ethenpr S7,970 .H0,000 Ssp/month 16,SOO S,300 5%
Five Shitts. hin 10.660 220,000 12sp/momh 26.400 2,700 3'111(4.10)
Glantri I16,6S0 780,000 10.p/month 78.000 6,880 25'11,
Hcldann frttholds 46,7S0 265,000 4sp/month n/a 2).)00 s '11,(3)
lcrcndi 17,240 62.SOO 14sp/momh 16,800 6,500 10%(4)
lurameikos 29,SS0 280.000 7sp/momh 19,60 0 2,000 2)%(4)
Miru-othad 8,120 131,300 18sp/month 23.600 2,100 70%(4)
Ostland 8,920 126,100 6sp/month 7,600 2,6S0 10%{))
Rodchomc dwarvc5 41,140 1,000,000 9sp/month 90,000 ◄,;so 1%(6)
Sind Rcg,on 147,360 549,800 2sp/month 11,SOO 3,400 30%
Sodedjord 31,060 160,SOO 4sp/month 6,500 3.600 5%(4.7)
ThancgiOlh, savages 10,800 6,000( 2 ) n/a n/a n/a n/a
Thyatis, meuo. 42,300 3,200,000 Ssp/montb 300,000(1,8) 223,750 I S"'(9)
Vcnland 21,060 161,000 Bsp/momh 12,800 1,800 Wll,(4)
Wcndu, elves 78,170 ◄16,200 Bsp/momh 33.300 2,10 0 IS'lb
Yluuam )4,180 230,000 3sp/month 6.900 2.860 S'lb

• Treasury· Monthly gold available at the 'licasury; actual wealth of the kmgdoms including services, wd natural resources equals ten umcs the monthly gold avaib­
ble, Military: Most nations can levy S-I0'lb of their populauo•n m defensive militi as Pcaccwnc armies arc enlisted 02tivcs with sala11cs compatible with local in•
come averages; perccnt2gcs represent foreign mercenaries among local uoops.

I. Admirusuauvc situauon too chllotic Nc11hcr Alphatian officials nor Thyat.ian spies know exactly ,.hat the total revenues including colonial axes, or what total
spendings arc
2. Educated au=
based on explotcn rcporu. Alphat12. offit1al numbers published by the Impenal Council, swpcctcd acnul figures arc three times greater ac-
cording to Thyanw observers
3. lmcmal wars hllvc raltcd this area for as far as anyone cw remember
4. Including naval combat personnel. Halfling and Longship rowers arc combat troops.
S, Including naval combat personnel. Full contingent has standing orders to raid wd plunder Alphatian interests for gold, and the glory of the Thyanan Empire
6. An estimated 2)0,000 or more troops can be levied for the of the kingdom It is clear none of these will love Rockhomc tcmtory
7 "fioops divided among various rival Juts. Will unite against rnvasions.
8. Includes tut) from colorucs, Total natursl resources unknown to date.
9. Docs not include armies available in colonies. Doo iocludc metropolitan 02val combat peoonncl Rowers arc either convicted criminals or slaves.
10. Up to 132,000 halfling uoops an be levied by the local miliuas to face major mvas1oru. None of these will leave Five Sh1tc soil in any case•

