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NF EN ISO 14731 OCTOBRE 2007 ee) Ga camara steer chr Neon ge ee pen en. a sts fe cc rc rn ea nn lan NOR Wen hon repriccn ave daroson, ‘Bode on oa cose foe eam spy ota mein sy pes Nonmes on iene LeaeRD Pout TECHNIP FRANCE 7 eee ‘Gta: 1387000, es 0n0a2016 1:98 fed avec autovetlon detour Distibuted under cance of publisher PERSE Sas: bit pA Abr Noone en lane pour: TECHNIP FRANCE le 12082014 0 11:38, [NPENISO 1791200710, ] _ovenona207— mes snes European standard NF EN ISO 14731 French standard Clsetiaton in: A 98-121 tos: 25.60.01 ‘Welding coordination Tasks and responsibilities Coordination on soudage —Taches ot responsabités 1D: SchweBauiseht—Aufpben und Verantworting French standard approved by dacsion ofthe Decor Goneral of AFNOR on September 12,2007 taking otfot Replaces the approved standard NFEN 719 dated August 1094 Correspondence tre arpeensandard EN 150 473:2006 asthe sats of French stands nd ropbste mts orate sans SO 173 208 Analysis “Tis doounent ens the quality relat rosponsbites and tasks nse he Descriptors ‘Technical nerationel Thesaurus: welding, coohaton, quay, qualfczion, Modifications i eepecte documortroplacod, he main mosteations reco thointerstona satus oft tan, — the asston of ceintions, medication and taster of a ttle ging tho actos to bo taken ilo ‘onelderston an vomatona ann Corrections acne eat eae Os "ret ee Alor. Nora en ie our TECHMP FRANCE Ie 002042 1:38 nr ens0 vrst:z00r10 NFEN 80 14791-2007 ‘Nationa foreword ‘The caespondence btwoen the standards uring Inthe cause Nomatveretrencesan he dentcal French standard a8 flo 150.9004: NFENIG0.20041 fsa indo: A 80250 1) Afr Normesen gpa: TECHNIP FRANCE le O2ONG 41:39 NPE 0 14731:207-10 EUROPEAN STANDARD EN ISO 14731 NORME EUROPEENNE EUROPAISCHE NORM etter 2008 tos 210001 Supersdes EN 7193854 Engish Version Welding coordination - Tasks and responsibillies (ISO 14731:2008) anton ges erin Said rig 0 “Thana Suad a prety CEN 28 eae 26 (Gena we bin a ogy wh CENCENELEC a Raglan spi onan hg Eagan, Senevae strato waite san Uptocae ns wt Sopa roan usaay oa ‘rae ny be Some on oan xt Salo ny CO me {i ima ra nme ici vn Eh Fecha Avenein at gt ey itn, et nora earl ean toda ue. algun Cyne, Coen Rapti Dea Eso an Fe, Sey Sia ee thn ya ty ary Ras oa Manag Catron Sasa, 3 B40 Bele SamceN sue pon aay men en a E150 173208 Atm, Nas yg pou. TECHN FRANCE te B04 81.89 LNBEN KO 191200710 Ew iso 14731:2006(€) Foreword ‘This docurnt (EN ISO 147312006) hasbeen prepared by Technical Commitea CENT 121 "Wotg’ he sorta of wien ald by DIN meataboraton wk Techical Commitee ISOITC'4 "Weldg are aliod processes" ‘This European Standard shal be gen the statis of national standard ther by pbleaton of nvdenia tx orb andortmer tha leet by Apr 2007, and enfin neta! ‘andar sal wiharowm ate att by Aol 2007 ‘This docu supersedes EN 710-104, ‘Accotdng othe CENICENELEC Inte Repustions, the national andar xganizatons of, ‘he lowing coutras are bound iplament Ws European Standart, Belg, ‘Gjuus, Coach Rant, Denmark Exon Firland, France, Germary, Gresoe, Fuga, Iclan, ola, Lata, Liana, Luxembourg, Mat, Neberons, Nowy, Poland, Portugal, Romer, Slovaks, Slovenia, Span, Sweden, Sivan snd Unies Kinga Alm; Noreen ig por: TECHNIP FRANCE le 20464 1:29 NF SO 1479:2007-10 180 14731:2008(6) Contents Faye Fore Wot Introd nnn 1 $C0pe anne 3 Terms and definitions nn 4 Tasks and rospons ilies ncnnnnnnen een 44 Quattyroated tasks. ee 42 Spociteation of aeks and responabies.. mmm 5 Jobdescription.. — sw £1 Genetahanrnnnnnnnnnnanta © Technical tnowledge — 81 General knowledge reqivemcnia of ai welding coorinalion personne 82 Specie rnowledge requirements of esponsiole welding coordination personnel [Annex A (ofomate) Recommendations for echnical knowledge i WEN enon ‘Annex. (ncemative) Essential welding oated tasks in accordance wit 80 3838 tobe ‘oneldered when appropiate sresonn Boga enn (100200 ert a Alin, Neves nig po, TECUNIP FRANCE te 090044 1.28 e180 se31. 2007-10 150 14731:2006(€) Foreword 180 (te inematonal xganizan fo Standurization is 2 wordt federation of tina standards bodies ‘450 member bodes). The work of preparing lnematonal Slandarés is normaly cad cut trough {SO ‘etna! conmtees Each member body nerastd in a eubjet or wfc © tase cores has een ‘stables has the Fo to be rpresrted cn tat cone, ematona orgruzatons,goverrmeral snd ‘on govertmental ison wih SO, take part in the work. TSO colaboat, closely wit) Ihe irtmatonal Elocitccneal Comeisso (EC) on all metas of acioiochnca sandaeatan Interatona! Standards ae crated in accordance with heres given inthe ISOIEC Drectves, Pat 2 “Tho main tsk of technical commitoes Ist prepare Iterratonal Standard. Draft ntmtonal Standards _acopod by the torial comms are ‘its fo the tamer bodes fr von. Publeaton ae an Inteatone! Sardar reques approval by a east 75% of he mambo bol casing 2a. Astin Is draw tone possi that some of he elmants of he document maybe the sujet of patent ‘aha 180 shal not be haa reponse for entsying any ora such tet rs 150 14731 was prerred by he Euopean Commitee for Slandazaon (CEN) Techical Commitee CENITC 121, Wang. calaboraton wih Technical Commitee ISOITC 44, Wating and aio’ prosesoa, Stdconmiiee Sc 1 Gusiteston requremnis for weg and aod procdeses personnal AcSonanc “with Aateemnt on aca seperation bolween ISO ané GEN (enna Agrecmen), “his second elon cancels and replaces the fest econ (ISO 1472: 1907, whlch has bean tectnicaly revees Requests fr ofa interpretations of any aspect ofthis ieratonal Standard shouldbe dacs to the Secretariat of ISOTC 44S 11 a your nna! standard Body. A comple ising of hove boxes cn Be found at hip 0.9, Aton. NomesenHgne poor: TECHNIP FRANCE le 94820148 1:58 [NFB 180 14731200710 180 14731:2008(6) Introduction Wilding isa special process, which requires the corénaton of wsking operations in order to esabsh Ccontdence in weling fabrcaton and reliable perfomance In sree. The tasks and rosponsbies of personel involved in weldnglaed actives (9, planning, execung,supensing and inspection) shoud Bo ean dotned (210020 A or . At, Num ep TECHNIP FRANCE i 8004 0 1139, NEEN NO 191. 2007:10 tor Normes en ign pour:TECHNIP FRANCE 20320168 1:58. FEN 180 14731200710 INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 180 14731:2006(E) Welding coordination — Tasks and responsibilities 1 Scope ‘This temational tandarsidenifis the quty-lniod responses and tasks includ in the coenation of weldigrelted actives, In ary manufacturing organization, welding coordination an be undertaken by one oF @cunber of persons Wilding coownatonrequrements can be spect by 2 manufactur, a contacter an apleaton sander 2. Normative references ‘Tha folowing referenced documents re indlepensable forthe application of this Jecument. For dato Teferences, only the eaton clad applls. For undid rolrances, De latest eaton of Mo referenced Socument (ncudng ny ameverments) apples 130.3881, uty rata fn lig Uae nani — Pat 7. Cia fr esto oF tho appropriate ovo quatyrequromants 3. Terms and definitions Forth puposes of this dcunent folowing rms and detains apy. a manufacturer Parson ot egerzaton responsi fete wong production ‘welding coordination “hordnabon of manuactsing operations fr ll weding and welding relied atts ‘welding coorinator person spans end competent operom welding ccodnston NOTE Thermite eee or nena tern wéng corral fe rn