...........·•········ ····•·····•········· ·· ··•·•···•·•·····•·• ·•·•·•· ·················•··········· ······························ ····································· ········· ···· ·······································•····················.
········· ... ..,...•.•.•.• •.• .•.•.•. •· ·········•·...,. . •'•••.•.•
.. ... ...... .... •t.. ...... ... .... . . . ..
Currency Abbrev. fee Currency Ahbrc,. tee (.urrenC) Abbrc.,, fee
_ _ _.,___ _____ _
_ _______ __- '-- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -__ _ _ ____ __...,__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Aliheim _ 5% 1crcn<h •• . . . . . ....- -
. . . .. . .. • .. . ..
_10% Sind _ t�%
\lpba1ia • 15 % Pali . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pl Guru . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gu
Cro"'n Cr Gcleva . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gv Rupee . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . Rp
Mirror Mr Sana Sn KhundJr Kh
Judge •. . . . . • • • Jd Cokip Ck Shani Sh
Atruaghin .. . . . . . .. . . . 5% Karamcikos •• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10% P1J,tcr Pr
Cloud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cl Royal . . . . . . . . . .• . RI Sodcrfjord . • . nla
Land . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ld Crona . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . Cr Markka. . . . . . • . . . . . . , Mk
Darokin . . . . . . . . . ..... .. . . . . . . . . 5% Kopec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kp Gundat . . . . . . . . . . . Gn
Daro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dr Minro1had . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5% Oren Or
'I.Daro . . . . . . . . . 1/,Dr Crona . . • . . . • • . . • • • • Cr Pcnnc Pn
Tcndrid . . .• • . . . . . . . Tr Qucrr . . . . . . . . . • • • . . . Qr Thyatis . . . 10%
Pa.sscm • . • . . . . . . . • . . . . Ps Syd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . Bd Emperor . Em
Etbeogar • . .•••.•• ... . . . . . ..... . n/a Plen . • .• • •• • . . . . • Pl Luon . Le
Tang . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . Tg•n Ostland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15% Astenus . . . . . . . . . . . . . As
Five Shires . . . .. . • . . . . . . Krona . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kr Denanus . . . . . . . . . . , . . Os
Yellow . . Ye Eyrir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ey Vcs1land •• . . . . 10%
Siar . .. . . . .• • Sr Oren . . . . . . . . . . • . . • • . . . . Or Schilder . . • • . . . . . . . Sch
Sunset • . . . . . .• • . . Ss Rockhomc•••• • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . 10% Guldan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GI
Gianni • . . . . . .... . 10% Sun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Su Floren . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . Fl
Crown . . . . .. . . . • • • • • Cr 1radcr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tr Oren . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Or
Ducat . . . . . . . . • . . • • • . De Moon • . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mn Ylaruam . . . 15%
Sovereign Sv Scar . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sr Dinar ......•... ... Dn
Penny . . . . . . . . . . . . • . Pn Stone . • • • • • . . . • • • . • . . . . Sr Dirham Dm
Hcldann FH . . . . , • • • • • • . . . . . . . . n/a Fal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fl
Groscheo . . . . . . . . . . . . Gr
Gelder . . . . . . . . . . . Gd Basic Coin Abbreviations:
Erzer . Er Platinum Piece . . . • • . . . • • . . . pp Silver Piece . . . • . . . • • • • . . • . . . . sp
Markschcn . Mk Gold Piece: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . gp Copper Piece • . . • • • • • . • . . . . . . . . cp
Fenneg . . . fn Elecuum Piece . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . • . . . . ep Gem Currency . . . • . . . • . • . . . • . . . . . . gm
n/a No legal or commonly used change fee in thtS region.
• Add 5% surcharge for changing gems or treasure.
•• Drop the usual 5% surcharge but double the change fee instead for gems and treasure
•n Platinum PTg, gold GTg, electrum ETg, Silver STg, Copper CTg. The Gold lllng is the base money.
•••• 5% change fee ma.ximum on gems and treasure. Gems arc duty free in Rockhomc (no import/export ,ca.x).


--- - - -
- -------- - - - Coins - ------ - - - - - - - - ---
Nations Platinum Gold Elccuum Silver Copper Other
A1£heim • (Local coins arc pieces of a.n, valuable souvenirs) Ba.ner
Alphacia •• Various . . 50gp Crown . . . . . • . lgp Various . . . . . . lcp Mirror tsp Judge . . . . . . . . lcp Gems often traded
Atruaghin nla n/a n/a Cloud . . . . . . . 5sp Land . . . . . . . . tcp Barrer; gems also used
Darok:in ••• n/a Daro . . . . . . . . lgp 1
/iDaro . . . . . . lcp Tcndnd . . . • . . lsp P=cm • • • . . lcp Gems often traded
Ethcngar Tang •••• 'Iilng . . . . . . . •••• Tang •••• Tang . . . . . . . .... Tang . . . . . .... Saner as well.
Five Shires n/a Yellow . . . . • . . lgp n/a Star . . . tsp Sunset . . • • • • . lcp Silver Bars 50gp
Glantri Crown • . • . . 50gp Duca1 . . . . . . . lgp n/a Sovereign. . • . . lsp Penny . . • • . . . lcp Crowns arc magical
Hcldann F.H. Groschcn . . . . 5gp Gelder • • . . . . . lgp Encr . . . . . tcp Markschen . • . • lsp Fcnncg . . . . • . . lcp Trade laws not enforced
lcrcndi PaJj . . . . . . . I0gp Gcleva . . . . . . . lgp n/a Sana . . • . lsp Cokip . . . . . . . tcp Prefer foreign coins
Karamcikos n/a Royal . . . . . . . . lgp o/a Crona . . . . . . . I sp Kopec . . . . . . . lcp
Mi.nrothad n/a Crona . . . . . . . lgp Byd . . . . . . . . . lep Qucn . . . . . • . . tsp Plcn . . . . . . tcp
Ostland n/a Krona . . . . . . . lgp n/a Eyrir . . . . . . . . tsp Oreo . . . . . . . . lcp
Rockhome n/a Sun . . . • • . . . l0gp n/a Moon . . . . . . . lOsp Stone . . . . . . . lcp Gems often traded
Trader . . . • . . • lgp Star . . . . . . • . . lsp
Sind Guru . . . . . . . 25gp Rupee . . . . . . . )gp Bbaru . . . . . . . 2ep Khundat . . . . lsp Piaster . . . . . . lcp Gems often traded
Sodcdjord n/a Markka . . • . • • lgp Pconc . lcp Gundar tsp Oren . . . . . . . lcp Trade laws ooc enforced
Tbyacis •• Emperor . . . . . 5gp Lucio . . . . . . . . lgp n/a A.stcrius . . . • . . tsp Dcnarius . • . . • lcp Gems often traded
Vcstland Schilder . . . . . . 5gp Guldan . . . . . • lgp Hellar • . . . le p Floren . . . . • . . tsp Oren . • . • • • lcp
Ylaruam n/a Dinar . • . . • lgp o/a Ditham . . . • . . lsp Fal • • . . . . • lcp
• Officially recognized currency is chc Darokinian Piaster (or Golden DMo).
•• Colonized tccritorics may we different currency, but value is aligned on Mcuopolitan money. Imperial currency is legal in chose plactS.
••• Large sums handled with Certified Letters of Credit. Daro also called Piaster.
•••• Coins come in dcoominacions of I , 5, 10. Use Basic Metal Value.
o/a This metal is not in use for local coinage. Use Basic Metal Value for foreign currency in chis metal.

Basic Values: lgp • 2cp • lOsp • lOOcp; 5gp • lpp.

Tradcablc Gems & Precious Stones: 100·500gp each
Enmplc: 5/ IOOgm • 5 gems at 100 gp each.