Boks, ‘welding inspection ‘ovfomly evaluat of woldngeldod mater by observation and judgement accompanied as approprato Sy measurement or sting NOTE Weinginapecon a pat tng cornton 81202 - Aiea 1 Ato arer eng pour: TECHNIP FRANCE ie 80320143 1:83 PERSO 4731.200710 180 14731:2006(€) 4 Tasks and responsibilities 4A Quality rotated tasks ‘Annex shal be use as «guide to alloca quality eeed tasks and eepensies to welding coordination ‘ersonral t may be supplemented for specal appeaton. Nota the tems sa necessary apy oa ‘ranacurng organiser qualy sytem requrermet, and a telecon shu be made 8s appro. For example, where ar is no destusve testing or non-desucve losing 8 1b) and) Sona pp 42 Specification of tasks and responsibilities “The tasks ofthe woking coordinator hal be selected rom he appcale part of 150 9894, n accordance “ih the eter dtnedn1S0 38381 (soe Annex 8). ach singe acvty ndrnax 8 maybe assocted wth a number of asks and responsiites, such a: — sooceaton and preparation, — conto, — Inspect, check or witnessing ‘wate waling coordnation Is cared ut by mere than ane person, the lass and responsibles shal bo {ary aocated. sus na esponsbay Is Geary dained and te persors we quid lor each specie welding coon sk ‘Wold coordination isthe soe responsi ofthe manutackxer. “Ta anutacturer tha appoint atleast one responsible wating coors. \Woidng oornaion may te subcanactes However, compllance to ths Itamatlonal Standard femal the espana of the mrutocrer. 5 Job description 5.4 General Jb ein fe vegied Far Ure king cordon pene ‘esponsbis 52 Tasks Foridnticaton ofthe tasks assgned oho woking coordnatin personel, se 4.2 and Annex 8 53. Responsibilities, ‘The responses asigned to he welding cornaon personnal ar idntied ftw "air poston inte manufacturing orgenizaton anther esponsbies: — the extort of auotzaton accorded to them to accep by signature on hat of he manutactuteg ‘enization, on neoded inde lo Tull Be assigned tasks, for proseute spectistion end Siberson reports — the extent of autorzaton accord oem to cay othe assigned ass. 2 0208s Alor: Noenes en ge por: TECH FRANCE le 020320148 11:38 NF EWISO Ha791:007.10 180 14721:2006(6) 6 Technical knowledge 6.1. Gonoral knowledge requiromonts of al welding coordination personnel For al tasks signed, welding coordinators sal be ble to domoraate sdequale tecricalkrowlosge to ‘rau atstacory peromance of thee lke Tho fotonng factors shal bo considera: — genera technical hrowedge, — speciiaad technical knowlege wong and alld processes rlevant to the assinod task, which thallbeataned by a combination of hereto knowledge. rang andlor experene ‘The eet of oquited manutacturing experince, education an ache! knowledge shal be decied bythe ‘manufactaring ergarizaton, and shal depend on he assigned ass ae responses, 62. Specific knowledge requirements of responsible welding coordination personnel Fesgensble waking coordination personel (69042) shal be allocated from one ofthe fofowing groups, Gapanding on the rat adler corpo of he producto: 8) personnel wit comprehensive technical knowledge, where ful eceicel Knowodge is requed, in ‘etordance wih 6.1 fre plnning, executing, supersing and testing fal tasks and response, ‘welding tbe (ee Arnon A) b)porsonns! wit specif techicalknowodge, nor te evel of echnical knowadgeneods fo be scint forthe parsing, excutng, soperveng and tesing fe tasks and responses in welding fabroston ‘win a elacveorimtod tecnica la eee Annex A) ©) parson! wih base technical knowlege, where tha evel af tachical knowledge noes obo sunt {or te planing, executing. supervising and testing of the tasks nd responses within Sted ‘eetneal fel, ving ony Semple welsed constutons (soe Arex A o1s0206- Alege monet 3 Al, Naveen pcs. TECHNIP FRANCE ie 0820140 11.38 NP ERISO 1701.200710 180 14731:2006(6) ‘Annex A (informative Recommendations for technical knowledge in welding “The Intratonal nti of Waldng (MW) hae, on 2 voluntary boca, propared rcammandane far minimum ‘equtamerts for educatlonexarinaen ana quailaton of wad coodnaonparsowal “The recommendation are sated nthe lowing documents: -— rternaonal weting Engineer (WE), Doe 1AB-00220007EWF-408; — Intemational Woisng Techaogst (N/T), Doe 1AB-008 20007EWF-41 — Intemational Woking Specials (WS), Dos. AB-004 2000/EWE-411, Waldng cooctnaton persona! ating te requtements of hese documents x hdngsceapabe national ‘ulfceion, may be coneidred st the relevant requremenis of 62. Alor Necses en ge por:TECHNIP FRANCE le 020820140 11:38 (NF ESO Hara1200710 180 14731:2006(6) Annex B (normative) Essential welding-related tasks in accordance with ISO 3834 ‘to be considered when appropriate B.1 Review of requirements ‘The folowing element shale consisered in eve of rans 8) ne product standard tobe used together wit any supplementary requrements; b) the capbity ofthe manufacturer to moot the prescribed rsuiramens B2 Technical review “The folowing olsen sha be considordin a toctnica rviws 8) the parent mates spetiaton and welded jt proprtas 1b) th int cation wth relation to th desig equromonts: ©) ually and aceptance requirement fr wes 4) the locaton, scossiilty and soquence of wos, incung accesibiy for inspocton and ron ‘eorvctve toting ©) thor welding requirements, o., batch lsing of consumables, ote canent of weld metal ageing. ‘ytrogen content permanent baking, ue of pearing, sue fish, weld pose 1) ecimensons and deta eoint preparation and complotod weld 3 Sub-contracting Wit regard to sub contacting, the suabty of any sub-conrctr for welding fabricaton shake conser, B4 Welding personne! Win regard to wong personnal, he qulicaton cf welders and wolng opertrs, razers and brazing ‘pertars sh be considered Aor, Name ge pat: DCH BSAN Ie ICO 8 11:58 ne eW 80 1691:200710 180 14731:2006(€) [B.S Equipment “The flowing aan shat bo canidred wi ogo equipment 19) thecutabity of welding and estos enema 1) usa and equipment supp, enfeabon ad handing 1) persona protective equipment and cher sslly equipment, directly associated withthe applicable ‘aruacting process 19) equpment mainance 19) eauipmentvrteaton an vation, |B Production planning “The folowing element sha be conser wi regard to producon planing: 3) ference to the appropriate procedure spaciicatons er woksng and alled process; 1) te sequence in which he welds ae to be mace; 1) evrormenalcontions (9. prtecton rem wind, temperature and ri): 1) alocatn of quatied poor ')sipmentor reheating and postneat estan ning apart inet 1) te rangement or any proticton st 'B7 Qualification ofthe welding procedures ‘veh aged to We quaitestion of he wong procedures, the mated and range of quafcaon shal be 'B.B Welding procedure specifications ‘eh epar to wang procodurespettctons, the ange of qusticaton shal be conisre. 1B.0 Work inetructione ‘wen ropar to work instructions, th issuing and ue of work instetons shal be considered Ain Neras en ig pour: TECHNIP FRANCE le 080320149 11:38 NF ENISO 1473:200710 180 14751:2008(6), B40 Welding consumables, “The foowing slants shall b corsdorad wih repro woking consumabis 9) compat 1) deer conditions: )_ any suplemantary requcements in the woling cnaumsbie purchasing specications, nung the ype ‘Sfwolsngconsumabiosspecton document 4) the storage and handling of wakdng consumsbis. 