···· ····· ············..···.. • •········· ··•·•·•·····•···•·•···•·•···•···•····· ·········· ·······.·•·······..········ ·················•·<>·
· ··..
Arc:11 Aflcc1cd Recurrence Potenual Di�= S) mprom, b. Eflccu
AIO)S•u, ( lcrend,) Permanent Mau-Mau fr,c-r Hea,\ "' ,u,ng, pale ,kin and ,kin ra•hc-s,
�t. Co, Ch .; Dt�th 11 not cured ID a month
Altan Tepcs Winter Bugbear T.1phu,•• High fe,er ,1u1><>r .1hcrn�tmg v.uh dclmum c•u,ing
.1wtc unpred,uablc- hcrn:rk rage, Dccath 11 no, cured
ID a week Co •3, Ch •3, S1 + 2 1 ltghly mfrwow
Black bgle Baron) Evel') Id 10 years Gr,ffin Po.v• 'lcllowr\h skin wi1h red pimple,; high fever:
Ch --1 h1ghl 1 contagious (2�% on comm),
Black Pc:lki Spring Scum Varwfa• Pale sklD, pu,tula r erupuons, nausea,
scummy a1111ude: death if not cured ID a week.
Broken Lands Famine years Yellow Ore Plague• Yellowish, violem hiccup & coughing
brown bu� cause deadly choke with1D a day.
Cruth Moun1:ains M,d Wimer Goblin Measle• Small red pustules all over body. Larvae grow ID
pus. death ,s not cured 10 a .,.·eek.
Dw:ufgate Moun1:ai n� Unprcd1Ctablc Dumdum Fcvu• Profusc drooling, runny nose ,nout, gap1Dg mouth;
Intclhgcnce -2d6 unul cured Can las, a )·car
Dw:irven Ca,erns Years of warfare D,,,'2n·cn Bronch,m• High fever, coughing, C'.o -l d4. ,ave v,. <pell to
avoid ber,erk rage at the sigh t of gold or ,iem,.
Farcnd. Landfall Fall & Winter longship Pncumc>nia· Coughing, I= of balance, memory and direuion, sea
sickness; cures itSClf after .i. month of mild fever.
foe Sh ires Every ld!O years Hm Eczema & Acne• Large pustules on face, skin rashcs,-and dandruff,
Ugly but harmless affliction: Ch -ld6 until cured
Glantri Full Moons L,-amhropy Turns into drooling, raging beast on full moons.
Needs special magical care 10 heal Cao be deadly.
Hardangcr Range Unpredictable Kobold Flu.. Coughing, loud <ncezing. runny nose St, Co. Ch • 2:
Ox . ld6 unul cured Can last a month.
Hcldann Freeholds Every d 'If, years Blade Plague•• Pale skm, sweat, bt.. ,k swollen tongue. ooZJng buboes;
All sms. -ld6. Death within Id6 da>'S if not cured.
Malpheggi Permanenc Troll's Cholera.. Gray-greenish slun with warts; pain, extreme weakness:
S1, Co . ld6. Cures irsc:lf io ld4 days, after a violcm
fever (roll ld20 under Co or die ID convulsions)
Sind Desert Early Fall G/ubfly Debility• Caused by GlubOy sting during macing <c:lq)n In, Wi,
Ch -ld4. Lasts a week. Causes madness (s.ave v, spell)
Sodcdjord Manh Summer Gnoll's Hepatitis• Violem abdominal puns, nausea & convul,ions. Co -1
per day until cured (not permanent). Can be dc:1dly.
Sodcdjord City Every ldl O years Brain Roe•• Sleep1Dg dJSCa.SC; victim becomes uncouth and careless:
Int -1 per day (pcrmanenr) until cured.
Southern Alphacia Drought year, Puruknr Catan«• Caused by rue Alpbacian dwt affect in g the eyes. Cause,
scar1Dg eye pains and blindncu if not cuted in a week.
Southern Ethenpr Famine Years Bubonic Catarrh.. Purulent coughing affcrung solely humans Must be cw:cd
within a month 10 avoid choking with lung buboes.
S urra-Men-Ru Religious Holidays Mummy Roe, Leprosy• Caused by concact wnh old rdics taken from infected
graves Romng stun: death 10 a few days tf noc cured.
Thancgioth Wes Permanent �nrcry. Malaria• Fever, weakness, diarrhea; nausea. dclmum for Malaria
Death m both cases if not cured witlun a week.
Thpcis City Overcrowding Sewers Typhoid•• Violent head aches and intestinal pains: Dc:1th occurs in
cwo weeks if not cured. Madness occurs in a week.
Ylaruam Coasc Drought years Dcscn Mcningius• Loss of consc:iOu$ness, head aches. Mun be cured in ,a
week ro avoid death. Int -1 per day (not permanent).
• I � chance comnicting this disease per week of exposure. Epidemic lam l d6 weeks.
•• 10,. chance contracti ng this disease when cxposcd (check only once per epidemic). Epidemic lasts id4 months

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