141 Materials “The folowing slment shal be considered wih regard to mate: 8) sy supplementary requrements in the mate purchasing specicatons, Incusng the ype of ‘Bepocton document forthe mara 1b) the storage and handing of parent meter ©) waceabity B.12 Inspection and testing before welding ‘The folowing omnes shal be consider wih rgarst rspacion and testing beer welding 8) te sutaiy and valty of else and welding operstorquacatencetfsts 1b) the suabilyof the weleing presi specication: ©) te ently othe paren materia a ionty of wetngconsumabis ©) Jom preparation shape ana ares 4), Joging and tecking: 4) aryspacilrearoments into woking procedure speciation (9. prevention of tortion 1) ne suteby of waking condtons or welding, eluding the envionment. eso 208 Ata mena 2 Alor, Names ca ge put: TECHDNP FRANCE le 0820148 1:33 NPE ISO 10731-2007.10 150 14731:2006(€) [B.13_ Inspection and testing during welding “Th folowing elma shal be considered with regard to inspection and testing ding wali: 2) escontal woking parameters (9. welding cunt arc voltage and tae! soos): 1b) heprenestngiterpas empeate 19) the clearing and shape ofrun and layers of weld meta 18) back ough, 19) howaldng soqsnce 1) theconect use and handing of waking consumables: 19) contol of storie; bn) enyineradit examination (eg chesing mansions) B.14 Inspection and testing after welding ‘Tho folowing saments shal be considered wih regard toinspecton and test ater weld: 8} these of visa inepecton (ox completeness of weldng, wot imonson, shape) 1») these ofnondestctvetsting ) thous of esbuctve test: 4) the form, shape lranc and mansions ofthe conseaon ©) the routs arco ofpostapentons (e.g. postwald het reatent egal) B15 Post.weld heat treatment Wah roped is potweld heat westrent, prfamance in accardance wth th specication cha be coneidred 8.16 Non-conformance and corrective actions an regard to non-onfomance and coracve acon, the necassaryreasiree and acon (e9, welé 1B.17 Calibration and validation of measuring, inspection and testing equipment ‘wn regard oth carton and vaaton of mossuing, inspection an testing eaupment, he necessary 8 6180 208- ecard Ales, Noes en ig pour: TECHNIP FRANCE le 020320148 138. NF ENISO 16731:2007.10, 180 14731:2008(6) 48 Identification and traceability Tho flowing elomants shal consisered wit regard to ienifaton and waceabiy, 2) eidencsten ef production ins >) the identification ofrtng card 6) teideticaton of weld cats in consucin 4) teidenieston of ron destucive testing procadues ard perce ©) tne entiation of he welding consumable (2.9. designation, vada name, manutiturer of consumables ‘sd bah or cast nanbors 1) the deniteation andor vacsabilty of parent matrlg-ype, cast namber) 18) the ientieation of the locaton of eps 1h) the ienteation ofthe aaton of temporary atachments: 1) raves for fly mechanized and automate welding unto specie welds: |) races of welder and woking operators to speci wes 1) aveabiy of welding poceture speciicatons o specie wets BA9 Quality records ‘wih rego to guaty reoads, the preparation nd maintenance of the necessary records (xing tied acts seloe conse ‘2180710 Ath nnd . Aber Nemoe sn ign pour TECHDIP FRANCE Ie 03892014 91:35, APEVISO Wea1:207-10 ane m a a a 0 Bibliography |50.3854-2, Quali requirements fusion weling of metalic mates — Part 2 Comprehensie ually reqrmonts 150 3884-3, Qully equbement for fun welding of metalic melo — Pat 3: Standard gualy requires 80 98044, Quay roqurements or fston welding of metalic matarils — Par 4: Elementary quay requremets 150 38345, Quay requamonts fo fun welding of metale materials — Part 8: Documents with whic is necessary to conta fo clin caormly fo the gully regutoments f 150 3894-2 $0 2eo4 or 80 2864 “ep nce 7 as afr a pitt tla ttt hatte ge Mont

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